9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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The Administration version of the 9/11 events is the biggest lie in the history of mankind . when you add all the pieces together nothing makes sense about the official version . Also it was used as an excuse to have two colonies : Iraq and Afghanistan . Add to that : the US and NATO bulling of many nations under the pretext of an old man with a couple of hundreds of followers....hahaha. The propaganda works well and that why the Administration and the media keep it always alive and in good shape .
although many experts believe the old sick man " Ben Laden " is dead , the US insists he is still alive to continue its futile and crazy wars . They wanted him dead or alive.....so how come they did not find him ?. Saddam had more power and security and he was found and hung in a brutal manner in front of the whole world . Yes Israel , the US and NATO benefited from 9/11 tragedy .

To say the US benefitted from 9/11 could be seen as being true, even though they would have probably invaded Iraq with or without 9/11.

However, that's completely different than saying they went so far as to orchestrate 9/11. Definetly not worth the risk when they could have invaded Iraq in any case.

It's clear from reading your posts here that you have absolutely nothing to offer. You are a clueless dipshit who is convinced by falsifiable evidence. Falsifiable evidence, by the way, that is preceeded by a conclusion started by paranoid/bored fools who lie to get their kicks.
For starters, I would suggest you to drive a heavy truck on a busy road after spending dozens of hours by playing truck driving simulator. Just try and tell us.

Apparently some pilots have tried replicating the impact in a simulator and were unable to do it:

And this one is about Underwriters Labs testing of the pancake theory:
Well, if the pilots weren't able to do it, then there's a problem with the simulator. The terrorists managed all right. There's no doubt a plane hit the towers, as everyone saw it. Frankly, the batshit maneuvers they were performing probably represent a) their panic and stupidity and b) overengineering of the plane's tolerances. So the built-in safety factor fucked us.
Your problem is exactly the same that others have. You don't know enough about structural design, the chimney effect cause by the updraft of the burning fuel and how the resultant high temperatures affect structural members and a dozen other things I could list.

Plus, many people will simply go out of their way to blame anything they can on the government or similar organizations.

The trouble with the conspiracy theory is not with the evidence, it rests with the incomplete education of those who believe it.

Here's what I'm requesting from you pro government apologists. A clear video of the Plane hitting the Pentagon. Video footage of the other 17 hijackers boarding any of the planes. Explanation of how Mohammad Atta's passport was found perfectly intact, laying on the street near the WTC. Hot enough to melt steel, but apparently not enough to even singe Atta's passport which was allegedly present on the plane when it blew up in that hot inglorious fireball. Also, please provide any official autopsy report that shows the hijackers were physically present at the scene. I'll help you at little, here's the official autopsy list of flight 77.


Umm, there were no Arabs on that plane.

Well, if the pilots weren't able to do it, then there's a problem with the simulator.

What evidence do you have to support that?

The terrorists managed all right. There's no doubt a plane hit the towers, as everyone saw it.

But did you see the alleged terrorists? Yes or No?

Frankly, the batshit maneuvers they were performing probably represent a) their panic and stupidity and b) overengineering of the plane's tolerances. So the built-in safety factor fucked us.

What evidence do you have to support that? Conjecture doesn't qualify as evidence.
We are on our way to World War III. How long do you really think before the US goes sticking its nose into the Georgia/Russia affair?
We are on our way to World War III. How long do you really think before the US goes sticking its nose into the Georgia/Russia affair?

We already are sticking our nose into the Georgia/Russia affair. Bush has been very outspoken about the whole thing.
Here's what I'm requesting from you pro government apologists. A clear video of the Plane hitting the Pentagon.

This is so irrelevant. Imagine what you would be saying if there were no cameras pointed at the WTC, and yet planes still did hit the building. Just because there were no cameras pointing at the Pentagon, now all of a sudden you are saying that means there is no plane?

Tell me then why lamp posts over wide area were knocked down if it was not a plane? Something with wingspan hit the Pentagon. Eyewitnesses confirm a plane, wreckage confirms a plane, airline confirms a plane, ATC confirms a plane. And where are the passengers if not in the Pentagon? Just disappear somewhere without anyone noticing?

