9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Jul 25, 2008 0:15 | Updated Jul 25, 2008 8:13
IDF vets train NY Jewish paramilitaries
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Yonatan Stern, the "Sgan Mefaked Hakita" (deputy squad commander) of Kitat Konenut New York, insists his "paramilitary emergency armed response team" is no "group of vigilantes or a JDL [Jewish Defense League]."

Members of Kitat Konenut New York pose in a photo posted on the group's Facebook page.
Photo: Courtesy

Slideshow: Pictures of the week "The goal of the organization is to have a competent and professional group of armed volunteers ready to respond to a threat at a moment's notice in any area where Jews reside," explains the Israeli combat veteran.

"We do not carry out demonstrations or political activity of any kind as we have no political agenda. Our agenda is to protect Jews wherever and whenever necessary and by any means needed."

On Friday, the third session of the group's training camp will begin in the Catskills woodlands of upstate New York, on land belonging to a Jewish supporter of the organization. With tuition at $400, the group expects 15 participants and five instructors for the 10 days of training. Participation has doubled since the group began three years ago.

Kitat Konenut New York is modeled on the rapid response teams in the West Bank settlements that are often the first to act when terrorist attacks or other emergencies take place. The group bills itself as religious-Zionist but nonpolitical.

American Jews have "felt a false sense of security in the United States," Stern believes, "because historically there has been less anti-Semitism than in other countries. But there have been incidents - neo-Nazi terrorist attacks, Arab terrorist attacks. Jews have to be vigilant."

"The threat is not from the American people or government," he adds, but from "terrorist sleeper cells that want to target Jews. These people are very dangerous and the FBI issues warnings against them very often," he said, citing the FBI's warning, after the killing of Hizbullah operations chief Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus in February, that the Lebanese group might carry out terror attacks on Jewish communities.

"The average American is friendly to Jews, but we're worried about those individuals on the periphery of society," Stern says.

The group was founded in the summer of 2006 in response to the shooting attack at the Jewish federation of Seattle premises by local Muslim Naveed Haq.

"We realized there is a need for this kind of organization, and as Israeli combat veterans living in the US, we have the skills and ability to respond to this," Stern says.

The group's MySpace page details the camp's regimen, which includes training in the IDF's Krav Maga martial art, use of non-lethal weapons and identification of suspicious objects, but also sharpshooter and assault rifle training, infantry exercises and endurance marches. Explanatory literature lists a large number of weapons with which participants can expect to train.

"We believe all Jews in the US must be legally armed and trained," Stern says, "and towards this goal we hold paramilitary training camps to train and equip Jewish American youth."

The group's literature notes emphatically that all firearms used in training "are 100% legal and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws."

"We strongly believe in the constitutional right to bear arms and we express this right to its fullest," it adds.

The group claims to be "well-connected with the New York police and fire departments" and it invites "all members of the law enforcement community to join in our life-saving activities."

Stern says, "We are all legally armed and carry radios and cellphones" during all hours of the day, and even on Shabbat, "as we need to be constantly ready to respond to any incident."

The camp literature also promises discussions on Torah and Halacha, understanding and confronting terrorism, fighting anti-Semitism, the history of the Zionist movement in the Land of Israel, and encouraging participants to "know your rights and learn how every American can and must be legally armed and how to express the Second Amendment" - the right to bear arms.

Funded by tuition money and a handful of private donors, the group does not exclude secular Jews, Stern says, but asks that they respect the Orthodox nature of the camp by observing Shabbat in public and refraining from bringing non-kosher food.

"We wouldn't have a problem with non-Jews coming either," says Stern, "but no non-Jew has applied thus far."
Some corrections...

Yes, I was present when the Tower 1 coolapsed. I was at Bwy, Chamber and Park Row (Outside Mayors Office) .

Yes, there were Explsions. But, for the record I cannot comfirm BOMBs because I was not present in the buildings. But, I can comfirm radio reports on Suspicious packages and there is a video floating around that everyone calims is valid yet it has nothing to do with the towers. The video is about the guy getting instructions to "clear out, theres a bomb in the building"! the guy asked the fireman to "repeat himself" the Fireman states it again. This video was taken after the towers collapsed. It was a comfirmed Bomb treat at Chambers and west at the High School. They were clearing out the command post. Some scumbag left devices in a school. I have the original video from the TLC channel.

