A God We Know Nothing About

"MY" story??!!

no no i'm just stating the facts..i mean..there ARE educated theists out there right?
If by 'science' and 'scientific' you are referring to traditional Western science, then the whole subject of believing in God is excluded to begin with.
I disagree. Many scientists have been theists. I think the solipsistic aspects of scientific methodology - diconnection is assumed and must be disproven, local realism, etc. - create biases, but God is not, per se, off limits.

Using traditional Western scientific methods leads to viewing oneself 'objectively' - something which you have expressed a disaffiliation to.
Sure, if you use them in relation to yourself. but I am not against science per se. In its place i think it can be useful. And most of us would naturally engage in it in certain situations. Even little kids will try the same thing several times, then change a variable and try again.

If you want any kind of belief in God that will be personally relevant to you, you will probably have to look past the traditional Western scientific method.

And secondly: What about things such as the meaning of life? Do you think the best thing a person can do is to wait for science to figure out what the meaning of life is? What should a person do until then? Should they just go on living, hoping that some day science will figure out what they should consider the meaning of life?
How can a person use the scientific method on his or her own, in order to arrive at the meaning of their life?
Oh, I agree. I hope I haven't given the impression that one must stick to scientific methodology. 1) no one does 2) I don't ( subset of 1)

Moreover: Do you think that it is indeed impossible to scientifically come to a belief in God? By 'scientifically' I mean it pertaining to the scientific method itself, without the Western specific that excludes God.
I don't know. I think it might be possible. Perhaps it will turn out that they find that an overarching consciousness must be present. perhaps they will find that more is conscious then they have realized and build up to the concept of God.

but I see no reason to wait around for science. Nobody does that. How would they ever get married and have kids? I mean scientists seem to be reproducing. And they manage to vote - even for Bush - so we know they make big decisions not using carefully controlled scientific methodologies. And they are opinionated, often strongly, just like everyone else based on non-scientific knowledge producing methods. I mean if you ever decided to back, for example, a president who is going to kill a lot of people, and you reached that backing without having arrived there via carefully controlled scientific methodologies, then, well, you support the use of other methodologies in a very committed way.
I disagree. Many scientists have been theists.

I don't see how this proves anything?
There are many kinds of theists, and there are also many kinds of scientists.

I personally know or know of many theists whom I would never look to for information about God, for example.
Just because someone calls himself a theist or is regard as a theist by some people, doesn't mean he necessarily is someone to turn to when investigating about God.

I think the solipsistic aspects of scientific methodology - diconnection is assumed and must be disproven, local realism, etc. - create biases, but God is not, per se, off limits.

How is God not off limits for traditional Western science?

Oh, I agree. I hope I haven't given the impression that one must stick to scientific methodology. 1) no one does 2) I don't ( subset of 1)

But you said:

Theists do not follow scientific methods when developing their beliefs in God.
This is an important belief.
One should use scientific methods or at least use as authority those who have when making important decisions about belief.
I do this.


but I see no reason to wait around for science. Nobody does that.

Yet we are often told, directly and indirectly, that we should basically wait around for science!

How would they ever get married and have kids? I mean scientists seem to be reproducing. And they manage to vote - even for Bush - so we know they make big decisions not using carefully controlled scientific methodologies. And they are opinionated, often strongly, just like everyone else based on non-scientific knowledge producing methods. I mean if you ever decided to back, for example, a president who is going to kill a lot of people, and you reached that backing without having arrived there via carefully controlled scientific methodologies, then, well, you support the use of other methodologies in a very committed way.

Well, I have always thought that these apparent contradictions in the way self-proclaimed scientists behave were a strategy that I simply did not and still don't understand ...
Am I any different than a theist because I believe I am a god? I have no empirical proof that I am but is it really required? After all, I arrived at this conclusion through careful and deliberate meditation. I don't really exist in this reality, it just looks that way. Also I don't really know myself as a god either but I feel very godlike today.
I am not against breathing per se. In its place i think it can be useful.
So science is like breathing for you? wow. I breathe all the time except for short periods of sleep apnea. Do you make all your decisions using scientific methodology? I get a headache just imagining your life.
Am I any different than a theist because I believe I am a god? I have no empirical proof that I am but is it really required?
perhaps an explanation why god needs to see a dentist or fill in a tax return could be in order though ...

