A God We Know Nothing About

My insite into the facts goes back to the ideal of having faith. I know that Jesus Christ existed and He was the Son of God. And there is no other God but Him. I see his works in my life every day. He is a loving God and I feel his affection. That is the precense He shares with me. There is no arguement with me about if God exists because of His loving precense. It's a wonderful feeling.

In other words, you'll lie through your teeth to make your point. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
I must go for now but I've enjoyed talking with you. But I want to leave with this thought for you. The big bang theory. Doesn't big bangs and explotions usually invovle the distruction of things and not the creation??? God bless and have a wonderful day...
I must go for now but I've enjoyed talking with you. But I want to leave with this thought for you. The big bang theory. Doesn't big bangs and explotions usually invovle the distruction of things and not the creation??? God bless and have a wonderful day...

So not only do you not know the bible you also have no idea what "Big Bang" actually means. :rolleyes:
I must go for now but I've enjoyed talking with you. But I want to leave with this thought for you. The big bang theory. Doesn't big bangs and explotions usually invovle the distruction of things and not the creation???

Ignorance of reality on your part does not translate into the thoughts of another.
I must go for now but I've enjoyed talking with you. But I want to leave with this thought for you. The big bang theory. Doesn't big bangs and explotions usually invovle the distruction of things and not the creation??? God bless and have a wonderful day...

Equivocation fallacy.

Son, go to your local library and check out a book on logic from the philosophy section and develop your critical thinking skills. Maybe a book on cosmology from someone like Simon Singh. You could even try Carl Sagan's A Demon Haunted World. Be careful, though. Critical thinking my lead to places your superstition isn't ready for you to go. I wouldn't tell your family if you decide to read such books since I suspect your religious indoctrination is a result of familial influences and thinking for yourself is frowned upon in most religious families. Religious leaders definitely oppose such heretical actions.
The big bang theory. Doesn't big bangs and explotions usually invovle the distruction of things and not the creation???

No! Will, God 'explotioned' creation. Surely you are not saying that your god could not have used a big bang to form everything, are you? Including Adam and Eve? What if your god just gets off on fireworks and thought it would be great fun to create the earth, heaven, Adam and Eve with one MF of a loud noise? Where in your bible does it say all of creation was a silent affair? Maybe he just had an extra "life bomb" in stock? :confused::rolleyes:
I certainly know that it does not say anything about a big bang. Creation was created with patients, planing, and all the love of God is. It would not be godly to do such a thing. Keep in mind that God hides nothing from his children. He told us how the creation was. He simply spoke everything into existance. The big bang theory is a lie and was created by Gods ark enemy the devil. I have know reasons at all to question that because my soul purose in life is staying humble to God. If He wants me to know all the details on how He done something He would let me know.
I certainly know that it does not say anything about a big bang.
Of course it doesn't.
The bible isn't a science book.

Creation was created with patients
In a hospital?

Well Jesus was supposed to be a carpenter.

and all the love of God is. It would not be godly to do such a thing. Keep in mind that God hides nothing from his children. He told us how the creation was. He simply spoke everything into existance.
According to the story, not in actual fact.

The big bang theory is a lie
Nope, it's a workable scientific theory.

and was created by Gods ark enemy the devil.
He was on Noah's boat?

I have know reasons at all to question that because my soul purose in life is staying humble to God. If He wants me to know all the details on how He done something He would let me know.
That's one way of remaining ignorant at least.
With athiest I'm not exactly sure what they are trying to prove other than there is no god.

Atheists aren't trying to prove anything. They are just waiting for you to produce this god you claim to have and in the mean time they are amusing themselves by exploiting your obvious ignorance.

Unfortunately you are so whack it really isn't as amusing as normal. Could you pick it up a bit?
Here is a qestion I have. Don't you think that when the Bible was first being recorded that people like Adam and Eve would have know if they where the first people on earth?

I can't believe you are so stupid as to think the Adam and Eve story is true. Do you have trouble understanding the truths revealed in the fiction section of the library?
Black is white. Shit is shinola.

Let's dress up as missionaries. You knock on the door and say that, then I'll pop out and go, "See the turtle; ain't he keen? All things serve the fucking Beam!"

