A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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It isn't that I think stuff in the bible should/does override scientific fact - rather, I think we need a balance of faith and perception to really go anywhere in the world... I mean, look at inventors... they place a certain amount of hope or faith in their products as they design them. Sometimes that faith can be hard to hold onto in the face of adversity.

Faith in reality yes. There IS a sort of faith by the science-minded that no matter how much we learn about reality it will always make sense in terms of human rationality. THIS faith keeps one open to trying to understand reality and grasp its meaning. But that's not the kind of faith religion requires. THAT sort of faith wants you continue believing in something even when all evidence, or LACK of evidence, points to the contrary. That doesn't seem to me to be very enlightening. It isolates the mind from the possibility of being updated by the ongoing input of new information. It is the blind adherence to a creed that was basically handed to you on a silver platter from a 2500 yr. old institution. Nothing close to inventing anything new comes out of religion. It's all about the preservation of the ancient and the primitive in the form of authority-based dogmas and rituals that change very little over time. It is anti-rationalist and unempirical and enabling to a sort of dysfunctional state of remaining uninformed and ignorant about what is real and understood.

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“OH NO! Once again you have destroyed scientific facts with your knowledge of the bible.”
Said nobody…ever! :rolleyes:

Alright, Tiassa, I'm calling you all out.

Would you please stop deliberately misrepresenting atheism as a brainless cult?

Sciforums is a brainless cult.

I'm just another sciforum zombie in search of BRAINS, WHERE DA BRAINS????

BTW I watched most of vid you posted and I had no idea that Iraq did not teach evolution, at all. just WOW!
I'd say I disagree with him - Science and Religion, IMHO, go hand in hand.

I think that science and religion can coexist pretty happily. That's certainly possible.

That isn't always the case though, as we see with contemporary controversies about creation "science" and so on.

Jerry Coyne is apparently an outspoken proponent of the so-called 'conflict thesis' that holds that religion and science are fundamentally in conflict, both historically and philosophically. I think that most historians of ideas think that the conflict thesis is simplistic and doesn't accurately describe the complex interactions between science and religion.

Here's Wikipedia on the conflict thesis:

Isn't this contradictory to the laws concerning separation of church and state?

Religion and politics are heavily intertwined, especially in countries where they are one and the same. Consider the Taliban, or for a much less extreme example, the Anglican Church.

Even here in the US, which does have laws prohibiting the passage of law based on religion, it's still an issue, albeit a much smaller one. Google "Loving v. Virginia" or "blue laws." Today religion is often used to argue political positions such as the teaching of evolution or the legality of abortion. Note that while there is a Constitutional prohibition against passing any law that respects a specific religion, there is nothing that says "politicians cannot base their decisions on their religion."
@ Trooper,

Um, I guess I should get busy, like yesterday. Uh... maybe I'll uh.. take a ride on that roller coaster you mentioned at Cern, instead.
This. The biggest cause of strife in thiw thread beyond the actual OP is the misrepresentation of the OP. When certain posters haven't been outright defending it with gems like "I can see where he's coming from," (imagine how that would fly if the subject were anything other than atheism) they've been pretending that Tiassa just wants some respect as a theist.
You know this is wrong. Tiassa is not a theist - you know this... Disingenuous, per definition...
IMHO, T is asking atheists (some of them) to defend their militarism. I get that- I know many theists that have good hearts and do no try to impose their beliefs on others. OTH, I have encountered a lot of fire and brimstone types that imply my way or the highway - these, I quickly tell to to fuck off... I (personally) think that is what Tiassa is driving for here... (could be wrong, of course)
You know this is wrong. Tiassa is not a theist - you know this... Disingenuous, per definition...

Per his own personal blog, he's exactly that. It's linked to somewhere in the bowels of this thread.

But, yeah, don't let the facts get in your way...
IMHO, T is asking atheists (some of them) to defend their militarism. I get that- I know many theists that have good hearts and do no try to impose their beliefs on others. OTH, I have encountered a lot of fire and brimstone types that imply my way or the highway - these, I quickly tell to to fuck off... I (personally) think that is what Tiassa is driving for here... (could be wrong, of course)

No, not even close. He's calling all atheists at sciforums brainless cult followers. There's been little in the way of fine-tuning since, at least from him. Others, as I've said, have attempted to clarify on his behalf, but their target is imaginary. They portray atheists as theist-bashing monsters, but as Aqueous and others have explained, any atheist anger is in reaction to theistic aggression.
I get that- I know many theists that have good hearts and do no try to impose their beliefs on others. OTH, I have encountered a lot of fire and brimstone types that imply my way or the highway - these, I quickly tell to to fuck off...

Yep. And that seems to be a characteristic of both atheists and theists. (Although no atheist has ever come to my door and tried to convert me.)
Per his own personal blog, he's exactly that. It's linked to somewhere in the bowels of this thread.

But, yeah, don't let the facts get in your way...
I respectfully disagree... My understanding (totally my own perspective) is that Tiassa leaves open a "God of the Gaps". Certes (to borrow a word), he is not in favor of organized religion as we know it today. Correct me if I'm wrong, but cite your source.

Uh huh, that's what I thought...
I respectfully disagree... My understanding (totally my own perspective) is that Tiassa leaves open a "God of the Gaps". Certes (to borrow a word), he is not in favor of organized religion as we know it today. Correct me if I'm wrong, but cite your source.

Uh huh, that's what I thought...



He hasn't confirmed it, but ran off the thread early on anyway and I do seem to recall from some earlier post that this is indeed his vanity blog or something. "Nondescript theist" I think says it all: an atheist he is seemingly not.

Theism necessarily infers organised religion, Randwolf? I don't believe that's so.
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