A challenge to Atheists

hey guys, I'm on vacation now. we'll see if I got a letter back when I get home. Anyway, I wanna bring back this point:

The book of Leviticus contained laws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters.

It also states to abstain from blood, and we all know how bad blood is.
I don't know - I kind of like black pudding.
And I'm perfectly happy having blood in my veins.
I even fight the nurse when she wants to steal some with her horrible needle and syringe.
Hi garbonzo,

Don't listen to these guys too much, they will sway you away from the One God.
That said, I had a couple questions I wanted to know too.

Is God ALL Powerful? (Can He do anything??)
Is God ALL Knowing? (He knows the future and everything that will happen and has happened?)

Also, when was the Bible written? I'm having a hard time getting a date on it???

Hi garbonzo,

Don't listen to these guys too much, they will sway you away from the One God.
That said, I had a couple questions I wanted to know too.

Is God ALL Powerful? (Can He do anything??)
Is God ALL Knowing? (He knows the future and everything that will happen and has happened?)

Also, when was the Bible written? I'm having a hard time getting a date on it???


Well, they make some valid points. It's illogical to follow something blindly, and I recommend you read through this thread and make some valid arguments if you have any with the points, like I'm doing...

According to JWs, God is ALL Powerful, and he is ALL knowing, BUT he only choses to see into the future if it is needed for his plans. Think of it as a Hotel Manager. He has the keys to all the rooms in the hotel, but he chooses not to open them out of respect for his Guest's privacy. Although, if absolutely needed, he will open the door. Eg. If there were screams for help coming from the room, or the police need the key.

The Bible was written from 1513 BCE to 98 CE by 40+ different writers. But, that is only what they tell us. I don't know if this can be proven...

I don't know when / where it was compiled, though...

I also found an interesting quote:

Perhaps the strongest proof that the Bible is from God is the fulfillment of its many prophecies. What man is there that can foretell the future with unfailing, pinpoint accuracy, hundreds, even thousands, of years in advance? Men have difficulty in predicting the weather more than a few hours in advance!
‘But how do we know that Bible prophecies were really written in advance?’ you may ask. To answer that, turn to Isaiah 13:19, 20 and read Isaiah’s prophecy regarding the destruction of ancient Babylon. Notice that Isaiah did not foretell just the destruction of Babylon. He also said: “She [Babylon] will never be inhabited.” Babylon is desolate to this day. How could Isaiah possibly have written his prophecy after the fulfillment?
Furthermore, although Babylon was conquered by the Medes and the Persians in 539*B.C.E., Isaiah’s prophecy was not completely fulfilled at that time. In fact, there were still people living in Babylon down to the first century*C.E. (1*Peter 5:13) Apparently, it was not until the fourth century*C.E. that Babylon became finally desolated, thus completely fulfilling Isaiah’s words. There is no doubt that Isaiah wrote his book before that, for even the Dead Sea Scrolls (Bible manuscripts first discovered in 1947) contain a copy of Isaiah dating from the first or second century*B.C.E.
The Bible contains scores of other long-range prophecies that were fulfilled. More than that, a study of the Bible reveals that it contains prophecies that you are seeing fulfilled today. (Consider the accompanying box.) Can there be any doubt that the Bible writers spoke from God?

[Box on page 7]
Bible Prophecies That We Have Seen Fulfilled
1. World wars (Revelation 6:3, 4)
2. Massive food shortages, with soaring food prices (Revelation 6:5, 6; Matthew 24:7)
3. Upsurge in delinquency and crime (Matthew 24:12; 2*Timothy 3:1-5)
4. Increase in earthquakes (Luke 21:11)
5. Ruining of the earth, such as by deadly pollution (Revelation 11:18)
6. Worldwide preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom by Jehovah’s Witnesses (Matthew 24:14)

Any argument to that, guys?

Also, what can you say to the blood and germs mentioned before?
Yet an argument has been brought up.
Your offhand dismissal doesn't invalidate them.

No one has argued against anything. I can say the "I was first." regalement. :)

I was just saying my point is better than yours, because as it stands, it's subjective, while mine is not...
No one has argued against anything.
Mr MacGillivray's post listed contradictions: an argument that your contention of "harmonious" is in error.

I was just saying my point is better than yours, because as it stands, it's subjective, while mine is not...
Also wrong. You made a claim that has been shown to be untrue. Therefore that claim must have been subjective.
Mr MacGillivray's post listed contradictions: an argument that your contention of "harmonious" is in error.

