98% of Catholic Women us Contraception

The soul is immediately placed into the "clump of cells" which formed as a result of the sperm penetrating the egg.

At what point after fertilisation does the soul enter the human zygote? From when the sperm enters the egg? From first cell division? During cleavage? Or morula stage? Or does it happen later than that in the blastocyst stage? Or even later than that?

At which point is the soul "immediately placed into the "clump of cells""?

Because clump of cells indicates that it does not happen upon conception (ie the sperm entering the egg), but much later on.

So at what point would you say?

Because you do realise that we are pretty much made up of cells - so we are a large clump of cells, right?

Which means that the soul, in your words, could enter human beings at any time, not just after conception, but also after birth..

Anywho, you the go on to further clarify.. sort of..

This "clump of cells" is a human "clump of cells" which will soon develop into a zygote, fetus, intant, baby, child, teen, adult, geriatric... The soul is present immediately upon impact and the first instant of conception.
Which is a contradiction to the "clump of cells". There is no "clump of cells" at the first "instant of conception". So which is it?

Also, a zygote is the initial cell after the sperm has entered the ovum. It is after that that you get cleavage (division of the initial cell which later turns into what you deemed "clump of cells"). So no, the "clump of cells" is not going to develop into a zygote. It's actually kind of the other way around.

So which is it?

The soul's presence is what makes abortion such an atrocity.
Dude, you don't even know the basics of human reproduction. You are carrying on about a "clump of cells" developing into a zygote, when it's actually the other way around, you're carrying on about the soul entering the "clump of cells", when if we were to take you at your word, one could easily say that the soul enters the human "clump of cells" after it's born, as you can't seem to give a definite time when the soul does enter it. What you appear to be clear upon with the use of "clump of cells" is that it is apparently not at conception. So thank you for clearing that up.:) I will be sure to direct any pro-lifer's to your posts in this thread to show clearly that life does not begin at conception but that the soul only enters the body once we reach "clump of cells" range, which can be any time, even after birth! :D
Sorry: what kind of clump of cells are we talking about here? Somatic?
The soul is tied onto every sperm's tail by angels with a little tiny thread...that's why God hates it when you masturbate...

Well, you men, anyway...:p
The soul is tied onto every sperm's tail by angels with a little tiny thread...that's why God hates it when you masturbate...

Well, you men, anyway...:p

Put that tongue back in your mouth while speaking of such things. Unless you want accidents to happen.
But, you claim the soul enters the zygote at conception. At conception there is just one zygote... therefore, one "soul". Does the soul split into two when the zygote splits?
Catholic theology teaches that a human being comes into existence at the moment of conception. That moment is defined as the penetration of the egg by a sperm. Implantation is not necessary for the the "process" to be complete. A human being exists before implantation.

We know that in the case of identical twins, a zygote (the name given to the egg that has been penetrated by the sperm) can, for a certain number of days after its creation, divide into two or more zygotes.

Medical science does not yet know how or why a zygote divides. Because of the absence of knowledge on this point, the Catholic Church (based on the research I conducted) has no official teaching. Therefore, Catholics are free to speculate what might occur, provided their speculation does not violate a teaching already validated as true by the Church.

I think one of two things can occur:

A. One soul is created and infused at the moment a zygote is created. Upon fissioning by the zygote, the existing soul also fissions and goes into the various zygotes (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.).


B. Multiple souls are created and infused into the zygote upon its creation, and upon fissioning, the mutiple souls are "parceled out" into the various zygotes.

I am partial to the second theory, as I personally don't like the idea of "soul dividing" or "soul splitting". I think that, upon penetration of the egg by the sperm, something occurs between that sperm and egg that sets in motion the setting for zygote fissioning. That something - again, must my opinion - also sets into motion the creation of the individual souls based on the number of zygote divisions.
Catholic theology teaches that a human being comes into existence at the moment of conception. That moment is defined as the penetration of the egg by a sperm. Implantation is not necessary for the the "process" to be complete. A human being exists before implantation.

We know that in the case of identical twins, a zygote (the name given to the egg that has been penetrated by the sperm) can, for a certain number of days after its creation, divide into two or more zygotes.

Medical science does not yet know how or why a zygote divides. Because of the absence of knowledge on this point, the Catholic Church (based on the research I conducted) has no official teaching. Therefore, Catholics are free to speculate what might occur, provided their speculation does not violate a teaching already validated as true by the Church.

I think one of two things can occur:

A. One soul is created and infused at the moment a zygote is created. Upon fissioning by the zygote, the existing soul also fissions and goes into the various zygotes (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.).


B. Multiple souls are created and infused into the zygote upon its creation, and upon fissioning, the mutiple souls are "parceled out" into the various zygotes.