Onother Item is the debate about FEMA having personel at the site and their arrival time. There were 18 USAR teams at location September 11th. The argument is if all Air Traffic was stood dawn shortly after the attack How did the USAR Teams arrive on Day one?


Stay Tuned

Wow...now Fema is in on the conspiracy...cool...how many other 1000's of people were in on it? and yet they all kept their mouths shut...Amazing.

You have been asked a direct question FDNY please answer it.
Question: If the use of explosive with city limits was outlawed? Howe did CDI gets the permits soooo quickly?

Keyspan Energy Company Fuel Tank Demolition
Contractors: Mercer Wrecking, Inc.
Control Demolition, Inc.

Keyspan Energy Company was faced with immediate challenges when they planned to demolish two retired natural gas containers along the Gowanus Canal in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Under growing pressure from concern generated by the tanks' decay, Keyspan required a way to dispose of the industrial relics with minimal effect on the surrounding community. Impact studies determined implosion by explosives to be the most efficient way to demolish the twin steel giants. ***Control Demolition Inc. (CDI), the nation's leading expert in explosive demolition, was contracted for the job and a date for the event was set for summer 2001.

Unfortunately there were many hurdles for a venture of this scope. ***The use of explosives had been banned from use in New York City for almost twenty years. Local civic organizations, anxious about detonations so close to their neighboring communities, quickly gained a court injunction to halt the demolition. High-pressure natural gas lines supplying several adjoining communities and located dangerously close to the demolition site had to be sufficiently protected from damage and remain in operation during the implosion. Even Mother Nature seemed against the proposal when environmental activists tried to block the plan on behalf of rare birds nesting near the implosion site.

KM Associates on NY, Inc. was called in to find creative solutions to the obstacles hindering such a daunting operation. ***Working with Mayor Giuliani's office to obtain special permits allowing the use of explosives within city limits, KM Associates consulted with local fire and police departments, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure the safety of the operation along the roadways, waterways and flight patterns surrounding the demolition site. KM Associates worked in conjunction with more than a dozen local, state and federal agencies, community boards and environmental groups to expedite the plan and overcome challenges as they arose. In the early morning of July 15, 2001, Mercer Wrecking and CDI flattened the towering fuel containers with a spectacular implosion along the Brooklyn waterfront. Supported by KM Associates of NY, Inc. they safely completed the unique project with minimal impact on Keyspan's neighbors.
NYC ruling limits airlines' liability for 9/11
Judge limits liability of aviation defendants to replacement costs of WTC towers
December 12, 2008: 11:27 AM ET

NEW YORK (Associated Press) - A judge says developer Larry Silverstein cannot recover more from the aviation industry than the $2.8 billion value of the World Trade Center if his lawsuits succeed.

Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein made the determination in a ruling filed Thursday. The decision carried Wednesday's date.

Hellerstein rejected Silverstein's claims that his company would be entitled to as much as $16.2 billion from American Airlines, United Airlines and other aviation defendants.

A lawsuit on behalf of Silverstein's companies claimed that negligence by the airlines allowed the terrorists to hijack planes that struck the twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001.

The aviation defendants denied liability.

A call to Silverstein's lawyer wasn't immediately returned.
Last Days for Brooklyn's Giants; Twin Tanks Carry a Love-Hate Reputation to the End
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LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy ANDY NEWMAN
Published: July 9, 2001
It won't be long now. The explosives arrived on Friday.

At 7 a.m. Sunday, while most of the city sleeps, two mammoth natural-gas storage tanks that have defined the landscape of northern Brooklyn for decades will fall with a shudder and a boom, and with them a big chunk of New York's industrial history.

When they were built by the Brooklyn Union Gas Company, in 1927 and 1948, the 400-foot-tall steel tanks, on Maspeth Avenue in Greenpoint, were the largest gas holders in the world. Now they are the last ones left in the state, according to the Public Service Commission.

