9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Re: FDNY Auxiliary?
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2008, 02:18:45 PM »

This was a little something I put to "Americas Mayor" before 9-11. He was givin a "vunerable list" by former NYPD Chief Lou "Big Lou" Annimone before 9-11 which sited WTC as a vunerable target for terrorism. I loved how he disribed the look "Glazed." I call it "Glazed Doughnuts" What did "Americas Mayor" turn around and do?

He put a command and Control Operations Center right smack in the middle of it.
Go Figure

I was under the impression that if the mayor were to hear that two aux cops assisted in preventing the death and injuries to posibly hundreds of people in midtown 7/27/00 17Pct 2100hrs. That he show an interest in it but I guess I was wrong in assuming that. I'm sorry that I was trying to do the right thing when we noticed people in trouble. Maybe it could have been someone in your family in that bus hostage situation that we were tracking. But I've learned an important lesson in this matter, to mind my own business and when I see someone in trouble or as was our case a life and death emergency relating to a bomb threat in midtownmanhattan on a crowded bus on a crowded street we'll just follow your example and stay out of it. Thanks for a lesson well taught. Paul Isaac Jr APO#12017-438136-17Pct.
E-mail Letter to NYC-GOV Monday September 11, 2000 1657Hrs.

Note 8/1/8: My partner and I were commendably dismissed 27 September 2000.
Funny how I never recieved discharge papers or notice from the FDNY.

Re: FDNY Auxiliary?
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2008, 11:40:35 AM »

Ok, Lets have some fun.

Can anyone tell the board when I arrived at the 8 alarmer at GZ?

"Paul Isaac of Brooklyn, N.Y., an auxiliary fire fighter who worked on 9/11, holds a flag ( Actually OLD GLORY was Holding me) in support of the active firefighters at the scene of a seven-alarm fire at the abandoned Deutsche Bank building, where two firefighters died Saturday."

Clue: I was one of the responders who hooked up the stand pipe that didn't work.

That make 345 to be lost because of the cluster f*ck system of reactionary response.

1)How many more (Un-expendable people) must we lose?

2)When are we going to put safety for fist reponders as the priority?

3) When will TI-FF bring something of value to the board instead of being a class-A Cluster-F*ck?

Re: FDNY Auxiliary?
« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2008, 11:01:23 AM »

Don't get me wrong, I love this department and not everyone had the additude problems. I have alot of good memories and good times. My heart breaks every time I remember 9-11 and all the good people that were lost that terrible day.

I remember when I was with E10 and we (The capt and another FF and Myself) took a trip to the hardware store for some tools. I used to operate with a scanner (radio Shack) and as we were in the store the was a call that went over PAPD radio about a fire in the 78th floor maintainance closet. I notified the Captain (Who didn't have the PA Radio with him) we began to listen to the Radio and were able to obtain forward intel on the Box before the job went over officialy. we were dispatched aprox 3-4 minutes after getting the foward intel.

I ask, if a schmuck like me was able to create forward security for inter/agency communications before 9-11 why in the hell were'nt first responders given this opurtunity before and after 9-11.

To this day there is no real time cross/Intell other than EMS/PD but that only seem to occur when theres an "85." FDNY Personel seem to be still stuck on continuing to monitoring their own boro frequency.

Totally un-acceptable

Paul /Sentinel
Re: FDNY Auxiliary?
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2008, 11:09:41 AM »

Quote from: Sentinel on August 02, 2008, 11:01:23 AM

if a schmuck like me

You got that right guy. There's a major reason that we only listen to the boro we're working. Do you know why? tell your story walking, cause no one is listening.

Re: FDNY Auxiliary?
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2008, 11:32:35 AM »

And what reason would that be?

Cause the TV in the Housewatch is to loud?

See... I can say I'm a schmuck cause I at least know my place within the system. You on the other have only demonstrated the worst of the job thats if you're really on the job to begin with (Which i'm starting to really have doubt about it.

Do you even know your boro frequency? probally not. But then again I doubt you're the real thing because I really don't think the brothers would put up with your crap to long especially the senior members who probally have you pick up the "Emergency Broom" when you're playing scrabble at the mess table.

TI-FF ? Couldn't be a real hero so he resorts to being a clear zero
Great war stratigy, Jerky.

The people are real lucky to have you responding to their crisis.


Its me!!

Yeah, I'm NUTS alright!!!


Wow. I thought it was at first, but then you put some article where it criticized you at the ending and I thought it couldn't be Paul. It's an honour to meet you Paul. Sorry to hear about the dustup you had with the folks over at loose change (the infamous video footage), but I really do believe you're all working towards the same goal.
No hardfeelings<

Just trying to do the right thing by the people. The Honor is mine. I'm not trying to be famous or get money out of it. Just want history to show that when the chips were at this point in history that there were Americans who stood up and delivered on the honor of justice.