Also wrong. You made a claim that has been shown to be untrue. Therefore that claim must have been subjective.

I was only replying to Michael. I was not making that argument... I want to debate the quote and the blood / germs point.
[Box on page 7]
Bible Prophecies That We Have Seen Fulfilled
1. World wars (Revelation 6:3, 4)
2. Massive food shortages, with soaring food prices (Revelation 6:5, 6; Matthew 24:7)
3. Upsurge in delinquency and crime (Matthew 24:12; 2*Timothy 3:1-5)
4. Increase in earthquakes (Luke 21:11)
5. Ruining of the earth, such as by deadly pollution (Revelation 11:18)
6. Worldwide preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom by Jehovah’s Witnesses (Matthew 24:14)

scriptural predicions and prophecies tend to be vague, very much open to intrepretation, counted as prophecies only AFTER the event that that they supposedly predict has taken place, and most importantly, the followers of whatever religion it is that makes a particular prediction only ever count the hits and never count the misses.

If you are looking for statistical significance you need to factor in both.

if you have a book as large as the bibble, with as many vague (in terms of precise details of the event) predictions as it contains, then it would be astonishing if some didnt turn out to be true, especially if one is interpreting them in retrospect of the supposedly predicted event.
Think for example about how many people found quatrains by Nostradamus that predicted the 9/11 attacks ....... but not until AFTER they happened - that isn't prediction, it's retrospective re-interpretation .

The problem that people of a particular religion have when it comes to prophecies is that they have a huge blind-spot when it comes to seeing the difference between a prediction and a retrospective re-interpretation.
But more importnatly than that they are blind when it comes to counting the misses as well as the hits. Think about all of the various sects who predicted that the year 2000 was going to be the end of the world - did all their followers jump ship when they woke up to a world that was still there on january the first 2001?

Final point, has there been an increase in earthquakes? I don't know for sure, but I do know we've got a whole lot better at detecting, measuring, and recording them - how certain are you that that is not the answer? can you demonstrate it?
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Final point, has there been an increase in earthquakes? I don't know for sure, but I do know we've got a whole lot better at detecting, measuring, and recording them - how certain are you that that is not the answer? can you demonstrate it?

What is a common objection? We are not experiencing more earthquakes; because of modern technology, we are just more aware of them than people were in the past.

Is that objection valid? Consider this fact: The Bible does not emphasize the number of earthquakes during the last days. However, it does say that "great earthquakes" will occur "in one place after another," making them one of the notable features of this momentous period of history.-Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11.

Your other points are valid. :)


The book of Leviticus contained laws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters.

It also states to abstain from blood, and we all know how bad blood is.
I believe Cris pointed to a fantastic paradox many years back, ever still fighting this debate.

"If god is omnipotent, can he create a stone that he CANNOT carry?"

Needless to say if god can create a stone that he cannot carry, by not being able to carry it, it negates the fact that he is God.

And, if he cannot create it, by not being able to create the stone it also negates the fact that he is god.

Also, the likely reply that god can "do both, he is God" is childish.
Is that objection valid? Consider this fact: The Bible does not emphasize the number of earthquakes during the last days. However, it does say that "great earthquakes" will occur "in one place after another," making them one of the notable features of this momentous period of history.-Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11

This is as much of a prediction as me saying; "somewhere, sometime, it will rain"

The book of Leviticus contained laws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters.

Hindu scriptures contain similar guidance on hygene. These pre-date the bibble by around 4000 years - there's no reason to suspect therefore that this was some kind of special knowledge imparted by the sky daddy to his chosen people, unless perhaps he got Krishna to help him out.

It also states to abstain from blood, and we all know how bad blood is.
Do "we"? or is it more of a case that YOU just assume it because that's what it says in the bibble?
there are a number of african tribes who regularly drink animal blood as a main staple of their diets - have done for thousands of years - with no ill effects.
I'm a big fan of black pudding as well, didnt do me any harm except put hairs on my chest.
Ok, so I was/am a born and raised christian. I've always had evidence that I was doing the right thing, but I watched a 60 minutes story and the guy is an atheist, has written and read many books and he still says he has found no evidence of God. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here, so I came on here to see what you guys thought of Bible evidence. What arguments you have against it. I will have an open and unbiased attitude, and I hope you will, too. So now here is the Bible evidence that I've been going by for all my life:

The Bible was written over a 1,600-year period, yet everything is harmonious, and it all follows 1 central theme from beginning to end. The first book of the Bible tells us how mankind’s problems began, and the last book shows that the whole earth will become a paradise, or garden. All the material in the Bible covers thousands of years of history (which has been proven accurate by reputable people, I'll get to that later) and relates in some way to the unfolding of God’s purpose.

