A couple questions about God

may i know why did you delete my post about israel ??

just the reason please . because im sure it was not racist and i never insulted anyone in my reply !!

and ofcourse if i use text from Quraan its to answer not to show off .

thank you.

may i know why did you delete my post about israel ??
It was overwhelmingly scripture quotes, most of which did not appear relevant, and no attempt to debate.

An occassional specific quote to illustrate a point in debate would be fine but not the reverse.

It was overwhelmingly scripture quotes, most of which did not appear relevant, and no attempt to debate.

An occassional specific quote to illustrate a point in debate would be fine but not the reverse.

Cris ,

what you said , did not persuade me .

it was a straight answer to that guy warning me if i talk about israel ,
i used less than 1/8 page to answer him and show him that israel although ALLAH gave them many good things , most of them were bad and did worst things in world such as worship a cow in past and so on ,

when i use Quraan words its better than using any words .

i hope you are not standing on the side of israel as most of americans and the racists , coz as soon as i talked about it you reoved my post totally . anyways i have the right to say my openions in israel as you say your openion in egypt and other countries , despite of this , i didnt attack israel as a country on a religion forum , i just said a part of theings happened . coz i know if i want to tell the world what is israel i should type in a politique forum .

thank you .
Muhammed, the Bible says that those who are the enemy of Israel are the enemy of God, so to say that the Koran is the latest revelation of God would make the God of the Bible a liar.
Which is the reason why people who base their politics on books of mythology are fools. Neither the koran or the bible have any place in reality and are barely good for literary purposes. The many gods of the bible and the koran are mythical productions of human imagination.
The Bible has never been shown to have any historical inaccuracy, that makes it different from any other book, and about one third of the Bible is prophetic, with most of those prophecies already fulfilled, so you are a fool if you discount its veracity.
How many inaccuracies will I need to show you before you agree that the bible's veracity is questionable? I quote bible verse and show the inaccuracy, but if you have some imaginary number that you apply to your gods' acceptable fallibility, I want to know ahead of time.
You're dodging the question. The question is: how many inaccuracies would it take for you to dismiss the bible as a valid source? One? A hundred?
To all that are following this thread in it's off-topic progression, I apologize. I'll not further feed into Ice's strawman in this thread. I asked him a clear question and I'm willing to oblige, but true to the woo-woo strategy, he'll not allow himself to be pinned to down to precision or specifics lest this interrupt the pattern of obfuscation necessary to perpetuate the "mystery." To the mystery-monger and significance-junkie, be they creationists, UFO nutters, or proponents of new age poppycock and ESP, mystery sells.

And, did anyone notice that Ice is pushing a book in his profile? My original question to Ice was on-topic, but to continue the cowardly dodge he's started is off-topic banter. Lets get back on the topic, which was questions about god.
Muhammed, the Bible says that those who are the enemy of Israel are the enemy of God, so to say that the Koran is the latest revelation of God would make the God of the Bible a liar.

to say that the Koran is the latest revelation of God would make the Bible an edited book by humans ;)

don't you know that the bible you read is not the real message came from GOD to prophet ISA ( jesus ) peace be up on him .... ?

you should know that QURAN came after jesus and its 100% TRUE whatever you like or not , QURAN has never been edited by humans and its the same message delivered to prophet MUHAMMAD peace be up on him.

good luck
3) Does God know all future events that will take place?

Yes, yes

He knows, but what to take place is not certain. Potential events are already there, what to happen is tentative.
Many events take place on living creatures' actions.
God knows if you type A on the keyboard, A will appear on the screen. That doesn't mean A will certainly appear, only if you are willing, and do press it.

In short, He created the laws, He knows exactly what to happen.
But, he also created will in the creatures, so what to take place is not a certain fixed event.
He knows, but what to take place is not certain. Potential events are already there, what to happen is tentative.
Many events take place on living creatures' actions.
God knows if you type A on the keyboard, A will appear on the screen. That doesn't mean A will certainly appear, only if you are willing, and do press it.

In short, He created the laws, He knows exactly what to happen.
But, he also created will in the creatures, so what to take place is not a certain fixed event.
