A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

No you don't.

Thats not what it looked like when I was refused an apartment for being Muslim.

Whether we accept it or not, thats our definition now. :shrug:

So, S.A.M., the Taliban are only reacting to predator missiles when they implement a "campaign of horrific violence and intimidation" in order to institute sharia law and supress the teaching of women? Where is your outrage as a women who has been allowed to educate herself? The irony is if you had to live under strict Islamic law, you wouldn't know anything about UN resolutions or the internet.

Yes its terrible that backward people are permitted to exist. Clearly, a mass pogrom is required to permit only socially acceptable entities to pervade our planet.

Where was the Taliban before 1980?
Evasiveness only raises your post count. No one is suggesting such a thing, only that it is not racist to point out the connection between Islam and the subversion of basic human rights.
It is racism when Muslims are treated as a race, anyway as an atheist Jew you really have no grounds for talking.
The Middle East (and I nearly wrote that out as Middle Earth!) in my opinion is getting what it deserves. The people are too savage and thick to be helped. Its like the center of all the religious evils in the world.

I say let the Taliban take over, I say let them kill each other off. They want it so badly... so we should just let them have a go.

Civilized countries need to stop pandering up to their patheticness. They have "playing the victim" and the blame game down to a fine art.

Look at what happened to those poor cricketers :(

The Middle East produces hypocrites en-masse. The siffest of these are those that leave their crappy country .. go to the country they claim so much to hate, and then use that own companies resources and people against that country.

I wonder how many more humans are going to die for this pathetic impotent God in the Middle East that needs law to protect its pretty evil name.
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The Middle East (and I nearly wrote that out as Middle Earth!) in my opinion is getting what it deserves. The people are too savage and thick to understand be helped.

I say let the Taliban take over, I say let them kill each other off. They want it so badly... so we should just let them have a go.

Civilized countries need to stop pandering up to their patheticness. They have "playing the victim" and the blame game down to a fine art.

Look at what happened to those poor cricketers :(

The Middle East produces hypocrites en-masse. The siffest of these are those that leave their crappy country .. go to the country they claim so much to hate, and then use that own companies resources and people against that country.

I wonder how many more humans are going to die for this pathetic impotent God in the Middle East that needs law to protect its pretty evil name.

You do know that Afghanistan is an Asian country that is not in the Middle East right?

Ah, but I forget, you're the type to see Barack HUSSAIN Obama and dismiss the man as a phoney simply for having a Muslim name.:rolleyes:
You do know that Afghanistan is an Asian country that is not in the Middle East right?

Ah, but I forget, you're the type to see Barack HUSSAIN Obama and dismiss the man as a phoney simply for having a Muslim name.:rolleyes:

As per usual.. you are lying. I actually see Obama as a great hope for America, and yet another real proud example of what Africa can produce. Nelson Mandela and Obama. Two great men of African heritage. Even Africa can produce great men.

What does the Middle East have? Liars, terrorists, crappy human rights and religious people who kill each other all the time. Classic!

I never thought any part of the world would do worse than Africa... the Middle East has shown me how wrong I am.
We could move every one out of the holy cities, drop really large H bombs on each of them, then break up the slag and distribute it for a fee and then use the money to rebuild Africa.
We could move every one out of the holy cities, drop really large H bombs on each of them, then break up the slag and distribute it for a fee and then use the money to rebuild Africa.

Where can I vote for you? :D
As per usual.. you are lying. I actually see Obama as a great hope for America

Thats because you now know him. But I recall you dismiss opinions of people when you read their Muslim names. Because clearly, names will tell you what people believe about God. :rolleyes:

I never thought any part of the world would do worse than Africa... the Middle East has shown me how wrong I am.

Not surprising since the same problem infected both of them. Greedy people who want their resources.
Muslims are NOT treated as a race. That would be stupid.
Well, lots of people do lots of stupid things every day. Why shouldn't treating a religious group as a racial group be one of them?

Not that it matters beyond semantics.
Bigotry is still bigotry, no matter how you choose your labels.
Well, lots of people do lots of stupid things every day. Why shouldn't treating a religious group as a racial group be one of them?

Peoples preferences to be stupid don't preclude the facts.

Not that it matters beyond semantics.
Bigotry is still bigotry, no matter how you choose your labels.

Then, all religions preach bigotry. The atheist view would be one of not accepting religious bigotry, that we are all one people, one race.
Peoples preferences to be stupid don't preclude the facts.
It's also true that some people treat Muslims as a race.
Stupid. Wrong. But, true.

Then, all religions preach bigotry.
I don't think so. At least, not all religious people preach bigotry. (Note the distinction between the group and the person... missing or ignoring this distinction is a hallmark of bigotry.)

The atheist view would be one of not accepting religious bigotry, that we are all one people, one race.
That's a worthy view, but one that is independent of atheism. Some atheists follow that ethic, some don't. Some non-atheists follow that ethic, some don't.
The Middle East (and I nearly wrote that out as Middle Earth!) in my opinion is getting what it deserves. The people are too savage and thick to be helped. Its like the center of all the religious evils in the world.

I say let the Taliban take over, I say let them kill each other off. They want it so badly... so we should just let them have a go.

Civilized countries need to stop pandering up to their patheticness. They have "playing the victim" and the blame game down to a fine art.

Look at what happened to those poor cricketers :(

The Middle East produces hypocrites en-masse. The siffest of these are those that leave their crappy country .. go to the country they claim so much to hate, and then use that own companies resources and people against that country.

I wonder how many more humans are going to die for this pathetic impotent God in the Middle East that needs law to protect its pretty evil name.

OK, now THAT is racist.
It's also true that some people treat Muslims as a race.
Stupid. Wrong. But, true.

Isn't it only Muslims who consider themselves a race?

I don't think so. At least, not all religious people preach bigotry. (Note the distinction between the group and the person... missing or ignoring this distinction is a hallmark of bigotry.)

If the religion preaches it's own ideas and denounces those who don't agree, that would most likely be considered bigotry. The three Abrahamic religions most certainly preach bigotry.

That's a worthy view, but one that is independent of atheism. Some atheists follow that ethic, some don't. Some non-atheists follow that ethic, some don't.

Interesting, it would be a good poll to find out if atheists followed that ethic or not, and why or why not.
Thats not what it looked like when I was refused an apartment for being Muslim.

So, you were asked specifically if you were a Muslim and were then told you couldn't have the apartment because you were a Muslim?

Is that a whopper of a tale? Or, just your usual imaginative delusions?