Video footage of the other 17 hijackers boarding any of the planes.

Why would there even be such a thing? There were pictures of them in the airport, they were on the passenger list, they fit the descriptions told by the passengers on phonecalls when they described the hijacking.

Explanation of how Mohammad Atta's passport was found perfectly intact, laying on the street near the WTC. Hot enough to melt steel, but apparently not enough to even singe Atta's passport which was allegedly present on the plane when it blew up in that hot inglorious fireball.

Do you have any idea how many non-descript documents were perfectly intact after the crash and collapse of the towers? Thousands. With the force of the crash, how do you even know it was in a high heat environment long enough to get burned before being kicked loose? You have no idea what path it took.

Also, please provide any official autopsy report that shows the hijackers were physically present at the scene. I'll help you at little, here's the official autopsy list of flight 77.


Umm, there were no Arabs on that plane.

The picture we get from passenger calls does nothing to contradict a hijacking and nothing to contradict arabs/muslims at the controls. Praising 'Allah' before the plane is crashed into the ground does nothing to prove that it was government officials flying the plane (or whoever the fuck you even think was flying). :rolleyes:


You are an absolutely pathetic human being.
The Administration was involved in a barrage of lies and contradictions and that in itself is terribly terribly troubling . Now America became a model of lies , bullying and warmongering . Who can believe that an old sick man with few followers can attack a super power ?. Where were all the police , intelligent , armed forces agencies doing ?.
How come no one was punished ?. Were they on vacation somewhere in Hawaii ?....hahaha.
This is so irrelevant. Imagine what you would be saying if there were no cameras pointed at the WTC, and yet planes still did hit the building. Just because there were no cameras pointing at the Pentagon, now all of a sudden you are saying that means there is no plane?

I never said there weren't any camera's, I'm saying that there's no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon. There were over 85 camera's pointed at the Pentagon. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the facts. Here's the official response from the F.B.I out of 85 cameras, none of them caught a 757 hitting it.


Video of first reporter to arrive at the Pentagon


This Gas Station had it's security footage confiscated


Tell me then why lamp posts over wide area were knocked down if it was not a plane? Something with wingspan hit the Pentagon. Eyewitnesses confirm a plane, wreckage confirms a plane, airline confirms a plane, ATC confirms a plane. And where are the passengers if not in the Pentagon? Just disappear somewhere without anyone noticing?

I'm not saying noting hit the Pentagon, I'm saying a flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon.

Why would there even be such a thing? There were pictures of them in the airport, they were on the passenger list, they fit the descriptions told by the passengers on phonecalls when they described the hijacking.

Now you're just intentionally lying and distorting the truth. According to the official reports, no Arabs were on flight 77.


The identities of several of the alleged attackers hasn't been resolved.

No. In the case of one man now believed to be alive - Khalid al-Midhar - investigators are exploring three possibilities. One was that he never entered the country and his name was simply used as an alias by one of the hijackers. Another is that he allowed his name to be used on the flight, so that US officials might assume he had died, and give him time to escape the country. Finally, he could have died in the crash.

Another suspected hijacker, Abdulaziz Alomari, an employee of Saudi Telecom, is reported to be planning to file a case against CNN "for not verifying what it airs". Mr Alomari said he lost his passport while studying in Denver.


? You have no idea what path it took.

Yes I do.

The picture we get from passenger calls does nothing to contradict a hijacking and nothing to contradict arabs/muslims at the controls. Praising 'Allah' before the plane is crashed into the ground does nothing to prove that it was government officials flying the plane (or whoever the fuck you even think was flying). :rolleyes:

You have no evidence, officially, or unofficially to verify who was flying the plane.

You are an absolutely pathetic human being.

And your father is a child molester who anally violated you as a child.
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So NOW you are concerned over evidence? It seems the only time you care about evidence is when it contradicts your hollywood fantasy.

You don't have any smoking guns.

