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Only a Wich wit fake balls woud make fun of someones non native speekin skills :facepalm:
good thing you like to keep things civil and believe that personal insults should result in harsh action, eh Timmy? Seriously? A "witch with fake balls"?

Further, I don't even believe that English is not your native language, unless you count that faux hillbilly shit you pull as a "language". LMFAO...
Holy hell... I love this place.

I frequent a few sites, but, this was my first, and it's home.

Those of you that have been here a while, are like family to me...

As dysfunctional, as my real one... Lmao...

Seriously though, this is the best forum on the net...

I wish all the "Regs" the best, even if we clash now and then...

As far as our recent group of "members", the jury is still out.

Time will tell...
good thing you like to keep things civil and believe that personal insults should result in harsh action, eh Timmy?

Is ther no end to the Bull-sht you pull outta you'r azz... ie... the more free speech the beter i like it... however... i do give advice on how to have a "civil" forum for the bosses who pertend to want that type of forum.!!!

Seriously? A "witch with fake balls"?

Thats very civil compared to what i was realy thankin :D

Further, I don't even believe that English is not your native language, unless you count that faux hillbilly shit you pull as a "language". LMFAO...

Unfounded beleifs are like Azz-holes... nuff said... LOL.!!!
good thing you like to keep things civil and believe that personal insults should result in harsh action, eh Timmy? Seriously? A "witch with fake balls"?

Further, I don't even believe that English is not your native language, unless you count that faux hillbilly shit you pull as a "language". LMFAO...
The irony is that he is always the one demanding that people be civil. I suppose that only goes one way. Do as I say, not as I do. Added to this the exceptional sexist display he has just put on for us, really, he's on a roll.

cluelusshusbund said:
Only a Wich wit fake balls woud make fun of someones non native speekin skills
Is this you being civil?

I was not making fun of your 'speekin skills'. I was pointing out that English is not my native language either, and I was curious as to what your excuse was?

There are many members who post here who are actually non-English speakers and from non-English speaking countries. So what is your excuse? Are you lazy? But that does not explain the few times I have witnessed you going back and editing your posts to put in spelling mistakes. So it cannot be laziness. Because someone lazy would not take so much time to make sure they sound like a hillbilly hick. Is it perhaps to give the illusion that you are charming and nice? Well the reality is that as many of us have observed, you are often nasty, mean, sexist and insulting. So it cannot be that either.

So why do you do it?

Do you wish to stand out from the crowd? Be different? The individual?

Your posts are often difficult to read or understand and your refusal to even use a spellchecker makes you appear to be too deliberate.
Bells I believe he does it for "teh lulz" ... Though I for one don't find the fake ignorance and intentional spelling mistakes to be entertaining
...the exceptional sexist display he has just put on for us...

Ah oH... here it comes :fright:

...you are often nasty, mean, sexist and insulting.

Whoa... we was havin a back an forth fun time an then you'r switch flips... hmmm... sounds like you prolly dish it out beter than you can take it... or maybe it ant you'r fault at all... mayb you jus had a nice tall glass of Carnation Instant Bich... :roflmao:
Is ther no end to the Bull-sht you pull outta you'r azz...
You seem to generate a never ending supply yourself.

the more free speech the beter i like it...
As you profess to desire, I so wish there was a place I could shove my size 10 boot where the sun don't shine on those pesky idiots that infest this place like cockroaches. Sad that those days seem to be gone...

however... i do give advice...
where it's not needed or wanted.

on how to have a "civil" forum
Sad that you don't advise by example.

for the bosses
Which bosses? Exactly who is your liege Timmy?

who pertend to want that type of forum.!!!
"Pertend"? You're the one that masquerades as an impostor. In so many ways...

Thats very civil compared to what i was realy thankin :D
Oh, do tell us how you really feel...

Unfounded beleifs are like Azz-holes... nuff said... LOL.!!!
Wow. Never met anyone with as many azz-holes as you seem to profess to have...

Its a Hoot :)
So it is. It would be even more fun in a cage fight...

An the last time i checked... this thred had over 22 thousand views :thankyou: ... an you know what that means... anuther bottel of shampoo for you know who :)
Such a straw man - as if you really give a flying fornication.

Bells I believe he does it for "teh lulz" ... Though I for one don't find the fake ignorance and intentional spelling mistakes to be entertaining
I, personally, can't f**king stand it. Every now and then, I find myself entertained by Timmy, but then... that faux, fake, ignorant, BS reminds me - No, can't stand him/her/it.
Ah shucks... thanks... everbody comes to love cluelusshusbund soomer or later :)
You know, this has to be at least the sixteenth time you have said this in reply to a post I have made on various fora - hasn't happened, probably ain't gonna happen - but keep fooling yourself...
Hey Timmy, let's play a game. Guess the [pseudo] acronym - or ask a question...

First clue: KA
Ah oH... here it comes :fright:
Here comes what?

You have consistently made spurious comments about me in a round about fashion. Do you think we are blind? Stupid perhaps?

Something so few like you realise is that you are not that clever. You are so transparent that we can read you like an open book.

Whoa... we was havin a back an forth fun time an then you'r switch flips... hmmm... sounds like you prolly dish it out beter than you can take it... or maybe it ant you'r fault at all... mayb you jus had a nice tall glass of Carnation Instant Bich... :roflmao:
Ah so the raging bitch drink.. Tell me, is there more stupid coming or are you peaking at the moment?

Is that what you call it? A back and forth fun time?

You don't play that game with me and never have, so no, we weren't having a fun moment. What we were having was my watching you falling into every single sexist trap you could imagine. What? You think I'm a man because I don't behave like you think women should behave? Because I don't shut up? I'm such a killjoy, aren't I, Clueluss? :)

One of my colleagues once pointed out that you were a nasty individual. I think you are just very malicious. You attempt to coin phrases in a way that makes you uneducated and somewhat simple and perhaps you believe this is charming or disarming. But your maliciousness flows through like raw sewage on its way to a treatment plant.

You may think you have fooled people here Cluelusshusbund, but you have not. At all. You demand things from people that you are incapable of providing yourself. Any little amount of drama, you do whatever you can to make it continue, to the point of opening multiple threads to discuss it and any issues surrounding it because you like to be in the middle of it. You feed on it while complaining about it, but doing your damnedest to make sure it continues just that little bit longer. Then we see the 'oh isn't he nice' cluelusshusbund, doing his bit for the forum, giving ideas and asking for feedback from the moderators. When you get the feedback, we see your nasty side come back out. When we tell you what we think, you become malicious and insulting. This has become your role here and has been for a very long time.

As for your whole spelling thing that you have going? You aren't fooling anyone. You claim English is not your native language? And? It isn't mine either. A very large portion of this forum's population are not native English speakers. So what is your excuse? Which language is there that makes you sound as if you are a hillbilly uneducated American hick? Because to my knowledge and extensive travels in my time, there is no such country that would have you spelling words like you do. And about how you spell. One of the main things that people from non-English countries do when they have issues spelling is spelling particular sounds the same way.

For example, you say "speekin", but when it comes to the word "really", you make the correct sound with "realy".. See, if you really wrote out the way you speak, you would spell the 'ea' sound exactly the same. But you don't. And you never do. Why is that? Unless of course you are going to try to convince people that you can spell "unfounded" correctly, but you have issues with "think"?

So, enough with your games Cluelusshusbund. You are not fooling anyone.
Timmy, let's play the game. Guess the [pseudo] acronym - or ask a question...

Second clue: JU
I realize this isn't posted at me...

But, KA, then JU...I'm friggen perplexed.

Yeah, and doped up.
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