A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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What are you most angry about with the OP? The characterisation? Or the fact that you are being lumped with those who react as if they are lacking in many brain cells? When you read that OP, did you think 'hang on a minute, I don't behave like that and here's proof'? Or did you just miss out on that part altogether because you were too busy being offended?

Actually, I wasn't being lumped in with atheists; I variably self-describe as an atheist or non-atheist or gnostic or agnostic on a day to day basis. It's a fundamental failing or not failing of mine that I cannot solve the problem of "God" or "gods" and unfortunately the system tends to reset. I describe this new philosophy as "Geoffism".

I'll remember those words next time you use the word Muslim or Islam in the negative fashion you are known for on this forum.

No, actually, that's the entire point. Tiassa engaged in a nasty broadside against atheists in general, unless by some miraculous stretch of statistics all the atheists on the forum are militants. I don't do that. I never have. I've described 'swathes of support', or 'demographic pluralities', but I don't engage in such stereotyping. What I'm trying to enlighten you to is this basic contradiction in behaviour, coupled with the disparity in accusation and resolution. Tiassa does do this kind of thing - evidently - and is not punished; I could add that you seem to agree with him. I don't do this kind of thing, but have often been reviled for the opinions I don't have. That's the teaching moment of this thread.

The irony of your hypocrisy is that you are quick to demand that non-fundamentalist Muslim have to condemn the actions or words of 'Islamists', and to set themselves aside from the fundamentalists you describe as anyone who is a Muslim or Islamist, but you don't hold the same view when it comes to atheists?

Mmmm, nooo, that's not so. I agree that the centralists or moderates of most philosophies have an obligation to reign in the extremists - at least where such extremism is dangerous or immoral in some way - but that wasn't Tiassa's point. Tiassa, an undefined theist, was blasting SF atheists in general. Now, I cannot believe that all the SF atheists are militants. It's unrealistic. As such, a group characterisation of them is unethical.

Are you saying Tiassa, an atheist, should not speak out against it?

Tiassa is a theist, and therefore not among those who should make such generalisations in the usual parlance.

Or are you just offended for the sake of all atheists who post here? As an atheist, I was not offended, nor did I feel attacked by the OP. So why are you offended on my behalf?

Oh. I didn't know that you spoke for all atheists on the forum. In any event, personalising this issue is a bit of a herring; generalisation of such groups is not permitted.

Yazata was saying that he does not like that Tiassa is all fire and brimstone against political conservatives in the politics forum. You are complaining about something else altogether. So please do not take my response to Yazata's comments about the politics forum out of context in the way that you have.

I don't think so: my comments are in the same vein as Yazata's. None of that discussion was really predicated on anything different; we're both discussing the unfair scale of poster control and behaviour. My post underscores this fundamentally unfair duality. They're not in context of anything, unless you wanted to say they were in context of the central issue, or this most recent example of that central issue: inconsistency. I think you're more objecting to my commenting on your response to Yazata. I agree, it could be considered rude, but it's an important issue for SF and I don't think you can claim my comments were out of context in any sense.

Firstly, last I checked, you aren't an atheist.

Mmm, that's questionable and actually not relevant to the discussion. I have at least partial 'membership' in that group, day to day; you'll note that the pronouns are all in quotations (""). But the point is that you, as a completely defined atheist, do not speak for all atheists.

Secondly, if you don't think one atheist can speak for the rest, perhaps you should not declare that one speaks for you, while also declaring that many of "us" give him leeway in that regard. Who is this "us" of which you speak?

If you read that post, you'll note that it goes thusly:

GeoffP said:
... Q speaks at least in part for me. I give him some leeway in that regard. Many of us do.

He speaks for me to the extent that our opinion agrees. When not, not. 'Many of' indicates a proportion thereof. It's a qualifying statement; it carries the stated meaning that there is incomplete uniformity of position. Why do you regard this as a controversial statement?
Holy Educational Post Batman

That... was a cubic ton of information! Very good stuff to know though, and well beyond the end of where my knowledge extends! I will have to read over this a few times and correlate it with pieces of info I already know to make sure it sticks, but yeah... guess that answers my questions pretty succinctly :)
Actually, I wasn't being lumped in with atheists; I variably self-describe as an atheist or non-atheist or gnostic or agnostic on a day to day basis. It's a fundamental failing or not failing of mine that I cannot solve the problem of "God" or "gods" and unfortunately the system tends to reset. I describe this new philosophy as "Geoffism".

I kind of resemble this so does that make me a Geoffist? Sir you have your first adherent.
I kind of resemble this so does that make me a Geoffist? Sir you have your first adherent.

Does this mean you go around Geoffisting other people?

*rereads the above sentence*

Uhm... right... perhaps not... >_>
Fraggle said:
Jung tells us that the same legends, images and rituals develop in virtually every society in virtually every era. He calls these archetypes and the geneticists who came after him explain that they are hard-wired into our brains by our DNA, perhaps the result of genetic drift or a genetic bottleneck--of which our species has undergone at least two. Most instincts can easily be explained as survival traits, such as predators not eating the brightly-colored poison-dart tree frogs, because they are poisonous and that signal helps both predator and prey survive. Perhaps there was an event in our distant past that favored the survival of humans who believed in the supernatural.

I’m not sure how to distinguish between the different theories on the origin of religion, since it occurred in the distant past and has been culturally transmitted ever since, but I’m not a fan of Jung, as you know. That’s basically group selection, which isn't widely accepted by evolutionists. I really liked Steven Pinker’s paper "The False Allure of Group Selection". Have you read it?

