9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Truth about 9/11: Crazy terrorists forcefully ran airplanes in the buildings.
Truth about 9/11: People died, some were heroes, some were normal people who became beloved heroes ...heroes who could have become greater heroes if they were living today.
Truth about 9/11: It angered US like Pearl Harbor attack; resulted in we all know what.
Truth about 9/11: US woke up and even though i loath those 9/11 Security checks at airport, i feel reassured to know that after this, i can step on the airplane with some sense of security.
Truth about 9/11: My father had a meeting at WTC a day before. One day and he would have been stranded in the building. He saw the building last time before flying and marveled at the beauty of the construction; took couple of pictures. This is Sept 10th.
Truth about 9/11: CIA realized that there was a new enemy for them to tackle; plain and simple.

Truth about 9/11: Crazy terrorists forcefully ran airplanes in the buildings.

If you include the pentagon as one of those buildings, you may want to check out www.thepentacon.com . As to the rest, there are serious doubts but I haven't explored those areas so much.

Truth about 9/11: People died, some were heroes, some were normal people who became beloved heroes ...heroes who could have become greater heroes if they were living today.

No argument there :)

Truth about 9/11: It angered US like Pearl Harbor attack; resulted in we all know what.

Some would argue that the parallell to Pearl Harbor didn't end there; that it shared in the fact that high up officials knew it was going to occur and yet didn't stop it.

Truth about 9/11: US woke up and even though i loath those 9/11 Security checks at airport, i feel reassured to know that after this, i can step on the airplane with some sense of security.

And what if it was the security company that you should be fearing?
"Secrecy Surrounds 9/11 Investigation"

Truth about 9/11: My father had a meeting at WTC a day before. One day and he would have been stranded in the building. He saw the building last time before flying and marveled at the beauty of the construction; took couple of pictures. This is Sept 10th.


Truth about 9/11: CIA realized that there was a new enemy for them to tackle; plain and simple.

Sometimes things are not so plain and simple. You might want to read this article to start:
"The Hidden Hand Of The CIA, 911 And Popular Mechanics"

You might then want to proceed with a more in depth analysis:
"Former German Minister Confirms CIA Involvement In 911"

I admit that I haven't read much of the above mentioned articles. I've seen and read others. But I've read from Christopher Bollyn before and I've heard a bit about this German Minister so I believe they should prove worth reading for someone who is skeptical concerning CIA involvement in the events and aftermath of 9/11.
How did a brilliant individual like yourself come to the conclusion that the top 16 levels of the north tower could come straight down

Well my friend, when fire weakens steel to less than 10% of its original strength and there are thousands of tons on that steel, gravity takes over.

break the supports of th masses below

That's typically what happens to any structure that is suddenly subjected to more weight than it was designed for.

in sequence

Does gravity have more than one sequence? This must be an aspect to truther physics I'm not aware of.

and cause that mass to accelerate faster than gravity

I don't know what videos you've been watching, but the debris falling off to the side fell at free fall speed whilst the collapse of the floors lagged behind. Faster than gravity? Again, please educate me on truther physics... you never know when we discover alternative universes that this information may be useful.

It is one of those conservation of momentum things combined with the energy loss of breaking supports.

The floors were lightweight and wide-open. The combined mass falling from above did not have a problem punching through them. The core remained standing until moments after the collapse, so you can not factor this in to your truther physics sponsored by ACME.

m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)v3

v2 = 0 since each level below is stationary.

No mathematical formula can save you now... You have already proven yourself to be insane.
I'm guessing your math scared responders away.
I haven't responded to psikeyhackr as he doesn't appear to have both oars in the water. I have seen him embarrassed on the jref forums.

So what's going on with the threads now? Is this one needed anymore?
I haven't responded to psikeyhackr as he doesn't appear to have both oars in the water.

What draws you to that conclusion?

I have seen him embarrassed on the jref forums.

JREF is an official story haven. I've posted 2 or 3 times in it but it's clear that the deck is stacked there.

So what's going on with the threads now? Is this one needed anymore?

