A scientific test of paranormal ability, right here on sciforums!

Why not demonstrate your ability?

I didn't read the whole saga for obvious reasons, but just because one person can not do something (specially via internet, another stupidity) that doesn't mean others can not do either.

So how about if you guys try to stick to logical reasoning, forget about lottery numbers or personal feats, and discus this in an adult manner? I know, I am asking for much...
No one else is claiming to be able to do what kwhilborn claims.
By getting kwhilborn to actually demonstrate that he, the one person claiming to be able to, is able to do what he claims, we avoid the other standard response when others try and fail of "oh, but you're not doing it right".
One of the standards of scientific enquiry is the repeatability of results. There are none here. And the person making the claim is unwilling to provide evidence of such, other than the same thread he links to from 6 or 8 years ago.

The onus is on the one making the claim.
And he can do this via the internet... he just needs to provide, in advance, his picks for a number of upcoming lotteries, and others of us undoubtedly will do the same, as the control group.
While this will not prove conclusively one way or the other, it will at least provide, should kwhilborn consistently perform better than others, that it is worth considering further.

Until then there simply is nothing to discuss, and his repetitive claims should be highlighted for the unsupported claims they are.
Aqueous ID said:
Poker is a game of chance, and the best skills are those of an algorithm that counts the cards. Otherwise, there is no skill, and any appearance of skill is necessarily a false judgment based on the random outcome in which the player happened to be lucky.
Not sure I fully agree, unless you're playing against people who display no patterns of behaviour, no body language and also operate strictly according to the odds. Poker is a game of skill in as much as you need to read the person you're playing against, and make judgements accordingly. Luck of the cards is certainly a huuuge factor, but there is undoubtedly some skill involved in reading body language and betting patterns etc, to know what the other person is thinking.
Any intuition or hunch is rationally not based on any psi but on reading body language - an all too mundane ability.
It makes Internet-poker that much more skill-based, which is why they can also do very well at face-to-face tournaments (as they understand the odds, given the odds and betting patterns are all they have to go on), but also why some good internet players struggle as they either can not read body language, or give away too much of their own.

Blackjack, on the other hand, is free of body language and is all about the cards and just the cards, and really can be a matter of an algorithmic approach (e.g. card-counting), which is why casinos tend to kick people out if they are caught counting cards.

But it's a bit off topic. :)
@ aqueous ID,
You actually want to demonstrate that people can see beyond the optical band? Have you considered looking into the biophysics of that? It could save you a lot of trouble

I said that option was untested, and I have several other methods that do work, however biophysics is a good idea if I should ever look into that further.

I understand the intense math that can play a role in poker. I was suggesting that the various maths are being done by your subconscious and what may appear as a hunch could be the result of subconscious calculations telling you to fold. It was perhaps a bad example, but do not consider intuition the same realm as the supernatural in all instances. I do fairly well in Internet Poker and have won tournaments with over 300 people on some occasions. I am registered as "sleeveless J" if you want to look up my pokerstars stats. I normally play small entry fee games simply for fun. If I applied myself with discipline I could likely make a living as a poker player. Even in live games though your subconscious might notice "tells" that you do not, so intuition can play a factor.

The idea is to have a neutral observer, to lend objectivity
I must admit that those who are involved in experiments with me are not neutral and mostly excited about this.
There can be no mistake in methodology in Clairvoyance experiments because the results come at a future time. Time provides the ultimate Double-Blind Barrier. There is no possible way results can be flawed because a room was not fully soundproof or other assertions made in methodology claims by skeptics. The results kept defying math, but all that could ever mean to a skeptic is that it is a "lucky streak".

@ Aqueous ID,
I do not know how Telepathy or Clairvoyance work. I have certain ideas, but not for this thread. I have only seen Telepathy work Firsthand and Probabilities of Clairvoyance and Telepathy in experiments. If you spend an hour at night asking someone to contact you, and they call you or mail you a few days later; saying they had a dream that made them contact you, then you start to go "Holy Crap" and try it again. I wish everyone would simply try it for themselves. It takes 1 hour.

I do not view it as superstition, but instead look at it as a field of research where the results demand we find the method. I think Telepathy/Clairvoyance are science. If you want to talk about superstition, almost all of todays science was superstition at one time. Your watch was superstition, your car, your flashlight, your lighter.
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Originally Posted by Aqueous Id
The best way to avoid trolls is to apply logic and objectivity to the discussion.

We live in an Internet age which allows forums like this. Yet any new fringe science will always be met by Trolls.

