A world with a loving God.

While there are medical reasons that contribute or trigger back problems, the root causes are based on evolutionary changes as humans went from walking on all fours to bipedal. This is all based on evidence of our common ancestors.
I don’t see how you can know that.
How do you know only 3% of all scientists don’t accept that?
I don’t see how you can know that.
How do you know only 3% of all scientists don’t accept that?

Simple, it's common knowledge that 97% of all scientists accept evolution as fact and have seen the evidence, just like you could also see the evidence if you were compelled to do so. This is not something that has been under wraps or hidden from the public, it is something anyone can view themselves at most museums, the Smithsonian being one of them where most of this work is carried out. Others here have stated you don't understand or accept evolution, so I can't imagine you've bothered to look at the evidence. Is that true?
Simple, it's common knowledge that 97% of all scientists accept evolution as fact and have seen the evidence, just like you could also see the evidence if you were compelled to do so.
Everyone accepts evolution.
Not all scientists accept Darwinian type of evolution.
But aside from that. You said:

While there are medical reasons that contribute or trigger back problems, the root causes are based on evolutionary changes as humans went from walking on all fours to bipedal. This is all based on evidence of our common ancestors.

You said 97% of ALL scientists [currently in the world] accept that as a fact.
Can you cite the source of that information?
If you can’t I’ll assume you’re pulling it out of a hat, and nothing more will be said.
Asteroids periodically crash into Earth, causing widespread species loss. Irresponsible to leave those in our path isn't it?
You’d think to die, get ill, or injured, is something that never happens to humans.
That’s life.
Get over it.
I get that it’s not a nice thing to forward to, or we don’t want any of that for ourselves, friends, and loved ones. But it’s never going to change.
You’d think to die, get ill, or injured, is something that never happens to humans.
That’s life.
Get over it.
I get that it’s not a nice thing to forward to, or we don’t want any of that for ourselves, friends, and loved ones. But it’s never going to change.
So God is not our friend.
Everyone accepts evolution.
Incorrect. Many fundamental religious types deny it.
Not all scientists accept Darwinian type of evolution.
Correct. Some scientists (say, a small percentage of economic scientists) do not understand evolution.
You said 97% of ALL scientists [currently in the world] accept that as a fact.
Why lie when it's so easy to check? Are you really so bereft of good arguments that you have to make something up to be able to argue against it?

He said "Simple, it's common knowledge that 97% of all scientists accept evolution as fact." That's it. Nothing about the root cause of back problems, or about scientists "currently in the world" or anything like that.
To be a human being, you have to be complete.
Your ideas about completeness and perfection are obviously based on some kind of rose tinted spectacle view that you've built up from your religion.

In fact, all that is required to be human is for people to identify you as such, in general.

It’s certainly no reason to jump to some notion of Darwinian evolution, as a reason for it.
People's personal medical histories have nothing to do with why qualified medical professionals accept that human back problems can be traced back to the evolutionary steps that proto-humans had to make in order to adopt a regular upright stance. The relevant evidence is all there in the anatomy of the spine and the pelvis, which every qualified medical doctor studies.

Everyone accepts evolution.

Not all scientists accept Darwinian type of evolution.

This is your usual tactic, where you attempt to redefine words to suit yourself. The word "evolution", in its usual scientific usage, implies Darwinian evolution by natural selection, along with all the other accepted evolutionary mechanisms.

You do not accept evolution. You barely know what it is, and you are careful to make sure that you never find out. Probably, you're afraid that if you understood it your religious faith might be even more threatened than it already is, and you can't face that. So you lie to yourself.
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It doesn't matter, he still loves you.

Funny that statement considering God's love for anyone has never been demonstrated in any way, shape or form. It seems much more likely that if a God exists, He is completely indifferent to humans and could care less what happens to us.
he needn't think that means I'll love him back, even if not doing so means burning forever.
Yeah, good old hell. John on a mountain eating mushrooms and, well I think Dante's Inferno is loosely based on it. I think Jesus mentions it. But why did he die?
Your ideas about completeness and perfection are obviously based on some kind of rose tinted spectacle view that you've built up from your religion.
But you can’t refute them.
In fact, all that is required to be human is for people to identify you as such, in general.
No it’s not.
You have to be a human being.
It doesn’t matter how you identify yourself, or are identified.
The relevant evidence is all there in the anatomy of the spine and the pelvis, which every qualified medical doctor studies.
What studies?
This is your usual tactic, where you attempt to redefine words to suit yourself. The word "evolution", in its usual scientific usage, implies Darwinian evolution by natural selection, along with all the other accepted evolutionary mechanisms.
To those who believe in Darwinian evolution.
Not every one accepts it as a scientific fact.
Get over it.
Probably, you're afraid that if you understood it your religious faith might be even more threatened than it already is, and you can't face that. So you lie to yourself.
Believe what you like.