I am honored there are others like me out there who stand for truth and justice like many of you guys.

I know that there ae those out there who disagree with what we are saying and there are some who claim truth and justice but have serious credibilty issue skeletons (wingtv and others). But, then there are people who are real and they are the ones who inspire me and others. Its like electricity. Thats what keeps me going in the mission. People who honestly bring discussion without the fear of being ridiculed and humiliated for speaking. I am really inspired by the IVAW people who continue to fight. They have been through quiye alot recently and we have their back if they nneed it, Period.

Thats what it means to be an American. We know we are'nt perfect but when the chips are down we show up to the party and party hard.

Honor begets Glory

GOD Bless

Paul (Sentinel)
No hardfeelings<


Just trying to do the right thing by the people.


The Honor is mine.

Aw, thanks :).

I'm not trying to be famous or get money out of it.

Nods. I haven't seen anyone accuse you of that yet atleast.

Just want history to show that when the chips were at this point in history that there were Americans who stood up and delivered on the honor of justice.

This is why I admire you.

I am honored there are others like me out there who stand for truth and justice like many of you guys.

Yes. I guess the difference between me and someone like you (or the loose change people for that matter) is that a fair amount of people know something about you, whereas I'm generally cloaked in anonymity :p.

I know that there are those out there who disagree with what we are saying and there are some who claim truth and justice but have serious credibilty issue skeletons (wingtv and others). But, then there are people who are real and they are the ones who inspire me and others. Its like electricity. Thats what keeps me going in the mission.

I feel the same way. Sometimes, parts of those missions can seem banal- while organizations like NIST are paid to come up with shoddy reports, others such as myself struggle to simply find a job. I guess in the ending we all have our struggles and they can be equally worthy even if some seem to be overly mundane.

People who honestly bring discussion without the fear of being ridiculed and humiliated for speaking.

Well, I seriously dislike being ridiculed and humiliated with insults, but I've carried on anyway because I keep on thinking of the innocents in the twin towers, of the many rescue workers who died trying to save them and of the many soldiers and foreign citizens who have died in part because of what happened on 9/11. I was living in a shelter on the day of 9/11, but I saw what happened on TV. At the time, I bought into the official story. But then my brother gave me a book by Jim Marrs, an expert on conspiracy theories all the way back to his first book on JFK. And I began to see things differently. The irony is that my brother hadn't even read it :).

I am really inspired by the IVAW people who continue to fight.

Yes, organizations like that inspire me too. I'm a Canadian and it pains me to know that we're sending back soldiers who tried to escape going back to that messed up war. I don't really believe in the devil (I believe God is everything, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in evil per se), but I think that mythical creature would be pleased by the contracts that the U.S. military creates. To me, if you fight for your country, you do so because you -want- to. Jailing someone because they don't want to die for someone else's political purposes is flat out wrong in my view.

They have been through quite alot recently and we have their back if they need it, Period.

Sounds good...

Thats what it means to be an American. We know we aren't perfect but when the chips are down we show up to the party and party hard.

FDNY Lieutenant Admitted Plan To ‘Take Down’ WTC 7

Reinforcing conviction that Silverstein was referring to demolition with infamous comments on PBS documentary

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Newly uncovered video from 9/11 featuring an interview with FDNY lieutenant David Rastuccio on MSNBC confirms that there was a plan to deliberately demolish WTC Building 7, as was originally indicated in Larry Silverstein’s infamous statement on the PBS documentary, America Rebuilds.

In the clip, Rastuccio responds to the host’s statement that “You guys knew this was coming all day,” by stating, “We had first reports that the building was unstable and that it was best for it to come down on its own or it would be taken down, I would imagine that it came down on its own.”

Though Rastuccio expresses his opinion that the building had collapsed without the aid of explosives, he admits that a plan had been in place to deliberately demolish the structure.

Watch the clip.

This reinforces the fact that when Larry Silverstein infamously told a 2002 PBS documentary that a consideration had been made to “pull it,” which is a demolition industry term for deliberate implosion, he did indeed mean that WTC 7 was considered for deliberate demolition.

This would mean that Silverstein’s later qualification of his comments, that “pull it” simply meant to pull the firefighters out of the building, despite FEMA’s assertion that no firefighting operations even took place inside WTC 7, was an outright lie intended to deflect possible ramifications arising out of the $7 billion dollar payout Silverstein received in insurance after the WTC complex was destroyed.


Numerous other eyewitnesses have come forward to express their conviction that WTC 7 was deliberately demolished.

