6 billion and counting

Of course there should always be forward-thinking people around, who always welcome the natural expansion of the already "huge" human race.

Pronatalist said:
Baby booms, much like a swelling pregnant woman's belly, don't like unnatural arbitrary confinement. Let them naturally "bulge" proudly.

If that's where we are heading, hadn't we prudently pursue the relaxed orderly transition? Let the natural waves of naturally burgeoning human population expansion overspread the planet naturally, baby booms "blossoming" and "bursting forth" naturally, welcome everybody to have their place, let people move back to the countryside that they previously depopulated but now at urban densities as there gets to be so many of us, build bigger cities closer together, build population arcologies, whatever is needed.

So many parents say look around, there's places for more people everywhere. Really? Let them fill the gaps in between the people with still more people. They are correct. It's quite possible to somehow fit more people upon the planet, in such a way. They say or imply they don't mind populating denser. I insist upon allowing humans to explore how to populate denser, always much better than contemplating Nazi-like, anti-child eugenics. The natural flow of human life unhindered, is beautiful as it welcomes all the more fellow human beings to experience life.

You are just a fucking troll aren't you ? Nobody can say this moronic stuff and be serious about it.

Why do you say that? Did I start this discussion thread? No. Is population growth a controversial subject? Apparently, Yes. Quite many people still have little or no objection to the natural increase of humans. What does my screen name say about me? That I already naturally encourage childbearing. And I have listed many reasons as to why. So that parents may enjoy having their precious darling babies, no matter that world population seems to a few overeducated morons, to be perhaps growing too "huge." So that all the more fellow human beings may experience life. So that so many people need not go against nature, to ever get around to selecting a "satisfactory" means of "birth control." I don't at all ask people to use any means of "family planning," as I see the "no method" method as natural, elegant, beautiful, most pro-life.

Why is it so "surprising" that some people who still have morals, who still fear God, who still have faith, see something of how "huge" the human race's burgeoning numbers are growing, suspect an underlying intelligent reason for it, and want only to ACCOMODATE population, never to go against nature and freedom to "control" people needlessly and against their will? Why be so close-minded? Humans are highly intelligent and ADAPTABLE, and so why not ease the natural transition to a high-population-density world perhaps, by EMBRACING our population growth? "Trolling" is hardly the only explanation. To suggest that, suggests apparently a "small" mind on your part. Most all people naturally and instinctly like to see human numbers rising, the human race "progressing," and tend to think that children are wonderful, adorable, and cute, at least some of the time. There's so much potential for comfortably and safely populating the world and the various nations, more densely with people, why not explore that, and find the ample place for the lots more people to soon come, perhaps REGARDLESS of what some fools may do to try to resist "what must be?"
Of course there should always be forward-thinking people around, who always welcome the natural expansion of the already "huge" human race.

Why do you say that? Did I start this discussion thread? No. Is population growth a controversial subject? Apparently, Yes. Quite many people still have little or no objection to the natural increase of humans. What does my screen name say about me? That I already naturally encourage childbearing. And I have listed many reasons as to why. So that parents may enjoy having their precious darling babies, no matter that world population seems to a few overeducated morons, to be perhaps growing too "huge." So that all the more fellow human beings may experience life. So that so many people need not go against nature, to ever get around to selecting a "satisfactory" means of "birth control." I don't at all ask people to use any means of "family planning," as I see the "no method" method as natural, elegant, beautiful, most pro-life.

Why is it so "surprising" that some people who still have morals, who still fear God, who still have faith, see something of how "huge" the human race's burgeoning numbers are growing, suspect an underlying intelligent reason for it, and want only to ACCOMODATE population, never to go against nature and freedom to "control" people needlessly and against their will? Why be so close-minded? Humans are highly intelligent and ADAPTABLE, and so why not ease the natural transition to a high-population-density world perhaps, by EMBRACING our population growth? "Trolling" is hardly the only explanation. To suggest that, suggests apparently a "small" mind on your part. Most all people naturally and instinctly like to see human numbers rising, the human race "progressing," and tend to think that children are wonderful, adorable, and cute, at least some of the time. There's so much potential for comfortably and safely populating the world and the various nations, more densely with people, why not explore that, and find the ample place for the lots more people to soon come, perhaps REGARDLESS of what some fools may do to try to resist "what must be?"