We gon' fleece the faithful.
Keep in mind that God hides nothing from his children.

If He wants me to know all ... He would let me know.


A. You are lying.
B. You are not one of "his children"
C. You know "all"
D. You are exhibiting psychotic behavior
Or, my personal favorite - E. All of the above.
In the Koran Jesus is not the Son of God. In fact in the Koran thier god has no sons or daughters. It doesn't add up that an angel of God would bring a message to people saying one thing and then go to another group of people and give them a totally different off the wall message.

I'm not sure if Will is past the age of ten physically or mentally but in case he is I will say this about the above statement.

The 3 Abrahamic monotheistic religions basically all agree that they are referring to the same god. Now Will, if the same God is known to all 3 religions, how do you account for the discrepancies in the respective beliefs and knowledge? Remember, it's God they're talking about, the one and only. I can't see why they all don't agree, can you? You obviously don't think the Koran has it right, why not? Is it possible Christianity has made an error?

See how doubt creeps into the validity of all religions claiming to know god(s)? There should not be any variances amongst all the god fearing people of the world, for God is known to them they say. Do you know God is real or do you believe God is real? This is important so that we may comprehend your words. Does it make sense to you to believe something you already know or believe that which you have faith in?
It would be a pretty suck ass god that couldn't handle that personally.

Handle what, personally?

You mean like the great divisions over the nature of water? or rocks?

I think we all could live with that.

The divisions between belief and non-belief.

Not in the least. You are saying there is a god and I'm saying "a what?" What evidence do you offer to convince me?

I haven't said anything of the sort, and am most def not trying to convince you of anything.
That is the problem with preset minds, spouting preset ideas, they don't listen to what is actually said. I find it the same with Jehovah witnesses who come to my house. You're not a JW by any chance?

I think you are just making shit up, or have been conned in to passing on shit some one else made up.

I think, that you don't think, and just automatically react to theism with
preset ideas.

Prove differently. Offer up some hard evidence that you aren't dead wrong.

Meaning, if I can't show you God, I'm dead wrong.

"A scientist tells God that they no longer need Him because of all the things “science” can now do. God challenges him to a man-making contest, to which the scientist agrees. God says He wants the scientist to do just like He did when He created Adam starting with dirt. The scientist agrees and picks up some dirt, to which God replies, “No, no, no. You go get your own dirt!”

What god?

The one GOD that is described (to varying degrees) in all major scriptures. :)

He told us how the creation was. He simply spoke everything into existance. The big bang theory is a lie and was created by Gods ark enemy the devil.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the same "ark enemies" who provided Will T with a computer and internet connection.
Which god? Can you see gods? No. Can anyone see gods? No.

Therefore, it is more along the lines of, "No theist can support their claims to their gods existence, therefore there is no reason to believe those gods exist."

Is that better?

See the reply to swarm regarding which god.
You mean unless a theist can show God to your eyes, there is no reason to believe God exists? Or another way of putting it, God does not exist.

See the reply to swarm regarding which god.

Every cult has their scriptures.

You mean unless a theist can show God to your eyes, there is no reason to believe God exists?

No, unless a theist can demonstrate ANY SINGLE ONE claim of the supernatural, and there are many made by theists.

Show me an angel. Show me the devil. Show me that prayer works. Show me anything at all theists claim about the supernatural.

Or another way of putting it, God does not exist.

No, I didn't put it that way, did I.

I said show me anything at all that you or any other theist claims to exist about the supernatural.


every cult has their scriptures.

What's your scripture?

No, unless a theist can demonstrate ANY SINGLE ONE claim of the supernatural, and there are many made by theists.

"i cannot see God with my own eyes, therefore he does not exit"
This is your only premise.
This is your cult.

Show me an angel. Show me the devil. Show me that prayer works. Show me anything at all theists claim about the supernatural.

No, I didn't put it that way, did I.

I said show me anything at all that you or any other theist claims to exist about the supernatural.

Show me!
Show me!
Show me!

If you can't "Show me!" God does not exist.
Change your premise, it's a party-pooper.