As a resource, I believe it has a lot of value- i'm use it a bit in my web site on the twin tower collapses:

However, I personally would like to deep six it as a place of continuing discussion because it is just too big. As you know, I have already made a thread on the WTC collapses and we have the how, why and who threads as well. I'm thinking in the future we may add a pentagon thread as well and perhaps another thread for other subjects concerning 9/11.
Truth about 9/11: Crazy terrorists forcefully ran airplanes in the buildings.
The debate is who the terrorists are. The word "terrorist" is now it seems, synonymous in the minds of many with islamic/arab/muslim/jihadi fighter. Such is the power of media propaganda shock images and narrative. simply stating "terrorists did it" is meaningless.
the issue being discussed is WHO ARE THE TERRORISTS?

Truth about 9/11: It angered US like Pearl Harbor attack; resulted in we all know what.
Yes this is true.
but did you know of the fact that it was stated in SEVERAL written documents at the highest levels BEFORE 911, from VARIOUS political, military, elite and intelligence sources that a pearl harbour event would change the face of america and that such an event was desirable from the perspective of the american ruling class.

Truth about 9/11: US woke up and even though i loath those 9/11 Security checks at airport, i feel reassured to know that after this, i can step on the airplane with some sense of security.
Those that fear islamic terrorism from without will no doubt feel more secure.
But you should also consider that those that fear dictatorial tyranny from within feel very much less secure.

Truth about 9/11: CIA realized that there was a new enemy for them to tackle; plain and simple.
The officiaI story is that arab terrorists attacked the wtc in 1993, how can you claim that prior to 911 there was no threat if you accept the official 1993 story? The CIA is the biggest, most resourceful and most financed intelligence organisation the planet has ever known. It is an extraordinary statement to make that an attack on this scale was a surprise to the CIA, everyone else was talking and writing about it as I mentioned above, but the CIA are just stupid before the fact? It is the CIAs job to know these things, it is absurd to claim they were the only ones that didn't know!

It is also counter to the evidence when you consider that fourteen foreign intelligence agencies issued warnings to the CIA of IMPENDING attacks in the weeks and days preceeding the event.
3,000 dead and comebacks are what metter.

LOL! One of the best all time come backs on this thread! :)

Come backs are so important to people not smart enough to do the math.

The NIST just happens to write a 10,000 page report where they can't even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers and taking 3 years and $20,000,000 to fail to do it. Why did they specify the total amount of steel 3 times but not do it for the concrete once?



My name is Paul Isaac Jr. I have recently signed on to clarify a problem with a certain article that has been floating around. I relates to the wingtv article "Fireman say again that 911 was anside job"

The article is not the truth it is a smear tactic made up be wingtv to conter what actually occured at Ground Zero.

Theres is a villagevoice article about what occured there Titled "Conspiracy theorist invade ground zero" by Sarah Ferguson.

Just a snip "At one point, an auxiliary fireman stepped forward and tried to reason with the protesters to "respect the memorial sentiment."

"Believe me, I have questions too," he told the protesters. "But you've got to respect the dead. These people are not ready for this. You're just creating resentment."

The demolition lady was adamant. "There is no good time. I lost a lot of firefighter friends too," she maintained, adding, "This is the only way we can reach the 9-11 families."

The article will show you that there is a serious problem when it comes to certain people who claim to be part of the 911 truth movement.

I think it best that you search out the article by wingtv "The Blow Up Doll" to get an idea what these people are. They were extrememly disrespectful to many people including family members in attendance who asked them to show a little respect. Then we took it to another level with them something loosechange refuses to show to this day. They of course will help people connected to cointelpro and who are borderline pedifile promoters but they will not fess up to what actually happened that day.

Thank You

paul Isaac (Sentinel)
For the record

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Paul Isaac's Theory

Those of you who've been around for awhile may remember Paul as the auxiliary fireman who got into a verbal fracas with Jason Bermas on 9-11-06. We cheered his pointing out that it was disrespectful for the conspiracy nuts to be there on the fifth anniversary with so many mourning family members.

It wasn't until later that we found out that Paul is a conspiracy theorist himself, but we still appreciate his support for the families in their time of pain. For awhile he was a member of the JREF Forum, but I seem to remember that he got bounced for violating the terms of service.

