A couple questions about God

Now bow down before my omnipotence!

OMS (Oh My Spidergoat!)

too cool - a circular square - I guess you are God!
Now that spidergoat has enlightened me, I see all sorts of things around me that look different from different perspectives!

My pop-tart looks like a table from the top, and a comfy tiny bed from the side!

And my car looks like a... car, from the side, and a grinning lunatic from the front!


God truly is in all of us.

In the afterlife (ie perfected spiritual life in the eternal realm) affairs are controlled and ordered by spontaneous love for god,
What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?

so god has no requirement to exist within to dictate rememberence (one is fully conscious), knowledge (one is in full knowledge) and forgetfulness (ignorance is no longer contingent for the progressive march of knowledge/life)
Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?

in the spiritual world we are non-different from our body (unlike the material body, which is temporary, an abode of limitation and ignorance and also subject to unlimited miseries, the spiritual body is eternal, knowledgable and a reservoir of bliss)
What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?

Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?

What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

Obviously he's referring to the virtual particle ectoplasmic ether. You know... where all the ghosts comefrom.

No they aren't. For a "square" and "circle" are mutually exclusive. In all possible universes, at all possible times, a square cannot be the same as a circle and vice versa.

In the afterlife (ie perfected spiritual life in the eternal realm) affairs are controlled and ordered by spontaneous love for god,

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?

so god has no requirement to exist within to dictate rememberence (one is fully conscious), knowledge (one is in full knowledge) and forgetfulness (ignorance is no longer contingent for the progressive march of knowledge/life)

Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?

in the spiritual world we are non-different from our body (unlike the material body, which is temporary, an abode of limitation and ignorance and also subject to unlimited miseries, the spiritual body is eternal, knowledgable and a reservoir of bliss)

What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

At the risk of using a term that may cause further confusion, the material world, with all its bodies, electrons, brains and neurons, is seen to be a reflection of the platonic nature of the transcendental realm.

There is the eg of how the reflection of the moon on a body of water is seen to move with the ripples despite the moon being situated solidly in its position - in the same way, in material life we exhibit many fallible qualities, but this does not bear impact on our eternal constitutional position outside of matter.

It is not that things in th e spiritual world are less substantial - on the contrary they are more substantial, just like the substance of a shadow is a mere indication (it gives form but not substance) of the actual object casting the shadow
To go back to the orginal topic:

Muhammad - sorry but I wasn't clear as to you answer. Just to make sure I have you correctly.

1) God can do anything?

I also wondered:

2) Does God know everything?

3) Can you do something that God can not do?



Part 1
“ “
In the afterlife (ie perfected spiritual life in the eternal realm) affairs are controlled and ordered by spontaneous love for god,

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?

so god has no requirement to exist within to dictate rememberence (one is fully conscious), knowledge (one is in full knowledge) and forgetfulness (ignorance is no longer contingent for the progressive march of knowledge/life)

Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?

in the spiritual world we are non-different from our body (unlike the material body, which is temporary, an abode of limitation and ignorance and also subject to unlimited miseries, the spiritual body is eternal, knowledgable and a reservoir of bliss)

What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used? ”

From LG – response to part 1

At the risk of using a term that may cause further confusion, the material world, with all its bodies, electrons, brains and neurons, is seen to be a reflection of the platonic nature of the transcendental realm.

There is the eg of how the reflection of the moon on a body of water is seen to move with the ripples despite the moon being situated solidly in its position - in the same way, in material life we exhibit many fallible qualities, but this does not bear impact on our eternal constitutional position outside of matter.

It is not that things in th e spiritual world are less substantial - on the contrary they are more substantial, just like the substance of a shadow is a mere indication (it gives form but not substance) of the actual object casting the shadow
Interesting analogy that doesn’t seem to apply. If our material world is an accurate reflection then that implies the spiritual world is also material. But I don’t want analogies. Please answer the questions directly.

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?
Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?
What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

Interesting analogy that doesn’t seem to apply. If our material world is an accurate reflection then that implies the spiritual world is also material.

Its not clear how the object casting a shadow is also a shadow

But I don’t want analogies. Please answer the questions directly.

There is no avoiding analogies when the issues of the subject constitute an unknown

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?
Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?
What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?
The answer is that the only reason knowledge and memory require a mechanism in the material world, is because they are reflections of actual attributes in the spiritual world.
In other words if you examine what you assume to be the absolute mechanisms for determining memory etc (molecular reductionism, ie the interplay of neurons and electrons) you are not met with complete definitions that enable consciousness to be reproduced

Its just like perceiving the shifting of a shadow of a hand as it picks up the shadow of an apple and trying to determine what juxtaposing of light and darkness (or as you say, what mechanism) enables the hand to pick up an apple (which is of course absurd since obviously it is the hand that picks up the apple and not the shadow of the hand that picks up the shadow of the apple).
In other words in order to understand the "mechanism" that enables the shadow of a hand to pick the shadow of an apple, you haveto throw out the notion that the mechanism is one of the interplay between darkness and light (ie you have to dismiss the notion of memory etc being reducable to reductionist phenomena that underlies your assumption that it is ultimately the brain )

Its not clear how the object casting a shadow is also a shadow

Yes your analogy was internally inconsistent. A shadow is not the same thing as a reflection.

