a non-physical thing

But faith doesn't simply guarantee that one will not make mistakes on the spiritual path, or that one will "get it right" in the first try.

but it is the first requirement for "trying", regardless whether the outcome is successful or ridden with mistakes.

I suppose a lot comes down to the expectations we have about ourselves and what we expect we can do on our own.

I think there is also a lot of pride involved when one is colossally furious over mistakes and feels like giving up, isn't there? "I am so wonderful, I am so knowledgeable, I am so able, I should have been able to do this right in the first try!!!"
That right there is another tendency of wanting to lord it over material nature.

IOW there is no scope for action without faith, and existence, by its very nature requires action (BG 3.5)

I suppose it's quite a blow to a person's (false) ego to have to rely on faith, and that this is why faith is/seems so problematic to many people.

This is an example how formal problems of epistemology go hand in hand with practical problems of pride/false ego.

I think this is one of the bigger problems that many people have with any systematic approach to spirituality and theism. Although this problem is likely to be generated by 1. doubting that God is the controller of the Universe and the well-wisher and benefactor of all living beings, including oneself; and 2. the desire to derive some fame and recognition based on the choice of one's spiritual path ("I am a ...-ist, and therefore I know what I am talking about and you should all respect me, believe me and consider me to be better than yourself.")

I think its not so much the systems that gets people down but the object of systems (for instance people don't tend to have hang ups about systems geared up to provide what you outline).

Agreed, but I was thinking of a general dislike for anything systematic with clearly specified goals. There is this idea that in order to enjoy yourself, you must not "think too much", because as soon as you start to be systematic (and rational, cool-headed) about your activities, enjoyment fades.

A good example of that is how some women justify the use of contraceptives and not thinking about them, even though they know about the risks: "I don't think about the side-effects of the pill. If I would, I couldn't enjoy sex."
Many people also don't make New Year's resolutions or have life goals because they feel this would "take all the fun out of life".

But perhaps the above pertains more to enjoyment in the mode of ignorance. Enjoyment in the mode of passion seems to give plenty of room for a systematic approach (for example athletes who have their training painstakingly planned out to the smallest details, but still they say they are enjoying themselves, or professional musicians who practice their instruments and pieces extremely systematically, or epicurean gourmets).

I think the crux of the problem is that to really apply oneself to spiritual life one has to see that one is in illusion. Kind of like one can see that material life has no scope but at the same time, one cannot see the exact form of what one is approaching. IOW the material taste persists.

Please clarify this for me:
Do you mean that recognizing that one is in illusion entails that one sees that material life has no scope (for true happiness, truly meaningful life), but at the same time, one cannot see what exactly the alternative to this would be -? That recognizing that one is in illusion comes in the form of a kind of generalized dissatisfaction with life and wanting to get out - while still feeling that there is some pleasure to be had in material things? ("I think living my life the way I have so far is going nowhere good, but this chocolate still tastes delicious.")

(In Buddhism, there is the term samvega: "the oppressive sense of shock, dismay, and alienation that come with realizing the futility and meaninglessness of life as it's normally lived; a chastening sense of our own complacency and foolishness in having let ourselves live so blindly; and an anxious sense of urgency in trying to find a way out of the meaningless cycle." It is sometimes said that without this feeling, one cannot really start on the Path.)

Its not so much that desire shapes the world, but rather, that desire shapes the perception of it (and at the core of our selves, or the soul, is perception).

Yes, this is what I meant - that desire shapes perception.

Given the nature of this world, just as well that its within god's job description to pick up the damaged goods

I wanted to say something here, I suppose there was this pride thing again ...

hence any material designation is a source of stress and should simply be seen as a departure point for spiritual activities (the ol sva dharma vs sanatana dharma thing).

Varnashrama (the sva dharma scene) is simply about organizing things in such a way that this becomes easier.
IOW its meant to help address the issue of "I can't perform spiritual life because X,Y,Z is affecting me materially" as opposed to being the panacea of all stress (which is the more the business of sanatana dharma)

I will need to read up on sva dharma and sanatana dharma.

mechanical devotional service (vaidhi bhakti) can take us a certain distance, but it is not perfectional. Kind of like on bad days, we can simply just do it, but if all of our days are "bad" then something is going wrong.

What would be some ways for figuring out what is going wrong?

