A solution to child rape

An animal? Aren't you aware that the animal would also suffer?

There is one solution to all major crime (obviously not over stolen candy): brutal punishment and execution with an effective police force authorized to use deadly force if they confirm that their target is indeed the criminal. No criminal would get away, let alone think about committing crimes.

Of course, this applies to things like major theft (bank or auto for instance) or murder or rape.
How should I know? It was just an idea. Why why would a pedophile be attracted to sheep?

I can't believe I'm actually debating the possible solutions to child molesting as consisting of sheep and robots.


We live in an era in which we have been wrestling with the problem of child molestation, with the tools of science, for over fifty years and are actually farther away from a solution than we were before. Actual working programs have been canceled due to lack of funding, brains, or both. When people actually equate dalliances with 14 year old girls, which was once a standard pattern of courtship before marriage, with rape of children, we're already screwed pretty badly. Lowest common denominator thinking and behavior, you know. Most of the people who participate in this mess might as well be sleeping with sheep.

I would far rather that Uncle Perv thinks, every time he thinks "I'm going to tap my 14 year old niece", that instead "I can do it with an animal in private and not have to worry about anyone bothering me." And then if he thinks that there's a lot to be said for not doing teenagers, like they don't smell so good, they have messed up personal habits, and after all, it's a teenager, then he's pulling away from this god-awful child molestation.

But hey, if the general pubic doesn't want to give up the child molestation game, who am I to try to change it? Maybe someone who thinks that instead of throwing stuff at child molesters, we should actually stop the molestation? Maybe we should let people know before they commit a crime that they can get help and sexual relief? Maybe we can find out how many of these people want something, they don't know what, but it has to be living and they don't want to put their stuff in a teenage girl either. I know damn well I don't want my haploid chromosomes even as close as the next room.

Why throw rocks at them anyway? Science knows that there is a lot in the natural makeup of any animal that involved on Earth that causes tendencies to rape and of course to have sex with recently sexually mature animals, or to simply just do anything in sight. I think that the people who say "you can't do that!" are usually just mean. There is a difference. If it were for the benefit of the children we would have already seen a lot of success in whatever programs are being used.
I'm with Norsefire. If the convicted person is proven guilty, then an automatic execution (preferably public) shall take place. In the case of very gruesome rape/murder cases, torture should be used beforehand.
An animal? Aren't you aware that the animal would also suffer?

There is one solution to all major crime (obviously not over stolen candy): brutal punishment and execution with an effective police force authorized to use deadly force if they confirm that their target is indeed the criminal. No criminal would get away, let alone think about committing crimes.

Of course, this applies to things like major theft (bank or auto for instance) or murder or rape.

I think that I would rather see your hypothetical police force dying en masse in extreme pain. It's one thing that is actually worse than child molestation. It helps keep countries retarded and backward.

What makes you think that the animal would suffer?
I suggest a lobotomy.

Any real science behind that?

For that matter, is there any real science behind the idea that child molestation is that bad for children? Or is it the usual stuff that we get when scientists are only permitted to give the answers that they are told to give?
I'm with Norsefire. If the convicted person is proven guilty, then an automatic execution (preferably public) shall take place. In the case of very gruesome rape/murder cases, torture should be used beforehand.

If you manage this, could you manage to put me at the head of the line to die? I don't want to live in your world.

I am a decent human being and I have been forced to witness atrocities performed by people who wouldn't make decent institutionalized retards, who regard those atrocities as representative of the height of civilized thinking. It has sapped my will to live.
I was being facetious.

IMO, brutal punishment does not work, incarceration does not work, the system of legal accountability that we have is inadequate and pointless.

Child abuse is a real problem and we must look for better solutions to this problem. But abusing animals is not a solution, it is just a deferment of the problem.

Effects of abuse?

Children become confused, cannot understand the situation, become sexualised, maladjusted, anti-social and self-destructuve.
I'm with Norsefire. If the convicted person is proven guilty, then an automatic execution (preferably public) shall take place. In the case of very gruesome rape/murder cases, torture should be used beforehand.

I disagree. When you take the step of torturing and executing a man for crime, you lose your humanity. We are better than this.
What do you mean "how is the animal suffering"? He is being molested. So children who are molested don't suffer? According to that reasoning, why even bother to stop it? Of course they suffer!

And how is the police force worse than child molestation: let's see

Ideal police force

+effective at stopping crime
+punishing those who deserve it
+making people think twice about committing crime
+stopping crime before it happens

child molestation

-children getting violated
-children getting scarred for life

-animals getting violated
I was being facetious.