I am partial to the second theory, as I personally don't like the idea of "soul dividing" or "soul splitting". I think that, upon penetration of the egg by the sperm, something occurs between that sperm and egg that sets in motion the setting for zygote fissioning. That something - again, must my opinion - also sets into motion the creation of the individual souls based on the number of zygote divisions.

right, now explain why god hates children. After all more "children" are misscaried or absorbed by the mothers body in the first few weeks than are ever born. So if abortion is murder then god is the biggest murder of the lot
Catholic theology teaches that a human being comes into existence at the moment of conception.
A human being exists before implantation.
Um, maybe I'm being dense here but what's the difference between "conception" and "implantation"?

Medical science does not yet know how or why a zygote divides. Because of the absence of knowledge on this point, the Catholic Church (based on the research I conducted) has no official teaching.
So on the one hand "Catholic theology" thinks it's okay to "teach" us about when a human being comes into existence, and on the other it doesn't have anything to say because medical science doesn't yet know. :shrug:
Why do you think we should listen to the church on one subject, given that no one has produced evidence of a soul and it's deferring to science on the other?
Medical science does not yet know how or why a zygote divides. Because of the absence of knowledge on this point, the Catholic Church (based on the research I conducted) has no official teaching. Therefore, Catholics are free to speculate what might occur, provided their speculation does not violate a teaching already validated as true by the Church.
So, the spokes-organization for God has no idea and defers to medical science on a non-scientific concept. Not very objective. :bugeye:
Um, maybe I'm being dense here but what's the difference between "conception" and "implantation"?

Conception is the moment the egg is fertilized by the sperm. Biologically speaking the zygote begins to divide almost immediately without needing the mother for sustenance. An egg can be fertilized within the fallopian tube, in the uterus, or even as it is leaving the uterus (in effect too late to be implanted). Implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus and begins drawing sustenance from the mother.
So, the spokes-organization for God has no idea and defers to medical science on a non-scientific concept. Not very objective. :bugeye:

The bible says differently though. It's not considered "murder" before the quickening. They only use medical definitions so they can act like the hateful bigots that they are.
Let's see what St. Thomas Aquinas has to say:

I answer that, As stated above (A6,9) wherever there occurs a special kind of deformity whereby the venereal act is rendered unbecoming, there is a determinate species of lust. This may occur in two ways: First, through being contrary to right reason, and this is common to all lustful vices; secondly, because, in addition, it is contrary to the natural order of the venereal act as becoming to the human race: and this is called "the unnatural vice." This may happen in several ways. First, by procuring pollution, without any copulation, for the sake of venereal pleasure: this pertains to the sin of "uncleanness" which some call "effeminacy." Secondly, by copulation with a thing of undue species, and this is called "bestiality." Thirdly, by copulation with an undue sex, male with male, or female with female, as the Apostle states (Romans 1:27): and this is called the "vice of sodomy." Fourthly, by not observing the natural manner of copulation, either as to undue means, or as to other monstrous and bestial manners of copulation.


See the bolded portion. Any sexual act that does not involve normal intercourse between man and women is "contrary to the natural order of the venereal act as becoming to the human race". That is, it violates the principal purpose of the act, which is to be procreative.
I don't know about women reviving oral but a blowjob makes me FEEL like a God, maybe that's why he hates it.

However that's still beside the point, ill make it really stand out for you:


More fertilized eggs are misscarried or absorbed by the women's body in the first few weeks than are either born or aborted. There for God is the biggest "murder". So answer the question
I don't know about women reviving oral but a blowjob makes me FEEL like a God, maybe that's why he hates it.

However that's still beside the point, ill make it really stand out for you:


More fertilized eggs are misscarried or absorbed by the women's body in the first few weeks than are either born or aborted. There for God is the biggest "murder". So answer the question
Zygotes, embryos, and even fetuses, are miscarried and expelled many times by women.

The difference between miscarriage and abortion is that miscarriage occurs because, quite simply, "something went wrong". Either the zygote, embryo, or fetus was deformed in such a way that it could not live, or the woman's body was simply not "ready" to carry the newly formed child to term.

An abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy (which begins the moment conception occurs) by a woman either upon herself or by a third person "employed" by the woman to do so on her behalf.

God does not do either - he simply allows both to occur.

I have a friend who joined the military, and yet he voted Republican in each presidential election. Does that make him a murderer because although he "watched on the sidelines", the persons he voted for won and took us to war that resulted in the deaths of thousands? Well, God sent into motion "life" and He, too, "watches from the sidelines" as man plugs his way through life. Does that make God a murderer simply because he set into motion "life", and murder, abortion, disease, and war, kill people as a result of "life" moving forward?

God does not kill innocent babies. Idiot humans do enough killing of themselves without needing God's "help"
Why waste souls on things which can't live? If every fertilized egg has a soul then God is a piss poor Creator and a murder