111 Years ago if someone suggested the future would have flying airplanes (Or whatever they would have called them back then) they would be ridiculed and trolled.
We now know that those "naysayers/trolls" (that did exist in large numbers) were complete idiots. What MORON could not fathom airplanes?

415 years ago if someone suggested that the Sun was merely a Star in a universe,they might not only get trolled, but possibly burned at the stake.

No amount of "logic and objectivity" saved Bruno from being burned alive.

I view Trolls as a necessary evil here. I understand their views because they are likely motivated from the viewpoints of ignorance or lack of education in the field.

EVERY study of psi effects I have seen conducted in a fair manner in a scientific setting have yielded positive results. There are of course Bozo displays from skeptics like the former James Randi Show. He would take some random person who claimed to see auras or be able to dowse and subject them to tests on his stage like the gong show. Sometimes they would win, and mostly they would lose. The contestants seemed to be a bunch of everyday stiffs who were just happy to be getting paid to be on tv.

It was not exactly a "study" on any topic.

These are just people happy to have 5 minutes of fame. Does he find them at the local laundry mat?

I would be more accepting of trolls if they had looked at real research in the psi field or had attempted it with friends/family, but in most cases they just seem stupid to me.
Originally Posted by Aqueous Id
The best way to avoid trolls is to apply logic and objectivity to the discussion.

We live in an Internet age which allows forums like this. Yet any new fringe science will always be met by Trolls.

111 Years ago if someone suggested the future would have flying airplanes (Or whatever they would have called them back then) they would be ridiculed and trolled.
We now know that those "naysayers/trolls" (that did exist in large numbers) were complete idiots. What MORON could not fathom airplanes?

415 years ago if someone suggested that the Sun was merely a Star in a universe,they might not only get trolled, but possibly burned at the stake.

No amount of "logic and objectivity" saved Bruno from being burned alive.

I view Trolls as a necessary evil here. I understand their views because they are likely motivated from the viewpoints of ignorance or lack of education in the field.

EVERY study of psi effects I have seen conducted in a fair manner in a scientific setting have yielded positive results. There are of course Bozo displays from skeptics like the former James Randi Show. He would take some random person who claimed to see auras or be able to dowse and subject them to tests on his stage like the gong show. Sometimes they would win, and mostly they would lose. The contestants seemed to be a bunch of everyday stiffs who were just happy to be getting paid to be on tv.

It was not exactly a "study" on any topic.

These are just people happy to have 5 minutes of fame. Does he find them at the local laundry mat?

Maybe James Randi was so used to suppressing his feelings/emotions for gay lovers that he genuinely cannot do telepathy or other psi things. Maybe he had tried it and failed because he could not recognize his feelings? I find it hard to believe people can remain as skeptical as they do when exposed to it in the amount he was, and telepathy is easy to do with friends or family.

I would be more accepting of trolls if they had looked at real research in the psi field or had attempted it with friends/family, but in most cases they just seem stupid to me.
Kwhilborn, while individual experimental results might have revealed a statisitically significant outcome, meta-analysis of published findings somewhat concludes otherwise, especially when you take into consideration publication bias - I.e. that people don't bother publishing negative results.
Simply put, as of yet there is as much scientific grounding for psychic phenomena as there is for homeopathy, which is none at all.

And you consider people trolls for continually disputing you and for otherwise merely being skeptical... And yet, despite your proclaimed ability, you refuse to provide demonstration that would shut them up and put them in their place.
And don't for one moment hold yourself or psychics ability in the same category as airplanes or other such claims-before-their-time. Birds fly, so it is reasonable to conclude that flight is possible, if not yet practical at that time. Yet here you are, claiming an ability that you are capable of demonstrating, and yet you refuse.

There is only one troll here, kwhilborn, and he continually refuses to support his claims.
Simply put, as of yet there is as much scientific grounding for psychic phenomena as there is for homeopathy, which is none at all.
while i agree i must add that "like cures like" is the basis for most of our modern day inoculations.
it's just one item of thousands though.
i just read the wiki article on homeopathy and i must say there was some strange dudes back then.
i certainly wouldn't want to tell any of them i was freezing cold.
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@ Sarkus,
Birds fly, so it is reasonable to conclude that flight is possible, if not yet practical at that time.

The only photos of the flights of 1904–1905 were taken by the brothers. (A few photos were damaged in the Great Dayton Flood of 1913, but most survived intact.) In 1904 Ohio beekeeping businessman Amos Root, a technology enthusiast, saw a few flights including the first circle. Articles he wrote for his beekeeping magazine were the only published eyewitness reports of the Huffman Prairie flights, except for the unimpressive early hop local newsmen saw. Root offered a report to Scientific American magazine, but the editor turned it down. As a result, the news was not widely known outside of Ohio, and was often met with skepticism. The Paris edition of the Herald Tribune headlined a 1906 article on the Wrights "FLYERS OR LIARS?"

