9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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The only pieces in the puzzle that don't fit are the ones holding your mind together, my friend.

Or in other words: you're looking for them not to fit, and that's what you see.
I found the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11 events more convincing than the government version of events . I can not see how an old sick man with two dialysis machines and with few crazy followers can orchestrate a very complicated operation on the soil of the strongest nation on earth .
When I add all the contradictions and holes from the government side , I just can not believe the government at all .

In other words, you can't accept the idea that big strong America can be hurt by relatively primitive peoples and means. It's not about the evidence and the theories, you just need an excuse to feel that America is stronger than everyone else in every way possible, and is therefore invincible. Sorry, this is real life, individuals can do no shortage of damage when they go totally unchecked, taking advantage of America's generous civil liberties. Your government doesn't have alien technology to protect you, because it hasn't made contact with any aliens.
The only pieces in the puzzle that don't fit are the ones holding your mind together, my friend.

Or in other words: you're looking for them not to fit, and that's what you see.

-uuuh thanks for your psycho-analysis kih hii khii me looking them not to fit kjeh kjeh so you are calling me a delusional ? heh hee heh should i report you
hih hih hii playing on some authority over me kjeh kjeh try harder hih hih
9/11 conspiracy theorists are the most sickening bunch of people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with.

I am all too well aware of the hundreds of repeated myths of that day, and I can verify that all of them are 100% bullshit. They are as bad as the moon hoaxers who think that because an astronaut is in the shade, means that he will be completely invisible... That's equally how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theorists are.

If there is one group of people I could wipe off the face of the Earth, it would be these people.

I hope I made that clear.

Pseudoscience/Cesspool please.
Yes, you are right, there have never been not even one conspiracy in the modern history, it is know fact that if somebody talks about cospiracy of some kind relating anyway to 9/11 they are idiotic as they can come and there are those idiots around plenty.
I mean there wasnt nothing suspicious going on that day, I mean nothing, juts odd coincidences...they just hate freedom and Bush so much that they are willing to
make them selfs ridiculed, those stupid questions they asks, c´mon do I have to
prove the obvious that government and those who in power would never take an advantage for benefiting themselves, even questioning them is beyond my understanding.
Dick&George did already explained everything behind closed doors together so
what more you nutcases would possible want ? You the scum of the earth !
that word conspiracy is so useless, should we ban it altogether.
BlueMoose, I have no idea what your earlier post referred to. If you wish to "report" me (sounds postively Rovian) please do. In fact, I insist that you do so. What have little Dicky and Georgie "explained behind closed doors"? Were you behind them, when they explained it?
9/11 conspiracy theorists are the most sickening bunch of people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with.

I am all too well aware of the hundreds of repeated myths of that day, and I can verify that all of them are 100% bullshit. They are as bad as the moon hoaxers who think that because an astronaut is in the shade, means that he will be completely invisible... That's equally how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theorists are.

If there is one group of people I could wipe off the face of the Earth, it would be these people.

I hope I made that clear.

Pseudoscience/Cesspool please.

Emotional are we?
Heres my biggest issues

-Verified reports of secondary explosives going off
-homogeny of the collapse
-they both fell STRAIGHT down
-traces of high explosives were found in the wreckage
"In an article published this week in the journal Environmentalist, chemical engineer Kevin Ryan collects evidence from EPA documents that suggest there was both Thermate and high-explosives in the debris from the WTC collapse. Ryan was formerly employed by Environmental Health Labs, a division of Underwriters Labs, before he was fired for raising these and other questions."
from http://www.infowars.com/?p=3766
-Verified reports of secondary explosives going off

I will start by saying fuck you dickhead.

Just about all reports of "explosives" are the collapse of the towers themselves. Any other loud sounds on that day should not be surprising and is NOT evidence of demolition materials.

-homogeny of the collapse
-they both fell STRAIGHT down

Speaking of demolition material, isn't it odd that the buildings fell without any demolition explosives being heard? Watch a video of any regular demolition and from miles away, you will hear the multiple explosions directly before the building falls. What happens to the trade center? It falls FROM THE POINT OF IMPACT SILENTLY. After that all you hear is the rumble from the tons of falling rubble.