Emergency Medical Technician Indira Singh described to a radio show how she learned that WTC 7 was going to be “brought down” and the context was clear that it was to be deliberately demolished.

“After midday on 9/11 we had to evacuate that because they told us Building 7 was coming down. If you had been there, not being able to see very much just flames everywhere and smoke - it is entirely possible - I do believe that they brought Building 7 down because I heard that they were going to bring it down because it was unstable because of the collateral damage,” said Singh.

Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue expert Kevin McPadden also reported his conviction that a countdown preceded the collapse of the building.

“While we were on the right side, there was firefighters getting ready, they were bussing them back and forth, and a couple of vets that were there - they got the vibe that something was coming down,” said McPadden.

“We started asking questions, everybody started asking questions, and the next thing you know there was a Red Cross representative pacing back and forth in front of the crowd holding his hand over the radio - I couldn’t hear what it was saying but it was like pulsed - whatever the speech was on there it was pulsed - and that means to me most likely it was a countdown.”

“But he took his hand off at the last three seconds and he gave this heartfelt look - like just run for your life - because he didn’t want to bring it on his conscience - he didn’t want to go to his grave with that - and then we had a couple of seconds to put our heads together,” said McPadden.

Former NYPD officer Craig Bartmer also reported hearing bombs tear down WTC 7 as he ran away from its collapse.

Several TV news networks received advance knowledge that the building was likely to collapse, with both the BBC and CNN reporting at least 26 minutes in advance that the building had already collapsed when it still stood.

Rastuccio’s newly uncovered comments about a plan to demolish Building 7 are likely to provoke a firestorm of fresh suspicion surrounding the implosion of the structurally reinforced 47-story skyscraper, which collapsed in 7 seconds within its own footprint despite suffering relatively minor damage from the collapse of the twin towers.
Note by Sentinel 12 Dec 1636Hrs: Interesting how July 2001 keeps coming up for drills in NYC. I wonder if thats why Guiliani refers to Tripod 2?

Career Army officer sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, saying no evacuation order given on 9/11
Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2008-12-18 14:54. Criminal Prosecution
By Stephen C. Webster, Raw Story

Paragraph 54. Similarly, defendant Rumsfeld — like the President himself, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Defendant Gen. Richard Myers and others — testified and said in public, repeatedly, that no one in the Government security apparatus ever imagined terrorists suicidally crashing planes into buildings. This claim was also absolutely false. In point of fact, the CIA, the NSA, the FAA and NORAD had planned and trained for just such a possibility. Indeed, the record shows training exercises involving such a potential attack had in fact been carried on at the Pentagon in October, 2000 and May, 2001, and that NORAD had begun planning in July, 2001, for a training exercise in which the premise would be that a hijacked airliner was crashed into the World Trade Center. The 9/11 Commission, however — with the same studied indifference it showed towards the Mineta testimony — failed even to mention these contradictions in its Report, let alone explain them away.
In the clip, Rastuccio responds to the host’s statement that “You guys knew this was coming all day,” by stating, “We had first reports that the building was unstable and that it was best for it to come down on its own or it would be taken down, I would imagine that it came down on its own.”

It'd be nice to know where he -got- those reports. Anyway, good work Paul :)
Note by Sentinel 12 Dec 1636Hrs: Interesting how July 2001 keeps coming up for drills in NYC. I wonder if thats why Guiliani refers to Tripod 2?

Career Army officer sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, saying no evacuation order given on 9/11
Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2008-12-18 14:54. Criminal Prosecution
By Stephen C. Webster, Raw Story

Paragraph 54. Similarly, defendant Rumsfeld — like the President himself, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Defendant Gen. Richard Myers and others — testified and said in public, repeatedly, that no one in the Government security apparatus ever imagined terrorists suicidally crashing planes into buildings. This claim was also absolutely false. In point of fact, the CIA, the NSA, the FAA and NORAD had planned and trained for just such a possibility. Indeed, the record shows training exercises involving such a potential attack had in fact been carried on at the Pentagon in October, 2000 and May, 2001, and that NORAD had begun planning in July, 2001, for a training exercise in which the premise would be that a hijacked airliner was crashed into the World Trade Center. The 9/11 Commission, however — with the same studied indifference it showed towards the Mineta testimony — failed even to mention these contradictions in its Report, let alone explain them away.

Good stuff.
I'm confused as to why this
I'm confused as to why this Paul Isaac, Jr. guy has gone from proclaiming that 9/11 was an inside job to now bashing everyone including Dylan Avery? By claiming that Avery is an anti-Semite, Isaac seems to be trying to paint him as being another Eric Hufschmid (who pushes too hard with the anti-Zionist stuff).