The Bible is scientifically accurate, as it even contains information that was far ahead of its time. The book of Leviticus contained laws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters, at a time when there were wrong ideas about the shape of the earth, the Bible referred to it as a circle, or sphere, (Isaiah 40:22) and the Bible accurately said that the earth ‘hangs on nothing.’ (Job 26:7)

The Bible is also historically accurate and reliable, as its accounts are specific. They include not only the names, but also the ancestry of individuals. Also, in contrast to secular historians, who often do not mention the defeats of their own people, Bible writers were honest, even recording their own failings and those of their nation. In the Bible book of Numbers, for instance, the writer Moses admits his own serious error for which he was severely reproved. (Numbers 20:2-12) Such honesty is rare in other historical accounts, but is found in the Bible because it is a book from God (which is under debate right now).

The Bible contains numerous prophecies, many of which have already been fulfilled. 1 Example:

Through the prophet Isaiah, who lived in the eighth century B.C.E., God foretold that the city of Babylon would be destroyed. (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, 23) Details were given to show just how this would happen. Invading armies would dry up Babylon’s river and march into the city without a battle. That is not all. Isaiah’s prophecy even named the king who would conquer Babylon—Cyrus.—Isaiah 44:27–45:2.

Some 200 years later—on the night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E.—an army encamped near Babylon. Who was its commander? Yes, a Persian king named Cyrus. Cyrus cleverly diverted the water of the river that flowed through the city. Soon the water was shallow enough for his men to cross the riverbed and approach the walls of the city. And for some reason, on that night the doors to the city were carelessly left open!

Regarding Babylon, it was also foretold: “She will never be inhabited, nor will she reside for generation after generation. And there the Arab will not pitch his tent, and no shepherds will let their flocks lie down there.” (Isaiah 13:20) This prophecy showed that Babylon would be desolated permanently. You can see evidence of the fulfillment of these words. The uninhabited site of ancient Babylon—about 50 miles [80 km] south of Baghdad, Iraq—is proof that what Jehovah spoke through Isaiah has been fulfilled: “I will sweep her with the broom of annihilation.”—Isaiah 14:22, 23.

The destruction of Babylon is just one example of fulfilled Bible prophecy. Other examples include the destruction of Tyre and Nineveh. (Ezekiel 26:1-5; Zephaniah 2:13-15) Also, Daniel’s prophecy foretold a succession of world empires that would come into power after Babylon. These included Medo-Persia and Greece. (Daniel 8:5-7, 20-22) And more. (I can list more if you guys would like.)

I hope you guys don't think I'm preaching, here, as I have a open attitude, here, and I know some of you guys asked the question, "What evidence do you have?"

That's all for now. Even if you guys somehow come up with REAL credible arguments, I will not believe that we evolved from nothing. I saw a documentary which kinda made sense, where some believe that the universe keeps replicating itself infinite amount of times. If this was somehow true, which is kinda out there in itself, even if it was true, I just don't see how the world, as perfect as it is, could have made its self. Even infinite amount of times! I mean, to get this combination??? It's crazy. There has to be something that created this.

My idea is that we are in a virtual reality maybe by our future selves (to relive their past), where they came from is already common knowledge there, we just don't have the knowledge in here. Something like that. Because I saw yet another documentary (i had this notion before i saw this documentary, though), that if we look down far enough, the world is pixelated, and the world is only there when we look at it, just like in games.

There is no way of knowing, is there? :p Even if you look over you shoulder with something, the computer would know your doing that and display what's behind you :p Either that or some other creator, but WE DID NOT COME FROM NOTHING THIS PERFECT, I don't see how anything can prove otherwise.

After all, the evidence is around you.



Lol you can't convince these guys with an opening post like that, I could debunk all of this myself and im a believer myself.

I have come to understand something and that is you cannot remove the seals on peoples hearts with words. Even if you were to get a direct prophecy from god "himself" that a lightning bolt was about to strike one of your atheist friends, you then pushed him out of the way and the bolt struck empty ground next to him, he would then say to you that was just a coincidence, or "you must be psychic but it still dont prove god to me".

It is futile they havent earned faith so they wont be given it.