I seem to feel the need to start "from scratch" each day; each day, I feel like I need to decide anew whether to try to be a devotee or not. As if I had some kind of amnesia about my practice where I would forget each day as it ends, and would need to, each morning, have someone or something else there to "brief me in", while I have little or no sense of continuity of my practice.
What am I missing here??

I'm not sure.

Perhaps a goal that is realistic to your nature and environment?

That is just it: I don't know what would be realistic to my nature and environment.
For example, I can't chant nowhere near 16 rounds daily yet, especially not in one sitting, that is for sure.

Karmically speaking, tamas is down, rajas is sideways and sattva is up.

All however, are binding to material nature (hence 3 gunas), so suddha sattva is what actually stops the wheel spinning.

IOW the three gunas form part of the false ego ("I am hopeless/ambitious/benevolent") and suddha sattva ("I am a servant of god") breaks that.

Oh. How simple. :)

I think I know about this hopelessness! In Buddhism, one is supposed to basically generate karma that leads to the end of karma, it's about something like statistically counterbalancing karma. I had tried that for a while, but it was extremely frustrating.

Basically an act becomes problematic to the degree that it is divorced from the service of god

Perhaps this is why I eventually couldn't continue with Buddhism. Namely, I took to Buddhism in order to become enlightened so as to be able to apply the advice given by Christians. Because the advice Christians have given me on how to come to knowledge of God struck me as so abstract and so impossible to act on, that I concluded that I would need to be enlightened to implement it (ie. be beyond any biases of aging, illness, death, anger, greed, delusion). But as time and my Buddhist practice progressed, I think I lost sight of that initial goal, and things just became too hard to stick with.

Who's the yogi bear now ...

There can be different elements at work that help us solidify desire into a decision (and once we have made a decision, our search is over, and then it simply becomes a question of practical application, as an atheist, theist or something in between)

That is interesting: that there are means to solidify desire into a decision. I had so far conflated desire and decision.

I guess this is a good medium to sharpen one's axe on (either for or against), and perhaps a certain amount of axe grinding (ie jnana or philosophy) is necessary. However at the end of the day (at least as far as bhakti is concerned) jnana cannot deliver the goods. And that's where one requires a genuine KC opening (in the form of association)

Even the Buddhists say that admirable friendship is the whole of the holy life.

Would you describe yourself as a personal impersonalist or an impersonal personalist?

More an "impersonal personalist", I suppose, as far as such a term can make any sense. The notion of personhood is quite abstract to me, but present. The notion that All is just impersonal involves too many repugnant conclusions for me to accept it; suffering just feels too real to say that it doesn't actually exist, that it is a mere illusion.
No, the illusion is the mistake - not the physicality. The illusion is in the mind where a pattern has been perhaps inappropriately recognized - at least tentatively.

As I said: "An illusion has actual physicality (heat waves for example), its just that it has been mistaken for something other than what it is (thought to be water)."

When there is an illusion there is something actual which is being mistaken for something else. Without the desceptively close to water appearence of the heat waves, there is no illusion of water. But the illusion happens in the mind.

The referrant didn't change, the mind did.

Because further information was gleened by say more closely examining what is happening. The illusion is dispelled in the mind by understanding what is actually being experienced.

God isn't a delusion to those who really believe in it.

A dellusion is a dellusion because you really believe it in spite of the lack of evidence, sound familiar yet? Does it sound like "faith?" Sure does to me.

All interpretations of reality are subjective.

That doesn't mean they are all equal in validity, or unverifiable, or must be accepted uncritically. Some "interpretations of reality" map extremely well and have extensive and public verification, like say, oh, science.

Others don't map to reality at all and lack any verification like say, oh, religion.

regardless of the creepiness, it seems to be rather unavoidable to many.

Monkeys are monkeys.

Uhm, you - in perceiving yourself - have significant influence over you I'd think.

And yet I still can't levetate.

That doesn't make it so to whom? If I convince you we believe it - it IS to us, regardless of what other think and unless reality harshly contradicts us

Belief doesn't create existence. It doesn't for you. It doesn't for me. It doesn't for us. No matter how hard you believe you are full, you will still die if you don't actually eat.

The thing about the god concept in particular here is that there's no freakin way to undeniably contradict it.

Actually its not as interesting as it seems once you get past the special pleading by the theists. You can't undeniably contradict any fantasy claim.

Prove there is no Qerg. Qerg is god's god.

Why does it do that?

Pattern storage and manipulation proved to be a handy survival trait.

