A challenge to Atheists

Their prediction currently is that the USA is going to fall as a world power (this was even before the stock market crash), and the United Nations will step in, making them the 8th Biblical world power which will rule only for a short time. After that, all of Babylon the Great, or false Christianity (the Catholics mainly and others), will fall and then all of false religion will fall. Shorty after that (or immediately after), the world will attack God's people (Jehovah's Witnesses), and then God will step in (no mention of how long it will take, but shouldn't be too long) with his War of Armageddon.

Glenn Beck is already saying this! O.O Watching Glenn Beck is also another reason why I'm still hanging on. It sure looks like the US is going to go bankrupt to me...

OMG a Jehovah Witness watching a crazy Mormon on Fox News.:soapbox::soapbox::soapbox:
Mormons have lots of crazy beliefs, so I'm not surprised that they cannot differentiate between reality and delusion.
They claimed that Jesus had arrived five years earlier and that was wrong. In other words they couldn't even get a "prediction" about something that had supposedly happened before they made the claim correct.

Great. I suppose you have the same attitude toward your pay packet? The sports team you support? Any airline flights you take?
"Well yeah, my pay's always wrong, my team always loses and I never arrive where I want to go: but they got it right THE FIRST TIME so I'll stick with them".
Can't you see how utterly stupid that is?

Gah, I always mistake your for you're :( And I don't see why taking out the comma is necessary? My English teacher has always told me that you can put a comma before "and", or "or". You can also choose not to. Both are correct.

Using your darts analogy:

If you hit the bullseye while blindfolded the first time, you wouldn't know you hit it, would you? So you keep trying to hit it. Now after your done, someone tells you that you got it on your first try, and you didn't even need to throw the others. Does it matter that the others you threw missed? No. All that matter is that you got the bullseye. And for you to get it on your first try is really good!

That illustration is invalid, because the point isn't that they got it right the first time, the point is they got it right against considerable odds, which proves the fact that they weren't guessing and actually were using the Bible to predict that. The fact that it was the first time was only to prove the fact that they weren't shotgunning.

Also, you or spidergoat said that there is plenty of ways to mess with numbers in the Bible. You show me a reasonable way you can mess with numbers to, say, prove 2012 is the end of times. You do that for me, kay?

Friday is getting closer. This is kinda unfair because of the current nuclear crisis in japan, the odds of something big happening on Friday is up quite a bit than it was last Friday...
OMG a Jehovah Witness watching a crazy Mormon on Fox News.:soapbox::soapbox::soapbox:

It's Jehovah's Witness. Your using it like a name. They're actually witnesses of Jehovah. That's why they have that name.—Isaiah 43:10-12.

Also Dan. 12:4 is another scripture they use, which says knowledge will become abundant the closer it is to the end.
And I don't see why taking out the comma is necessary? My English teacher has always told me that you can put a comma before "and", or "or". You can also choose not to. Both are correct.
But you were supposedly quoting me, and I wouldn't put a comma there...

If you hit the bullseye while blindfolded the first time, you wouldn't know you hit it, would you? So you keep trying to hit it. Now after your done, someone tells you that you got it on your first try, and you didn't even need to throw the others. Does it matter that the others you threw missed? No. All that matter is that you got the bullseye. And for you to get it on your first try is really good!
And yet you're discounting luck AND the fact they were 100% wrong about what 1914 would bring.

That illustration is invalid, because the point isn't that they got it right the first time, the point is they got it right against considerable odds, which proves the fact that they weren't guessing
How do you discount luck?

Friday is getting closer. This is kinda unfair because of the current nuclear crisis in japan, the odds of something big happening on Friday is up quite a bit than it was last Friday...
Oh dear. Do I sense someone backing out? Remember that when I made the prediction things weren't at the point they are now. The fact is that you accepted the challenged when I made it. What conditions are NOW is irrelevant since they didn't obtain at the time.
But you were supposedly quoting me, and I wouldn't put a comma there...

And yet you're discounting luck AND the fact they were 100% wrong about what 1914 would bring.

How do you discount luck?

Oh dear. Do I sense someone backing out? Remember that when I made the prediction things weren't at the point they are now. The fact is that you accepted the challenged when I made it. What conditions are NOW is irrelevant since they didn't obtain at the time.

There was still a crisis at the time, though. :p Things weren't as bad, but still there was one. :p That's probably why you picked such a close date to begin with. :p We'll see. :p
There was still a crisis at the time, though.
And they predicted the END of a 40-year "crisis". :rolleyes:

That's probably why you picked such a close date to begin with. :p We'll see. :p
Nope. It just popped into my head. You originally gave an earlier date (one that had already passed) I simply thought of a number roughly the same number of days ahead.
And they predicted the END of a 40-year "crisis". :rolleyes:

Nope. It just popped into my head. You originally gave an earlier date (one that had already passed) I simply thought of a number roughly the same number of days ahead.

I said at the time you posted, there was still a crisis. (nuclear crisis in japan)

Someone else predicted April 17th. I told him the same deal I made with you.
Take a look here and tell me, in your opinion why is there such a distribution?


M*W: Your statistics are dated.
It's Jehovah's Witness. Your using it like a name. They're actually witnesses of Jehovah. That's why they have that name.—Isaiah 43:10-12.

Also Dan. 12:4 is another scripture they use, which says knowledge will become abundant the closer it is to the end.

Well at least we agree I have an abundance of knowledge, ergo the bible was right. OMG if people only knew how smart I was they could all be saved, because then they would know the bible is true!:eek:
Well at least we agree I have an abundance of knowledge, ergo the bible was right. OMG if people only knew how smart I was they could all be saved, because then they would know the bible is true!:eek:

Thank God I'm saved, or it would have been burn, baby, burn!
I predict that tomorrow numerous rather significant things will happen. Things that have never happened before.

By the way Dywyddyr, I'm happy that you received good news :)
There's still ~five hours to go (by my clock) but so far we've got (random selection):
Messenger probe enters Mercury orbit - a first-ever.
Yemen declares a state of national emergency.
Japan raises nuclear alert level.
Libyan government announces ceasefire.
And, on a more personal note, I have been confirmed as not having cancer.

Anything "significant" in there, do you think?

Not too bad. And that's just for one random day. The JW's had a year to work with.
The whole news wasn't about any of those things :)
So what?
Did they, or did they not, happen?
There was no specification that the "whole news" had to be taken up with my "prediction".
Or maybe you're just fulfilling another prediction of mine:
Do I sense someone backing out?
Not too bad. And that's just for one random day. The JW's had a year to work with.

We've scaled it down. 1914 was arguably the 2nd biggest year in history, not only because of the people dead, but because almost the whole world was involved. You can't predict the day a 3rd WW would happen, so we've scaled it down to a day in which something significant happens.
So what?
Did they, or did they not, happen?
There was no specification that the "whole news" had to be taken up with my "prediction".
Or maybe you're just fulfilling another prediction of mine:

I did say that, go back and read. Oh, and congrats, my dad is paranoid he is going to get cancer :p