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I have very little support... Family and friends prefer to keep things on the down low.

If you ignore it, it will go away... Meh.

As to an expiration date, already past due. I'm hoping to see my 50th b-day in August though.

Then, whatever happens, happens... It's been a good run.

Sometimes the "cure" is worse than the ailment.

Can I tell you something, Gremmie? When my dad was dying, he said that if I wanted to stay that I’d have to man up. He could no longer sooth me. He needed to focus. It was he, who was dying after all. I did, I manned up. He was 51 when he died.

I can’t think of anyone in my life that has enough emotional intelligence to offer support. I’ll probably have to sooth them during my death.

I had a few complications during childbirth. My family freaked out. They even started grabbing the physician’s arm to get his attention. They wanted him to sooth them, while he was trying to work. I’ll never forget the nurse’s name. Her name was Mary. I called out her name over and over. She was competent and her confidence was soothing. I saw her the other day. She still remembered me. There’s this scene in the movie “The Grey”, where Ottway is comforting Lewenden . Lewenden is panicking and he says, "Listen! Listen! You're gonna die, that's what's happening. It’s okay. It’s okay." His confidence reminded me of Mary.

My dad started to have a few hallucinations, which is common during the final stages, seeing dead people, that sort of thing. I didn't intervene, until he had a fearful one, then I just reassured him. My family thought his hallucinations were evidence of an afterlife. They kept trying to wake him up to ask him questions about dead people. They were putting their needs before his. I told them to get a grip or get the fuck out.

Oh well, people just being people, I suppose.

See ya later, Gremmie.
Rare is the living man whom can comprehend the peaceful bliss of Deaths embrace...

Plato said:
There is great reason to hope that death is good; for one of two things -- either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. Now if you suppose that there is no consciousness, but a sleep like the sleep of him who is undisturbed by the sight of dreams, death will be an unspeakable gain. For if a person were to select the night in which his sleep was undisturbed even by dreams, and were to compare with this the other days and nights of his life, and then were to tell us how many days and nights he had passed in the course of his life better and more pleasantly than this one, I think that any man ... even the great king will not find many such days or nights, when compared with the others. Now if death is like this, I say that to die is gain; for eternity is then only a single night. But if death is the journey to another place, and there, as men say, all the dead are, what good, O my friends and judges, can be greater than this?
Hey, Gremmie. I'm not real big on prayer I guess, being an atheist and all, but you're in my thoughts. Hang in there and keep posting.

Thanks Yazata... Much appreciated, and I'll stick around, and be annoying for as long as possible.
Can I tell you something, Gremmie? When my dad was dying, he said that if I wanted to stay that I’d have to man up. He could no longer sooth me. He needed to focus. It was he, who was dying after all. I did, I manned up. He was 51 when he died.

I can’t think of anyone in my life that has enough emotional intelligence to offer support. I’ll probably have to sooth them during my death.

I had a few complications during childbirth. My family freaked out. They even started grabbing the physician’s arm to get his attention. They wanted him to sooth them, while he was trying to work. I’ll never forget the nurse’s name. Her name was Mary. I called out her name over and over. She was competent and her confidence was soothing. I saw her the other day. She still remembered me. There’s this scene in the movie “The Grey”, where Ottway is comforting Lewenden . Lewenden is panicking and he says, "Listen! Listen! You're gonna die, that's what's happening. It’s okay. It’s okay." His confidence reminded me of Mary.

My dad started to have a few hallucinations, which is common during the final stages, seeing dead people, that sort of thing. I didn't intervene, until he had a fearful one, then I just reassured him. My family thought his hallucinations were evidence of an afterlife. They kept trying to wake him up to ask him questions about dead people. They were putting their needs before his. I told them to get a grip or get the fuck out.

Oh well, people just being people, I suppose.

See ya later, Gremmie.
Go figure... I actually have people that are angry with me, and think me selfish... How dare I leave them. I try to talk about the inevitable, and they actually get pissed off...