After all, I arrived at this conclusion through careful and deliberate meditation. I don't really exist in this reality, it just looks that way. Also I don't really know myself as a god either but I feel very godlike today.
solipsism affords many luxuries, eh?

I don't see how this proves anything?
There are many kinds of theists, and there are also many kinds of scientists.
I just meant that it is not excluded.

How is God not off limits for traditional Western science?
Science is trying to figure things out with certain methods. There is no reason one could not form a hypothesis that involves God and go out and try to prove it with some form of testing or research.

There is nothing that prevents cosmologists from speculating about the necessity of God and then seeing if they can integrate this into what is known in physics.

But you said:

That was me pointing out a line of reasoning used by anti-theists that I think shows a lack of self-knowledge.

(but I can understand your confusion. I should have put it in italics or something)

Yet we are often told, directly and indirectly, that we should basically wait around for science!
Unless it somehow fits in with common sense. Or one version of it. And even then.

Well, I have always thought that these apparent contradictions in the way self-proclaimed scientists behave were a strategy that I simply did not and still don't understand ...
I think your confusion comes from the lack of stated rules.

If the scientists stated that no one should form any important beliefs - let alone act on them - unless these beliefs are supported by scientific research.....

or somethign like that, you could have a go at that rule and see if they follow it themselves.

As it stands now the rule is unstated by applied, and frankly more by people who are not scientists, since, if nothing else, there are more of them,
ad hoc

and the discussion is locked on one issue, God, for example, or ESP.
Am I any different than a theist because I believe I am a god?
That is one kind of theism. Which one depends on how you view this self.

I have no empirical proof that I am but is it really required? After all, I arrived at this conclusion through careful and deliberate meditation.
How did you arrive at your decision to vote in the last presidential election? How come so many scientists voted for the other guy?

I don't really exist in this reality, it just looks that way.
Oh, yes, there are scientists who have this position. I mean really a completely determined machine - the brain - with self qualia, all of whose matter changes regularly.
That is one kind of theism. Which one depends on how you view this self.

How did you arrive at your decision to vote in the last presidential election? How come so many scientists voted for the other guy?

Oh, yes, there are scientists who have this position. I mean really a completely determined machine - the brain - with self qualia, all of whose matter changes regularly.

You're a god too. You just haven't reached that stage of enlightenment yet.
still doesn't explain why we both have rotting molars


If you continue to delve deep within the untapped recesses of the subconscious mind then it will all be explained. The physical world that provides us with dental work is not as it seems. How do you know they're your teeth? How do you know your teeth are real?;)
If you continue to delve deep within the untapped recesses of the subconscious mind then it will all be explained. The physical world that provides us with dental work is not as it seems. How do you know they're your teeth? How do you know your teeth are real?;)
back to the wonderful rewards of solipsism, eh?

Science is trying to figure things out with certain methods. There is no reason one could not form a hypothesis that involves God and go out and try to prove it with some form of testing or research.

There is nothing that prevents cosmologists from speculating about the necessity of God and then seeing if they can integrate this into what is known in physics.

Oh, I think there is plenty that prevents scientists from doing what you are suggesting above: first and foremost, the generally accepted Western scientific notions that we are matter, that self is an epiphenomenon; the notion that if God is to answer prayers, these answers would have to be in a format directly recognized by anyone; the notion that all that science does anyway is theory, not absolute science ...

That was me pointing out a line of reasoning used by anti-theists that I think shows a lack of self-knowledge.

(but I can understand your confusion. I should have put it in italics or something)

Yes, I wondered what you actually meant.

I think your confusion comes from the lack of stated rules.

If the scientists stated that no one should form any important beliefs - let alone act on them - unless these beliefs are supported by scientific research.....

or somethign like that, you could have a go at that rule and see if they follow it themselves.

So what if they follow it themselves, or not?
If they don't, they can always have a go at me with 'you are just not advanced enough to see that we are in fact following our rules, the failing is all yours'.

As it stands now the rule is unstated by applied, and frankly more by people who are not scientists, since, if nothing else, there are more of them,
ad hoc

and the discussion is locked on one issue, God, for example, or ESP.
