9 whales vs a human... which one would you chose?

9 whales vs 1 human, which one will it be?

  • Save the whales, 9 living creatures vs one!

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • Save the human, we must defend our species.

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • I can't make up my mind.

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
the human. not that i don't feel bad for the whales, its just i consider humans a higher and more valuable form of life.

Why do you say that? When humans are literally destroying not only their own habitat, but the habitat of every other living creature on the planet ...and you call human a "higher and more valuable form of life"????

You have an odd idea of "higher and more valuable".

Baron Max
well yeah we're obviously far from perfect. we are capable of doing terrible things, and we have. but we are also capable of doing great things. our capacity to think, to reason, to judge, to plan, to understand, to empathize, to communicate, etcera is far beyond that of any animal -- even chimps or dolphins.
The only "great things" humans have done is to better humanity. Humans help save animals from...other humans.

I'd choose the whales if I wouldn't be held responsible for the death of a human. Even then, who knows, I still may put my freedom on the line.
well yeah we're obviously far from perfect. we are capable of doing terrible things, and we have. but we are also capable of doing great things. our capacity to think, to reason, to judge, to plan, to understand, to empathize, to communicate, etcera is far beyond that of any animal -- even chimps or dolphins.

actually there is a fair bit of research that shows this not to be the case.
.... but we are also capable of doing great things. our capacity to think, to reason, to judge, to plan, to understand, to empathize, to communicate, etcera ....

Yeah? So when do humans start actually doing any of those things? Or is it just all talk and no action?

Baron Max
Yeah? So when do humans start actually doing any of those things? Or is it just all talk and no action?

Baron Max

You wouldn't be here today if humans did nothing about anything. Take for example if the plague wasn't stopped everyone would have died in Europe but because humans did something they found an answer to the disease and wiped it out therefore giving your direct ancestors a life instead of their demise. :)
I am trying to get there using £1 bargain air tickets.
I can get as far as Pau in France, but no farther.

Why doesn't he allow for elections to be held if he is so popular as you think he is? Because he is afraid he will lose. Without Russias help he wouldn't have much to be so powerful, Russia has him by the balls and squeez him when they want to. He is such a puppet.
Why doesn't he allow for elections to be held if he is so popular as you think he is? Because he is afraid he will lose. Without Russias help he wouldn't have much to be so powerful, Russia has him by the balls and squeez him when they want to. He is such a puppet.

Now, hide your head in embarrassment, for Kim Jong il was democratically elected in 2003. He had 99% of the vote and a 100% turn out.
Who in the West has a mandate like that?

Granted, he was the only candidate, but that is probably just due to his popularity.
Human. It's nice to save whales and all, but not at the expense of a human life. I don't think I'd sacrifice a human life to save entire species of whale, let alone a few individuals.
I agree completely. I certainly hope everyone is being facetious with all the votes for whale. That so many people value the life of a human below that of a few whales is disgusting.
actually there is a fair bit of research that shows this not to be the case.
Really? Tell me, which animals have an ability to think that rivals our own? Or are you speaking only for yourself?
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There are only 4 animals that even have the mental capacity to recognize themselves in a mirror -- dolphins, elephants, apes, and magpies -- which is one indicator of how much more intelligent we are than animals. And no animals use language near as efficiently as humans do. there aren't even any that come close.
Gruff, contrary, and confused?

Baron Max said:

Why do you say that? When humans are literally destroying not only their own habitat, but the habitat of every other living creature on the planet ...and you call human a "higher and more valuable form of life"????

You have an odd idea of "higher and more valuable".

Max, in history, if you go back and look through the creation stories told by various cultures, you'll find that they're all really self-centered. Well, of a sort. See, the thing is that I have yet to find a creation story that reads, "In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth for those people over there. Who the fuck are we? Doesn't really matter, does it?"

That is, the Hebrew creation story followed creation to the Hebrews; the Hopi creation story followed creation to the Hopi. It is not the case, for instance, that the Cherokee creation story follows creation to the Israelites. In each case, the people who tell the story are at the center of God's focus.

This actually follows an anthropological pattern.

In natural selection, the human factor is rather confusing insofar as I have known of a dog to die for the sake of a human, but that's a conditioned outcome. More generally, the focus of a species tends to be on itself. One might observe an old walrus separate itself from the pack in order to draw off predators, thus sacrificing itself while the rest of the group herds the young into the water, but it's not going to do that for anyone else's young.

The focus is on species.

The fact that humans are imperfect does not change the inherent presumption of priority for one's own species.

Has this never occurred to you before?
There are only 4 animals that even have the mental capacity to recognize themselves in a mirror -- dolphins, elephants, apes, and magpies -- which is one indicator of how much more intelligent we are than animals. And no animals use language near as efficiently as humans do. there aren't even any that come close.

How do scientist know that? I'm actually quite interested in animal psychology.

edit: never mind I looked it up. Those tests are not the best science. By their method my dog would be self aware and my brother doesn't know he exists. At least once a week he doesn't recognize his own reflection, while my dog pays it no attention all though he hates other dogs so I assume he would bark and try to attack his reflection every time he saw it if he thought it was another dog.
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I agree completely. I certainly hope everyone is being facetious with all the votes for whale. That so many people value the life of a human below that of a few whales is disgusting.
Maybe those people have actually objectively looked at humanities worth.
Really? Tell me, which animals have an ability to think that rivals our own?
their are several books on such things. There is in fact an entire book on animal ethics.
Or are you speaking only for yourself?
Your warning of me for insulting has lost a lot of its force with this. reported.
Now, hide your head in embarrassment,

Granted, he was the only candidate, but that is probably just due to his popularity.

Seems HE should be embarrassed to even hold elections with only one candidate for that isn't an election , it is a sham!
Might I refer you to Tiassa's post above?
yeah and.
Oh, and how many of them were written by animals?
none but not having a written language doesn't mean beings aren't intelligent. Their are still human societies that do not have written languages.
You're really reaching on that one.

Not really. I caught the insult in the implication. You either thought I'd be too stupid to catch it( which is confusing to me. whats the point of throwing an insult at someone they won't get) or your trying to cover your ass for making the insult by playing stupid which is what I'm betting on. Of course there is the third possibility that you didn't know you were making an implied insult but frankly I don't think your stupid.
Not really. I caught the insult in the implication. You either thought I'd be too stupid to catch it( which is confusing to me. whats the point of throwing an insult at someone they won't get) or your trying to cover your ass for making the insult by playing stupid which is what I'm betting on. Of course there is the third possibility that you didn't know you were making an implied insult but frankly I don't think your stupid.
Why should you be insulted by my asking if you applied to yourself what you claim to apply to all of humanity?

Seriously, do you honestly think such an oblique, subtle "insult" framed as a question is the equivalent of calling someone the paragon of idiocy? Furthermore, if you really believed animals to be just as intelligent as humans, you wouldn't find my statement insulting at all, would you? So my "insult" was really a test of the honesty of your professed position.
Why should you be insulted by my asking if you applied to yourself what you claim to apply to all of humanity?
eh I was wrong it was the third. The insult lay in not my beliefs but in yours.

Seriously, do you honestly think such an oblique, subtle "insult" framed as a question is the equivalent of calling someone the paragon of idiocy?
well considering my belief that accurate descriptions aren't insults I'd have to say its worse.
Furthermore, if you really believed animals to be just as intelligent as humans, you wouldn't find my statement insulting at all, would you? So my "insult" was really a test of the honesty of your professed position.
as I said the insult in the question lay in your beliefs. Mostly resting on the unstated premise of yours that for animals and people to be equivalent in intellect would require the person to be stupid.