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You're right, Gremmie, your loss is greater. You'll be deprived of all the goods of life. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but you’re not dead yet.

Can I ask you another question? When, when is death bad for you? When will you be deprived of life? When you’re dead?

Hmmm...first of all, as you said, I'm not dead yet, and in no hurry...

Not really sure what you mean by your question though.

I guess, my only answer could be, when I'm no longer "me", I'm dead.
Trooper said:
You're right, Gremmie, your loss is greater. You'll be deprived of all the goods of life. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but you’re not dead yet.

Can I ask you another question? When, when is death bad for you? When will you be deprived of life? When you’re dead?

Hmmm...first of all, as you said, I'm not dead yet, and in no hurry...

Not really sure what you mean by your question though.

I guess, my only answer could be, when I'm no longer "me", I'm dead.

Exactly, so death can’t be bad for you. The concept of bad has an existence requirement. The process of dying can be bad, but not death itself.

The dead are not alive, and the living will not die.

You will not experience the deprivation of life.

You will not taste death, Gremmie. Only your loved ones will experience the loss.

I hope you stick around for awhile.

Good day to you, Gremmie.
Exactly, so death can’t be bad for you. The concept of bad has an existence requirement. The process of dying can be bad, but not death itself.

The dead are not alive, and the living will not die.

You will not experience the deprivation of life.

You will not taste death, Gremmie. Only your loved ones will experience the loss.

I hope you stick around for awhile.

Good day to you, Gremmie.

Thanks, Trooper...
I think you understood what I was trying to say. I wasn't sure if I worded it correctly.

On some real good meds... Demoral and Valium... Not sure if it's a good combo, but, feeling no pain... Lol.
I think that Gremmie is very discontent about his life at the moment.
I think that his family are very poor in helping him.
I also think that he would benefit from being with people in the same circumstance as himself.
At the moment, as far as I can see, he is surrounded by family who don't give a shit.

I'm sure that Gremmie will have no problem in telling me that I am wrong about my facts.

My views are my own.
At no point have I said that he "ought" to do something.
I hope that he understands that I am only giving my own opinion as something for him to consider.
I'm not an agony aunt dispensing advice.

I hope I'm not offending you Gremmie.
If so, tell me and I'll remove any comments.
Or alternatively, you could butt out and not diss his family who probably love him very much and are having to go through their own stages of grief watching him go through this. It's not easy to be helpless in the face of an illness like this affecting a loved one. Whatever Gremmie is going through, his own stages of grief, will be mirrored by those who love him and who are watching him go through this. I think commenting on Gremmie's discontent in his life is kind of out of place and exceptionally unfair.

And being around people who are also suffering.. No. Why would you want to? Perhaps he wants to go out fighting instead of being further depressed and suffering guilt that it's not his turn yet watching others go through this. It's why hospice care is usually for your very last days.

Gremmie said:
Actually Sarkus, you're pretty much spot on...
Life is what it is... I'm honestly at peace with how things are.

To quote Jim Morrison, No one gets out of here alive...

I have done and seen more things in 50 years, than many could in 100.

I'm not angry, it's my time... I believe it was all predestined.

I don't fear death... It's the dying process, that concerns me.

But, it awaits every last one of us. My advice to all of you... Enjoy every moment... I had words with Bells last night. She knows how to push buttons... When I first came here, I swear I thought she was evil incarnate. At times, I still do...lol

But, in all honesty, I am glad we have interacted.

She's not a bad person, and I wish her well.
As long as I'm on a roll here...

I'm sorry about last night, Bells. Was a bad day for me.
I'm not saying I was entirely wrong, mind you.

It does take 2 to tango... But, for the record, I do respect your moxy...

Okay... Done ranting... Sorry, carry on folks.
As I told you Gremmie, you never made me angry and I won't argue with you. And if you want to scream at me, be angry at me, abuse me, whatever, then do it until you feel better..

Now there's a thought...

Be afraid Bells, be very afraid... He he he.
Not worried.

I'll just release my batshit crazy religious fundy relatives on your ass for an exorcism.

Now who's laughing... :D



My dad started to have a few hallucinations, which is common during the final stages, seeing dead people, that sort of thing. I didn't intervene, until he had a fearful one, then I just reassured him. My family thought his hallucinations were evidence of an afterlife. They kept trying to wake him up to ask him questions about dead people. They were putting their needs before his. I told them to get a grip or get the fuck out.

I was enjoyin readin you'r interestin post until it got to the part about you'r dad bein abused... then i started to boil until i read the rest... "get a grip or get the fuck out".!!!

Thank "God" for you'r sanity.!!!

...CluelussH... spell-checker, eh, Clueluss! ;))?

What... say What... Ohhh... no... i dont need a spell-checker... i alredy know i spell bad :)
Ah clueless, living up to your name I see?

Well at least you found a spell checker and actually managed to post something without a bazillion spelling mistakes. *Golf clap*..

As for the video. Yes, I found my way into the pants of a sexy man. Can't complain.
Ah clueless, living up to your name I see?

Well at least you found a spell checker and actually managed to post something without a bazillion spelling mistakes. *Golf clap*..

As for the video. Yes, I found my way into the pants of a sexy man. Can't complain.

Who says you dont have a sinse of humor :bravo:
What are you doing up this time of the morning anyway?


Bells. You are very tired.
Go. Back. To. Sleeeeeeeep.
Well he's asleep and not wheezing anymore.. Huzzah!!

Time to turn off the humidifier and get some sleep.

I shall see you all when I see you all..
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