IMO, brutal punishment does not work, incarceration does not work, the system of legal accountability that we have is inadequate and pointless.

Child abuse is a real problem and we must look for better solutions to this problem. But abusing animals is not a solution, it is just a deferment of the problem.

Effects of abuse?

Children become confused, cannot understand the situation, become sexualised, maladjusted, anti-social and self-destructuve.

If you can make animals permanent sexual outlets for child molesters, then the children are saved. What are we going to do, try to have it both ways and just let the children be molested while we are too squeamish to let it happen to animals?
I disagree. When you take the step of torturing and executing a man for crime, you lose your humanity. We are better than this.

It depends. For a crime? It also depends. For a severe crime? Of course you don't lose your humanity! It's called justice. That criminal lost his humanity; that criminal scarred and horrified and created tragedy for another individual: he deserves his punishment, no matter how brutal.
It depends. For a crime? It also depends. For a severe crime? Of course you don't lose your humanity! It's called justice. That criminal lost his humanity; that criminal scarred and horrified and created tragedy for another individual: he deserves his punishment, no matter how brutal.

So now we do exactly the same thing and we're just having a go at it ourselves.

Your victim has no reason to try to rejoin society after that and "society" looks really bad to sensible people.
If you can make animals permanent sexual outlets for child molesters, then the children are saved. What are we going to do, try to have it both ways and just let the children be molested while we are too squeamish to let it happen to animals?

No, because you aren't focusing on the root of the issue: the child molesters themselves. Both the animals and children can be spared if only the disgusting pedophiles are slain, brutal in fashion the way they deserve it, and to prevent any more crime. Seriously, my proposition is a win-win deal. The children win, the animals win, society wins, the criminals lose.
I disagree. When you take the step of torturing and executing a man for crime, you lose your humanity. We are better than this.

What humanity is left when a child has been raped? The only solution to people who have transgressed all limits of possible forgiveness is death. I think your problem is that you value life too much. If one violates or ends another person's life, then he has no right to live. Besides, are you more likely to commit a crime in your world or mine? Look no further than global statistics when it comes to passive laws regarding these types of barbaric crimes.
So now we do exactly the same thing and we're just having a go at it ourselves.

Your victim has no reason to try to rejoin society after that and "society" looks really bad to sensible people.

How are we doing the same thing? Look, let me point it out: we are punishing the man who made a child's life hell, that is bad?

With such a strong police force, who is the victim? The criminals, as they should be.
It depends. For a crime? It also depends. For a severe crime? Of course you don't lose your humanity! It's called justice. That criminal lost his humanity; that criminal scarred and horrified and created tragedy for another individual: he deserves his punishment, no matter how brutal.

There is a difference between a desire to reduce crime and the desire to punish an individual for committing it.

IMO and from what we see in the world, punishment does not work to reduce crime, the reverse, because a threat of punishment makes the criminal more extreme. A man who kidnaps a child is more likely to kill him/her if he anticipates a severe punishment. So your method would result in more dead children, not less child abuse.
Any real science behind that?

For that matter, is there any real science behind the idea that child molestation is that bad for children? Or is it the usual stuff that we get when scientists are only permitted to give the answers that they are told to give?
Clearly "child molestation" is worse than anything you could ever do. Hell. We glorify murderers in novels, song, and movies. Bank robbers. Organized crime. Drug dealing. When was the last time you saw Antonio Banderas play the suave, debonair, smart-talking child molester on the run from the cops? Missed that one, did you? Me too.

Anyway, the idea that a kid could consent to any such thing is also absurd. Right? And the next time any parent accidentally catches their young son or daughter having mini orgasms with themselves, the kid should be executed for molesting themselves.

What humanity is left when a child has been raped? The only solution to people who have transgressed all limits of possible forgiveness is death. I think your problem is that you value life too much. If one violates or ends another person's life, then he has no right to live. Besides, would you rather commit a crime in your world or mine? Look no further than global statistics when it comes to passive laws regarding these types of barbaric crimes.

I couldn't agree more. When such a criminal does such an inhumane, disgusting thing as rape an innocent child, scarring them for life! OF course they deserve only the most brutal punishment.
What humanity is left when a child has been raped? The only solution to people who have transgressed all limits of possible forgiveness is death. I think your problem is that you value life too much. If one violates or ends another person's life, then he has no right to live. Besides, are you more likely to commit a crime in your world or mine? Look no further than global statistics when it comes to passive laws regarding these types of barbaric crimes.

I am definitely more likely to commit a crime in your world.