9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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From: "Nico Haupt" <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fireman Paul Isaac: The Y2K- KeySpan- Maspeth-Twin Gas files

...speaking of pre-9/11 terror exercises connected with the "Guiliani gang", i might have something else: Some months ago, Aux LT Fireman Paul Isaac Jr (correct name) made already some news at PrisonPlanet.
Isaac "was stationed at Engine 10", across the street from the World Trade Center in 1998 and 99; Engine 10 was entirely wiped out in the destruction of the towers.

Isaac came forward and said, that "many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they're afraid for their jobs to admit it because the 'higher-ups' forbid discussion of this fact."

I picked up the same story on my blog and helped him to find out, if there was possibly an additional gag order by ex-CIA James R Woolsey, but besides hearsay we couldn't find any new evidence on that point.

Isaac didn't give up to dig more on 9/11.
Meanwhile sick from the air of 9/11, his dedication to 9/11 research became extremely high.

Isaac confidentially contacted me last week again and after i first denied,
i promised to help a bit, basically for technical reasons and proper promotion of his research.

Paul has no proper computer equipment at home.

Following is now a collection of 'documents', which Isaac sees in a logical connection.

I helped him to scan some stuff and locate original details.

I would like to forward these files into this group to analyse what he has.

I promised Isaac, that someone might help him to co-write an article.

I also recommended not to focus on one particular document only, because it could be easily oversensationalized and distract from the other stuff he has "letsroll.org-effect".

Here are the files:

To make it more personally, we scanned an older photo of Paul Isaac:

The files:

File 1:
The following picture is a scan of the brochure of the 2000 Y2K "Y2K readiness disclosures".

On this brochure you see the names of some involved responsible spokespersons, among them Jerome Hauer (OEM, WTC 7 etc...)

One of the main organizations, who also had been involved,
was KeySpan, formerly Brooklyn Union Gas, as mentioned within this brochure on Page 3, as i recall.
I found a confirmation of their "involvement" also here:

KeySpan Energy's Year 2000 Program,
Year 2000 Readiness Disclosures

Isaac pointed on the cover of this brochure and asked for confirmations of sun/shadow experts.
He thinks, that the shadow which you see in the middle of the North Tower is an artificial constructed shadow from the Woolworth Building, possibly forced by a backlight projection.

Isaac might explain this better and i would like to forward his personal notes ASAP.

He thinks, that this could imply a symbolical "announcement" of the "attack" on the North Tower 9 months later, but possibly also could have been a test drive for a positioning of the bomb system.

I replied, that critics could downplay this as a photoshopped "dramatization" without any further reason.
Therefore he also suggested to add more files...

File 2:

A collection of WTC-postcards to make the point, that this shadow on the North Tower (as seen on the brochure -and not manipulated from us) was impossible.
(Jean, our photographer in this group, might add now more clues)

Because i was more interested in another angle of an article, he had in this collection, we also scanned the following picture:

File 3:

Here you see the Twin Towers and a little bit far away, two twin gas storage tanks.

The story becomes now more interesting.

These two twin gas storage tanks had been destroyed, in a controlled demolition, by KeySpan (formerly Brooklyn Union Gas), on July 15, 2001 - 7:02 am, on Maspeth Avenue in Queens, New York.


July 18, 2001

Isaac believes, that this controlled demolition was a test drive for the Twin Towers, because of similar "procedure", effects, association AND nearby location.

Here is one article about this event:

The Tanks Came Tumbling Down
July 18, 2001

"...KeySpan uses mechanized scissor-like devices to cut up the steel skin of the tanks, rather than torches, to avoid vaporizing the lead paint. In addition, KeySpan also laid down a special fabric cover to shield nearby buildings and vacuumed streets after the implosion...

...The twin gas storage tanks on Maspeth Avenue that hovered over Greenpoint and neighboring Queens for more than 50 years collapsed in a cloud of dust early Sunday morning after KeySpan Energy imploded the long unused structures..."

Possibly unsurprisingly for us (and maybe known for some), Keyspan destroyed these Gas storage tanks together with Controlled Demolition, Inc. !!



Structures: Keyspan Gas Holder No. 1 and Holder No. 2
(formerly known as the Maspeth Holders)
City: Brooklyn, NY (Greenpoint area)
Location: Maspeth Ave. between Morgan Ave. and Vandervooft Ave.
Date & Time: July 15, 2001 - 7:02 am
Implosion Contractor: Controlled Demolition, Inc.
General Contractor: Mercer Wrecking
Height: Almost 400 feet tall each
Explosives: 750 lbs. of shaped charges (375 per holder) and 25 lbs. conventional charges (12.5 per holder)

These are all current Isaac files, i can provide.

He might add more notes from other articles, but i thought, that's already enough to build a story.

I promised Isaac to send him all the links, once i'm finished uploading and sending him the first responses of our members of 9/11 Science and Justice Alliance.

I think, an interesting article is possible.

If there is enough response, i would post his email address.
I cannot speak of the significance of his collection, but i think, he found some interesting stuff and it depends on how one write this.



KeySpan Corporation was formed in May 1998 as a result of the merger of KeySpan Energy Corporation, the parent company of Brooklyn Union Gas, and certain businesses of the Long Island Lighting Company.

