A scientific test of paranormal ability, right here on sciforums!

Propose to me a sensible test.

K91, we can't purport to know how your ability works. You are the one who knows how it works. For all we know, your ability doesn't work within 20 feet of balls or cups or televisions.

Why don't you tell us what test you could do, and we'll apply reasonable controls.
Here's one , I'll put a number below and make it in white so that you'll need to run your cursor over it to see it. That way if you think you know the number you can see if you are right or wrong. Of course it is only to be used for fun because I won't know if you really knew the number before you looked.

Below is the number it is between 1 and 1000.

K91, we can't purport to know how your ability works. You are the one who knows how it works. For all we know, your ability doesn't work within 20 feet of balls or cups or televisions.

Why don't you tell us what test you could do, and we'll apply reasonable controls.

I need to tell you about something you have no knowledge of that you came to know through my thoughts. Im past that.
I need to tell you about something you have no knowledge of that you came to know through my thoughts. Im past that.
If you can't show a consequence how do you even know it happened?

How do you know you have an ability? I mean specifically: what litmus test do you do mentally to decide 'that worked' versus 'that did not work'.
If you can't show a consequence how do you even know it happened?

How do you know you have an ability? I mean specifically: what litmus test do you do mentally to decide 'that worked' versus 'that did not work'.

I already said I have influenced live events with telepathy.
A More Sensible Test:

I'm thinking of a number between one and twenty-five. What is it?

Two different attempts:

0e (Hexadecimal)
or how about:
31 (Octant)

It's never simple and not necessarily sensible.
I already said I have influenced live events with telepathy.
Yes you did, but you are mistaken.
No, in his defense, we do not know he is mistaken. The whole existence of this thread is premised on getting past that kind of foregone conclusion and giving him a chance to make his best case.

I already said I have influenced live events with telepathy.
That is a general statement. Give details. Otherwise how can we build a test around it?

How do you know you influenced a live event? How do you know the course of events wasn't going to happen anyway? Again, what litmus test tells you that 'this worked' or 'this didn't work this time'?

K91, this is a really bad time to get evasive or reticent. We are actually trying to provide you with a means to prove yourself. You should be jumping at the chance. Instead, the closer we get to making a test that might vindicate you, the more you back away. That is telling.

It would be a good time to step up or stand down.
Then my accuracy approaches 100%.


My mind...to your mind...your thoughts...to my thoughts
Ok. We need to come up with a test...

I can describe my ability, and I can even give you names of people I have influenced. Very famous people.
Here's another option:
I can statistically make lottery predictions well above normal. I have not been able to win big so far, but If the average catches in our keno draw is 1.7 hits per 7 picks, I seem to be able to double that average to about 3 catches on average. I am playing tonight and my picks are
63 47 37 29 17 53 23 68. Ontario daily keno.
He makes a specifc, testable claim.

Here, I beleive, is the official website for Ontario Daily Keno Somewhere on their website, presumably, they keep a full record of their daily draws. So it should be a relatively straightforward (if one has the time and inclination) to not only calculate an average number of correct choices, but to calculate some confidence intervals (my money would go on 99.99%) to see whether or not Kwhiliborn's claim of statistical significance is accurate.

More over, we can verify it for ourselves, because all we have to do is get him to post his picks, check the website each day, and compare the results. The odds for/against it being blind luck are, IIRC pretty trivially calculable as well.
I tend to believe the scientific method, as is, is not capable of testing these phenomena in ways that can lead to conclusive results. As an analogy, say a credible scientist had a dream about a particular thing and he decided to relate the details of this dream to other scientists; mind phenomena.

Even though he had this dream and he carefully observed the details, there is no way to prove this happened as he claims and relates. Science would have to conclude that even if this was true, he has no proof. It would come down to the subjective word of the subject scientist. It would be scientific to say no proof means you make this up and it never existed.

Since his fellow scientists like him and knows he is a good observer, they decide to run more tests and have him sleep and dream the same dream again so they can gather more data. But how often can you dream the same dream with the same detail; rare? Therefore what he claimed was not repeatable, even over several months. Based on philosophy we deny truth rather than admit the incompetence of the method.