Topped with a red-and-white checker pattern (required by the Federal Aviation Administration to discourage La Guardia-bound air traffic from hitting them), the tanks may be the only instantly recognizable elements of the fragmentary Brooklyn skyline besides the Williamsburgh Savings Bank clock tower and the metal skeletons of Coney Island. But the tanks have been obsolete and empty for years, and rather than pay to keep them up, the utility, now known as KeySpan Energy, has decided to knock them down.

Officially, they will not be missed. ''We have not received any calls about this,'' said the chief of staff of the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission, Terri Rosen Deutsch.

Unofficially, they will be mourned.

''I call them the elders of the community because they look down over us,'' said Annette LaMatto, 49, who grew up in the shadow of the tanks and lives three blocks from them.

Like the Ali MacGraw character in ''Love Story,'' the tanks seem to be growing more beautiful as the hour of their death approaches.

Particularly from the inside. Shafts of divine-looking light pierce the soaring darkness through rows of windows cut to accommodate explosive charges and through slits cut halfway around the structures to weaken them. The light coming through the slits is projected along the black-painted interior of the cylindrical tanks in long white helixes.

Sound is as strangely altered as light. A rock thrown against the steel wall echoes with a speeeowwnnnn like a bullet shot into a canyon in a cartoon. A single yelp returns five or six times, in pulses.

If nothing else, it would be an awesome place to hold a rave.

''It's definitely art,'' said John B. Nellis Jr., a longtime inspector of the tanks who is now helping to oversee their demise. ''You get the straight lines coming down and the spiral light around the wall. It's pretty wild.''

Mr. Nellis recalled having to check the tanks daily to make sure all the seals were tight. ''I'm used to the inside and the outside of this thing being separate,'' he said. ''Now we're letting the outside in. Soon the inside will be the outside.''

The tanks, formally known as the Maspeth Holders, were built to provide constant pressure in residential gas lines during high demand. Fluctuations in gas flow in homes can cause pilot lights to go out, causing risk of explosion and poisoning.

Together, the tanks held 32 million cubic feet, enough to supply 160,000 homes for a month. Visible from all five boroughs, they are nearly twice the size of the two Elmhurst tanks, the radio-traffic-report reference points in Queens that were torn down in 1996. They even have their own weather -- a near-constant wind blows between them because of the high- and low-air-pressure zones they create.

But with the completion of several pipelines and the installation of regulating stations throughout KeySpan's distribution system, the tanks were no longer needed, said Bob Mahony, a spokesman for the utility. Holder No. 1, the older one, with the rooster-red cupola on top, was decommissioned in 1992, its sibling in 1997.

KeySpan has been seeking permits to demolish the tanks since early last year, but nearby residents only found out about the plans in May, when Ms. LaMatto stumbled upon a gathering of city cars, including one from the Fire Department's explosives unit, just outside the gates. She sounded the alarm. Some residents said they have still not been formally notified by KeySpan of the demolition.

For this reason and others, many neighbors are skeptical of KeySpan's assurances that Sunday's implosion will not shower the area with lead paint from the towers or cause other health or safety problems.

KeySpan officials promise that the towers will fall inward, onto KeySpan's property, that they have installed lead monitors all around, that they will lay down wetted fabric to keep the dust down, and that they will survey the neighborhood afterward. The company running the implosion, Controlled Demolition Inc. of Maryland, has knocked down many gas holders without incident.

Even so, the streets around the plant will be closed before and after the explosion and residents will be instructed to stay indoors or at a viewing area a safe distance away.

''Everything about this has been, 'Trust us, we know what we're doing,' '' said Ms. LaMatto, who has led an unsuccessful effort to block or at least delay the demolition.

For some residents, the tanks represent home.

Eileen Quinlan, a photographer who lives nearby, and her fiancé wanted something different for their wedding cake when they were married last month. Even before they knew about the demolition, they had a bakery make two tank-shaped cakes. ''They used white and red chocolate to make the checkered part,'' she said.

Fran Pado, 30, a singer in a fantasy-rock band called Heaven (''our songs are about hobbits and trolls''), said it was ''kind of romantic'' to sit in her kitchen on Beadel Street drinking coffee and looking out the back window at the towers.