On November 8, 2000, KeySpan acquired Eastern Enterprises, a Massachusetts business trust, and the parent of several gas utilities operating in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Corporate Leaders

Robert B. Catell
serves on JPMorgan/Chase's Metropolitan Advisory Board

Gerald Luterman
former Chief Financial Officer of Arrow Electronics (1996-1999).
Luterman began his career with Booz-Allen & Hamilton
(linked to PNAC member, ex-CIA James R. Woolsey)

Please get hit by a truck and die. You have no place on this Earth. Feel free to call me a "fagot" and "busshit artist" because not only are you an idiot, who cannot spell, but you cannot rise above childish profanity. You're no firefighter. You're a child. Let the real men take care of this movement. Do you know what a real man is? It's somebody who deals with their problems face to face, like a man, not over internet messageboards in a public library. If what Dylan says about you is true, you really are a total scumbag. And I have more reason to believe him than you. So, again, die. Thank you. Have a nice life.
My beef is with their (Wingtv and others) behavior at GZ-05:


Everything is very well. I'm about ready to release
the 2nd edition of Loose Change, things couldn't be
better. Thank you for your quick response.

I completely understand your anger at WingTv, believe
me. In fact, we got about 15 minutes of footage just
on the WingTV incident, most of which is your side of
the story. Our whole trip to NYC is chronicled on the
upcoming DVD, which I'd be more than happy to send you
a copy of once it's completed.

WingTv lost my respect a long time before that day.
They spend more time causing trouble than anything
else, and I've no time for a group that tarnishes the
movement as opposed to strenghtening it.

I was wondering if it would be possible to conduct an
interview with you for inclusion on the 2nd Edition
DVD? I have a number of questions that I'd like to
ask you, concerning a) the gag order placed on the
FDNY, b) the "smoke condition" in the 1 and 9 transit
lines and c) the Keyspan Towers demolition. And, of
course, anything else that comes to mind.

I'm not sure if you want your statements put on a
worldwide distributed DVD, so again this is entirely
at your discretion. But I trust that we can come to
some sort of agreement.

-Dylan Avery

So you're ok with Dylan Avery and Loose Change? Also, are you going to make statements for loose change's DVD?

Please get hit by a truck and die. You have no place on this Earth. Feel free to call me a "fagot" and "busshit artist" because not only are you an idiot, who cannot spell, but you cannot rise above childish profanity. You're no firefighter. You're a child. Let the real men take care of this movement. Do you know what a real man is? It's somebody who deals with their problems face to face, like a man, not over internet messageboards in a public library. If what Dylan says about you is true, you really are a total scumbag. And I have more reason to believe him than you. So, again, die. Thank you. Have a nice life.

Dylan seemed to want your commentary on his DVD. Was there some change or is the above writer a little out of it?
you said you were homeless and then someone (your brother) handed you a book on cospircies. were you making that up as well?
you said you were homeless and then someone (your brother) handed you a book on cospircies. were you making that up as well?

I -was- living in a shelter (notice the past tense) when my brother handed me Jim Marrs' "Rule by Secrecy", which talks about secret societies. Jim Marrs' first book was on the JFK assasination and he later wrote books on 911.
so you read these stupid books that take facts and turn them into fiction. no wonder you believe all this junk.

Life must seem real simple to you John. You probably haven't read a page from the books on 9/11 that I've read and yet you somehow already know they're, as you so eloquently put it, 'stupid'. Perhaps you're the one with the magic 8 ball :rolleyes:?
Life must seem real simple to you John. You probably haven't read a page from the books on 9/11 that I've read and yet you somehow already know they're, as you so eloquently put it, 'stupid'. Perhaps you're the one with the magic 8 ball :rolleyes:?

why would i read conspiracy books written to make a buck when i have practical experience in so many areas relevant to this that those books and most of these conspiracies are comical to me.

I am simply saying that the official story (911) is very much possible and certainly could have happened the way it is now known it did happen.

What are you going to tell me next? why dont you throw some alien space ships in while you are at it.
scott3x said:
Life must seem real simple to you John. You probably haven't read a page from the books on 9/11 that I've read and yet you somehow already know they're, as you so eloquently put it, 'stupid'. Perhaps you're the one with the magic 8 ball ?

why would i read conspiracy books written to make a buck

Ah, so now your magic 8 ball is telling you that they were written solely to make a buck?

when i have practical experience in so many areas relevant to this that those books and most of these conspiracies are comical to me.

John, if you are, as you say, an engineer that deals with architecture in some way, I can respect that. Nevertheless, the fact that you know something about buildings doesn't mean that your reasoning is therefore flawless. Many architects and engineers disagree with the official story and have shown very persuasive evidence. In light of this, I believe that your wish to simply dismiss all of this research is simply wrong.

I am simply saying that the official story (911) is very much possible

According to Szamboti, who, by the way, is a mechanical engineer, the way the WTC buildings came down is simply impossible for jet initiated fires to produce. Feel free to read the article he wrote with Frank Legge which explains why this is the case.
See this thread:


and look @ post 696. i know you saw that but he was wrong about that. This is just so common and simple.

and yes i worked as a professional engineer in heavy construction and have personally witnessed steel just like the supports at WTC give way and collapse. i have worked in commercial incineration plants with temperatures way over what he stated - from burning trash. Finally i was trained in criminal law, police sciences and social science by some of the best teachers. All this was in the span of 10 years.
The reason i mention the construction part is because as i said i worked with turbines the size of a small house and we used steel beams to lift the tops off them to work on them. i know what steel does and how it reacts under extreme pressure.

you want me to read conspiracy books? give me a break.
i have seen those same steel beams bend, melt and i have burned through them myslef. Also i seen a few go flying through the air as if they exploded from doing something they didnt want to do. And yes it sounded like a small explosion.
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