A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

No, that's just the result of arguing on sciforums. It makes you old and bitter before your time. What a senseless waste of lives.

Dont be silly, arguing keeps you interested and active, wizard is just a douchebag. :D
Well, in the first place, the Resolution is very careful to speak in the language of generalized rights. As written, it clearly applies every bit as much to Saudi Arabia as the United States (in fact, much more so, since the US already has laws against pretty much everything it condemns, apart from criticism of beliefs and religions, while Saudi Arabia has explicitly discriminatory laws on the books).

Secondly, it says very little about "racism," and when it does it conflates Islam with Arab ethnicity. Hardly very clear on that point.

It doesn't conflate Islam with Arab ethnicity. Youre thinking Jews. It discusses racism against Arabs and people who everyone assumes are terrorists because they look Arab or have a Mohammed in their name. To most people in the west, there is no difference between Syria, Tunisia, Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia.

In fact, just read any thread on Muslims here on sciforums and tell me what the difference is in people's minds. Every Muslim is an Arab and vice versa.

Thirdly, do you not consider xenophobia directed at, say, Westerners, or Americans, or Jews (all of which are supported and encouraged by certain governments - some of them sponsors of this Resolution) to be "current concepts?"

Hilarious. You'd think the Jews hating the Nazis was xenophobia.

Are you talking about Al Qaeda?

Also, what are these differences, if not culture, ethnicity and religion? And if those ARE the salient differences, how can they be used to conceal a motive of attacking those who are different? As usual, you are incoherent.

Moreover, stop and think about what you're doing. You come into a thread about a Resolution that would criminalize criticism of beliefs and religions, and try to speak in support of said resolution while spewing criticism of other people's beliefs. You are validating Hitchens' primary charge here, which is that the sponsors of the bill aren't serious about rights at all, but instead are interested only in silencing those who criticize them.
Hitchens is bigot who wants the right to spread hatred. Ergo, I'm not interested in his charges. I've yet to meet a racist who did not think he has the right to point out what he sees as deficiencies in the "other".

It is possible to discuss beliefs and address ideas without spreading polemic and being alarmist. Hitchens claims are ludicrous, but no more than al Qaeda behind every bush in the Middle East as the Americans seem to think, probably thinking that Afghnanistan and Pakistan also constitute "Arab minds"
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Is it? Only if you cannot see the distinction between perception and reality in "criticism". Wanting a "right" to throw a Quran out the window is not criticism. It is polemic.

Pointing out your Jewish wife as indication of your "tolerance" while mocking Jewish customs is not criticisms, its grandstanding.

Its like a racist raping a black woman and considering it a favour.

Just look at the title of the OP, is that criticism or is it polemic?

People like wizard base their reality on what is written by people like Hitchens and Dawkins

Well.. Im hoping my country wont give in to this retarded notion. Islam needs to be criticized more, its teachings discussed more, and its fantatics like SAM educated. Any religion that has a hard on for pedophillic prophets obviously is sick.
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Its a pathetic God that needs laws to protect its name. I mean how useless do you honestly have to be to ask the UN to protect you? Invisible Gods are clearly useless.

Impotent Gods ... Middle East... make sense.
Its a pathetic God that needs laws to protect its name. I mean how useless do you honestly have to be to ask the UN to protect you? Invisible Gods are clearly useless.

Impotent Gods ... Middle East... make sense.

And you from an ex-apartheid state. Pathetic.
Well.. Im hoping my country wont give in to this retarded notion. Islam needs to be criticized more, its teachings discussed more, and its fantatics like SAM educated ignored. Any religion that has a hard on for pedophillic prophets obviously is sick.

In the mean time, people like SAM will keep denying the evils of what she believes in, and its just another example to show why religion is evil. It corrupts people. Look at SAM.. she lost sight of reality years ago. Dawkins is right. Faith is a sickness. Any God that requires faith is sick.

Fixed that for you.
Concessions are only made when there is evidence of racism and bigotry.

"In Paragraph 6, an obvious attempt is being made to confuse ethnicity with confessional allegiance. Indeed this insinuation (incidentally dismissing the faith-based criminality of 9/11 as merely "tragic") is in fact essential to the entire scheme. If religion and race can be run together, then the condemnations that racism axiomatically attracts can be surreptitiously extended to religion, too. This is clumsy, but it works: The useless and meaningless term Islamophobia, now widely used as a bludgeon of moral blackmail, is testimony to its success."
People like wizard base their reality on what is written by people like Hitchens and Dawkins

You base your reality on what was written by superstitious people 1400 years ago. Dawkins is a biologist and should understand reality far more than those who thought they understood reality those many years ago.
It is possible to discuss beliefs and address ideas without spreading polemic and being alarmist.

I actually thought that this was the most ironic statement in that post, considering that it closely followed a blanket comparison of Westerners to Nazis.
Oh this is just bullshit.

SAM, you are sliding downhill fast, ever faster than me, and i gave up long ago.

You'll do a lot better with SAM if you think of him/her as a paid Palestinian propagandist. SAM acts like one, posts like one, and has all the appropriate links within easy posting ....for almost any and all issues. Paid propagandist!

Baron Max
Idiocy, on the other hand, is pretty uniform in aspect.

True, never surprises me when Americans wonder why "liberation" arouses such ire in the liberated.:p

To actually believe they'd be greeted as liberators

/shakes head
True, never surprises me when Americans wonder why "liberation" arouses such ire in the liberated. To actually believe they'd be greeted as liberators.

It happened all across Europe and North Africa and Italy during World War II, SAM, or had you forgotten that little war?

Baron Max