A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

It happened all across Europe and North Africa and Italy during World War II, SAM, or had you forgotten that little war?

Baron Max

Yeah right, the Nazis. Clearly someone forgot to tell the Iraqis, Afghanis and Somalians [not to mention the Paistanis] that a world war was going on.

Afghans as Nazis

True, never surprises me when Americans wonder why "liberation" arouses such ire in the liberated.:p

You know, despite your supposed passion about these issues, it seems to me that you trivialize them a great deal by reducing them to fodder for your America-baiting trollings. You have a lot in common with the Truthers, in that respect (and many others, come to think of it).
You know, despite your supposed passion about these issues, it seems to me that you trivialize them a great deal by reducing them to fodder for your America-baiting trollings. You have a lot in common with the Truthers, in that respect (and many others, come to think of it).

I trivialise them? :rolleyes:

Does anyone even know what they are killing people with remote controlled weapons for everyday, over in places where people live in mudhuts anymore?

How many of them died today? Anyone?
I trivialise them?

Yes, you do. And it's worse when you keep saying the same things, over and over and over and....., until it becomes so trivial that when people see that it's SAM who posted, they already know what it's going to be about ....America-hating, Palestinian rights, or Muslims-are-nice-guys-even-if-they-cut-off-people's-heads.

Does anyone even know what they are killing people with remote controlled weapons for everyday, over in places where people live in mudhuts anymore? How many of them died today? Anyone?

How many died today? Oh, SAM, a lot less, A LOT LESS, than those who starved to death in India today!! ...and yet you never say a single word about those Indians who starve or die of easily-cured diseases, do you? Nope, they don't count ....cause they weren't killed by Americans!

How many Indians starved to death today, SAM? How many Indians died of easily-cured diseases today, SAM?

Baron Max
Yes, you do. And it's worse when you keep saying the same things, over and over and over and....., until it becomes so trivial that when people see that it's SAM who posted, they already know what it's going to be about ....America-hating, Palestinian rights, or Muslims-are-nice-guys-even-if-they-cut-off-people's-heads.

How many died today? Oh, SAM, a lot less, A LOT LESS, than those who starved to death in India today!! ...and yet you never say a single word about those Indians who starve or die of easily-cured diseases, do you? Nope, they don't count ....cause they weren't killed by Americans!

Baron Max

Maybe you should bomb them. Poor, defenceless people are such a threat to world peace. :rolleyes:
I trivialise them? :rolleyes:

Yes. These are actual life and death issues; much weightier things than the rush of self-righteousness that you get out of flaming strangers on the internet.

You aren't actually dumb enough to think that your posts here have any impact on events in the real world, are you?
Maybe you should bomb them. Poor, defenceless people are such a threat to world peace.

Don't have to bomb them, SAM, they're dying already of starvation ...far more than we could kill by bombs!

How many Indians starved to death today, SAM? Why don't you care about them as much as you claim to care about the Pals?

Baron Max
Yes. These are actual life and death issues; much weightier things than the rush of self-righteousness that you get out of flaming strangers on the internet.

You aren't actually dumb enough to think that your posts here have any impact on events in the real world, are you?

No, its way beyond absurd to believe that those bombing mudhuts with Predators are open to reason.

You can only argue when there is evidence of some rational thinking, but when poor defenceless people who probably don't even know there was a 9/11 are a threat to an advanced first world country so much so that they have to invade, occupy and massacre them, its beyond rationality.
You can only argue when there is evidence of some rational thinking, but when poor defenceless people ....

Poor defenseless people??? Just who, then, is killing the UN troops over there every day? ...and blowing up peaceful Afghans? ...and dumping acid on the faces of peaceful, defenseless schoolgirls?

Baron Max
Probably "friendly fire" ie Americans. Or the civilians to whom the Americans distributed free weapons after killing their families.


Quite stupid really. Same thing they did in Anbar.

One can only look askance at the absurdity and wonder wth they are thinking.
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No, its way beyond absurd to believe that those bombing mudhuts with Predators are open to reason.

You're getting ahead of yourself: there's no connection between what people on SciForums say or think, and any of these issues you like to bring up. It doesn't matter how reasonable the people making these decisions are, when you aren't talking to them in the first place. Nobody here is bombing anything.

You can only argue when there is evidence of some rational thinking,

Again, the irony meter is spiking...
Nobody here is bombing anything.

Are you sure? No veterans here who bomb people on career days?

Again, the irony meter is spiking...

That deserves a cartoon. Don't have my laptop with me for editing but just put Muslims on the plane and sub Americans for Israelis.

I'll consider that as an admission of defeat.

Not that I have any illusion that it will have any lasting effect, but you should know that I consider non-responsiveness to be a concession both of the inadequacy of your position, and of your insufficient maturity to admit as much and make the requisite improvements.
Like I said, arguments are pointless in the face of a vacuum. Nowadays most of us just receive US pronoucements of illogic with resignation and sufferance.

You can have only so many wtf moments before they dissolve into absurdity.

But the UN resolution may give some respite.

Although, its probably already too late for Pakistan, as it is for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Like I said, arguments are pointless in the face of a vacuum. Nowadays most of us just receive US pronoucements of illogic with resignation and sufferance.

Who is "us?" And what do "US pronouncements" have to do with interacting with people on SciForums? Nobody here issued those pronouncements. Do you actually think that you are addressing "The United States" when you post here? Do you actually believe that the opinions of posters here represent "US pronouncements?"

This site is populated by individuals, who speak for no one but themselves. I realize that you like to pretend to speak for various groups (Muslims, Indians, The Third World, refugees, the colonized, whatever), and appear to project that kind of identification onto others. But it's long past time you had an "aha" moment and realized that such premises are absurd on their face, and causing you to behave in counterproductive ways. Nobody here is an avatar of any such group.
Who is "us?" And what do "US pronouncements" have to do with interacting with people on SciForums? Nobody here issued those pronouncements. Do you actually think that you are addressing "The United States" when you post here? Do you actually believe that the opinions of posters here represent "US pronouncements?"

This site is populated by individuals, who speak for no one but themselves. I realize that you like to pretend to speak for various groups (Muslims, Indians, The Third World, refugees, the colonized, whatever), and appear to project that kind of identification onto others. But it's long past time you had an "aha" moment and realized that such premises are absurd on their face, and causing you to behave in counterproductive ways.

Ah but all Muslims represent all others past present and future, irrespective of nationality, ethnicity and religious belief. Don't you know?

Its a role that has been thrust on us, we can do nothing but embrace it. We don't exist as individuals, just a homogenous whole with religion as our primary identity.
So, S.A.M., the Taliban are only reacting to predator missiles when they implement a "campaign of horrific violence and intimidation" in order to institute sharia law and supress the teaching of women? Where is your outrage as a women who has been allowed to educate herself? The irony is if you had to live under strict Islamic law, you wouldn't know anything about UN resolutions or the internet.
Oh, I'm sure it's all the USAs' fault that people are living in mud huts. Oh, and it's the USA's fault Indian's are starving too. Why, it's the USA's fault the Chinese were dirt poor under their crappy Mao Communist regime. It's the USA's fault everyone isn't living in white castles that float in the sky. If only we would convert to Islam, embrace the truest of the stuperstitions .. why gee, then we will all live on top of ice cream candy canes and eat cherries that rain from the heavens right our the magical allah cherry poo-shoot. And Mohammad will give the children rides on his magical flying fairy creature and it will be like it was when the first Good Muslims sliced, diced murdered and raped their way through the Persian and Byzantine lands - A paradise on Earth.

If it wasn't all the fault of the USA things would be perfect.