A Gesture of Reconciliation

Treating other people like shit is not something one should just push aside and move on. They should learn how it feels to be treated like shit, too. Being suspended from school is not the best approach..maybe, but then they should be forced to work with the cleaning staff, and do all the dirty job just like the people who they've got so much disrespect for.
Milkweed, I can't help but notice your decision to utilize my choice of words and copy my writing style.
Or just maybe its an attempt to use words and methods which you understand.

You brought up the past and attempted to apply it to this situation ie The commission was empowered to grant amnesty to those who committed abuses during the apartheid era.

Apartheid is over. Irrelevant to the current situation.

that commission was a symbol of a peaceful observation of restitution and reconciliation that the chancellor right now is actively promoting. You're trying to go against that.
NO the PERPS of this crime went against the peaceful observation. Additionally, expelling them from this school is a peaceful restitution.
The 4 aren't the ones who need to reconcile though.
Definitions of reconcile on the Web:
accommodate: make (one thing) compatible with (another); ,

YES, they are the ones committing this crime under the guise of PROTEST. They are the ones protesting integration (violently).

If you look at it from outside the perspective of skin color, it doesn't appear racist at all.
Except there were no white kids being abused via urine contaminated stew. So all we have is skin color and the FACT they were protesting integration.

So it IS about skin color.
"Zero tolerance" simply means "We're intolerant."

And intolerance is dangerously close to fascism.

I do have Zero Tolerance for Urine soaked Food. If thats fascism count me in. But again, your words are just an attempt to deflect the real issue. The FASCISTS were these 4. Protesting Integration. Your point is illogical and FALSE and attempting to blame others for actions clearly not undertaken by the general population, rather actions taken by the individuals you *choke* defend.
In the meantime, for most normal people, we don't assume the worst about them.
Normal people dont piss in other peoples food. We dont have to assume the worst about these four. They provided the evidence.

willNever said:
What's rather odd is how much the staff are laughing after they find out.

They were even clapping and laughing in the scene where the whiskey bottle was awarded.

I think they surely acted like they didn't mind.

Its all their [cleaning ladies] fault....
And apparently it's not the first time they've been doing shit like that. It's just the first time they've been caught because they were so stupid to tape it and then upload on the net.
Folks... this event took place more than one year ago. They already were kicked out of school. In other words, they were already punished. I see no reason for this punishment to continue indefinitely.

Read the above and carefully consider: what potential benefits would further punishment yield, for anybody? The cleaning ladies already had a sip of the urine; there's no changing that. So what good can come out of continuing an unnecessary punishment that wouldn't actually improve the cleaning ladies' situation..?

Or should they be punished simply so that the cleaning ladies "feel better" at the expense of the students..? Well if their mental health is at issue, then seeing a counselor might be a better option.

In any situation, punishment does not solve a problem nor does it make anyone's life better. All it does is hurt needlessly, when hurt already exists.
Adopt posture, take up contrary position, accuse, sneer, obfucate obfuscate obfuscate, deny, take umbrage, mock outrage, mock hostility, obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate, spiel, twist, dance, side-step side-step side-step, , obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate, sneer one last time, snappy closing one-liner.

You still haven't substantiated your claim of violence, nor the alleged motivation, nor my imaginary statement that it was the the fault of the janitors. Why am I not surprised..? :rolleyes:

Except there were no white kids being abused via urine contaminated stew. So all we have is skin color and the FACT they were protesting integration.

So it IS about skin color.

That is like saying if a white person kills a person who happens to be non-white, then the motivation is racism. Them protesting integration may be an accessory to this, not the cause. Such arguments are illogical, milkweed. :cool:
1 year? And? Who cares. I certainly don't care how long it's been since that happened.
At the expense of the students? What did those students do, more than once, at the expense of the poorer people? Well..lets consider that...do you think that those students give a f*cking fly about the fact that they were forgiven? Or do those students see it more like "hey guys..it's actually not that bad..we had a year of freetime, yay!"
If they already went through the trouble to play those wicked games with the Uni's cleaning staff, then they certainly don't feel any remorse, and would most likely proceed if an opportunity would come their way again.
I think that it wasn't a good enough punishment. It was lenient. As if those boys would spend their free year thinking about what they did wrong...yeaah..:rolleyes:
Well..lets consider that...do you think that those students give a f*cking fly about the fact that they were forgiven? Or do those students see it more like "hey guys..it's actually not that bad..we had a year of freetime, yay!"

