A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

No, they aren't. There are radical people all over the world. But how many of them do those horrendous killings, then post on websites that they did it in the name of their religion?

Baron Max

Well, we shouldn't forget about the "Holy" past of the Christians; lets burn all the people who disagree with our set of belief at the stake.
Meaning Christianity had to go through a dark past, too, before reaching today's level of civility, which is actually still not quite there where I wish it'd be.
Looks like most religions need to go through some dark times to get back on track.
Well, we shouldn't forget about the "Holy" past of the Christians; lets burn all the people who disagree with our set of belief at the stake.
Meaning Christianity had to go through a dark past, too, before reaching today's level of civility, which is actually still not quite there where I wish it'd be.
Looks like most religions need to go through some dark times to get back on track.

Theres no need for the past. Just look at South America and Mexico. Religious killings and religious people killing all over the place.
Your argument would promote to abolish religions.

Not really, just shows that Muslims arent the only ones killing each other. Religious killings take place, as do non-religious killings. If we were to ban or abolish everything that led to killings, there would be almost nothing left
Not really, just shows that Muslims arent the only ones killing each other. Religious killings take place, as do non-religious killings.

Abolishing religion would help tremendously. And yes, there are also non-religious killings. Both can be treated.

If we were to ban or abolish everything that led to killings, there would be almost nothing left

Nonsense. There would be peaceful coexistence.
Abolishing religion would help tremendously. And yes, there are also non-religious killings. Both can be treated.

I dont think you understand why I said those countries specifically: Christianity. This person continously makes Muslims to be the only that kill. Evidence provided to the contrary.

Religious killings are not as widespread as thought. Various reasons are responsible for the majority of killings

Nonsense. There would be peaceful coexistence.

Hehe, people will find something else to kill about. There have been wars about a pig being shot for Gods sake.
Abolishing religion would help tremendously. And yes, there are also non-religious killings. Both can be treated.

Now Q

if there wasnt religion some peopkle would always fight just as much they would just find another device to motivate the people or use as an excuse et5c et...

some people just are greedy.

and as you know Q,. wars are fought for economic reasons suirely
Abolishing religion would help tremendously. And yes, there are also non-religious killings. Both can be treated.

Nonsense. There would be peaceful coexistence.

Aren't you Russian? Why did you leave? All that peaceful coexistence not good enough for you?