"FLYERS OR LIARS?" 3 years after flight was invented in 1903.

@ Sarkus,
Maybe your notion,
Birds fly, so it is reasonable to conclude that flight is possible
was not quite the warm and fuzzy reception the Wright Brothers received despite your fantasy.

In years to come Dayton newspapers would proudly celebrate the hometown Wright brothers as national heroes, but the local reporters somehow missed one of the most important stories in history as it was happening a few miles from their doorstep. James M. Cox, publisher at that time of the Dayton Daily News (later governor of Ohio and Democratic presidential nominee in 1920), expressed the attitude of newspapermen—and the public—in those days when he admitted years later, "Frankly, none of us believed it."[64]

But... but... Birds can fly, so it should be easy for a man (insane logic..).

They wrote to the U.S. government, then to Britain, France and Germany with an offer to sell a flying machine, but were rebuffed because they insisted on a signed contract before giving a demonstration. The American military, having recently spent $50,000 on the Langley Aerodrome—a product of the nation's foremost scientist—only to see it plunge twice into the Potomac River "like a handful of mortar", was particularly unreceptive to the claims of two unknown bicycle makers from Ohio.[67] Thus, doubted or scorned, the Wright brothers continued their work in semi-obscurity, while other aviation pioneers like Santos-Dumont, Henri Farman, Leon Delagrange and American Glenn Curtiss entered the limelight.

In 1906, skeptics in the European aviation community had converted the press to an anti-Wright brothers stance. European newspapers, especially in France, were openly derisive, calling them bluffeurs (bluffers) NOTE: This is 3 years after they had invented the airplane.[68]
Ernest Archdeacon, founder of the Aéro-Club de France, was publicly scornful of the brother's claims in spite of published reports; specifically, he wrote several articles and in 1906, stated that "the French would make the first public demonstration of powered flight".[69]
The Paris edition of the New York Herald summed up Europe's opinion of the Wright brothers in an editorial on February 10, 1906:
The Wrights have flown or they have not flown. They possess a machine or they do not possess one. They are in fact either fliers or liars. It is difficult to fly. It's easy to say, 'We have flown.'[68]
In 1908, after the Wrights' first flights in France, Archdeacon publicly admitted that he had done them an injustice


All the skeptics calling them "bluffeurs" when you can just look at a bird flying and know it looks easy...

@ Sarkus,
So it appears not only were you wrong but very wrong.

If the Internet had existed then it is OBVIOUS it would have had its share of Trolls. This means that for every post that contributed toward discussion of the aircraft there would be a dozen trollers trying to attempt intellectual superiority, yet who were clearly idiots.

You keep asking for proof.

I suggest that...
a) Only an idiot could expect proof of the paranormal in a internet thread. Even when laboratory setting experiments are submitted with double-blind procedures and locked doors they are met with scorn from Skeptics. (Maimonides Medical Center, Sleep telepathy experiments, etc.)
b) As shown above ACCEPTED SCIENCE (Wright Bros.) has been met with scorn from idiots as well.

My attempts to prove things are ongoing, and if not to your satisfaction then tough (cry to someone else for a change). I am in contact with many people in this line of research. I have been in contact with various Mind Power organizations and have even exchanged emails with Prof Brian Josephson, etc.

When I continue with my method I would like to add one or more other techniques to aid the process. Despite your objections about the dates, I have shown good results publicly in the past and would like to do that again in the future using equipment that is alleged to aid perception. Imagine it as a foil cap if you like, but that is about as much as I will speak of it.

I understand a troll usually believes their viewpoint so I "get it". I think you will one day be proved an idiot, but I "get it". :blbl:
"FLYERS OR LIARS?" 3 years after flight was invented in 1903.

Maybe your notion,

was not quite the warm and fuzzy reception the Wright Brothers received despite your fantasy.
I can not speak for the irrationality of the public at that time. And since when did I say that people wouldn't claim such things? You create straw men as quick as you peddle your claims.
But... but... Birds can fly, so it should be easy for a man (insane logic..).
If you think it is insane logic then you clearly have no grasp of logic. If you think it insane it should be easy for you to identify the flaw in the logic that, if birds can, humans should logically be able to understand how and then recreate it. The only reason they might not is for practical reasons (such as lack of understanding, or lack of technical ability).
Plus I never said "easy", so quit with the straw men.
The simple difference is that your claims have zero grounding on which to base them, other than wishful thinking. But then you understand logic, presumably, so you would understand that.
So it appears not only were you wrong but very wrong.
Only in overestimating you.
[QuoteIf the Internet had existed then it is OBVIOUS it would have had its share of Trolls. This means that for every post that contributed toward discussion of the aircraft there would be a dozen trollers trying to attempt intellectual superiority, yet who were clearly idiots. [/quote]And yet those making the claims would have posted their calculations for logical scrutiny and, as happened, provided proof of concept.
You have posted a method on which you can blame "lack of application" for failure, and provided no proof of concept other than the same thread from many years ago.
You keep asking for proof.