The problem is phenomena of the mind are different from detached phenomena, in that they can't be fully addressed in the second and third person. With these phenomena you need the observer to also be the subject.

Nobody can taste food for me, in the second person, and fully define how it tastes for me. If I say X, the second hand may not see X , therefore my sense of taste does not exist?
It would be scientific to say no proof means you make this up and it never existed.
having writen similar opinion before I have since realised that most scientist of any calibre DO NOT claim that your experience is untrue and never happened simply because it fails the requirements of the scinetific process.

Most scientists of any calibre recognised their own limitations when confronted with this sort of phenonema and simply offer a non-committed opinion as to validity or falacy.

It is only a throw back to the past where the world of science was attempting to minimise it's own self deceptions by being over stringent of evidencial requirements to determine reality etc.

It is only skeptics that use the umbrella of scientific process, incorrectly IMO, to pursue an agenda of discreditation.

In human behavioural science it could be quite easy to state with out doubt that most of the 8 billion if not all people of this world have had at least one conscious and fear ridden experience of a psychic nature including the scientists doing the research, and that is 8 billion pieces/sets of unfalsifiable evidence.
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@ Trippy,
You want to see a lottery prediction I did in advance of a draw then click here.


It was for a 6/49 type draw in Ontario Canada. The post was meant as blog advertising towards one of my websites, but I did predict half the numbers in advance of that drawing. Someone soon realized it was my website and called me on it and flustered the entire thread.

I used my "intuitives" on my website to predict 3/6 numbers in advance of the lottery. I had no means of editing that post after the fact.

@ James R,
I did not start this thread, and the OP (you made me make) along with the sarcastic thread title is based on another thread started over 5 years ago.
Anybody who would read the first 2 pages of that thread will realize I was attempting to perform a sciforums demonstration. Behind the scenes crunchycat was not sending required photo, etc agreed upon, and he eventually said he was biased.

@ JamesR,
You love jumping on paranormal and religious threads to take a whack/trolling and makes the OP even more relevant imho. Imagine for a second that you are wrong on the subject, does trolling help? If you told ancient people that one day we would be able to project a likeness of a person and scene on a screen with their voices exactly duplicated on a screen they would think you insane. If you told ancients we would visit the moon they would think you were magic. If you told ancients that you could hold a tiny box to your face and speak to someone on the other side of the ocean they would think you were insane. Future science is very likely to seem insane and magic to us.

NOTE TO EVERYONE: I did not start this thread, and the OP is about trolling. There was never any promised demonstration of telepathy, although I have posted an easy method to do telepathy on another thread.
click here to view that thread:
(linked it 3 times so Trippy can ban me for "spam". Got to keep the moderators happy.)

@ Trippy,
Even though I invented a new method for getting answers from your subconscious with my intuitives (probably the biggest mindpower breakthrough in a few thousand years), the method of telepathy I described in my other thread was far easier to perform.

I make money from people subscribing to my websites. Thank-you all. ;)

Despite being discouraged by the Trolls and naysayers here, it actually has the opposite effect. If someone truly does not believe in telepathy I feel sorry for them and wish they had more constructive life experiences that would show them the greater reality.

I would go so far as to say people who do not believe in telepathy are "slow learner" types. I think there is too much evidence out there for anyone literate to ignore, and if you cannot find it then it adds to my opinion of your literacy.
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@ Trippy,
You want to see a lottery prediction I did in advance of a draw then click here.


It was for a 6/49 type draw in Ontario Canada. The post was meant as blog advertising towards one of my websites, but I did predict half the numbers in advance of that drawing. Someone soon realized it was my website and called me on it and flustered the entire thread.

I used my "intuitives" on my website to predict 3/6 numbers in advance of the lottery. I had no means of editing that post after the fact.

You realise, I hope, that this single half-successful prediction does nothing to support the existence of any type of paranormal power.

The chances of guessing 3 out of 6 numbers correctly is not incredibly low. Moreover, if you play the lottery more than once, your chances of doing this sooner or later increase proportionately to the number of times you play.