And more importantly, the towers themselves were 'bowing' from above the impact zone, where the fire and heat was, lending to the theory of fire damage weakening the structure to the point of global instability. You only need to watch the video to realize that it was indeed fire that initiated the collapse. Did the 'conspirators' just geniously predict where the planes would hit and that there would also be a bowing of the tower, remarkably making it look like a non-controlled demolition? Because lets face it, anybody who knows anything about controlled demolition will tell you that this exhibited NONE of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. If you can prove to me that a demolition company could choose a point of demolition after all the gear was setup (to coincide with where the plane hit of course), and detonate it SILENTLY, and THEN make the building fall from TOP TO BOTTOM. It has to be all explosives and no building falling under it's own momentum since you clearly think that's impossible.

And why is it so fucking odd that the buildings fell straight down? With the sheer momentum that came from the top half falling down on the bottom half, it was simply the path of least resistance. The top half could not simply slide off if gravity was pulling it straight down, and the structure below could not support the weight on top... hence it went down, although far from in it's own footprints.

-traces of high explosives were found in the wreckage
"In an article published this week in the journal Environmentalist, chemical engineer Kevin Ryan collects evidence from EPA documents that suggest there was both Thermate and high-explosives in the debris from the WTC collapse. Ryan was formerly employed by Environmental Health Labs, a division of Underwriters Labs, before he was fired for raising these and other questions."
from http://www.infowars.com/?p=3766

Just watch this quick and thorough debunking and then hopefully you will realize you are a complete and utter fucking moron:


Go bleed to death via a rusty blade.
Just about all reports of "explosives" are the collapse of the towers themselves.

You admit noises were heard...

It falls FROM THE POINT OF IMPACT SILENTLY. After that all you hear is the rumble from the tons of falling rubble.

Contradiction? But your so rational and level headed how did that happen?

You need to cool off man, emotion has no place in logic. Furthermore I didnt even say I believed it was in inside job, I just pointed out my biggest concerns.

And is it really so hard to believe terrorists ALSO placed bombs in the buildings?

This would also explain the high explosives found, so before you flip out again take a second to think.
I also have a great clip of Bush literally "freezing" and stuttering when questioned whether it was an inside job. All he ended up saying was "well theres a time for politics".

Im at work now but Ill post it later.

And lets not forget Roosevelt who had knowledge of Pearl Harbor but let it happen to spark America into joining the war. See the similarities?
I also have a great clip of Bush literally "freezing" and stuttering when questioned whether it was an inside job. All he ended up saying was "well theres a time for politics".

Im at work now but Ill post it later.

And lets not forget Roosevelt who had knowledge of Pearl Harbor but let it happen to spark America into joining the war. See the similarities?

And why is it so fucking odd that the buildings fell straight down? With the sheer momentum that came from the top half falling down on the bottom half, it was simply the path of least resistance. The top half could not simply slide off if gravity was pulling it straight down, and the structure below could not support the weight on top... hence it went down, although far from in it's own footprints.

I was listening till you pulled out this crap...wow.
Leave the debunking to those who know how dickhead, lol.
You admit noises were heard...

Well what the fuck do you expect when a 767 hits a high rise steel building. My point is that at the time people were giving their statements to the press they had no idea what was going on, it turned out that all these statements of "explosions" turned out to be the sound of the tower itself collapsing or the plane hitting. Then you'll have things like debris falling down the elevator shafts and other such sounds you'd expect to hear.

Contradiction? But your so rational and level headed how did that happen?

It's not a fucking contradiction. My statement that there were NO demolition explosives heard stands true. We would probably even hear the sound of demolition explosives over the sound of the rumble of the collapse itself. But crucially, there are NO EXPLOSIVES HEARD AT THE INITIAL MOMENT OF COLLAPSE.

Is that crystal clear?