Perhaps Isaac:
a) has post traumatic stress or some other mental illness?
b) has been offered big $$$ to smear the truth movement?
c) has had his life threatened if he doesn't renounce & smear the truth movement?
d) Paul Isaac really didn't do this and some imposter is discrediting him?

So, if you're reading this Isaac, why don't you explain yourself in a reply?

Submitted by Visitor on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 9:16am.

Answered by sentinel 12/26/08 1631HRS:

Maybe because you're a jerkoff who would rather listen to cointel agents who promote child porn and disrespect the dead. You know, Not for nothing but my beef with the 2005 incident revolves around the jerkoffs who were clearly out off step with the program. Please let me explain. When family members and firemen aak you to please respect the sentiment and you keep it up, your not there on their behalf.

Thank you

I'm confused as to why this Paul Isaac, Jr. guy has gone from proclaiming that 9/11 was an inside job to now bashing everyone including Dylan Avery? By claiming that Avery is an anti-Semite, Isaac seems to be trying to paint him as being another Eric Hufschmid (who pushes too hard with the anti-Zionist stuff).

Perhaps Isaac:
a) has post traumatic stress or some other mental illness?
b) has been offered big $$$ to smear the truth movement?
c) has had his life threatened if he doesn't renounce & smear the truth movement?
d) Paul Isaac really didn't do this and some imposter is discrediting him?

So, if you're reading this Isaac, why don't you explain yourself in a reply?

Submitted by Visitor on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 9:16am.

Answered by sentinel 12/26/08 1631HRS:

Maybe because you're a jerkoff who would rather listen to cointel agents who promote child porn and disrespect the dead. You know, Not for nothing but my beef with the 2005 incident revolves around the jerkoffs who were clearly out off step with the program. Please let me explain. When family members and firemen ask you to please respect the sentiment and you keep it up, you're not there on their behalf.

Thank you


Personally, I don't think that you have to be mentally ill or that the visitor in question had to be cointel. I think what it boils down to is that 911 is a very sensitive issue and sometimes even people who are otherwise on the same side can get into tussles. Do -all- the family members and firemen think that being a bit noisy at ground zero on 911 is the wrong thing to do? I don't know. Do you? If they were, or it was a majority, I can agree that perhaps their methods weren't the best; perhaps they should have done the protest on the day before or after 911.

Also, just because someone is noisy doesn't mean they don't have something important to say. I remember right, there was a protest of firemen soon after 911 because officials weren't giving them sufficient access to ground zero.

Ultimately, I think the -most- important thing is that we continue to try to find out all the details of what really happened on that day so that this type of thing never happens again.
Testemony of Corporation Counsel Mike Hess:

"Mike in fact arrived at 7 WTC before it was evacuated, but seeing thatr we weren't there, he phoned back to cityhall ta ask where we were. He had reached kate, who at the point didn't know we were at 75 barclay." "Mike was in 7 world trade center, itself a 47 story building. He had gone to the 23 floor to search for us. Everyone else in the building had already evacuated, and the elevators were inoperatable, so mike began walking down the stairs. When he got to the 8 th floor, tower 1-collapsed, part of it falling on top of the southern part of 7wtc. Luckily, he was in the northern section of the building. Unluckily, he was trapped, as the stairs were impassable. Mike went into an office on the 8th floor, joind only by a fellow from the housing authority. The building was filling up with smoke and dust from the collapsed towers."
"Together, the men stood at the window for two hours yelling to firefighters below. The firemen kept shouting instructions but told them they couldn't get up to rescue them, which puzzled mike and his companion because they didn't know about the towers' collapse."
My beef is with their (Wingtv and others) behavior at GZ-05:


Everything is very well. I'm about ready to release
the 2nd edition of Loose Change, things couldn't be
better. Thank you for your quick response.

I completely understand your anger at WingTv, believe
me. In fact, we got about 15 minutes of footage just
on the WingTV incident, most of which is your side of
the story. Our whole trip to NYC is chronicled on the
upcoming DVD, which I'd be more than happy to send you
a copy of once it's completed.

WingTv lost my respect a long time before that day.
They spend more time causing trouble than anything
else, and I've no time for a group that tarnishes the
movement as opposed to strenghtening it.

I was wondering if it would be possible to conduct an
interview with you for inclusion on the 2nd Edition
DVD? I have a number of questions that I'd like to
ask you, concerning a) the gag order placed on the
FDNY, b) the "smoke condition" in the 1 and 9 transit
lines and c) the Keyspan Towers demolition. And, of
course, anything else that comes to mind.

I'm not sure if you want your statements put on a
worldwide distributed DVD, so again this is entirely
at your discretion. But I trust that we can come to
some sort of agreement.

-Dylan Avery
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