Have a cousin who honestly thinks I'm gonna go, just out of spite. So, I don't have to help her anymore. Lol. Maybe she's right. : )
Go figure... I actually have people that are angry with me, and think me selfish... How dare I leave them. I try to talk about the inevitable, and they actually get pissed off... Have a cousin who honestly thinks I'm gonna go, just out of spite. So, I don't have to help her anymore. Lol. Maybe she's right. : )
Don't be too hard on them. The impending death of a loved one can be almost as hard to bear as one's own--or even harder! When you face a tragedy that you are powerless to intervene in, it can make you irrational, and of course VERY angry. You might start acting crazy.

Obviously these people love you. Don't be too upset with them if they can't express it more calmly and politely.
Go figure... I actually have people that are angry with me, and think me selfish... How dare I leave them. I try to talk about the inevitable, and they actually get pissed off...

Have a cousin who honestly thinks I'm gonna go, just out of spite. So, I don't have to help her anymore. Lol. Maybe she's right. : )

Too funny. Maybe she could get Bells to help her file a breach of contract claim against you. :D

Fraggle's right, though. Not always, but this time.
People are becoming increasingly disconnected from reality.
It is going to take a Seismic shift to get things right again.
Digitalisation is a wrong path.

It won't happen in my lifetime, but I'd like to be alive in the year 3000 to see what happens.
Don't be too hard on them. The impending death of a loved one can be almost as hard to bear as one's own--or even harder! When you face a tragedy that you are powerless to intervene in, it can make you irrational, and of course VERY angry. You might start acting crazy.

Obviously these people love you. Don't be too upset with them if they can't express it more calmly and politely.
I'm not angry with them... I just find their thinking irrational.
I didn't plan this... Life is a roll of the dice. Eventually, you roll "boxcars".

We're all gonna die someday... But, not all of us really live. I have, and will for as long as possible.

As my aunt tells me... You're not going anywhere, you're too stubborn... The world needs more assholes, and you're the biggest. Yeah, she actually said this to me yesterday...

Crazy old bitch. Lol.
You are very angry Gremmie.
Not a criticism, but I can feel that.

Your family doesn't sound "average". A pile of crap actually.
Maybe you could consider the Hospice option early.
You would be with other people in the same situation.
Instead of with what sound like ferkin idiots.
Ditch em'. You haven't got the time.

Being early in your death process, you could also give others aid.
You could enjoy your last few months, make new friends, and be useful.
Think about it.
You are very angry Gremmie.
Not a criticism, but I can feel that.
Well, I'm certainly not happy Cap'n K...
I've been through a lot in my life... Been an uphill battle since birth. But, I plugged away to achieve what I have, and now, it feels as though it was all for naught.

And, I have people that feel that their loss is greater than mine. They're not going anywhere, I am.

I just hope that wherever I wind up, they have beer, pizza and internet access.

That's heaven...
Anger is no use. I'm sure you are aware of that.
You will come to some kind of resolution.
Your feelings will probably change.

People telling you that their loss is greater than yours.
One thing that you should ask yourself is how you came to know such a large number of dickheads.
Think! Where did you go wrong?
You are very angry Gremmie.
Not a criticism, but I can feel that.
I can't. Gremmie seems as level-headed and as pragmatic as almost anyone I've known in similar situations.
Your family doesn't sound "average". A pile of crap actually.
I wouldn't care to judge based on a few anecdotes posted in this forum.
Maybe you could consider the Hospice option early.
You would be with other people in the same situation.
Instead of with what sound like ferkin idiots. Ditch em'
If it was me, the last people I'd want to be with are people going through the same thing... with just the look of them reminding me what problem I have. I'd want to be with the people I want to be with, the people I know, and love, irrespective of what their views are of me.
Being early in your death process, you could also give others aid.
You could enjoy your last few months, and be useful.
Think about it.
Are you suggesting he is not enjoying his time? On what do you base that view??
As for being useful... who is to say that spending time with other people, his family, his friends, on this site even, is not being useful to them, to us?