What I do propose though is that there are non-physical objects that are part of my existence, whether they be tethered to something physical or not - they exist subjectively to me.

I would say you have concepts of them, but those concepts lack actual referents. But I'm willing to consider some examples.

Why do you believe you?

Because I have immediate and direct apprehension of myself and there is no contravening evidence. I further have supporting evidence from people such as yourself.

Unless you see yourself as the highest authority

Authority? Immediate and direct apprehention is the "authority."

don't you question your own motives, even to the core of you?

Having motives requires my existence, so what exactly would I be questioning and what are you suggesting is the motive of the nonexistent???

What evidence do you have that you're you?

Immediate and direct apprehention of myself. Which, btw, is the most persuasive evidence available.

Can you prove it to someone who doesn't care who you are and doesn't care if you exist or don't?

Boy can I.

I think this statement is really an assumption "I am".

Who thinks that? ;)

Your posit results in a self denying proposition. You can only question your existence if you already exist.

I think all assumptions are equivalent to faith

I can see where that would make life confusing. Only unfounded assumptions are equivalent to faith.

Do I seem "very confused" to you?

Fundimentally, yes.

all knowledge is built upon the construct of self which is an assumption

It is not an assumption, as detailed above, nor is it faith. I actuall am and can prove it to my satisfaction and the satisfaction of any reasonable person and even most unreasonable persons. Even when they are trying to pretend I don't exist it is pretty ease to show they actually know I exist. [bwahahaha!]

Of course this depends on the person needing convincing eh?

No. You might choose to believe, but I can't offer any reason which would satisfy a rational person.

An ethical question of the 'creature' that is all? Surely you jest! Lol.

You people always objectify me and treat me like I'm a magic wishing rock and there aren't consequences to your ego centric demands. Sheesh! Do you like the sky as it currently is? Did you even notice? How about now?

Says who?

Says you since you decided to buy one of their computers.

On what authority should I delineate who is and who isn't besides my own perspective?

You guys really groove on the authority thing don't you.

Most people base who is on their actual experience of them. Give it a try and see how it works. ;)
But how? [do I take the helm of my individuality.]

Anything I have tried so far feels so artificial, merely conjured up.

It is awkard feeling to try and take up something you can't let go of.

No matter what you do or do not do you are already at the "helm." But sometimes is is hard to realize this or see it in action. Your perspective can be too close. The eye trying to see itself is a common analogy.

There are differing views on how to gain this perspective. Various mirrors, relying on others for guidence. Seeing what is left when "nothing" is left. Working towards various goals: peak experiences, selflessness, service... Altering your consciousness by various means to give a different perspective.

A lot depends on where the disconnect is.
The issue for me is that maya seems insurmountable for a human.

The point of maya is that it is a seeming.

I do not see how a human in maya could get himself out of maya.

Seemings only trip you up when you don't find out. Errors remain problems only if you don't correct them. You don't "get out" there is no where else to go and you would just take the issue with you. I would say you more take it into account.

I have often received advice to the effect of "figure out what you really want". But figuring out what I really want has proved impossible so far.

Perhaps there isn't anything in particular you "really want." Nothing wrong with that.

I do feel "I have" desires and goals, but they all float in a kind of empty space somehow, abstractly

I know just what you mean. I've never connected with that sort of thinking. Luckily I've never really been bothered by not connecting with it. I manage to get done what needs doing and it frees me from a great deal of worry that seem to plague other people concerning not "achieving" their goals and desires.

The Buddhists always say start with who you are.

There are many differences which are presented as needed "fixing" which really are just differences. Since you are at least functional enough to have access to the internet and make coherent posts, I would say you don't really have much to worry about in terms of fixing.

It might be more productive to consider more which traits and skills you would like to improve, strengthen or just try out.

Just as an example I started out life very introspective. In a "fix" mind set that would be troubling and there would be things to fix my behavior so I wouldn't be that way.

But I enjoy being introspective. I just wanted to strengthen other traits I felt were being neglected without giving up what I already did well and enjoyed. So I took the approach of seeking internal balance. I investigated the traits of non introspective people and worked on things like spontaneity until I found a more pleasing point of balance.
So there are things in this world we cannot see or perceive yet it does not mean they do not exist.

Actually the way it works is that it is assumed that nothing can be accepted as existing before there is evidence of its existence.

So things for which there is no actual evidence do not exist until there is evidence for them which is preferrably replicable and verifiable.

