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all this hoopla over abortions.

if men got pregnant abortions would be a god given right.

We could avoid this entire problem if a woman who no longer wants to become pregnant could demand her man be neutered. The problem of unwanted pregnancy would go away, no?
a quote by carl sagan goes “The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us -- there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.”. from my perspective that pretty much sums up what god is.

Then we aren't talking about the same thing.
We could avoid this entire problem if a woman who no longer wants to become pregnant could demand her man be neutered. The problem of unwanted pregnancy would go away, no?

:roflmao: I gather you're not a married man? No red-blooded, sexually active woman would ever want her man neutered!
:roflmao: I gather you're not a married man? No red-blooded, sexually active woman would ever want her man neutered!
Really? You believe that a red blooded sexually active woman wants to spit out a baby every year ? Perhaps you are not a married man. I have been married (to the same woman) for over 50 years.
And she wants you neutered?

No, she learned I have extraordinary self-control. Of course I meant vasectomy when I exaggerated with "neutering". But consider, women have hysterectomies and tubal ligation. We men are in effect forcing women to resort to such drastic measures.
No, she learned I have extraordinary self-control. Of course I meant vasectomy when I exaggerated with "neutering". But consider, women have hysterectomies and tubal ligation. We men are in effect forcing women to resort to such drastic measures.

Or... you know... birth control pills, condoms, vasectomies, diaphragms, et al... the woman is not at sole responsibility for birth control, though admittedly she has more options available.
Or... you know... birth control pills, condoms, vasectomies, diaphragms, et al... the woman is not at sole responsibility for birth control, though admittedly she has more options available.
Precisely, that was my point. Men are having the best of this deal. Even if they are not responsible it is always the woman who pays the price.
You shouldn't exaggerate. This is a science forum! And about matters in such a sensitive area too...:spank:
Well, if you want to be scientifically correct, the term is castration.
Neutering, from the Latin neuter (of neither sex[1]), is the removal of an animal's reproductive organ, either all of it or a considerably large part. The term is often used in reference to males whereas spaying is often reserved for females. Colloquially, both terms are often referred to as fixing.[2] While technically called castration for males, in male horses, the process is referred to as gelding.

It is ok for women to be neutered, or spayed?
Or... you know... birth control pills, condoms, vasectomies, diaphragms, et al... the woman is not at sole responsibility for birth control, though admittedly she has more options available.

Well one guy in the other thread places the blame and responsibility solely on women, believes that the contents of the ovary are under the control of the State and if that was not enough, when he was told that he was placing all of the blame on women and since he was arguing that it was entirely on the woman to not become pregnant, then it should be entirely on her to decide what she should do with said pregnancy, he came out with this gem:

Ok, let’s leave it up to the men. Men can now require all sexual partners to submit to monthly pregnancy tests and be given the right to terminate as well. Problem solved.

On the one hand, the continued implication that women are either too irresponsible, stupid or incapable of making such decisions that men should be the ones making it for her.. On the other hand the solution is what is classified as domestic abuse.

I don't need to explain how well that went down, but yeah. There are extremes in the 'responsibility' argument and some are going to the extremes. So it is quite dangerous territory to be treading in.
I think we can safely rule Capracus' arguments/suggestions out as some kind of deranged outlier... especially given his apparent desire to simply make women into property (or at least, so it seems).

I do think that perhaps some better birth-control options need to be found though - as far as I am aware, the only non-permanent option for the male to utilize is the condom, which has its own share of issues (allergy to the material, can break, if you are inebriated or otherwise not in a "normal" frame of mind, you could potentially not use it right) - perhaps a birth control pill for men that would render the sperm non-viable whilst taking it? Dunno if such a thing is possible to be honest...
We could avoid this entire problem if a woman who no longer wants to become pregnant could demand her man be neutered. The problem of unwanted pregnancy would go away, no?


1) They can do that now; the man can also say no. (Likewise the man can demand that the woman get her tubes tied; she can say no as well.)

2) If you mean "if you could force men to get vasectomies all this would go away" - not at all. The problem is not that it's hard to get birth control to work; the problem is that people don't even think about it until too late.
The name of my next band is ... Hankyfist?

Would You Like an Olive With Your Turducken?

Mic check.

I mean, card check.

Bells said:
On the one hand, the continued implication that women are either too irresponsible, stupid or incapable of making such decisions that men should be the ones making it for her.