Now, if you could predict, say, 5 or 6 of the numbers for several weeks in a row, with just one prediction each week, then we'd have serious reason to begin to suspect that something out of the ordinary was happening.

I did not start this thread, and the OP (you made me make) along with the sarcastic thread title is based on another thread started over 5 years ago.

This thread was a split from another thread where the present discussion was tangential.

You love jumping on paranormal and religious threads to take a whack/trolling and makes the OP even more relevant imho.

I'm not sure that your definition of trolling is the same as mine.

It seems strange to me that if I try to inject some common sense or science into a paranormal thread that you would automatically regard that as trolling.

Imagine for a second that you are wrong on the subject, does trolling help?

I'd love to be proved wrong on this, kwhilborn.

Wouldn't it be great if we all had psychic powers, as you claim we do?

My issue is not that I don't like the idea. My issue is that there is no reason whatsoever to suppose that your claim is true.

I merely ask you to show me some convincing evidence. If you can do that, then I'll flip right over to your side.

If you told ancient people that one day we would be able to project a likeness of a person and scene on a screen with their voices exactly duplicated on a screen they would think you insane. If you told ancients we would visit the moon they would think you were magic. If you told ancients that you could hold a tiny box to your face and speak to someone on the other side of the ocean they would think you were insane. Future science is very likely to seem insane and magic to us.

This echos something that Arthur C. Clarke wrote. One of Clarke's laws is that any sufficiently advanced science will be indistinguishable from magic.

On the other hand, Clarke also wrote about "expected" scientific advances and "unexpected" ones. And you know what? ALL of the things you've mentioned in the above paragraph were expected before they became a reality.

If you'd said to somebody in 1900, "I have just inveneted a box that lets you talk to somebody on the other side of the world", few people would have cried out "Such a thing is impossible! Lock this man up in an asylum for the insane!" What they would have said is "We have dreamed of such a thing. Show me your device."

As for the "expectedness" of things like video phones, recall that they were ubiquitous in fiction long before they became a technological reality.

Despite being discouraged by the Trolls and naysayers here, it actually has the opposite effect. If someone truly does not believe in telepathy I feel sorry for them and wish they had more constructive life experiences that would show them the greater reality.

I'm with you on that.

How can I have a more constructive experience that will show me the reality of telepathy? Please tell me.

I would go so far as to say people who do not believe in telepathy are "slow learner" types. I think there is too much evidence out there for anyone literate to ignore, and if you cannot find it then it adds to my opinion of your literacy.

As an expert in the field, can't you help me?

Why not just link me to the most convincing demonstration of telepathy that you are aware of on the web? Or some instructions for how I can do it myself. Or something.
@ JamesR,

This is one of my favorite studies in telepathy and has similar bases to the method I tried everyone here to attempt in my other thread.
http://siivola.org/monte/papers_gro...experimental and clinical findings (2003).htm
(click above link).

NOTE: You just asked for this link but if you followed the real thread you would have seen that link in my last post prior to you asking.

The study was well organized in a sleep lab setting. Locked doors with double blind testing was used, so the "broadcaster" did not know what pictures were being used until they opened an envelope in a locked room.
I have seen experiments like this work well myself and have no doubt about its truth.

I had seen a television documentary about this called "secrets of sleep: dream telepathy", however am unable to find any reference on youtube atm.
*Reproduced from Child (1985) with permission from the American Psychological Association.

Including in his assessment a critique of the various efforts at replication, he concluded:

What is clear is that the tendency toward hits rather than misses cannot reasonably be ascribed to chance. There is some systematic* - that is, nonrandom - source of anomalous resemblance of dreams to targets. [Child, 1985, p. 122]

The experiments at the Maimonides Medical Center on the possibility of ESP in dreams clearly merit careful attention from psychologists who, for whatever reason, are interested in the question of ESP. To firm believers in the impossibility of ESP, they pose a challenge to skill in detecting experimental flaws or to the understanding of other sources of error. To those who can conceive that ESP might be possible, they convey suggestions about some of the conditions influencing its appearance or absence and about techniques for investigating it. [Child, 1985, p. 128]

I doubt there will be belief that this experiment occurred, and despite all the care used nobody will care. This is exactly the types of studies that exist but are ignored by skeptics.