At any rate, Paul has his own, rather interesting theory:

The brochure cover below from a city publication prior to 2000 shows a strange looking shadow on the north face of Tower 1 coming from 250 Broadway which stood next to WTC7. Paul noticed this strange shadow, pointing out that the sun could not have caused this due to the direction of its path. Why would an official city document have this oddity? Could this signify something ominous? Could this shadow be pointing towards the Keyspan Tanks? Note the yellow line in the image below. These are questions Paul is calling to our attention.

I think the two tanks are the ones that were mentioned in at least one of the versions of Loose Change. But aside from that, I don't have a clue as to what Paul thinks he's discovered.
Labels: Paul Isaac
for the record

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Prothink Interviews NYC First Responder Paul Isaac



Paul is going to be presenting evidence of 9/11 to the courts and would like your support if you are in the Brooklyn area. This will be going on at the Brooklyn Criminal Court December 7th, 2007. He requests that people come to support him in his efforts to obtain justice for 9/11/01. Here is some of the evidence he will be presenting:

More Unanswered Questions re: Keyspan Tanks

Paul Isaac is an Auxiliary Fireman and first responder.
He has spent an untold number of hours doing in-depth research compiling
many areas of evidence challenging the official account of 9/11.

The image below illustrates a parallel between the
demolition of the Keyspan Maspeth Holding Tanks in Queens, NY on
July 15th, just a few months before 9/11. Although explosives were
outlawed, somehow with the Giuliani administration in power, this
demolition was carried out even though the surrounding area was
residential. You can still see the Queens Gazette article from 7/18/01

The height of the tanks is approximately the same
as the height from where Flight 175 struck the south tower and the
top of the building. The angle of the collapse of the South Tower
(see Image 2) was almost identical to the angle of the demolition-cased
collapse of the tanks (see Image 3). Also, the antenna from Tower
One came down in the same direction, into Tobin Plaza rather than
west towards the World Financial Centers. The demolition of the
tanks was planned and carried out by Controlled Demolition, Inc.
Isn't it interesting that this company also was contracted to do
the cleanup after the Oklahoma City Bombing, then again for cleanup
of the World Trade Center towers? Also, see the Online Journal article
by Jerry Mazza.

It's important to realize that pilots flying planes
into LaGuardia Airport used the Keyspan tanks

as markers on their approach route.

Below we see the flattened tanks on the left, and
the complete demolition at Ground Zero. Also, below we see what
very much appears to be 2 different Osama Bin Ladins. Which one
are we supposed to believe was responsible for 9/11? If he indeed
did orchestrate 9/11, why isn't this listed on the FBI web site's
Most Wanted section? Why did an FBI official named Rex Tomb claim
"the FBI has no hard evidence connecting him to 9/11"?

Did you know Enron supplied gas to Keyspan? Did
you know Enron, which was being investigated by the Security and
Exchange Commission, had files destroyed in the collapse of WTC7?

Did you know Keyspan was in a joint venture with Enron in 1998?
Here's an excerpt from a press release:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 13, 1998

HOUSTON - KeySpan Energy Corporation and Enron Capital & Trade
Resources Corp. (ECT), a subsidiary of Enron Corp., today announced
an agreement whereby ECT will provide gas supply management services
for Brooklyn Union Gas, the primary subsidiary of KeySpan Energy.
Under the terms of this agreement, which is subject to approval
by New York Public Service Commission, ECT will assume responsibility
for managing Brooklyn Union's interstate pipeline transportation,
gas supply and storage.

Wouldn't a real investigation pursue
this trail and see where it leads?

The brochure cover below from a city publication prior
to 2000 shows a strange looking shadow on the north face of Tower
1 coming from 250 Broadway which stood next to WTC7. Paul noticed
this strange shadow, pointing out that the sun could not have caused
this due to the direction of its path. Why would an official city
document have this oddity? Could this signify something ominous?
Could this shadow be pointing towards the Keyspan Tanks? Note the
yellow line in the image below. These are questions Paul is calling
to our attention.

