A solution to child rape

Ha! Like I said, imaginary presupposition.

In the real world, brutal punishments make the crimes more brutal and the criminal more violent.

Like I said, it would more than likely reduce crime far more than the American form of policing.
Ha! Like I said, imaginary presupposition.

In the real world, brutal punishments make the crimes more brutal and the criminal more violent.

Let me guess: we should learn to love the murderers and rapists.

Where do you live? Give someone an inch, and they will most certainly take a mile. An ironfist approach is the only way to stop (or at least, lower) these types of crime.
Okay, so you DON'T think that a police force should be heavily armed and authorized with deadly force, and disgusting criminals of this nature should be brutally punished?
What country do you live in? The police have no authority to judge anyone. Ever heard of due process? Trials? Evidence?
How would you propose to conduct such a study?

First, when was a study done that proves any of the contentions made by the mob?

Use real evaluations, double-blind, of children who were involved in sexual activities versus those who were not. Revisit Kinsey's work and see if anything can be salvaged from that. Use proper control groups and try to find some measure of sanity, emotional stability, or whatever, that doesn't make an issue of sex. Do something about the contamination of the subjects under study by all of the group sexual neuroses that we have.
Let me guess: we should learn to love the murderers and rapists.

Where do you live? Give someone an inch, and they will most certainly take a mile. An ironfist approach is the only way to stop (or at least, lower) these types of crime.

Before they were murderers and rapists they were someone's child.
Let me guess: we should learn to love the murderers and rapists.

Where do you live? Give someone an inch, and they will most certainly take a mile. An ironfist approach is the only way to stop (or at least, lower) these types of crime.

And there you go, at least Kadark understands. So, SAM, should we learn to just "get along" with those vile pieces of human filth? Or should we do our damn best to stop them and punish them?
What country do you live in? The police have no authority to judge anyone. Ever heard of due process? Trials? Evidence?

Nor do they in the ideal police force. Remember, I stated clearly "if the police force confirm that their target is indeed the criminal"

Evidence and trials are not needed. Only cases that require detective work should need such. But if a police guard PLAINLY spots the bank robber, without a doubt in his head, what should stop him from justice?
And there you go, at least Kadark understands. So, SAM, should we learn to just "get along" with those vile pieces of human filth? Or should we do our damn best to stop them and punish them?

They call us crazy, but they themselves would prefer to see rapists and murderers freely walk the streets.
And there you go, at least Kadark understands. So, SAM, should we learn to just "get along" with those vile pieces of human filth? Or should we do our damn best to stop them and punish them?

Should we use them as an excuse to turn all civilized principles into a vicious regime that ultimately winds up destroying itself? It's stuff like this that turned a lot of places in this world into useless pestholes, not to name any particular religion because a lot of them do it. Christianity actually started to drag itself out of the mud when it stopped acting like this, and you can bet your bottom dollar that not only will child molestation go on unabated under your regime, it will take more extreme forms, will be done far more secretively, and nature will build a better mouse, meaning that we will have smarter and more evil child molesters. So have at it, but I'm going to stop you.
Let me guess: we should learn to love the murderers and rapists.

Where do you live? Give someone an inch, and they will most certainly take a mile. An ironfist approach is the only way to stop (or at least, lower) these types of crime.

I think we need to be more creative in solving our problems than just continuously rehashing "solutions" that have never worked and which create even more problems.
First, when was a study done that proves any of the contentions made by the mob?

Use real evaluations, double-blind, of children who were involved in sexual activities versus those who were not. Revisit Kinsey's work and see if anything can be salvaged from that. Use proper control groups and try to find some measure of sanity, emotional stability, or whatever, that doesn't make an issue of sex. Do something about the contamination of the subjects under study by all of the group sexual neuroses that we have.
I actually am more on your side here than not. I think the incredible overreaction society has to a young teen being "touched" by and adult must have some deep seated roots that I am not aware of. There are a bunch of people here that do not have childern or grandchildren and have no idea at what age they become sexual. And what behaviors they engage in, directed toward adults.
They call us crazy, but they themselves would prefer to see rapists and murderers freely walk the streets.

Actually, we want to see law enforcement behave as civilized people, and we want it to mean something when people don't commit crimes and when they do live as civilized people. The first time I see a legal public beheading in America, maybe it's already not safe to say what I would do, but I'm going to take that one out on someone.

When they were allowed to lynch people they always targeted black men who had consensual sex with white women who were of age and couldn't care less about child molesters because half of them diddled their own daughters.
I think we need to be more creative in solving our problems than just continuously rehashing "solutions" that have never worked and which create even more problems.

Don't you see, Sam, that strict punishments for appropriate crimes do work? Sorry if I've come off as rude, but in all seriousness, the public needs to fear their actions. Without a little fear, chaos most definitely ensues.
I'm voting for you in the next election.


Hey, you might as well quote the whole thing. I said, should the police guard plainly see the criminal without a doubt, why SHOULDN'T he apprehend him, with deadly force if the crime is severe enough?
I actually am more on your side here than not. I think the incredible overreaction society has to a young teen being "touched" by and adult must have some deep seated roots that I am not aware of. There are a bunch of people here that do not have childern or grandchildren and have no idea at what age they become sexual. And what behaviors they engage in, directed toward adults.

I firmly believe the issue of consent is paramount. A child is incapable of evaluating a sexual overture (even one made by themselves) or even understanding what it implies. The five year old who shows me his dick is not indicating a desire to get laid.