For this reason I still maintain the best proof is doing telepathy yourself. It takes a whole hour.

The above experiment is actually in book form.

The first person in modern times to recognize and record scientific findings on telepathic dreaming was Sigmund Freud.
Freud's attitude toward it was simultaneously one of openness, because of its proximity to the unconscious, and reserve, fearing that psychoanalysis might find itself compared to occultism. His interest was essentially personal and longstanding, since he (Sigmund Freud) believed that he was able to communicate remotely with his fiancée Martha by thought alone when he was in Paris (Jones, 1957, vol. 3). Later, he attempted to conduct experiments of this kind, which is reflected in his correspondence with Ferenczi in 1910 and with his daughter Anna in 1925. But Freud maintained that the notion of telepathy was outside psychoanalysis, which was only interested in using a scientific, not a mystical, approach in the investigation of psychic activity.
Since then, many experiments have been conducted in order to learn more about dream telepathy.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_telepathy - wikipedia mentions the study here

Here is the book about the experiments.

Also @JamesR,
Now as far as picking 6/49 numbers for a draw. You state
Now, if you could predict, say, 5 or 6 of the numbers for several weeks in a row, with just one prediction each week, then we'd have serious reason to begin to suspect that something out of the ordinary was happening.

Wow - That would be truly grand to be able to be that accurate. You make light of the fact I defied 55 to 1 odds and posted a number in advance of the draw that would have won anybody 1000% return on their money if they had played my numbers. Maybe there was a time or people who could do what you are asking, but telepathy is not as much of a science as it was, and people are not as practiced at it.

Think about what you just said though. With 6 numbers from 1 to 49 the law of averages says that you would be hard pressed to get 1 number accurate in every single draw. It would be an impossibility.

For every draw you have a 2.42 to 1 chance of not getting a single number correct, so for every draw I can get at least 1 number I am beating the odds by a lot. I picked three in the sample I used, but my normal is 1-2.

I can consistently defy the odds over a period of time/draws. Every draw I do my statistical anomalies increase.

I would argue that predicting one number accurately in a 6/49 draw on a consistent basis would be well above chance and therefore convincing as proof of clairvoyance, but how many coincidences equals proof.

I posted 3 of 6 numbers accurate in advance of that draw. I can predict accurately at least one number every draw and usually at least 2. If you have seen my website that does this then you will realize that it is very time consuming and I have no interest in devoting many hours to finding 1 or 2 picks in every draw unless you can convince the real james Randi that 6 months of hitting 1 number each draw is convincing enough. It is a reward vs work thing.

ODDLY... I have been focused on convincing people here of telepathy. I have experimented in clairvoyance as well and can report that time does not seem to be a barrier in telepathy. It was Trippy that brought the clairvoyance I am involved with to light in this thread.

I mostly avoid that topic because anybody using my method to pick lottery numbers must either spend a few hundred hours programming and creating graphics, or subscribe to my website. I have refrained from advertising on sciforums and only a few know about my website.

I did post a very good method to transmit thoughts that always works in a thread
here. The thread is 5 years old but still active.

What more do you guys want... eesh.

It is not me that needs convincing. I know it's real. good-luck to you lot.


The above picture contains a word. Can you read it?
(click following link if not)

It is meant to be read subliminally and not via intentional focus for our purposes.
I disguise lottery numbers in similar fashion so all picks are purely from the subconscious.
Conscious choices are filtered out via repetition.

The computer randomizes the order of presentation of these for voting. If you "FEEL" the number is correct for your draw you select yes and the next number is presented. This is rinse/repeat until you have voted on all the numbers in your draw x number of times. It is appealing to you if you think your subconscious holds the winning numbers.

It is using this method I (or ANYONE IMHO) have been able to predict the lottery numbers above chance.
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