The reason for this is people can inagine things with no effort what so ever an this resulted in a plethora of things later found to be non existant which polluted our understanding of reality. We've managed to get rid of the non existant unicorns and hopefully non existant gods will join them.
I don't know. But I do know that I am not as happy as I think I could and should be.

That is why you aren't happy then.

Teach your self to stop at "I don't know" and then do something else instead of carrying on into "I am not as happy as I think I could and should be."

Thinking is so easy you can always think you aren't as happy as you "could and should be." Actually being happy takes more effort and thinking about how you "aren't as happy as you could and should be" distracts you from actually being happy.

It will require a bit of mental discipline but its not too difficult. I take the following approach.

First I learn to recognize when I'm slipping into a self defeating loop like "I am not as happy as I think I could and should be."

Next, no matter how far in I am, I stop doing that and start doing something else. It really doesn't matter what but usually some thing which requires a lot of attention and focus is good. If I have something I'm working on often linking the two works well, or even just meditating for a moment until my mind is clear.

That's it, repeat as needed.

When first learning this trick that may seem like it is repeating every second. That's fine. Like any trick it takes a while to learn. Like anything practice will bring improvement.

For this particular one, I would practice smiling. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Yes I know the objections those who don't practice smiling raise.

Practice smiles work those muscles, helping to strengthen them.

Practice smiling is silly and being silly makes most people smile for real.
On the contrary, all you did was assert that you fulfill the checklist on your own hearsay ("Yup, I'm introspective")

My opinions about my own capabilities may be mistaken. But they are never hearsay.

I'm sorry you cannot be forthright about this LG.
If you don't offer anything else but your opinions, one can very easily be forthright .....

I presume you meant "can't?"

My actions do not cause you to be less than forthright. That is your choice.

Also I did ask you what exactly you were expecting on this forum, where we have no shared interaction except this forum. If you wish I could have another person, whom you also don't know, attest to my abilities. Would that make a difference to you? Some how I doubt it.

I have out lined where I am against what you put forth. Stop dragging your heels and continue, that is if you actually have any capacity to continue.
To Swarm
So you agree with me that there might be things in the world that might exist at this very moment, but we humans decide they don't just because we are not smart yet to figure out the way to prove their existence.

To keep this in perspective I want to tell you about the story of Dr. Semmelweiss, i have already mentioned this in other posts, i am not sure if you read it or not. If so, sorry for the repetition. He was a doctor who inadvertently discovered the puerperal fever. A disease that used to be the main cause of death of women who gave birth, this was 300 or 400 years ago. There were no microscopes invented yet, therefore bacteria were not discovered yet.

He noticed that women who gave birth in the hospitals were frequently having this condition, while women who gave birth at home were less likely to have it. He thought that there must be something on the hands of doctors that were transmittiing the condition from one patient to another at the hospitals. He insisted that doctors washed their hands after seen a patient.

The medical community back then laughed at him because they did not see anything in their hands and were refusing to wash their hands. To prove his point this doctor injected himself with material from the placenta of women who died with this condition and he also died with fever.

Doctors have been washing thier hands for at least a century before the microscope was invented and bacteria discovered. Saving thousands of lives this way.
A dellusion is a dellusion because you really believe it in spite of the lack of evidence, sound familiar yet? Does it sound like "faith?" Sure does to me.
Absolutely incorrect. Evidence is always some kind of community accessible set of repeatable experiences. You can have many correct beliefs that you cannot produce enough evidence for to get your experience/interpretation accepted by the community. With your definition faith, delusion and a whole set of rational beliefs will all get lumped together. What is practical for some journal to accept as acceptably supported should never be confused with the limits of rational belief. As if everything outside that set is delusion or faith.

That doesn't mean they are all equal in validity, or unverifiable, or must be accepted uncritically.
Of course other people's beliefs do not have to be accepted by you. Was he really saying this? That you had to accept their belief? I cannot see where you got that impression.
It is not an assumption, as detailed above, nor is it faith. I actuall am and can prove it to my satisfaction and the satisfaction of any reasonable person and even most unreasonable persons. Even when they are trying to pretend I don't exist it is pretty ease to show they actually know I exist. [bwahahaha!]
No, you can't. I could prove that the Beatles exist and are playing together by producing four guys who look about right. IOW I could give people an experience. Same with you. Someone who looks like you did last year could show up again, but this is no evidence it is the same person. And given that you are a materialist and all the matter has changed, well, it ain't that other you.