There is no avoiding analogies when the issues of the subject constitute an unknown

How then can you provide an analogy for something which is unknown?

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?
Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?
What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

The answer is that the only reason knowledge and memory require a mechanism in the material world, is because they are reflections of actual attributes in the spiritual world.

The person has died and the soul is in an afterlife – what reflections and attributes are you referring to. Please be specific.

In other words if you examine what you assume to be the absolute mechanisms for determining memory etc (molecular reductionism, ie the interplay of neurons and electrons) you are not met with complete definitions that enable consciousness to be reproduced

The subject is the soul in an afterlife – these comments aren’t relevant.

I didn’t follow any of your statements about hands and shadows or the relevance of reductionism and brains.

The questions are simple and I’ll repeat one of them again. How is memory maintained for a soul in an afterlife? If you claim it has memory then you must have an idea of how those memories are stored.

Its not clear how the object casting a shadow is also a shadow

Yes your analogy was internally inconsistent. A shadow is not the same thing as a reflection.
Then its not clear how an object casting a reflection is a reflection

There is no avoiding analogies when the issues of the subject constitute an unknown

How then can you provide an analogy for something which is unknown?
I am not sure what your point it - analogies are quite straight forward in their operations - if you have never tasted honey but have tasted cream and sugar I could say that the honey is sweet like sugar and has a thick consistency like cream.

What is the mechanism used that allows love to occur where no neural networks are involved?
Knowledge requires memory. What mechanisms are used to store knowledge where no brain is involved?
What mechanism is used for two souls to greet each other where no physical body or brain is used?

The answer is that the only reason knowledge and memory require a mechanism in the material world, is because they are reflections of actual attributes in the spiritual world.

The person has died and the soul is in an afterlife – what reflections and attributes are you referring to. Please be specific.

The bodily existence of corporeal life is a reflection/shadow of the spiritual life of the soul.

In other words if you examine what you assume to be the absolute mechanisms for determining memory etc (molecular reductionism, ie the interplay of neurons and electrons) you are not met with complete definitions that enable consciousness to be reproduced

The subject is the soul in an afterlife – these comments aren’t relevant.
I think they are because you seem to be trying to determine that the spiritual life of the soul is a reflection of corporeal life, which kind of places severe restrictions on progressive comprehension
I didn’t follow any of your statements about hands and shadows or the relevance of reductionism and brains.
Trying to understand the functions of the soul through the terminology and observances of the mechanisms of the corporeal body is just like trying to determine how a hand picks up an apple by observing the shadow of a hand picking up a shadow of an apple (you get a rough idea or suggestion how it happens but it is very sketchy)

The questions are simple and I’ll repeat one of them again. How is memory maintained for a soul in an afterlife? If you claim it has memory then you must have an idea of how those memories are stored.
of course there is a mechanism for such things, but understanding this mechanism is practically impossible unless you have a proper understanding of god and the nature of the living entity in both their liberated and conditioned states - perhaps you could hazard a defintion of these three terms so enable a better understanding

No they aren't. For a "square" and "circle" are mutually exclusive. In all possible universes, at all possible times, a square cannot be the same as a circle and vice versa.
Take a square - and then spin it very fast - and I mean VERY fast.

What do you get?

No graphics package here - so....

You'd end up with a circle with a wall thickness of x to x * sqrt(2) with x being half the length of the sides of the square.

So - you have a square - but you also have a circle!!!



The person has died and the soul is in an afterlife – what reflections and attributes are you referring to. Please be specific. ”

The bodily existence of corporeal life is a reflection/shadow of the spiritual life of the soul.
The body has been cremated there is only the soul so there is nothing to be reflected. What are the characteristics of this soul? How does it survive, does it have memory and can it think? And if so how are these things achieved?

.. you seem to be trying to determine that the spiritual life of the soul is a reflection of corporeal life,
No I don’t think so, I thought that was what you were trying to do.

which kind of places severe restrictions on progressive comprehension
I’m trying to encourage you to describe the characteristics of a soul and how it operates.

Trying to understand the functions of the soul through the terminology and observances of the mechanisms of the corporeal body is just like trying to determine how a hand picks up an apple by observing the shadow of a hand picking up a shadow of an apple (you get a rough idea or suggestion how it happens but it is very sketchy)
But that was your choice to use such analogies. I just need you to describe the facts of how a soul functions.

“ The questions are simple and I’ll repeat one of them again. How is memory maintained for a soul in an afterlife? If you claim it has memory then you must have an idea of how those memories are stored. ”

of course there is a mechanism for such things, but understanding this mechanism is practically impossible unless you have a proper understanding of god and the nature of the living entity in both their liberated and conditioned states - perhaps you could hazard a defintion of these three terms so enable a better understanding
Whether I can understand or not is another matter. At this point I don’t believe you have any idea how a soul might function. If you do then please provide the details of how souls operate and I’ll figure out whether it is comprehensible or not. Start by describing the properties of a soul, what it can and can’t do, and how those things are achieved.