9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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I'm not very good at math..can someone calculate how fast the debris from the top most floors of WTC 1&2 was traveling when it hit the ground? I just want to know how much force might have been exerted on a building a mere 100m or so away.
You keep talking on and on about aluminum to disproof that steel melted.

Can you explain how this WTC steel beam bent?

Stryder's response pretty much sums it up. Even if there were melted steel, it wouldn't require any imaginary thermite. The heat in the debris pile was enough.
Umm, there are no other buildings in similar situations. So again I have to ask "what are you basing your conjecture on?"
near similar situations and yes a fire that burns for 18 hours I would have thought could do as much damage as one that burns for two
No there was not a "Heap of other things". Please get your facts straight.
sorry I got that mixed up from the report of the fire in 1975..

While it may not be appearant to some posters that different design and construction of buildings does make a difference. As does the mass added to the near top of a building.
All fires and buildings are not the same.

the word I used was near similar or for simpletons sake"as close as I could get to" which is what those fire's are "as close as i could get..can you get closer...?

LOL....governments murder millions on a whim over money,race etc..you think any government in the world would give two ticks about a few thousand people too save billions....I saw demolition there is no argument that is what my eyes saw, if you saw something else, that gives the US the right to carry on invading the ME after the WMD bull thats down to you.I'm not big on conspiracy but know that the US/UK government are 2 of the most dishonest in the world..lol (but entirely my opinion
near similar situations and yes a fire that burns for 18 hours I would have thought could do as much damage as one that burns for two

sorry I got that mixed up from the report of the fire in 1975..

the word I used was near similar or for simpletons sake"as close as I could get to" which is what those fire's are "as close as i could get..can you get closer...?

LOL....governments murder millions on a whim over money,race etc..you think any government in the world would give two ticks about a few thousand people too save billions....I saw demolition there is no argument that is what my eyes saw, if you saw something else, that gives the US the right to carry on invading the ME after the WMD bull thats down to you.I'm not big on conspiracy but know that the US/UK government are 2 of the most dishonest in the world..lol (but entirely my opinion
1 So there is another case of a multi ton jetliner crashing and burning in a tower of this construction? could you name it?
2 Actually you have mixed up a number of things
3 As close as you could get to wasn't too damn close. No I can't get closer, nor can anyone else. Which is what makes your charges so baseless.

You saw expelled dust and debris expelled from the air pressure of collapsing floors, nothing more. I won't argue what your eyes saw, I will argue that you can't correctly interpret what your eyes saw. Everyone with even a modicum of training saw something else. Your opinions have been proven to be so valuable.:rolleyes:
1 So there is another case of a multi ton jetliner crashing and burning in a tower of this construction? could you name it?
2 Actually you have mixed up a number of things
3 As close as you could get to wasn't too damn close. No I can't get closer, nor can anyone else. Which is what makes your charges so baseless.
1. No I couldn't find any, so as close as I could get were major fire's
2.As I stated in post 54 "I watched a documetary on it", while I'm interested as to 'why wtc7' fell I couldnt give 2 hoots for conspiracy, Stryder's post pretty well explains the WTC 1&2 fell(as well as the oven effect on the flyover).
3.That makes me the closest:p
You saw expelled dust and debris expelled from the air pressure of collapsing floors, nothing more. I won't argue what your eyes saw, I will argue that you can't correctly interpret what your eyes saw. Everyone with even a modicum of training saw something else. Your opinions have been proven to be so valuable

The closest i've come to looking at the dust etc is newsreports, this thread and the doc' I saw which rose some questions...whether its bullshit or beauty cream you couldn't ask for 3 buildings that size to fall better, I wouldn't put it past any government to be that corrupt,I not American so either or any reason as to the cause:shrug: all are bleak,none comfier than the other lol slow down G.W.
1. No I couldn't find any, so as close as I could get were major fire's
2.As I stated in post 54 "I watched a documetary on it", while I'm interested as to 'why wtc7' fell I couldnt give 2 hoots for conspiracy, Stryder's post pretty well explains the WTC 1&2 fell(as well as the oven effect on the flyover).
3.That makes me the closest:p

As close as you can get is not good enough to make a comparison. The closest to being a gullable fool perhaps. Other than the cause there is nothing at all unexplainable to the collapse of the towers.
As close as you can get is not good enough to make a comparison. The closest to being a gullable fool perhaps. Other than the cause there is nothing at all unexplainable to the collapse of the towers.
So the closest thing is the only thing there is to compare to,tow in your douche like attitude G.W. it will get you nowhere,see how easily stryder explained his reasoning behind it, I was only asking about this documentary I saw or don't you read post's properly,in fact reading yours you have provided no awnsers, no evidence nothing apart from rudeness and nitpicking ,at least there is some intelligent people who can give straight forward explanations, instead of douche replies slow down G.W.,
Conspiracy theories .