You people always objectify me and treat me like I'm a magic wishing rock and there aren't consequences to your ego centric demands. Sheesh! Do you like the sky as it currently is? Did you even notice? How about now?
You are halllucinating a forest here. You have created a group 'you people'.

Please tell us which group of people you meant here that Wes belongs to.
Doreen in all honesty I believe the last line you cited there was an attempt at humor, wherein he assumed the role of god. I don't think it was directed at "me" as part of the group, but merely people who ask god for stuff.
Doreen in all honesty I believe the last line you cited there was an attempt at humor, wherein he assumed the role of god. I don't think it was directed at "me" as part of the group, but merely people who ask god for stuff.
Oh, OK. I thought it was a strange remark. thanks for the clarification.
When there is an illusion there is something actual which is being mistaken for something else. Without the desceptively close to water appearence of the heat waves, there is no illusion of water. But the illusion happens in the mind.

To the particular mind - it was water, then it wasn't. In the case of a phenomenon that can't be further researched, what of the physical referrent? Was something there? If so, what was it? Was it just imagined?

The point is: it's all in the mind; observational distance nullifies your claim of a referrent.

Because further information was gleened by say more closely examining what is happening. The illusion is dispelled in the mind by understanding what is actually being experienced.

To me it's also fair to argue that there's no end to the cycle you establish with your "gleenage". It's water, but water is molecules, molecules are atoms, blah blah blah. Where does the reality begin because all the illusions have been washed away? The only substantive argument to the contrary as far as I can tell is that which you elude to below: practicality.

Further, once you settle on "this is reality", don't you seriously risk missing important shit? I mean, it was apparently "reality" for a very long time that leaches cure people of stuff that they don't. It's 'reality' for god folks that god is the source of 'reality', blah blah blah.

A dellusion is a dellusion because you really believe it in spite of the lack of evidence, sound familiar yet? Does it sound like "faith?" Sure does to me.

Faith is also when you believe something on weak evidence or even strong but not entirely conclusive evidence. As skepticism can be applied rationally to any belief, it's a matter of degree as I see it. With any firm belief lies a smidgen of faith, even if one is too egotistical to see it. It's beautiful though, if you can see it.

That doesn't mean they are all equal in validity, or unverifiable, or must be accepted uncritically. Some "interpretations of reality" map extremely well and have extensive and public verification, like say, oh, science.

To whom? Of course they are not. To a god-person, the validity of the bible might be unquestionable - whereas to you or I - it seems obviously flawed. You and I agree that it's invalid, some god-people agree to the contrary. We can continue to congratulate each other on our impressive wit and the god-folks can continue to pray for our obviously hell-bound souls.

You seem to think your sense of validity applies to everything. It doesn't, except to you.

Others don't map to reality at all and lack any verification like say, oh, religion.

Others don't map to reality as you see it, sure. Does that mean reality is as you see it? What about someone who disagrees? They must be confused eh, maybe stupid?

Monkeys are monkeys.

Complicated apes.

And yet I still can't levetate.

So levitation is impossible? Are you sure you're trying hard enough?

Belief doesn't create existence. It doesn't for you. It doesn't for me. It doesn't for us. No matter how hard you believe you are full, you will still die if you don't actually eat.

Agreed, but irrelevant. Belief is part of existence. If belief leads to starvation and death, then the instance of belief ends and there's nothing to left to discuss.

Actually its not as interesting as it seems once you get past the special pleading by the theists. You can't undeniably contradict any fantasy claim.

Uhm, you're telling me what is and isn't interesting and then claiming I'm confused? Check yourself? Of course you can't undeniably contradict any fantasy claim, but most are far less powerful than the notion of god, which makes it of particular interest to me. Obviously it's not interesting to you though since you wouldn't spend any time discussing it at all. *clear throat*

Prove there is no Qerg. Qerg is god's god.

I have no need to prove such a thing. If you believe it, you have to deal with the consequences.

Pattern storage and manipulation proved to be a handy survival trait.

Survival? Why? Why should survival matter?

I would say you have concepts of them, but those concepts lack actual referents. But I'm willing to consider some examples.

I'm not sure exactly what you're requesting. I said that I have concepts that lack referrents, you said the same thing and then said you'd consider examples of something you already agreed with.