And is it really so hard to believe terrorists ALSO placed bombs in the buildings?

It's hard to believe anyone placed bombs inside a busy office building. Particularly when there is no evidence of such. Furthermore it is not necessary. The terrorists probably didn't even know the building would fall either. Happy as they were to simply smash a plane in there.

This would also explain the high explosives found, so before you flip out again take a second to think.

Wow, you are REALLY stupid. I have already told you why there were NO HIGH EXPLOSIVES FOUND.

I also have a great clip of Bush literally "freezing" and stuttering when questioned whether it was an inside job. All he ended up saying was "well theres a time for politics".

Congratulations, you have proved Bush is a bumbling fool. I can post 1,000 more clips of of Bush not knowing what to say when asked a question he isn't prepared for.

And lets not forget Roosevelt who had knowledge of Pearl Harbor but let it happen to spark America into joining the war. See the similarities?

Well I don't know much about that so I'm not going to discuss it. But if you can prove Roosevelt knew the exact details of what was going to happen at Pearl Harbor, I will listen.
This would also explain the high explosives found, so before you flip out again take a second to think.

First off, the finding was done in concert with Alex Jones from Bring 'Em Young, so it's not very reliable. I don't have the confidence that that man could put on his pants the right way round without help. Second: if you're referring to thermite (and they always do) then could you hazard a guess at how much thermite would be required for the job? Thermite doesn't typically go 'boom' either as I recall. More of a sizzle.
9/11 conspiracy theorists are the most sickening bunch of people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with.

I am all too well aware of the hundreds of repeated myths of that day, and I can verify that all of them are 100% bullshit. They are as bad as the moon hoaxers who think that because an astronaut is in the shade, means that he will be completely invisible... That's equally how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theorists are.

If there is one group of people I could wipe off the face of the Earth, it would be these people.

I hope I made that clear.

Pseudoscience/Cesspool please.

Well there are so many good books on this subject and you should educate yourself by reading just some of them .
People can always be blinded by an extreme Administration and media propaganda .
I found the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11 events more convincing than the government version of events . I can not see how an old sick man with two dialysis machines and with few crazy followers can orchestrate a very complicated operation on the soil of the strongest nation on earth .
When I add all the contradictions and holes from the government side , I just can not believe the government at all .

OK... let's just say for the sake of arguement that the government official story is true. Some how jet fuel melted solid steel. (even though steel melts at 2777 degrees Fahrenheit, but jet fuel burns at only 1517 degrees F)

Colin Powell publicly stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction AND WE FOUND NONE. Colin Powell ALSO publicly stated that Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction. In truth, Colin Powell has probably never seen Iraq with his own eyes. He is merely telling the people what he was TOLD to. The CIA told Powell what to say and as usual, this massive mess up was an "intelligence failure." Thats a large generalization. Has our own CIA been infiltrated? After all, the C.I.A. put Saddam in Iraq in the first place!!

Its time for: Operation WTFIGO (Code name: Operation What the Fuck is Going On!?!?)

We're going to be investigating the investigators! We're going to double check the double checkers! We're going to police the police that police the police! If Santa missed a kid on the list, we'll be interogating the jolly elf shortly!

JK that would just waste more resources on corporate warmongers.
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Well I don't know much about that so I'm not going to discuss it. But if you can prove Roosevelt knew the exact details of what was going to happen at Pearl Harbor, I will listen.


This is not a new tactic from the government. Its called problem-reaction-solution. Create a problem, envoke a reaction for public outcry(through the heavily controlled media), and offer a solution which benefits themselves.

This is why 5% of the population own 95% of the wealth, and why Cheney and other fools have assets in military stocks.
BlueMoose, I have no idea what your earlier post referred to. If you wish to "report" me (sounds postively Rovian) please do. In fact, I insist that you do so. What have little Dicky and Georgie "explained behind closed doors"? Were you behind them, when they explained it?

-Just keep on insulting my intelligent and see how it unfolds, my friend ;)
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