A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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It didn't stand a chance... So, who's giving the eulogy?

I dunno... do you give a eulogy when you finally put down a zombie? I mean... this thread died several months ago if I dare say... it just was never allowed it's peace lol.
... So, who's giving the eulogy?

In concluson:::

This has been a very useful thred *(i will get to that later.!!!)

Sure... its been perty much useless as far as any "God"/type religious believers gettin what they want... ie... for atheist/types to tone down ther "militant" type of religious criticism.!!!

*However... 3 :cheers: to Tiassa for startin this type of thred (honorable mention to mod Bells for helpin to keep it rollin in the right direction)... because this type of thred causes a lot of site traffic... an w/o site traffic we will all be wit-out our internet home called Sciforums.!!!

I dunno... do you give a eulogy when you finally put down a zombie? I mean... this thread died several months ago if I dare say... it just was never allowed it's peace lol.

Hey, it survived for over 1300 posts... Not a bad run.

But, just IMO... As long as posters aren't going batshit crazy, or hurling non stop ad Homs, threads should always remain open.

I don't even see a prob with thread necromancy... Then again, I think zombies are cool.
It's probably sold two bottles of shampoo and a half price cinema ticket by now.

What is this thread supposed to be about, anyway?
It must have been about something, once upon a time.
*However... 3 :cheers: to Tiassa for startin this type of thred (honorable mention to mod Bells for helpin to keep it rollin in the right direction)... because this type of thred causes a lot of site traffic... an w/o site traffic we will all be wit-out our internet home called Sciforums.!!!

You aren't a sock-puppet of the owner of this site, are you??? :eek:
More traffic = more advertising revenue = happier owner!

It all makes so much sense now!!

Bells shows up in the strangest places :huh:

Dude... Seriously, WTF is this? LMAO...

Guess I'm slipping, (stoned) didn't even notice this post, till just now.
:eek:You aren't a sock-puppet of the owner of this site, are you??? :eek:
More traffic = more advertising revenue = happier owner!

It all makes so much sense now!!

All BS aside... I wouldn't be shocked at all if he was the owner...

He greets every new member, does his best to keep them around.

Yeah, what you say, isn't so far fetched.
:eek:You aren't a sock-puppet of the owner of this site, are you??? :eek:


No... NO NO NO... thats absolutely not true... why... the very thout... :mad:


An befor anybody even wonders... im also not gettin paid by Julien or Anne to post here... an if asked i will deny that also :frust:
I know the thread is basically over, but it bears reminding us all of stories like these:

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Growing up in a conservative Muslim household in rural West Sumatra, Alexander Aan hid a dark secret beginning at age 9: He did not believe in God. His feelings only hardened as he got older and he faked his way through daily prayers, Islamic holidays and the fasting month of Ramadan.

He stopped praying in 2008, when he was 26, and he finally told his parents and three younger siblings that he was an atheist — a rare revelation in a country like Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. They responded with disappointment and expressions of hope that he would return to Islam.

But Mr. Aan neither returned to Islam nor confined his secret to his family, and he ended up in prison after running afoul of a 2008 law restricting electronic communications. He had joined an atheist Facebook group started by Indonesians living in the Netherlands, and in 2011 he began posting commentaries outlining why he did not think God existed.

“When I saw, with my own eyes, poor people, people on television caught up in war, people who were hungry or ill, it made me uncomfortable,” Mr. Aan, now 32, said in an interview. “What is the meaning of this? As a Muslim, I had questioned God — what is the meaning of God?” He was released on parole on Jan. 27 after serving more than 19 months on a charge of inciting religious hatred.



Does one call him an inciter, an abuser of sentiment? Or was he merely presenting his life experience? Difficult to say, maybe, without seeing the content of the blog, but if the above is standard then I'm not seeing the call for outrage. Indonesia is a different case than the United States, naturally; strong theocratic influences exist in the former, or at least as relative to the latter.

Indonesia’s state ideology, Pancasila, enshrines monotheism, and blasphemy is illegal. However, the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and speech, and the country is 16 years into a transition from authoritarianism to democracy.

But Mr. Aan’s case is one of an increasing number of instances of persecution connected to freedom of religion in Indonesia in recent years. Although Indonesia has influential Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities, every year there have been hundreds of episodes, including violent attacks, targeting religious minorities like Christians and Shiite and Ahmadiyah Muslims, as well as dozens of arrests over blasphemy against Islam. Numerous churches have been closed for lacking proper permits.

Maybe this is sufficient summary:

“They wanted me to stop saying there is no God,” he said. “I told them that it was my right to express my beliefs.”
When I saw, with my own eyes, poor people, people on television caught up in war, people who were hungry or ill, it made me uncomfortable,” Mr. Aan, now 32, said in an interview.

Does no one see what God gave us to counteract the evil in this world? He gave us one another.
Does no one see what God gave us to counteract the evil in this world? He gave us one another.

What god exactly? Yours? Or mine? Because, i don't know kinda... If you are talking about the christian god YHWH well, if i don't believe in him, i will be sent to HIS hell and, i think i kinda like, have the right to go whatever hell i want to, not only the christian hell so...

Quite confusing...
Oh geez... If you believe in a sky daddy that created himself, that's fanfuckingtastic...

But, for fucks sake, why do you people come to a science forum, to proclaim this?

Fuck me... If there really is a God, I'll see him sooner than most of you... I'll tell him you said "hi".
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