But not everyone will miss them.

''They've been here many years, but when I walk up my block and I see them, I don't think they're beautiful,'' Theresa Cianciotta said from the window of her house on Withers Street. ''I think they're an eyesore. And when I get some distance away, people say, 'You live there?' They think we live in an industrial area.''

Her husband, Guido Cianciotta, 73, came out into the middle of his street and pointed west at the World Trade Center. ''Now that's pretty,'' he said. Then he spun around and looked east. The tanks loomed at the end of his street. ''Why would you like a garbage like that?'' he asked.

The Cianciottas, who run the Concerned Citizens of Withers Street and Area Block Association, said they have collected several hundred signatures on petitions supporting the ''safe removal'' of the tanks.

But most residents, no matter what they think of the tanks, worry about what will succeed them. All too often in Greenpoint, vacant land has sprouted trash transfer stations and power plants.

If KeySpan has plans for the land, it is not saying. ''We haven't decided yet,'' Mr. Mahony, the utility spokesman, said.

First things first. By Sunday morning, 750 charges designed to slice through steel will be strapped in place up and down the sides of each tank. Twenty-five pounds of conventional explosive will be placed at at the base of each tower.

There will be no rubbernecking delays on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway -- it will be closed.

A command will be given. There will be a loud rumbling. Over the course of 10 seconds, the tanks will collapse on themselves, then topple.

Fran Pado will be dancing in a Renaissance gown, casting spells, as a filmmaker shoots the implosion for her group's new video, ''Pentagram in the Sky.''

Annette LaMatto plans to sit defiantly on her front porch.

Theresa Cianciotta will be watching from as close as she can get.

''It's not that I'm looking forward to it,'' she said. ''But it's something that's going to be important. I might as well be a witness to it.''

Correction: July 12, 2001, Thursday An article on Monday about plans to destroy two natural gas tanks in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, misstated the age of one neighborhood resident, Annette Lamatto. She is 43, not 49.

Friday, June 15th 2001, 2:21AM

KeySpan's final answer: It is preparing to blow up its two enormous red-and-white-topped gas tanks in Greenpoint - as early as July.

The energy giant had previously said it was moving to bring down the towering pair of obsolete tanks, which has been a Brooklyn landmark for more than half a century, but it had been considering various methods.

But KeySpan officials came out with their final decision Tuesday, announcing the well-known - and, for some, well-loved - tanks are slated for implosion, if all goes well, July 15 at 7 a.m.

"The plan is to demolish them by implosion," KeySpan community relations representative Cathy Sevos told a packed Community Board 1 meeting this week.

"We see implosion as the safest choice," said Sevos, flanked by a bevy of city officials from the mayor's Office of Emergency Management, the Buildings Department and the Fire Department.

The energy company already has obtained a permit from the Buildings Department to implode the two 300-foot steel tanks, KeySpan officials said. And a permit from the Fire Department is on its way, they said.

"We have no problem with this," James Laurer, chief inspector of the Fire Department's explosives unit, told the crowd. "We're going to be issuing the permits shortly."

The Greenpoint natural gas tanks - at the Greenpoint Energy Center, just off Vandervoort Ave. - are the last remaining tanks of their kind in the city. Built in 1927 and 1946, they were taken out of use in 1992 and 1997, after a pipeline from Canada rendered them obsolete.

Their controlled implosion will mark the first complete gas tank implosion in the city, according to Controlled Demolition Inc., a Maryland-based company contracted for the job. A similar gas tank in Harrison, N.J., was imploded in 1996.

"Taking something down this way is an extremely safe way to do it," said James Santoro, a consultant for Controlled Demolition.

Following KeySpan's presentation, more than a dozen outraged community members took the energy giant to task over the plan.

Activist Annette LaMatto slammed the company for failing to include the community in planning the controversial project.

"After the plan is done, they tell us what they are going to do," she said, criticizing their decision to destroy a Brooklyn industrial landmark.

"Everybody knows their way home when they see the red and white stripes on the tanks," she added.

