A couple questions about God

fall into gross illusion
well you would certanly know about that, but then again would you, your living it.

yes GOD = ALLAH = can make anything he wants and can do anything he wants to do,
he can make a square circle, and he can even put the whole world into a small egg.
a simple thing you should know about the creator of everything, that he is the creator of laws and every thing in this existense, he can break all the laws he made and make new laws.
water falls from higher level to low level , god can make it fall from low level to higher level.
an eye needs light to see things , and god can make it sees things without light. ------> he is the one who made it need light to see ----> he made this law.
but note : god does what he wants , not what you want him to do.
but he has the ability to do anything he wants.
rotflmao, and you would know this, how.
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I could model an object on the computer that looks like a circle from one side, and a square from the other.

He controls everyone by dictating knowledge rememberance and forgetfulness from within and he controls the ordinance of physical phenomena from without - we perceive reality through the information our senses receive (like we perceive colour through wave length) and we are cognizant of such info due to our ability to pay attention to what our senses are telling us (ie - we depend on rememberance knowledge and forgetfulness)
That implies we need a physical body to perceive anything.

In an afterlife without a physical body how would we perceive anything?

If there is a way to perceive things in some spirit form then why would we ever have needed a physical body in the first palce?

Also, without a physical memory how would we in a spirit afterlife be able to remember anything?
If God can do anything, and is the creator of everything, God would not want anything.
muhammad, my guess is that you do not use English as your primary language, because I'm having a hard time understanding what you just said. Can you please direct me to NASA claiming to have found evidence that the moon was once split in two parts? While your theory of God/Allah commanding the laws of the universe is sound, could you explain this statement: "water falls from higher level to low level , god can make it fall from low level to higher level ."

Show me the possibility so that I can understand.

Just to make sure I have you correctly.
1) God can do anything?

I also wondered:
2) Does God know everything?
3) Can you do something that God can not do?


That implies we need a physical body to perceive anything.

In an afterlife without a physical body how would we perceive anything?

If there is a way to perceive things in some spirit form then why would we ever have needed a physical body in the first palce?

Also, without a physical memory how would we in a spirit afterlife be able to remember anything?
This explains life in the material world - the material world is controlled by force (whether you are talking about the interplay of forces between atoms or the fact that we are forced to go to work, forced to go to the toilet, forced to eat, forced to fast when he have bad digestion etc).

In the afterlife (ie perfected spiritual life in the eternal realm) affairs are controlled and ordered by spontaneous love for god, so god has no requirement to exist within to dictate rememberence (one is fully conscious), knowledge (one is in full knowledge) and forgetfulness (ignorance is no longer contingent for the progressive march of knowledge/life)

In both realms there is a sense of self and a body - the difference is that the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world - in other words the difference is that in the material world we are different from our corporeal body (when people say "hello" to each other they don't address each others eye brows, noses, hairs or big toes - they address each others consciousness - which actually informs us whether they are happy, distressed, bored, or in extreme cases, dead) and in the spiritual world we are non-different from our body (unlike the material body, which is temporary, an abode of limitation and ignorance and also subject to unlimited miseries, the spiritual body is eternal, knowledgable and a reservoir of bliss)
the preacher

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
fall into gross illusion

well you would certanly know about that, but then again would you, your living it.

regardless of your views, the unfortunate thing is that we are both in the same boat, and confidence statements don't alleviate the situation ....
That's interesting, but that's perception not a "real" 2D square circle.

Could you post the images anyway?

No, it's just that the definition of a square circle isn't clear. An intelligent supernatural being would just figure out from what point of view this would be possible. I could even print it out as a 3D object.

I'll get to work and post it as an animated GIF.
The sparking and arcing of the logic circuits of theists is amusing to watch.

*cracks open another coke and toasts up some pop-tarts*