I actually find it rather surprising that someone, anyone, can advise others on how to spend their time, irrespective of how much time any of us may have left. Are you going to advise me how to spend my time? Or how Trooper or CluelussH should spend their time (other than with a spell-checker, eh, Clueluss! ;))?

Gremmie, if I'm speaking out of turn, please do just tell me to shut up. :)
Cap, Gremmie... here's the thing. The nicest people are often the ones who have been hurt the most. It isn't hat Gremmie knows a "large number of dickheads"... he's simply been too polite to tell them what for...

I was the same way for a long, long time... to the point that I attempted to take my own life. I finally realized that what others think... doesn't matter. My wife and true friends know the real me, and that's what matters.
Well, I'm certainly not happy Cap'n K...
I've been through a lot in my life... Been an uphill battle since birth. But, I plugged away to achieve what I have, and now, it feels as though it was all for naught.

And, I have people that feel that their loss is greater than mine. They're not going anywhere, I am.

You're right, Gremmie, your loss is greater. You'll be deprived of all the goods of life. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but you’re not dead yet.

Can I ask you another question? When, when is death bad for you? When will you be deprived of life? When you’re dead?
I think that Gremmie is very discontent about his life at the moment.
I think that his family are very poor in helping him.
I also think that he would benefit from being with people in the same circumstance as himself.
At the moment, as far as I can see, he is surrounded by family who don't give a shit.

I'm sure that Gremmie will have no problem in telling me that I am wrong about my facts.

My views are my own.
At no point have I said that he "ought" to do something.
I hope that he understands that I am only giving my own opinion as something for him to consider.
I'm not an agony aunt dispensing advice.

I hope I'm not offending you Gremmie.
If so, tell me and I'll remove any comments.
Actually Sarkus, you're pretty much spot on...
Life is what it is... I'm honestly at peace with how things are.

To quote Jim Morrison, No one gets out of here alive...

I have done and seen more things in 50 years, than many could in 100.

I'm not angry, it's my time... I believe it was all predestined.

I don't fear death... It's the dying process, that concerns me.

But, it awaits every last one of us. My advice to all of you... Enjoy every moment... I had words with Bells last night. She knows how to push buttons... When I first came here, I swear I thought she was evil incarnate. At times, I still do...lol

But, in all honesty, I am glad we have interacted.

She's not a bad person, and I wish her well.
As long as I'm on a roll here...

I'm sorry about last night, Bells. Was a bad day for me.
I'm not saying I was entirely wrong, mind you.

It does take 2 to tango... But, for the record, I do respect your moxy...

Okay... Done ranting... Sorry, carry on folks.
When you are wrong, be very wrong.
That's my motto.

Well, at least you didn't join the 27 club.
Plus, when you do die, you could haunt Bells.
I think that Gremmie is very discontent about his life at the moment.
I think that his family are very poor in helping him.
I also think that he would benefit from being with people in the same circumstance as himself.
At the moment, as far as I can see, he is surrounded by family who don't give a shit.

I'm sure that Gremmie will have no problem in telling me that I am wrong about my facts.

My views are my own.
At no point have I said that he "ought" to do something.
I hope that he understands that I am only giving my own opinion as something for him to consider.
I'm not an agony aunt dispensing advice.

I hope I'm not offending you Gremmie.
If so, tell me and I'll remove any comments.
No offense taken Cap'n K... We all have our takes. Some of what you said, I agree with, some, not so much.

But, I'm not offended by anything you've said.
My views are my own.
At no point have I said that he "ought" to do something.
I hope that he understands that I am only giving my own opinion as something for him to consider.
I'm not an agony aunt dispensing advice.

I hope I'm not offending you Gremmie.
If so, tell me and I'll remove any comments.
Understood. Apologies if I came across to reactive. :)
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