I found the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11 events more convincing than the government version of events . I can not see how an old sick man with two dialysis machines and with few crazy followers can orchestrate a very complicated operation on the soil of the strongest nation on earth .
When I add all the contradictions and holes from the government side , I just can not believe the government at all .
I found the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11 events more convincing than the government version of events . I can not see how an old sick man with two dialysis machines and with few crazy followers can orchestrate a very complicated operation on the soil of the strongest nation on earth .
When I add all the contradictions and holes from the government side , I just can not believe the government at all .

Your problem is exactly the same that others have. You don't know enough about structural design, the chimney effect cause by the updraft of the burning fuel and how the resultant high temperatures affect structural members and a dozen other things I could list.

Plus, many people will simply go out of their way to blame anything they can on the government or similar organizations.

The trouble with the conspiracy theory is not with the evidence, it rests with the incomplete education of those who believe it.
I found the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11 events more convincing than the government version of events . I can not see how an old sick man with two dialysis machines and with few crazy followers can orchestrate a very complicated operation on the soil of the strongest nation on earth .
When I add all the contradictions and holes from the government side , I just can not believe the government at all .

Firstly, it's probably pretty freaken easy after taking lessons to take a plane this is already flying and turn it in the air and into a building.

OK, well, that's about it.


As for OB - he had daddies money and that's about it for his role. Unless you think it's hard to spend money? If not then I think you'd agree he didn't need to do all that much else.
The USA is one big contradiction: it's one of the most religious, yet one of the more scientifically advanced nations. Is one of the most educated, yet completely retarded nations. The reachest nation on earth, yet with the most people incarcerated on earth. One of the more analytical and smart nations with one of the highest rates of access to information in the world, yet it has one of the highest idiot / conspiracy nut ratio in the world.

What a contradiction.
There are some very intelligent and educatied people who dont fully accept the governments version of the story. Yet because of that they are "nuts" or "uneducated". I question it because I am a thoughtfull person and question almost everything I am told.

I find a lot of oddities that make a conspiracy theory understandable.

If there was more an effort to explain "official theory" and answer the "conspiracy theory" questions instead of getting fed up immediately and calling them "nuts" or "uneducated" It's possible the issue might not be so muddled.

I think both sides of the arguments don't really look at the opposing sides evidence closely. Instead they stubbornly walk away fed up and convinced their side is the "right", "True", "Correct" side.

I don't particularly trust this current administration but not because of 9-11 as much as the WMD/Iraq lie that was spun.

They lied to me then they lied about lying. They are also very unapologetic about it which to me shows they really dont give a rats ass what I think.
There are some very intelligent and educatied people who dont fully accept the governments version of the story. Yet because of that they are "nuts" or "uneducated". I question it because I am a thoughtfull person and question almost everything I am told.

I find a lot of oddities that make a conspiracy theory understandable.

If there was more an effort to explain "official theory" and answer the "conspiracy theory" questions instead of getting fed up immediately and calling them "nuts" or "uneducated" It's possible the issue might not be so muddled.

I think both sides of the arguments don't really look at the opposing sides evidence closely. Instead they stubbornly walk away fed up and convinced their side is the "right", "True", "Correct" side.

I don't particularly trust this current administration but not because of 9-11 as much as the WMD/Iraq lie that was spun.

They lied to me then they lied about lying. They are also very unapologetic about it which to me shows they really dont give a rats ass what I think.

It's merely knee-jerk reflexive reaction to any "official government version of events".

I think it all started with Nixon and Watergate. It spurred so many "conspiracy theory" movies and literature in the pop culture that it was burned into the national consciousness, and so trust in government has been eroded.

If you watch the videos of the planes going into the buildings, and hear the interviews on YouTube of survivors and families of the victims, and you're still not convinced, then I think there is something wrong with you. And I mean that in the most disrespectful way with out resorting to swearing.
The USA is one big contradiction: it's one of the most religious, yet one of the more scientifically advanced nations. Is one of the most educated, yet completely retarded nations. The reachest nation on earth, yet with the most people incarcerated on earth. One of the more analytical and smart nations with one of the highest rates of access to information in the world, yet it has one of the highest idiot / conspiracy nut ratio in the world.

What a contradiction.

I certainly agree that there are many people of extremes in America. But I do not know what "reachest" means... :confused:
Conspiracy is something done in hidden, so example is the nwo and amero&american union
even conspiracy anymore, I mean if they are talking about it in CNN.

"A New World Oder where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause"

What is the problem with that? We already have a new world order with the internet for information (much of it wrong) and cable\satellite t.v. and people traveling freely. This is not the middle ages and never will be again.
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