Puppy, you are claiming to know the minds of others. That is not kosher. Most people want to finish college as soon as possible, not wait and have it drag on an extra year. Else they wouldn't be there in the first place. Perhaps they did work horrible jobs while out of school. You're making assumptions about people, accompanied by a lack of information.

If they already went through the trouble to play those wicked games with the Uni's cleaning staff, then they certainly don't feel any remorse

How does that make any sense? That means anybody who planned out a bad thing is incapable of regretting it later on. More mind reading. :cool:
right right..I'm being assumptive
Do you think they regret it because they realise that they did something bad to this people, or do they regret it because they were caught, or their plan didn't work out?
I can't claim either. I don't have authority over their conscience to judge them. Nor can I read minds. The same holds true for yourself.

In the meantime, I'm not going to pass a negative judgement on somebody without knowing them. Neither should you. Flying off the handle and and stating that punishments be taken to a neverending extreme due to something you read in the news is rather insane.:cool:
Then what would you have thought?
Negative judgement? So, it doesn't matter at all that they like to play dirty games with people ? You see..they did it consciously. They knew what they were doing. Wow, WillNever..so that's how you see it.
We're not talking about never-ending punishment, at least I am not. Having a year off school isn't exactly what I'd call a punishment.
Then what would you have thought?
Negative judgement? So, it doesn't matter at all that they like to play dirty games with people ? You see..they did it consciously. They knew what they were doing. Wow, WillNever..so that's how you see it.
We're not talking about never-ending punishment, at least I am not. Having a year off school isn't exactly what I'd call a punishment.

This isn't junior high we're talking about, psycho.

Meanwhile, permanent expulsion from college is, effectively, a neverending punishment. It has dire consequences that last a lifetime. And only in the most extreme of circumstances, and I mean REALLY extreme, does someone ever deserve that.
What would you recommend as adequate punishment for someone who makes you drink their urine? And posts it on youtube?
This isn't junior high we're talking about, psycho.

Meanwhile, permanent expulsion from college is, effectively, a neverending punishment. It has dire consequences that last a lifetime. And only in the most extreme of circumstances, and I mean REALLY extreme, does someone ever deserve that.
What does junior high have to do with anything? Yeah, the fact that those are adults doing shit like that makes their actions look even more pathetic, and inhumane. Good point!:D

Permanent expulsion of this college. If they're so eager about their studies they can go find an other University. You have to live with the consequences of your actions. It's their fault for acting like dumbies.

Sorry, but if anyone would do the same as they did at their workplace, and would get caught then they can be sure to get their ass fired with a bad recommendation paper on top of it.

You're just trying to find some silly excuses..like "they were not forced to drink it. they laughed.." etc. It really doesn't matter as the action was intolerable; they're not kids any more and should face the consequences of their actions head-on. Or do you think that just because someone agreed to get beat up makes the beaters' actions not as bad?
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What does junior high have to do with anything? Yeah, the fact that those are adults doing shit like that makes their actions look even more pathetic, and inhumane. Good point!:D

Permanent expulsion of this college. If they're so eager about their studies they can go find an other University. You have to live with the consequences of your actions. It's their fault for acting like dumbies.

Sorry, but if anyone would do the same as they did at their workplace, and would get caught then they can be sure to get their ass fired with a bad recommendation paper on top of it.

You're just trying to find some silly excuses..like "they were not forced to drink it. they laughed.." etc. It really doesn't matter as the action was intolerable; they're not kids any more and should face the consequences of their actions head-on. Or do you think that just because someone agreed to get beat up makes the beaters' actions not as bad?

They had consequences. You not thinking the consequences were enough doesn't change that. And yes, if someone invites trouble onto themselves then some of the responsiblity belongs to them as well. Perhaps those cleaning ladies should have realized that they had no business associating with those much younger kids. In the mean time, I'm not going to care more about people than they care about themselves, and punishing the kids any further for an act they were already punished for will not visit any new lessons upon them.

You seem to have a real complex about seeing unnecessarily permanent punishments. Were you also a victim of bullying?
Perhaps someone should tell us what benefits and advantages a permanent expulsion would serve, from a school where the students were already temporarily barred from. I asked that question a while ago, and no one would answer it. I wonder why that is. :cool:
Forgiving people is a personal matter . I can forgive to a certain point but not too much . Some idiots if you forgive them they will never their lesson .
I believe in punishment when things are illegal and contrarily to the human peace and order .