A race horse



Indeed, even Buddhists need guidance and support in times of war.

Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War

What does Buddha say to that?

Innal Haatif al matloob la yumkin itassal bil aan?
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And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings if you are patient (2:155)

Endure, vie with each other in endurance, and continue your relation with God (3:199)

I can fight if I choose, forgive if I choose, as long as I understand that there are consequences to my choices/

sam give finger to allah

1 Sensual experience
2 Mortality/Danger/Excitement/Passion

I aim to enjoy them.
The Buddha aimed to deny them. (one_raven)

you will most likely be coming back

I just read your first post, but I mostly agree with what you said about Buddhism, although I would not put it exactly like that. Now I am typing this without thinking it through so it may not make complete sense, but my rejection of Buddhism is based on the notion that I need to change. I need to be someone else, someone "better" [for lack of any apposite term] to deserve enlightenment. I think that was at the core of why I could not accept Gautama's philosophy. Its a philosophy for the dissatisfied. I am not dissatisfied.
I just read your first post, but I mostly agree with what you said about Buddhism, although I would not put it exactly like that. Now I am typing this without thinking it through so it may not make complete sense, but my rejection of Buddhism is based on the notion that I need to change. I need to be someone else, someone "better" [for lack of any apposite term] to deserve enlightenment. I think that was at the core of why I could not accept Gautama's philosophy. Its a philosophy for the dissatisfied. I am not dissatisfied.

So you are perfect the way you are?
I'm not aiming for perfection. I don't think there is a necessary ideal.

So you think you have absolutely no room or need for improvement and no desire to grow, expand, challenge yourself, question yourself, question your ideas and ideals?

You are right, and none can tell you otherwise?

I think I am starting to understand a few things... :D
I'm not aiming for perfection. I don't think there is a necessary ideal. Its the flaws that make things interesting for me.

Perfection would be boring.

best not cos for some it is unattainable

A man's got to know his limitations. ... Harry Callahan
So you think you have absolutely no room or need for improvement and no desire to grow, expand, challenge yourself, question yourself, question your ideas and ideals?

You are right, and none can tell you otherwise?

I think I am starting to understand a few things... :D

Not at all. In fact you just outlined why I do not think there is a necessary ideal. At what point would you stop changing? Whats your goal?
Perfection is meaningless, in my opinion, therefore impossible.
An ideal is not a goal.
The ideal is the distant star that guides you to your goal.
Depending on the terrain, new things you leanr and experience along the way and changing values, your goals and ideals may change - in fact, I think they should.
Perfection is meaningless, in my opinion, therefore impossible.
An ideal is not a goal.
The ideal is the distant star that guides you to your goal.
Depending on the terrain, new things you leanr and experience along the way and changing values, your goals and ideals may change - in fact, I think they should.

So your goal is basically a moving target. Whats your ideal? What influences the choices you make? Who do you want to be?
Living with integrity and compassion in every aspect of my life.
Lack of fear, regret, shame and insecurity.
We really don't have time to recap the past 30 years of my life right now. I have work in the morning.