Group selection sort of reminds me of a covenant. "I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people." Besides, the sensus divinitatis is sometimes used to argue that there are no genuine atheists.

Have you ever read about the Carvaka? How about Will and Ariel Durant’s work? They showed tribes that existed without the knowledge of a supreme being.
I’m not sure how to distinguish between the different theories on the origin of religion, since it occurred in the distant past and has been culturally transmitted ever since, but I’m not a fan of Jung, as you know. That’s basically group selection, which isn't widely accepted by evolutionists.
I don't understand how archetypes, which are nearly universal in a species like ours with very little genetic diversity, fit into the model of group selection.

200 millennia (more or less) after the genetic bottlenecks named Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam, a few people like my family members seem to have been born without the instinct to believe in the supernatural. But we're so rare in the re-Christianized United States that we almost have to hide for safety.

I really liked Steven Pinker’s paper "The False Allure of Group Selection". Have you read it?
No. Most of what I know about psychology was from typing Mrs. Fraggle's papers during her very belated college years. She majored in English, which allowed her to dabble in just about anything, and she was fascinated by Jung and his popularizer, Joseph Campbell--a lecture by whom we were able to attend before he died.

Group selection sort of reminds me of a covenant. "I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people." Besides, the sensus divinitatis is sometimes used to argue that there are no genuine atheists.
Apparently that's not true. My father and all of his siblings were "genuine" atheists. I certainly am! When I first heard about God, I was positive that it was a joke. Since it was another child talking to me, I wondered if it was just another Santa Claus-Tooth Fairy-Easter Bunny thing, and his parents hadn't gotten around to telling him the truth. When my mother told me, with great sadness, that many grownups believe in God, I became a cynic.

Have you ever read about the Carvaka?
Nope. Since I don't spend much time thinking or talking about supernaturalism and its alternatives (outside of this forum), I don't spend much time reading about them.

How about Will and Ariel Durant’s work? They showed tribes that existed without the knowledge of a supreme being.
The Mrs. did, but by then she had a word processor so she didn't need me to type her papers anymore. Just as well. By then she was fascinated by Gabriel García Márquez, and he gives me un gran dolor de cabeza.
Mods also feel the same about many members.

At the end of the day, we need to decide if we want the individuals who have been the most vocal and the ones who have not been presenting atheism in a positive light, to be the ones who represent or to have that bigger voice on this site.
Same could be said of the theists. IMHO, most people are decent and fairly tolerant. It's the vocal minority that crave and subsequently get all the attention.
True... but many more than that cant wait to read my posts... so overall it evens out in favor of Sciforums.!!!
Even though your statement may hold water, I've always wanted to ask... Nay, I've always wanted an answer, WHY in the f*ck do you do the "spalling" thing Timmy? It's a trademark of yours, I know, but you don't do it in PM's, couldn't you dial it back a bit in your posts? I read all of your stuff, but I am one of those people that are extremely annoyed by this affectation. Could you cool it just a bit?
* SMOOCH * Once again...

Still no answer to:

Nay, I've always wanted an answer, WHY in the f*ck do you do the "spalling" thing Timmy?
* SMOOCH * Once again...

Still no answer to:

Nay, I've always wanted an answer, WHY in the f*ck do you do the "spalling" thing Timmy?

I dont spell good... i spell like i talk... its more trouble than you know for me to use spell checker an dictionary... if i had to spell corectly i woudnt enjoy postin.!!!
I dont spell good... i spell like i talk... its more trouble than you know for me to use spell checker an dictionary... if i had to spell corectly i woudnt enjoy postin.!!!
Two letters - BS. Your vocabulary is excellent and your spelling is good - when you want it to be. Don't bullshit a bullshitter, as the saying goes...
Two letters - BS. Your vocabulary is excellent and your spelling is good - when you want it to be. Don't bullshit a bullshitter, as the saying goes...

Well thanks for the BS vocabulary complement... lol... but befor i retired i had to spell good for business purposes an hated havin to do it... so screw it... eh :)
Well thanks for the BS vocabulary complement... lol... but befor i retired i had to spell good for business purposes an hated havin to do it... so screw it... eh :)
So, we're back to:

Nay, I've always wanted an answer, WHY in the f*ck do you do the "spalling" thing Timmy?
Even though your statement may hold water, I've always wanted to ask... Nay, I've always wanted an answer, WHY in the f*ck do you do the "spalling" thing Timmy? It's a trademark of yours, I know, but you don't do it in PM's, couldn't you dial it back a bit in your posts? I read all of your stuff, but I am one of those people that are extremely annoyed by this affectation. Could you cool it just a bit?
He spells bad in his PMs as well. :)
But as long as you can understand him, what's the issue? I'd far rather have that than someone who spells perfectly yet still makes no logical nor rational sense in their posts.

To bring it back on topic... ;)

I knew one or two "genuine" atheists when I was growing up. They always questioned what I was doing when I was going to church. They seemed truly fascinated by it. Not so much in what I was supposed to do in church but why I needed to go. I wonder what happened to them... probably became priests! :)
I knew one or two "genuine" atheists when I was growing up. They always questioned what I was doing when I was going to church. They seemed truly fascinated by it. Not so much in what I was supposed to do in church but why I needed to go. I wonder what happened to them... probably became priests! :)

I take it the smiley depicts tongue-in-cheek, but you're probably more correct than you give yourself credit for.

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