98% of Catholic Women us Contraception

Who encourages them?

If you perceive the very existence of Bibles and otherwise peaceful Christians to be an encouragement for those who attack abortion clinics (thereby implying that the solution is to burn all Bibles and delegalize Christianity),
then you are disputing the First Amendment.
Yes he knows the soul before conception, but when does the soul enter the fetus? It's just lies and lies. To excuse disgusting behavior outside doctors clinics. Same behavior as in the case of the dead soldiers and that retard babtist church.

But you believe what you want to believe. That's generally what people do. They interpret the bible in some way that suits their needs. And if it's not there they make shit up so they can do whatever the hell they want like spitting on unfortunate young girls that have a difficult enough time. These people need christlike christians for moral support. Not a flock of stonethrowing devils with goldfish like IQ.

that's my point...who knows when the soul enters the fetus, and who cares? why do we need to know that? because there's something wrong with us, to the point where being pregnant is often considered to be a bad thing. and i've got news for people. it doesn't have to be, ever. but we often make it that way because there's something wrong with us. collectively. something wrong with the way we live, the way we treat each other, the things we value. this is just another example of how it creates fear, violence, death.

those people throwing stones...i guess it's easier than actually helping anyone, or loving anyone.

i wasn't an "unfortunate" young girl. i was a very careless and selfish woman, and the people who worked at the clinic didn't help me really. i'm quite certain they didn't care about me any more than the stone-throwers outside would have.

just because i have a realistic perspective doesn't mean i have to hate myself or anyone else. i hate what's wrong with us that makes us suffer. we all suffer. if there wasn't anything wrong with us, we wouldn't. i'm sorry, but it should never ever be a bad or scary thing to be pregnant. and i know damn well that if you took all the sin out of this world it never would be. people don't want to hear that. they don't want to admit there's anything wrong. not that they don't hate themselves for it anyway. it's those who are in denial about it all who hate themselves the most.
Who encourages them?

If you perceive the very existence of Bibles and otherwise peaceful Christians to be an encouragement for those who attack abortion clinics (thereby implying that the solution is to burn all Bibles and delegalize Christianity),
then you are disputing the First Amendment.

Abortion clinics are viable targets.
I could complete the sentence in a number of ways, it's interesting to see the way you assumed i meant it though.

What the fuck did you think they were talking about? People who attack abortion clinics, which you just admitted are viable targets. Not only are you a liar, but you are pretty much a terrorist sympathizer.
What the fuck did you think they were talking about? People who attack abortion clinics, which you just admitted are viable targets. Not only are you a liar, but you are pretty much a terrorist sympathizer.

Why because I said they are viable targets?, I never indicated weather this was a target for discussion, a target for judgement, a target for focus of opinion, a target for ethical standards to be applied etc.

Don't jump to conclusions based on half complete sentences, completing the other half of the sentence reflects more upon your stance or persona than mine.
Who encourages them?

If you perceive the very existence of Bibles and otherwise peaceful Christians to be an encouragement for those who attack abortion clinics (thereby implying that the solution is to burn all Bibles and delegalize Christianity),
then you are disputing the First Amendment.

You are still misunderstanding me on purpose. A couple of posts back, I just said that there are plenty of good christians.
I don't know the persons who encourage the angry pro life mobs. I'd suppose they are preachers in like extremist churches. Like those gay hating babtists. These persons encourages christian terrorism and should be treated the same way as people who plan to fly planes into buildings.
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that's my point...who knows when the soul enters the fetus, and who cares? why do we need to know that? because there's something wrong with us, to the point where being pregnant is often considered to be a bad thing.

It can be a good thing and a bad thing. It depends on your life and situation. Are you ready to have a child. Are you mature enough. Do you have enough money to raise a child. Those sort of questions. Generally people, who don't plan to have a child, use contraception. Accidents can happen though that forces you to make a tough decision.

those people throwing stones...i guess it's easier than actually helping anyone, or loving anyone.


i wasn't an "unfortunate" young girl. i was a very careless and selfish woman, and the people who worked at the clinic didn't help me really. i'm quite certain they didn't care about me any more than the stone-throwers outside would have.

My guess is you wouldn't have become a very good mother at that point if you were careless and selfish. So might not have been a bad decision after all.
You are still misunderstanding me on purpose.

So now you can read minds?

I don't know the persons who encourage the angry pro life mobs. I'd suppose they are preachers in like extremist churches. Like those gay hating babtists. These persons encourages christian terrorism and should be treated the same way as people who plan to fly planes into buildings.

If this is all you contend, then you would probably be better off starting a political party or a civil initiative for the change of laws and policies regarding certain forms of aggression.
Taking it out on forum posters just doesn't help.
just because i have a realistic perspective doesn't mean i have to hate myself or anyone else. i hate what's wrong with us that makes us suffer. we all suffer. if there wasn't anything wrong with us, we wouldn't.

I am not saying that nothing is wrong.

Just that if a person believes that something is inherently wrong with them, wrong with the "who they really are", they will never actually believe they can do something about their situation, much less actually do something about it.

Many people go into therapy for years, and do all kinds of things to "get better", but to no real avail, because all along, they believe there is something inherently wrong with them.

If we believe that by our true nature, we are all good, but because we are relatively small and of limited power, we often happen to be in situations where we end up doing bad things - then there is hope and reason to improve our behavior.

One cannot punish and beat oneself into being a good person.