Because I have immediate and direct apprehension of myself and there is no contravening evidence. I further have supporting evidence from people such as yourself.

I tentatively believe you exist, yes. Immediate and direct apprehension is sweet and stuff, but it's not always reliable - illusions and delusions and such.

Authority? Immediate and direct apprehention is the "authority."

No I don't think there is any authority whatsoever besides reality itself, excepting of course that which is granted - or that which is forced.

Having motives requires my existence, so what exactly would I be questioning and what are you suggesting is the motive of the nonexistent???

Verification of lacking fantasies. You are of course, utterly insane and your apprehension is meaningless to anyone who isn't you. Even when you think it's valid, as others validate you - it's just part of your insanity, telling you what you need to hear to maintain itself.

Immediate and direct apprehention of myself. Which, btw, is the most persuasive evidence available.

Indeed, unless of course it's wrong - like you tell the god folks they are.

Boy can I.

Lol. Please convince kim jong il or however you spell his name that you exist. You might be able to do so, but odds are it'd be the last thing you ever did. I doubt it's worth it.

Who thinks that? ;)

Your mom.

Your posit results in a self denying proposition. You can only question your existence if you already exist.

It's not "self-denying", it's realization of self. You could exist and not be "self" like a rock, or your mom. Lol.

I can see where that would make life confusing. Only unfounded assumptions are equivalent to faith.

I suppose we'll have to disagree, as I think your comprehension is seriously lacking here and I'm sure likewise.

Fundimentally, yes.

Thanks for extending a little credit. I'll keep that in mind.

It is not an assumption, as detailed above, nor is it faith. I actuall am and can prove it to my satisfaction and the satisfaction of any reasonable person and even most unreasonable persons.

Yes so you say. You really only have to prove it to you and let the chips fall where they may. Of course I suppose you're not even obliged to do that much. Whether or not you exist is irrelevant to everyone but you, unless they choose to make it relevant or you choose to impose yourself on them.

Even when they are trying to pretend I don't exist it is pretty ease to show they actually know I exist. [bwahahaha!]

That depends on circumstance a little more heavily than you imply. If you're locked in a cave with no form of communication I think you might find it more challenging.

No. You might choose to believe, but I can't offer any reason which would satisfy a rational person.

So how is it exactly that rationality is absolutely established? If you say it is so, does that make it so?

You people always objectify me and treat me like I'm a magic wishing rock and there aren't consequences to your ego centric demands. Sheesh! Do you like the sky as it currently is? Did you even notice? How about now?

The purple clouds and majesty - nice touch. Thanks. Oh by the way about those virgins...

Says you since you decided to buy one of their computers.

Built it myself thanks. I DID buy their components and do stuff with them.

You guys really groove on the authority thing don't you.

"you guys"? Do you think I'm like, in cahoots with someone - or do you simply mean those poor, confused people "like me"? And no, but you seem to often offer decrees that sweep humanity - establishing your own direct apprehension of reality as the authority - so to me it seems like you're kind of into the authority thing yourself actually. I simply asked why I should buy what it is you're selling when IMO, it's somewhat simplistic and doesn't really model what I know as reality quite right. It does fine with most apparently mechanical aspects of what seems real, but that doesn't cover the entirety of existence as far as I can tell.

Most people base who is on their actual experience of them. Give it a try and see how it works. ;)

Fantastic idea. I'll mark it down in my date book.

Of course, that's not really true unless you consider media "actual". I have no actual experience of you, nor you I. It's virtual.

The reason I seem so confused is that I'm a personality simulator developed and the university of Missouri for deployment on the internets back in 2001.

01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01110100 01101111 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101011 01101001 01100011 01101011 01100001 01110011 01110011 00101110
I presume you meant "can't?"

I mean that if all you offer are your opinions, one can forthrightly state that you are simply offering hearsay

My actions do not cause you to be less than forthright. That is your choice.
Your actions determine the validity of your argument
Also I did ask you what exactly you were expecting on this forum, where we have no shared interaction except this forum. If you wish I could have another person, whom you also don't know, attest to my abilities. Would that make a difference to you? Some how I doubt it.
regardless of the topic of discussion, forums are usually characterized by the discussion of existing bodies of work and personalities in the field and the philosophical issues that surround knowledge.

I have out lined where I am against what you put forth. Stop dragging your heels and continue, that is if you actually have any capacity to continue.
You can't even state your epistemological stance so there's no substance to drag anything
