A challenge to Atheists

Texas beer joint sues church...

In a small Texas town, ( Mt. Vernon ) Drummond’s bar began construction on a new building to increase their business.. The local Baptist church started a campaign to block the bar from opening with petitions and prayers. Work progressed right up till the week before opening when lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground.

The church folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds that the church was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, either through direct or indirect actions or means.

The church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise in its reply to the court.

As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork. At the hearing he commented, “I don't know how I’m going to decide this, but as it appears from the paperwork, we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”
Lol you can't convince these guys with an opening post like that, I could debunk all of this myself and im a believer myself.

I have come to understand something and that is you cannot remove the seals on peoples hearts with words. Even if you were to get a direct prophecy from god "himself" that a lightning bolt was about to strike one of your atheist friends, you then pushed him out of the way and the bolt struck empty ground next to him, he would then say to you that was just a coincidence, or "you must be psychic but it still dont prove god to me".

It is futile they havent earned faith so they wont be given it.


I loathe you guys. I'M trying to see if the Bible is inspired. So far they have debunked everything I said. It seems to me now that the Bible isn't inspired. YOU come in here and say IT IS inspired, but WITHOUT providing any proof! What is your basis for believing in the Bible? Why did you just come in here and say that without providing any claims of your own? There were other people that did the same as you before... I don't get it. Right now I am just agnostic...
Just a question to evolutionists: How do evolution develop eyebrows? Eyebrows are there to protect our eyes from our sweat. Did the cavemen not have eyebrows, so sweat got in their eyes and they said, "I need some hair there, so sweat doesn't get in my eyes.", and then suddenly hair began to slowly grow there? LOL Doesn't make sense to me...
Just a question to evolutionists: How do evolution develop eyebrows? Eyebrows are there to protect our eyes from our sweat. Did the cavemen not have eyebrows, so sweat got in their eyes and they said, "I need some hair there, so sweat doesn't get in my eyes.", and then suddenly hair began to slowly grow there? LOL Doesn't make sense to me...

We once had hair all over, and still do, at an embryo stage, but it thins. I suppose it was OK to have a lot of hair while hanging in the trees, but probably much more than a nuisance when forced to run about the spreading savannah to exist.

Most animals still have a lot of hair or fur, but for the larger beasts that ever need to cool a large mass. It’s warmer now, so even the naked elephant is no longer a woolly mammoth.

To continue abot an idea with no hair (or little); when eats and treats were abundant, our furry ancestors could just laze around, not exerting themselves; but, when the forests shrank, ‘we’ had to walk/run over long distances to secure our prey and food, and so some thick clogged hair all over would not do so well for us. Hair was thus selected out, in conjunction with the arrival of sweat glands that could dump 12 liters a day. We were pink underneath our fur, this turning to black in the hot regions. Hair on the head still works to ward off the direct sun, as well as eyebrows helping some, too. Via our new epidermal sweat glands, we could increase our body and brain size and exert ourselves more.

I don’t know all the in-depth details of eyebrows, though, myself.
the truth is most fundamentalists are actually the least spiritually and emotionally enlightened or evolved.

notice he thinks there is an actual 'seal' over others when it really means that people have different abilities or strengths which will translate to different skills. there was also some hogwash about faith being earned which doesn't even make any sense.

concepts are only understood with the most concrete and arbitrary of terms.
Additionally it's not hard to imagine that during times when food was scarce and more time needed to be spent hunting and gathering that the lengthy and tedious process of social grooming may have been neglected somewhat in favour of more immediate survival concerns. Since such grooming is necessary to maintain good health (as well as a good appearance for the purposes of being attractive to the opposite sex) "lower maintenance" coats of fur would have been progressively selected for over time. Eyebrows, then, for the above reasons (and more) did not evolve through natural selection so much as natural selection stopped short of removing all body hair, and for good reasons.
the truth is most fundamentalists are actually the least spiritually and emotionally enlightened or evolved.

That's because, ha-ha, they are more fundamental. Higher mind and capability of learning becomes of more complexity much later on.

