9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Well there are so many good books on this subject and you should educate yourself by reading just some of them .
People can always be blinded by an extreme Administration and media propaganda .

Yes there are many good books on the subject, perhaps you should read some of them. Specifically the ones that debunk this baseless fantasy of yours.

And for the record, I am very well versed on most of the myths put forward about 9/11 by morons like you... so don't tell me to read up on it when I already have.

You make anybody who debunks 9/11 myths out to be some kind of Bush fanboy, but the truth is that I hate Bush. He's the worst president there has possibly ever been. The difference between you and me is that I don't let my bias overtake my rationality.

Can I get a reputable source? At first glance that looks like typical conspiracy theory crap.

This is not a new tactic from the government. Its called problem-reaction-solution. Create a problem, envoke a reaction for public outcry(through the heavily controlled media), and offer a solution which benefits themselves.

This is why 5% of the population own 95% of the wealth, and why Cheney and other fools have assets in military stocks.

Let's assume for a second that Bush or any other part of the administration had no knowledge of what was coming on 9/11, and that it was all completely and utterly done by terrorists... You have to admit, people like you would still create this great big conspiracy about it. This is why I can't take you people seriously, especially since you scew the evidence to fit some kind of bizarre libertarian agenda. Conspiracy theorists just fill in the jigsaw puzzle by reshaping the pieces rather than going simply by what was there.

Firstly, it's probably pretty freaken easy after taking lessons to take a plane this is already flying and turn it in the air and into a building.

OK, well, that's about it.


For you to appreciate the simplicity :)

There are some very intelligent and educatied people who dont fully accept the governments version of the story.

-Where, dont you know that everyone of those are delusional...

I think it all started with Nixon and Watergate. It spurred so many "conspiracy theory" movies and literature in the pop culture that it was burned into the national consciousness, and so trust in government has been eroded.

-You see, thats the reason, it wasnt so complicated after all...

In other words, you can't accept the idea that big strong America can be hurt by relatively primitive peoples and means. It's not about the evidence and the theories, you just need an excuse to feel that America is stronger than everyone else in every way possible, and is therefore invincible.

-Oh well, how could anyone miss that fact, huh ?
-Thanks to our friends here least we know why all those CTs are spawning,
its all about need to feel...

9/11 conspiracy theorists are the most sickening bunch of people...That's equally how stupid 9/11 conspiracy theorists are...
If there is one group of people I could wipe off the face of the Earth, it would be these people....I will start by saying fuck you dickhead....Because lets face it, anybody who knows anything about controlled demolition will tell you that this exhibited NONE of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition....Just watch this quick and thorough debunking and then hopefully you will realize you are a complete and utter fucking moron:Go bleed to death via a rusty blade....Is that crystal clear?Wow, you are REALLY stupid...And for the record, I am very well versed on most of the myths put forward about 9/11 by morons like you... Can I get a reputable source? At first glance that looks like typical conspiracy theory crap.....You have to admit, people like you would still create this great big conspiracy about it. This is why I can't take you people seriously, especially since you scew the evidence to fit some kind of bizarre libertarian agenda...Conspiracy theorists just fill in the jigsaw puzzle by reshaping the pieces rather than going simply by what was there.

-Bunch of sickening dickhead stupid morons serving bizarre libertarian agenda...
Rudimentary knowledge is all that is required when taking over the controls of a plane (in mid-flight) with the intent of steering it towards a building.

Many professional pilots have somewhat different opinion especially on hitting the Pentagon.

I always wondered why not White House? No image of crumbling WTC could compare with images of destroyed White House in propaganda war. That Al-Qaeda (if any) must be too dumb to realize that. Hitting no name Pentagon wall must have occupied their minds too much.

This is not a new tactic from the government. Its called problem-reaction-solution. Create a problem, envoke a reaction for public outcry(through the heavily controlled media), and offer a solution which benefits themselves.

This is why 5% of the population own 95% of the wealth, and why Cheney and other fools have assets in military stocks.

Im going to quote myself because I feel this is an important point which was overlooked.
Well there are so many good books on this subject and you should educate yourself by reading just some of them .
People can always be blinded by...propaganda .

How true. You should consider this.

OK... let's just say for the sake of arguement that the government official story is true. Some how jet fuel melted solid steel. (even though steel melts at 2777 degrees Fahrenheit, but jet fuel burns at only 1517 degrees F)

That isn't the official position anyway.

-Just keep on insulting my intelligent and see how it unfolds, my friend ;)

Yes, I will be careful not to insult your intelligent in future.

Many professional pilots have somewhat different opinion especially on hitting the Pentagon.

How many is 'many' pilots? I mean just by looking at the picture of a cockpit, even I pretty much have a good understanding of what the instruments do. And that's just by playing Microsoft Flight Simulator for a while. Even I would feel confident about taking over a plane in mid-flight and steering it towards a building if I was that way inclined.

And it's worth mentioning their difficulties working the radio system and less than elegant manouvers.

I always wondered why not White House? No image of crumbling WTC could compare with images of destroyed White House in propaganda war. That Al-Qaeda (if any) must be too dumb to realize that. Hitting no name Pentagon wall must have occupied their minds too much.

Well where do you think United 93 was going?
How many is 'many' pilots? I mean just by looking at the picture of a cockpit, even I pretty much have a good understanding of what the instruments do.

For starters, I would suggest you to drive a heavy truck on a busy road after spending dozens of hours by playing truck driving simulator. Just try and tell us.


Well where do you think United 93 was going?