I suggest that...
a) Only an idiot could expect proof of the paranormal in a internet thread. Even when laboratory setting experiments are submitted with double-blind procedures and locked doors they are met with scorn from Skeptics. (Maimonides Medical Center, Sleep telepathy experiments, etc.)
So you think it idiotic to expect you, who claims to have a method of consistently matching 1 or 2 numbers in a lottery, to provide evidence on a forum whey you can fairly simply post your predictions in advance of the lottery, and accept for the trial purposes that you have no ability to influence the results of that lottery? You think that [/]is idiotic? :blink:
b) As shown above ACCEPTED SCIENCE (Wright Bros.) has been met with scorn from idiots as well.
So because people scorned accepted science, you think that because we are scorning you that you can somehow consider yourself on equal footing with respect to legitimacy of the endeavour??? Ever heard of fallacy of association?
My attempts to prove things are ongoing, and if not to your satisfaction then tough (cry to someone else for a change). I am in contact with many people in this line of research. I have been in contact with various Mind Power organizations and have even exchanged emails with Prof Brian Josephson, etc.
Yep, keep the testing among the biased instead of testing or demonstrating in front of people who otherwise call your out for the charlatan you merely continue to confirm yourself to be.
while i agree i must add that "like cures like" is the bases for most of our modern day inoculations.
it's just one item of thousands though.
i just read the wiki article on homeopathy and i must say there was some strange dudes back then.
i certainly wouldn't want to tell any of them i was freezing cold.
Homeopathy is alive and well, at least in the UK, although we're gradually getting it pushed out of all notions of mainstream health-resources and back into the pack along with all the other unproven and unsubstantiated stuff.
It does benefit patients through a placebo effect, undoubtedly, but tests have never conclusively shown it to be any better than that.
Further, the way it works is illogical and defies all known science - although this in itself is no reason to ignore it, if only it showed success rates.
The "strongest" solutions they use are 200C. 1C is 1 part active ingredient to 100 parts water. 2C is 1 part 1C to 100 parts water - ie 1 part per 10,000. A 200C solution is 1 part active ingredient to 10^400 water.
Bear in mind that the observable universe is thought to contain less than 10^80 Atoms. So a 200C solution means that there would be 1 molecule of active ingredient in the equivalent of 10^320 observable universes.
And they give a patient some sugar tablets that have a few drops of this 200C solution on.

Not even the head of homeopathy in the UK knows how it is supposed to work, yet they insist it does.

But off-topic. ;)
Hi, you don't know me but reading what you had texted, maded me laugh out loud because like on another site, (physicsforums) and reading about supernatural powers this guy was saying along the same lines as yours or similar about bringing ghosts or spirits together to be tested ! There seems to be a wide choice to choose from by what I've currently been reading lately ! Do you truely think people are ready for something or someone who can actually have human power or energy to change radio waves or sound ? Well I did at a gym and it got me (ban) for other untrue lies ! None were accepting what was repeatly happening in every single class or whatever it called ! The music coming from those speakers when something like a spinning energy force and drain the batteries, so they had to brings extra batteries !!!! Hey, sorry about the misspelt words as I have'nt my dictionary and if unsure about spelling I'll put it another way !
Hi, I want to relate what had happen to my mobile phone after getting this far in reading others posts or texting as I call it!
I was at home and had missed two called from my boyfriend but the missed calls were in the future time, so I waited for those two missed calls but no calls, and so I usesd those numbers for lotto but no win ! I've readed about it, happening to other people too ! I had received one today and others in the pasted etc... When these unexplain things happen they have you off guide not ready or expecting, so your full awareness is'nt there with you ! And that (leap) well, I had readed that the young need to take a leap, (in their thinking or ideas) when it comes to quantum physics and it make sense to me !
A leap into the unknown to work it out ? I'm just trying to make a connection here with words and when it come to telepathy, well, my own personally idea's that you're ahead of that person when talking, and sense what they're feeling, (bad or good) !
I help people in their conversation by enhancing what they're saying, like searching for the right words etc... One step ahead