We do have a choice, you know. Nobody says we have to take this shit seriously. Then again, I suppose that would be easier if some folks weren't so fervently dedicated to these arguments.

Thus, since some of the rhetoric really is scraping the bottom of the barrel, we might note that there are parts we can leave to the men. They can do their part to prevent abortion by not having sex with women unless they are undertaking a deliberate and mutually consensual reproductive endeavor together.

Really, the solution for any guy who thinks a woman shouldn't have an abortion is that he shouldn't risk seeding a pregnancy.

Maybe we can get men to wear tags when they go cruising for chicks. Something like, "Breeder" and "Vaz". And if a Vaz knocks up a woman, he goes to prison for fraud and civil rights violations.

And if such explicit tags undermine men's emotional security, phuck, they can always take notes from the gays.

Perusing the ad in the Desert Daily Guide, I discover that tonight the Tool Shed is sponsoring an "RHSD — Red Hankies Sand (sic) Diego — Beverage Benefit". Those unfamiliar with the gay tradition of colored hankies may not be aware that men who sport red hankies dangling from the rear pockets of their jeans are people who receive sexual gratification through a fist shoved up an anus. If the hanky is worn on the left side, the person identifies as the dominant partner; if the hankie is placed on the right side, the person is receptive. I do not gravitate toward this particular sexual practice, and having seen it performed I cannot explain its attraction to anyone. I do find it somewhat curious that a Palm Springs bar is sponsoring a "Beverage Benefit" for men from "Sand" Diego who want to place their fists up men's anuses. Do the proceeds go toward towels and latex gloves? Is there a reserve fund for emergency proctology? In any case, the benefit tonight is from 7 to 10 p.m. I will be elsewhere.

The same full-page ad contains the bar's weekly calendar and it includes a deejay who spins retro records and remixes Friday through Sunday evenings. Sunday mornings from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. there is "Church with the Church Lady" — a hosted gathering for those who have partied all night and haven't had enough. On Friday evenings, in addition to the deejay spinning the hits of yesteryear, the Tool Shed proudly announces there will be a "Boot Pig on Duty."

Thursday evenings there is a pool tournament; Saturday afternoons at the Tool Shed are reserved for guys who want to drink brewskies while wearing black engineer boots and black leather boxer shorts; and Wednesdays from 9 p.m. are known as "Wet Wednesdays." The advertisement below the Wednesday night headline suggests, "Wear your yellow hanky!" Hanky placement for dominant and submissive positions follows the methodology previously described, but in this case the desired activity of the hanky-wearer involves urination. You can choose to piss or be pissed upon and devotees of this practice are known colloquially as "golden shower queens," hence the Tool Shed's sponsorship of "Wet Wednesdays." God I love a parade.

(Julian, 42-43)

I always figured neckties had some sort of code to them, but, alas, no. Still, maybe a lot of all this confusion about gender relations and sex-based empowerment might be confused if the heterosexuals took some time to figure out who's zoomin' who and what before the horizontal rally.

And, you know, that might work.

Women wearing red might mean if you knock 'em up, they'll keep the pregnancy. Those in blue would terminate. Men in white would announce their virility. Men in green advertise the safety of their vasectomy. There is, of course, no suitable color for the rapists, but maybe we could talk those guys into wearing pink.


Julian, Robert. Postcards From Palm Springs ... a Memoir. Raleigh: Lulu, 2007.

1) They can do that now; the man can also say no. (Likewise the man can demand that the woman get her tubes tied; she can say no as well.)

2) If you mean "if you could force men to get vasectomies all this would go away" - not at all. The problem is not that it's hard to get birth control to work; the problem is that people don't even think about it until too late.

I agree.
We do have a choice, you know. Nobody says we have to take this shit seriously.

Really, the solution for any guy who thinks a woman shouldn't have an abortion is that he shouldn't risk seeding a pregnancy.

I always figured neckties had some sort of code to them, but, alas, no.

Women wearing red might mean if you knock 'em up, they'll keep the pregnancy. Those in blue would terminate. Men in white would announce their virility. Men in green advertise the safety of their vasectomy. [/font]

Obviously, a large part of the problem is that it isn't taken seriously until it is too late.

I cannot say that is the solution yet it is certainly something men should give much more consideration to.

I'm not certain how serious that was meant to be yet much of the problem, as you allude to, is that so often 2 people do not know who they are going to bed with. IF each couple would only talk over a few things before doing it for the 3rd or 5th time.

You don't know the necktie code?
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