Who knows? Anyway, a sane terrorist would have prioritized targets with White House as # 1 target. Yet, Pentagon wall was too irresistable not to hit.
There are so many books and articles vis a vis this topic in many languages .
People should educate themselves and read about this historic event . The books I read convinced me that the version of the government does not make sense at all .
For starters, I would suggest you to drive a heavy truck on a busy road after spending dozens of hours by playing truck driving simulator. Just try and tell us......

there is a lot more traffic on a road than there is in the sky. For crying out loud, the planes have auto-pilot and can fly themselves. Can you do that with a truck?
The entire Troofer stance amounts to hearsay, wild speculation and paranoia.

There was never a discussion to begin with, only the ill-wishes of the intellectually dishonest and restless.
For starters, I would suggest you to drive a heavy truck on a busy road after spending dozens of hours by playing truck driving simulator. Just try and tell us.

I thought we were talking about planes? We are not crediting the terrorists with knowing exactly what each button in the cockpit does since they didn't as evidenced by talking to ATC when they thought they were talking to the passengers. We are not crediting them with taking off, flying the plane perfectly and landing safely as a pilot should. They knew just enough to crudely fly a plane towards a building. It's really not hard. The fact I knew what many of the buttons/controls/dials were for in that picture just shows that it's not that difficult to know enough for what the terrorists wanted to do, especially in light of them having had some basic flying lessons beforehand and not just on some simulator.

We know who was flying the planes, and the phonecalls of passengers corroborates with this. Unless of course you're one of those nuts that says the phonecalls were also faked :rolleyes:

Not familiar with their claims yet, however I'm guessing it's just as much filled with crap as the A&E website. Does this website have rational evidence that is not scewed in any way? I'm not holding my breath. I'm sure the vast majority of respectable pilots find nothing unusual in that a plane was hijacked and it was deliberately crashed.

Who knows? Anyway, a sane terrorist would have prioritized targets with White House as # 1 target. Yet, Pentagon wall was too irresistable not to hit.

What a load of crap. The terrorists all had their targets planned ahead of time, so if the 1st terrorist on the scene was to hit the Pentagon, then he would have done so assuming the other hijacked plane would arrive soon after to hit the White House.

Does it not still have shock value for hitting the Pentagon? I remember how shocked I was that the Pentagon was hit - the heart of the American military. And if United 93 reached it's destination, you can only guess it would have attempted to hit the White House or Capitol Hill.

mike47 said:
There are so many books and articles vis a vis this topic in many languages .
People should educate themselves and read about this historic event . The books I read convinced me that the version of the government does not make sense at all .

It's real easy to convince someone of something they want to believe in. So many people are so intellectually lazy, that they prefer the entertainment value of believing in farfetched conspiracies.

Look how many dumb people were sucked in by Loose Change. That was so ill-thought out and so blatantly false that even I could debunk half of it on my own without the help of experts.

Remember the ABC 'documentary' on the so-called Moon hoax? It just about managed to get everyone who watched it to believe every word. All that is needed however, is a basic knowledge of photography, astronomy and physics to debunk it. I also managed to debunk half of it on my own without the help of experts.
So KennyJC, whats your take on those WTC 7 conspiracy theories ? You are with NIST report on that one ? The building did collapse because of structural failure caused by debris falling from WTC1/2 and fire ?
So KennyJC, whats your take on those WTC 7 conspiracy theories ? You are with NIST report on that one ? The building did collapse because of structural failure caused by debris falling from WTC1/2 and fire ?

Of course.

That we can conclude WTC 1 and 2 fell completely due to plane/fire damage and under it's own weight leads us to a similar picture of WTC7.
So KennyJC, whats your take on those WTC 7 conspiracy theories ? You are with NIST report on that one ? The building did collapse because of structural failure caused by debris falling from WTC1/2 and fire ?

Naturally. There was a massive fire there spanning several floors. The fuel oil probably went up also.
Not to mention the firefighters spotted tell-tale signs that the building was in danger of collapse:

The biggest decision we had to make was to clear the area and create a collapse zone around the severely damaged [WTC Building 7]. A number of fire officers and companies assessed the damage to the building. The appraisals indicated that the building's integrity was in serious doubt.

Deputy Chief Peter Hayden
Division 1 - 33 years

...also we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Center would collapse. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, but by about 2 o’clock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse.

Firehouse: Was there heavy fire in there right away?
Hayden: No, not right away, and that’s probably why it stood for so long because it took a while for that fire to develop. It was a heavy body of fire in there and then we didn’t make any attempt to fight it. That was just one of those wars we were just going to lose. We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there. We were worried about additional collapse there of what was remaining standing of the towers and the Marriott, so we started pulling the people back after a couple of hours of surface removal and searches along the surface of the debris. We started to pull guys back because we were concerned for their safety.

Once again, conspiracy theorists start with a conclusion and try to fit evidence around that conclusion. Very unscientific, very dishonest and disrespectful to the victims.
The Administration version of the 9/11 events is the biggest lie in the history of mankind . when you add all the pieces together nothing makes sense about the official version . Also it was used as an excuse to have two colonies : Iraq and Afghanistan . Add to that : the US and NATO bulling of many nations under the pretext of an old man with a couple of hundreds of followers....hahaha. The propaganda works well and that why the Administration and the media keep it always alive and in good shape .
although many experts believe the old sick man " Ben Laden " is dead , the US insists he is still alive to continue its futile and crazy wars . They wanted him dead or alive.....so how come they did not find him ?. Saddam had more power and security and he was found and hung in a brutal manner in front of the whole world . Yes Israel , the US and NATO benefited from 9/11 tragedy .
For starters, I would suggest you to drive a heavy truck on a busy road after spending dozens of hours by playing truck driving simulator. Just try and tell us.

With realistic gear changing and steering on the simulator? No problem at all.:shrug:

As a matter of fact if the controls were in reach then a 12 year old could do it. Long enough to complete an objective anyway.
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