(There was a not too swift guy on Star Trek named 'Quark'.)
Additionally it's not hard to imagine that during times when food was scarce and more time needed to be spent hunting and gathering that the lengthy and tedious process of social grooming may have been neglected somewhat in favour of more immediate survival concerns. Since such grooming is necessary to maintain good health (as well as a good appearance for the purposes of being attractive to the opposite sex) "lower maintenance" coats of fur would have been progressively selected for over time. Eyebrows, then, for the above reasons (and more) did not evolve through natural selection so much as natural selection stopped short of removing all body hair, and for good reasons.

body hair for the most part in humans disappeared probably because it was sexually selected for. if you notice chimpanzees, they groom eachother to remove insects and parasites which are an attractive breeding and hiding place for them.

as for hair remaining in other places it could be such as the hair in areas that have more friction buffer it as well.

hair on eyebrows could be there to keep sweat off out of the eyes just as the eyelashes help to keep dirt out which hardly do a good job of it anyways.

anyways its all pretty disgusting in a way.
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I believe Cris pointed to a fantastic paradox many years back, ever still fighting this debate.

"If god is omnipotent, can he create a stone that he CANNOT carry?"

Needless to say if god can create a stone that he cannot carry, by not being able to carry it, it negates the fact that he is God.

And, if he cannot create it, by not being able to create the stone it also negates the fact that he is god.

Also, the likely reply that god can "do both, he is God" is childish.

God is a spirit, he cannot "carry" any stone, haha.
The graph and map shows that Satan has mislead the entire earth. (Revelation 12:9)

Hehe, I think mine is a unique answer.
M*W: The graph shows that people are gullible and foolish by their own doing and without any supernatural deities (god/satan), and besides the graph is way outdated.
We are significantly imperfect. We are mortal and very fragile, we die very easily from countless causes.

If we had been created perfect we would have known not to eat from the apple that caused our downfall. If we were designed then we were deliberately designed to be faulty.

As a creator/designer, God must have been either incompetent or deliberately malicious.
M*W: Or, no supernatural deity created or designed us at all. Or, these deities don't exist anywhere but in our faulty understanding.
I loathe you guys. I'M trying to see if the Bible is inspired. So far they have debunked everything I said. It seems to me now that the Bible isn't inspired. YOU come in here and say IT IS inspired, but WITHOUT providing any proof! What is your basis for believing in the Bible? Why did you just come in here and say that without providing any claims of your own? There were other people that did the same as you before... I don't get it. Right now I am just agnostic...

Im not one of "them guys" Im a Theist not an atheist, im just trying to help you because I know what all of these atheists will say to you they won't listen to bible prophecy or anything related to the bible trust me.

Im not one of "them guys" Im a Theist not an atheist, im just trying to help you because I know what all of these atheists will say to you they won't listen to bible prophecy or anything related to the bible trust me.


They did more than just not listen. They provided credible rebukes. And your not helping any. You reply without even listing why you believe the Bible is true...
They did more than just not listen. They provided credible rebukes. And your not helping any. You reply without even listing why you believe the Bible is true...

Well many part's of the bible are true, some of it on the other hand has been corrupted. It has a very good record of the ancient tribes and explains the origins and movements. It has alot of the sayings of the prophets but some of those sayings have been altered.

The bible explains many miracles of the older prophets, When you tie the torah/old test,/gospels/Quran together things make alot more sense.

Use the Quran as the master Copy in it's purest form to test the bibles accuracy.

Texas beer joint sues church...

In a small Texas town, ( Mt. Vernon ) Drummond’s bar began construction on a new building to increase their business.. The local Baptist church started a campaign to block the bar from opening with petitions and prayers. Work progressed right up till the week before opening when lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground.

The church folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds that the church was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, either through direct or indirect actions or means.

The church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise in its reply to the court.

As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork. At the hearing he commented, “I don't know how I’m going to decide this, but as it appears from the paperwork, we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”

I love this. Thanks for sharing. I shared it with my whole family, haha.
This is as much of a prediction as me saying; "somewhere, sometime, it will rain"

Hindu scriptures contain similar guidance on hygene. These pre-date the bibble by around 4000 years - there's no reason to suspect therefore that this was some kind of special knowledge imparted by the sky daddy to his chosen people, unless perhaps he got Krishna to help him out.

Do "we"? or is it more of a case that YOU just assume it because that's what it says in the bibble?
there are a number of african tribes who regularly drink animal blood as a main staple of their diets - have done for thousands of years - with no ill effects.
I'm a big fan of black pudding as well, didnt do me any harm except put hairs on my chest.

Ayurveda, the medical sceince, has guidelines about isolating vertain patients. Not only that, even the physician was not supposed to socialise unneccesarily, exposed as he was to all sorts of diseases. No sky daddy is needed for such guidelines.