Lifelong resident John Cursio and others raised questions about the plan's safety. And board member Adam Perlmutter questioned the company's plans for the site.

"Can you commit that you won't put a power plant or a waste transfer station there?" he asked.

KeySpan spokesman Robert Brown said after the meeting that the company has made no plans for the site once the tanks are removed. But he said the company is not prepared to put future restrictions on the site in writing.

"Right this minute, no decision has been made," he said. "But we cannot promise what's going to go there at this time."
did you just find out that those tanks were demolished? what does that have to do with anything?

misrepresenting data on sciforums is a banable offense.
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Catholic Church-9/11 Was An Inside Job

Even Scott and Headspin post links to try to back up their positions. At least their arguments have to do with the actual buildings that were attacked. What does gas fuel tanks have to do with 9/11?
The fact that both events were connected to same demo company. The same demo company that performed the OKC Demo job.

Seems odd that of all the people who were operating that scene. CDI knew for sure that the building would collapse.

From the New Yorker magazine "Why the towers fell"

"Before September 11th, the largest building ever to be imploded by accident or design was the J. L. Hudson department store, in Detroit, with 2.2 million square feet of floor space, which C.D.I. "dropped" on October 24, 1998. To do their work, Mark Loizeaux and his brother Doug need to understand the same forces and formulas that structural engineers study, but instead of using that knowledge to erect buildings they use it to take them down. They are structural undertakers, which may explain why Mark, when confronted with the spectacle of the crippled buildings, lacked the sentiment that builders feel for their creations--that innate sympathy which helped blind the engineers of the World Trade towers to the reality of what was about to occur. "I thought, Somebody's got to tell the Fire Department to get out of there," Loizeaux told me. "I picked up the phone, dialled 411, got the number, and tried it--busy. So I called the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management"--which was in 7 World Trade. "All circuits were busy. I couldn't get through."

My question is:

I the company had close contact with OEM and the Mayors office prior to 911 why would he need to go the phone directory get the number for the Mayors office of Emergency Management when they just conducted the Keyspan demo? There was such a rush to do the tanks, then you can't locate the contact number? I'm not sure how many of you are aware of large urban contracts but, there are alot a channels that have to be traveled in order for things to get done, especially on a large demolition job.

Quite odd wouldn't you say?

(Paul) Sentinel
Loizeaux said that when he demolishes buildings he sometimes tries to make the top twist and fall sideways, which can generate enough "reverse thrust" to push the rest of the building the other way. "The top part of the south tower almost did fall off, which is what would happen in most buildings. Did you see how, when that top part started to fall, it began to rotate? If that piece had kept going out, it probably would have pushed the rest of the building the other way as it fell. But those long trusses saved the day--they gave way, guided that top downward just like a bullet through the barrel of a gun, and mitigated the damage."

Funny how the CD expert explains his demos acting the same way the buildings fell.

Paul (Sentinel)
Jewish Newspaper Advocates Mass Murder of Innocent Muslim Civilians (And New Yorkers) as ADL and Other Jewish Groups Remain Silent

Like the infamous three monkeys of the “See no evil/Hear no evil/Speak no evil” caricature, mainstream Jewish groups are pretending not to notice a recent piece appearing in an Orthodox newspaper calling for the slaughter of innocent civilians in Muslim countries.

Entitled “The Appropriate Response to Islamic Terror”, Lawrence Kulak writing in the 5 Towns Jewish Times opines that the “final solution” to the “Muslim Problem” the West faces today is simple–‘Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.’ In particular, he and the newspaper carrying the piece are calling for the deliberate killing of innocent women and children as a form of collective punishment (a war crime by international law) to those who would dare attack the apple of God’s eye–Israel–or any of those fighting her wars for her. As of the moment of this writing, the lone organization sounding the alarm over the piece is CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations while at the same time all major Jewish organizations (yes, the same ones lecturing everyone else on a daily basis on issues of hate, bigotry, extremism and terror) are doing nothing to protest or distance themselves from the piece, the writer or publication.