The book states that commission staff, “exceedingly frustrated” by what they thought could be deception, proposed a full review into why the FAA and the Pentagon’s NORAD had presented inaccurate information.

Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11, but it could not explain why all of the after-action reports, accident investigations and public testimony by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue,” the book state


9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon
Allegations Brought to Inspectors General

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 2, 2006; Page A03

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.


Not even the 911 commission agrees with the bullshit official story. You picked on the wrong guy today buddy. I will enjoy mutilating you with the facts.


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I'm not saying noting hit the Pentagon, I'm saying a flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon.
So the government hijacked the plane, killed the survivors, took the plane somewhere else and smashed a different plane the pentagon. That doesn't make much sense. Why not just use the same damn plane?

Now you're just intentionally lying and distorting the truth. According to the official reports, no Arabs were on flight 77.
Check your link. That is a list of victims.

There is footage of the hijackers from the airport. From wiki - “As seen in security footage later released, Nawaf Hazmi appeared to have an unidentified item in his back pocket, but four-inch utility knives were nonetheless permitted by the FAA as carry-on items.[18]”
I never said there weren't any camera's, I'm saying that there's no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon. There were over 85 camera's pointed at the Pentagon. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the facts. Here's the official response from the F.B.I out of 85 cameras, none of them caught a 757 hitting it.

Is that so hard to believe? Surely you can't expect 85 cameras in the general area to catch such a low crash. You have different angles, different obsctructions, variable quality and so on...

There are 3 videos showing the crash on the following video. They are low quality, but they do nothing to contradict an airliner:


However there were 136 eyewitnesses to the crash, and many of them were very specific that it was an American Airlines jet.


So you have:

1) ATC confirm the plane taking off as normal, changing course and heading towards Washington D.C.
2) Phonecalls to loved ones describing 6 hijackers with boxcutters
3) Confirmation of the hijackers in the airport and going through security and being seated on the aircraft
4) DNA confirmation of all but one of the victims (a baby)
5) Videos and photos of debris

Video of first reporter to arrive at the Pentagon


That's it? So the reporter got there, didn't have a great view and not being sure what happened didn't realize that if an airliner traveling at 550mph hits a building head on, that it will disappear into it. Big deal.

I can show you videos of reporters not realizing the WTC had collapsed even though they were looking right at it. Does that mean the towers did not fall? Of course not, it was just confusion on the part of journalists who really didn't have a clue what was going on.

I'm not saying noting hit the Pentagon, I'm saying a flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon.

Well in light of the evidence, that makes you pretty idiotic or dishonest. Which is it?

All because you have no perfectly placed high def video of the attack... idiotic... dishonest....

Now you're just intentionally lying and distorting the truth. According to the official reports, no Arabs were on flight 77.


Notice the word "victims". The hijackers are not classed as victims and therefor are not included in that list.

And you were doing so well.. :rolleyes:

The identities of several of the alleged attackers hasn't been resolved.

No. In the case of one man now believed to be alive - Khalid al-Midhar - investigators are exploring three possibilities.

After the attacks, reports began emerging saying that al-Mihdhar was still alive. On September 19, the FDIC distributed a "special alert" which listed al-Mihdhar as alive. The Justice Department later claimed this was a typo.[citation needed] On 23 September, 2001, the BBC reported that there were "suggestions" that al-Mihdhar might still have been alive.[21] Der Spiegel later investigated the claims of "living" hijackers by the BBC and discovered them to be cases of mistaken identities.[22] In 2002, Saudi Arabia stated that the names of the hijackers were in fact correct.[23]

Please try to keep up with events and stop using newspaper articles from 10 days after the attack.

Yes I do.

It got kicked loose in the impact and like many other peices of paper, flew away relatively undamaged.

You have no evidence, officially, or unofficially to verify who was flying the plane.

Wait, now I'm confused... Now you agree it was Flight 77 that hit the pentagon? And saying there is no evidence of who was flying the plane is simply erroneous.

And your father is a child molester who anally violated you as a child.

You have the integrity of said child molester.
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