Also, did you know Keyspan got a baseball park built
under the company's name? For more, click
I have another. Why dont you play baseball with a football? Afterall they are both balls, you throw them you catch them...they must be the same thing.
FDNY, I'm confused- are you saying you -are- Paul Isaac or are you just quoting him? It seems like the latter, but I want to be sure...
Hee Hee I love to stir shit too

Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'
'Lebanon is an open theater for espionage'
By Andrew Wander
Daily Star staff
Monday, November 03, 2008

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BEIRUT: Two men arrested for running an Israeli spy ring in the Bekaa Valley are relatives of a suicide hijacker who piloted a plane in the September 11, 2001, attacks, a security source told The Daily Star on Sunday. The Lebanese Army announced on Saturday that it had arrested two people suspected of involvement with a spy network that gathered information for Israel's intelligence services.

The army said that the men had been arrested on Friday, but the source said that they were actually captured two weeks ago and the discovery of the arrests by the media prompted the army to announce their capture.

The army said the men had admitted "gathering information on political party offices and monitoring the movements of party figures for the enemy."

The statement added that the men had been found with "communications devices and other sophisticated equipment," which they used to gather information and transmit it to Mossad agents.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said the men are relatives of Ziad Jarrah, the Lebanese who helped commandeer United Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001, killing everyone on board. Jarrah's family is from the town of Al-Marej in the Bekaa Valley, where the arrests took place.

The Jarrah family have repeatedly denied that Ziad was part of the September 11 plot, claiming he was instead a innocent passenger on the plane, but an official investigation concluded that he was a senior member of the hijacking team who had undergone flight training in order to carry out the attacks.

Residents of Al-Marej told As-Safir newspaper that the men were arrested when security forces raided a home in the town and seized equipment from a car. The newspaper said investigators had found documents which prove that the men had been in contact with Israeli intelligence agents. Investigators said that the men had passed information about the location of Lebanese and Syrian army outposts to the Israelis.

One of the two men arrested, identified only by his initials "A.D.J.," is believed to have been the head of the spy ring. Security sources told The Daily Star that the man was a member of the Palestinian militant group Fatah al-Intifadah, which is known to be active along the Syrian border.

The other man who was arrested is said to be a relative of "A.D.J." and was allegedly involved in conducting reconnaissance work for Mossad in the Bekaa Valley.

Investigators said that the spy ring had been active in the area since the late 1980s.

Retired General Elias Hanna told The Daily Star that Lebanon provided the perfect environment for spies to operate. "Lebanon is an open theater for espionage and counter-espionage," he said. "It has all the elements that are needed in international and regional conflict."

But he said that if the group had been operating since the 1980s it would be surprising. "That's 20 years," he said. "That's a long period of time."

The timing of the arrests was also surprising, he said, given that senior officials in the Lebanese Army had recently been replaced, disrupting the continuity needed for counter-espionage operations.

"You have to work on these cases for a long period of time. It requires information and long periods of monitoring," Hanna said.

"The previous period was chaotic in Lebanon, so I don't know how the arrests happened," he added.

He said the group were probably trying to gather information about Hizbullah, but would not have been able to infiltrate the group. "Hizbullah is an intelligence-proof entity," he said. "It operates with a very high level of secrecy. If you cannot get inside it, you study its environment. This is what we are seeing."

Investigators say the men were tasked with monitoring the movements of senior political figures in the Bekaa region, which lies on the main route between Beirut and Damascus.

Officials are also investigating a theory that the group provided intelligence to the Israelis that may have helped them plan the killing of the senior Hizbullah military commander Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus in February.

Hizbullah's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has accused Israel of being behind the car bomb that killed Mughniyeh and has pledged that the Shiite group will take revenge for his death.

An Israeli government spokesman refused to comment on the arrests.

"Every couple of weeks there is someone, somewhere accusing the Mossad of something. As a rule, we don't comment on all these accusations," the spokesman said on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Army denied the validity of media reports that linked two men seen crossing the Lebanese-Israeli border on Sunday with the case. In a statement issued on Sunday, the army said that the reports were "confused."
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