As far as the wording of the piece itself, it is a case study in typical Zionist hatred of Gentiles and the justification of any and all violence against them and more so against those in the Muslim world resisting Jewish fanaticism and extremism. By his own words and arguments the writer Kulak betrays the fact that he operates under a barbaric code of morality that has no place in a civilized world and which has been the sole cause of Jews being ‘persecuted’ and expelled from every place they have dwelt throughout history. Those political leaders who don’t see things his way with regards to bombing the hell out of innocent women and children are ‘incompetent’ and he uses quotation marks around the word “horror” when speaking of entire families being blown to bits with laser-guided bombs, indicating that he sees no horror in it at all.

Perhaps most disturbing of all though is how he begins his piece. Like a Nazi “mad scientist” character in a film describing in a measured, unemotional voice the extermination of those deemed “enemies of the New Order“, so too does Kulak go about the business of dispassionately describing his idea of slaughtering non-combatants in a seemingly sterile, soulless manner. In the opening words, he speaks of the “great discoveries” such as penicillin that have been made in the field of medicine that took place by accident, and then goes on to describe in the same manner how the “cure” for terrorism was accidentally discovered when the American military bombed a tent in Afghanistan, killing an entire family.

Of the many things obviously deserving mention here, the first is that such a program of deliberately targeting Muslim women and children for extermination HAS already been done. One need look no further than what has taken place in Palestine for the last 60 years that to date has resulted in over a quarter of a million innocent civilian deaths. Added to this are the massacres at places such as Deir Yassin and at refugee camps such as Sabra and Shatilla, just a few of the many living historical testimonies to murder on a mass scale fueled by Jewish hatred of gentiles and the extremism it has always produced.

Next–and more up to date–is the fact that over a million innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan have been murdered in the last five years as a result of the same process advocated by the writer, and those not dead today will certainly be dead tomorrow as a result of the depleted uranium left by the US and the destruction of infrastructure that unavoidably results in disease and starvation.

So as far as Kulak and the newspaper publishing his gospel of hate are concerned, what they are advocating is already a fait accompli. What all are left to conclude therefore is that what they are really driving it is an increase in the amount of civilian deaths than is already taking place. Possibly fearing that some readers MIGHT have a moral problem with what he is advocating, Kulak then goes on to dispel such possible (albeit unlikely, considering the readership for this particular paper) attacks of conscience by characterizing his idea as a “common sense” solution “etched in the Mosaic law”.

For those unfamiliar, what he is referencing here are the Old Testament tales of genocide committed by the Israelites–forerunners to today’s “Jews”–as they invaded village after village after village of peaceful, peaceable people and (at least by the biblical account) slaughtered every single man, woman and child. The only exceptions were those “young girls who had not slept with a man” who could then “be used” for whatever purposes “God’s chosen people” decided as well as those who resigned to live as slaves, or, in the biblical language ‘hewers of wood and carriers of water’.

By referencing the Mosaic law what Kulak is saying here in effect is that “The God of our forefathers–Yahweh, not only sanctioned this kind of behavior, He commanded it and we are therefore duty-bound to continue on in the ‘traditions’ left us by our patriarchs’.

As far as the worldwide backlash that would no doubt ensue from such a program, Kulak again betrays the fact he has no sense of universal decency and that the bottom line always deals with Israel and what benefit’s the Chosen People–‘Any and all collateral damage in the form of casualties to friends, relatives, or anyone connected to the lives of these terrorists should be swiftly ignored.’

His one-sided Jewish thinking also betrays the fact that he and his fellow chosenites are always ‘the victim’, pure as the wind driven snow and any untoward behavior that winds up in their neighborhood is the result of injustices done to them and never the result of their own evil actions. It is always ‘the other guy’s fault’ and more so, the world’s fault for not coming to grips with Islam in the proper context, meaning in the manner the Jews demand–

‘As for the Islamic terrorists themselves, there has been a universal ineptitude in understanding their mentalities and how they work. Primarily because of leftist leaders and public sympathy with revolutionary mindsets, which have in cancerous fashion infiltrated the efficient workings of Western governments and Israel, the tactics that are necessary to defeat Islamic terror have been suppressed and discarded as politically incorrect.’

What Kulak and his paper of course fail to mention is the ‘ineptitude’ under which the West has suffered in understanding the ‘mentality’ of his co-religionists who were the bringers of terrorism to the Middle East generations ago. Before the ghettos of Europe were flushed of the criminal filth holed up there for centuries and then collectively transported like a deadly flesh-eating bacteria into what was an otherwise healthy political/cultural eco-system the Middle East there was no such thing as terrorism. What he is advocating with his superior Jewish intellect therefore is that the very thing that led to Islamic extremism in the first place–meaning the murder of innocent women and children–be used as the cure for wiping it out. It does not take one of Einstein’s nieces or nephews to figure out that Kulak’s remedy is akin to trying to put out an already out-of-control fire by tossing a bucket of gasoline on it.

The truth is, had the West better understood the maniacal, genocidal and subversive nature of the ‘mentality’ produced in the corrosive, corrupting environment known as the synagogue, the various nations that today find themselves being blackmailed into fighting the war to end all wars for the benefit of Israel would not have fallen prey to this apocalyptic scheme, or at least not so easily. If there is any mentality that deserves study, it is the one that views itself as the embodiment of God on earth and which views all outsiders as having emanated from one of the ‘satanic spheres’ as Judaism teaches.

By now–5 years after the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan that has resulted in unprecedented human misery affecting tens of millions–an article being penned by some sick Jewish supremacist as he perversely fantasizes about the genocide of Middle Easterners has no doubt lost its shock value. Within seconds of 9/11 taking place a floodgate of anti-Islamic hysteria was unleashed upon America’s airwaves as spies for Israel called for the mother of all holocausts–meaning the destruction of over a billion Muslims worldwide–on a minute-by-minute basis and therefore one more instance of this is not ‘news’ by any means.

What is noteworthy however is the obvious sense of hypocrisy permeating the entire circumstance. After all, this is the heyday of creatures such as Abe Foxman and Morris Dees who, along with their organizations ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center are constantly getting into the collective face of humanity and proselytizing about the dangers of “hate” and “intolerance.” Everytime an utterance is made by non-Jews of any stripe–be they Muslim, Christian or none of the above–where the idea of violence (real or imagined) is threatened against even ONE of God’s Chosen People and–BATTA-BOOM!!!–the presses are kicked into overdrive. Having said this then, where, oh were are the watchmen on the tower, warning of this impending storm of bloodshed and violence against the Semites of the Middle East as advocated by the 5 Towns Jewish Times? Where is their patented program of wailing, shrieking and gnashing of teeth, as well as their demands for a retraction, apology and the loss of employment for the offending writer?

Well, as usual, surprise-surprise, they and their fellow travelers are quiet as church mice, (or synagogue rats, whichever is more appropriate) and for reasons so obvious that a blind man could see them in a minute–the writer is Jewish and is advocating for Jewish interests.

In an age where all creatures great and small living in the land of the free and home of the brave are subjected to a concerted, ceaseless program of pogromophobia by an hysterical Jewish-owned/Jewish-controlled media whenever some eruption of “extremism” takes place from any other corner (be it Muslim, neo-Nazi or whatever) the fact that not a microbe of discussion or “in-depth” investigation has taken place surrounding this event speaks volumes about the agenda ruling America these days. It does not take the prophetic powers of Nostradamus to envision what would happen if such a piece appeared in some Muslim publication in Dearborn, Michigan rather than in a Jewish publication in NY, NY.

As of the moment of this writing, the reaction out there on the Jewish blogosphere to the protests of CAIR is to characterize CAIR’s action as –surprise, surprise, “anti-Semitic”. To think such a day would arrive, when disagreeing with the slaughter of women and children could be called such is “beyond the pale”, no pun intended.

And finally…

And yet, in this Orwellian age of doublespeak and doublethink, it is the Muslims, not the Jews, who are bloodthirsty, vengeful and cruel.

‘They killed our innocents, and unless we kill theirs, they will go on killing ours.’

(c) 2008 Mark Glenn

Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper
December 17, 2001, FoxNews Carl Cameron stated:

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it. A highly-placed investigator said there are – quote – 'tie-ins.' But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying – quote – evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information.'"
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