You are glorifying and encouraging out of control population sizes.
If you like the "no method" method so much why don't you shut it ?
The beauty of the "no method" method, is really in how it welcomes the babies to come alive as they were meant to.

Pronatalist said:
Of course there should always be forward-thinking people around, who always welcome the natural expansion of the already "huge" human race.

Why do you say that? Did I start this discussion thread? No. Is population growth a controversial subject? Apparently, Yes. Quite many people still have little or no objection to the natural increase of humans. What does my screen name say about me? That I already naturally encourage childbearing. And I have listed many reasons as to why. So that parents may enjoy having their precious darling babies, no matter that world population seems to a few overeducated morons, to be perhaps growing too "huge." So that all the more fellow human beings may experience life. So that so many people need not go against nature, to ever get around to selecting a "satisfactory" means of "birth control." I don't at all ask people to use any means of "family planning," as I see the "no method" method as natural, elegant, beautiful, most pro-life.

Why is it so "surprising" that some people who still have morals, who still fear God, who still have faith, see something of how "huge" the human race's burgeoning numbers are growing, suspect an underlying intelligent reason for it, and want only to ACCOMODATE population, never to go against nature and freedom to "control" people needlessly and against their will? Why be so close-minded? Humans are highly intelligent and ADAPTABLE, and so why not ease the natural transition to a high-population-density world perhaps, by EMBRACING our population growth? "Trolling" is hardly the only explanation. To suggest that, suggests apparently a "small" mind on your part. Most all people naturally and instinctly like to see human numbers rising, the human race "progressing," and tend to think that children are wonderful, adorable, and cute, at least some of the time. There's so much potential for comfortably and safely populating the world and the various nations, more densely with people, why not explore that, and find the ample place for the lots more people to soon come, perhaps REGARDLESS of what some fools may do to try to resist "what must be?

You are glorifying and encouraging out of control population sizes.
If you like the "no method" method so much why don't you shut it ?

Of course I am. One reason I do not believe humans should use any means of "birth control," is that I do not believe in imposing population "control." I'm a pronatalist, because "too many" people benefit so much from population growth, that I must be a population growth advocate then. So I encourage childbearing, as somebody has to do it, and not enough people these days, positive affirm the great immense value and sacredness of each and every human life. Setting any arbitrary population "cap" only increases the perceived risk that we may actually reach and surpass it. The best way to prevent that, is never to set any "cap" to begin with, and encourage world population size to swell and "bulge" and population densities to rise naturally, as it will, always ACCOMODATING, never "controlling." I do not believe that humans were ever meant to "control" each and every aspect of nature. Alter nature for human benefit, Yes, but not to such "earth control" extent as to be detrimental to man. The natural "blossoming" of the size of the human race, is very beautiful, as more and more people find opportunity to live.

"Out of control" in this case, pretty much means not subject to the "control" of the anti-life population control freaks. It doesn't mean that it isn't under some form of rather-lax natural control, as in that it takes some time for human populations to grow drastically in size, but not under the excessive control of NWO power-mad globalist control freaks, scheming to put themselves in place of God. If we are to impose "control" upon human population growth, who can we trust to do the "controlling?" I see nobody worthy of such trust, but God. Upon what basis to decide? A popular vote? Ha! Why would how many children I should have, ever be subject to your vote?

Now sure, there may be some feminists or liberals who try to say how many children they have, is nobody's business but their own. If that was ever true, it isn't anymore. What if everybody had large families? Wouldn't society be forced to populate denser? So how many children we have, at least in an increasingly highly populous world, apparent does affect everybody around us. But that doesn't at all diminish our God given right to procreate. And most of the effects are generally positive. So I see that people would have some basis for comments and opinions say like "When are you going to give us some grandchildren." And I do believe people should be honest on census forms, as long as they have good reason to believe that demographic data will be used to better support population-proportional representative government, and population ACCOMODATION, and never be used against them for anything sinister such as supposedly having had "too many" children. I see human population something perhaps subject to trying to keep some accurate measure of, but never something that humans have any moral right to "control."

Our ancestors saw human population, more as God sees it according to our perspective, population is what it is. How did we forget that? Why does man think he has to be "in control" of everything, contrary to human life, contrary to family, contrary to freedom? Why do we allow ourselves to be so manipulated by contrived crises that aren't as they are "scare tactics" stated?

Why don't I shut it? Shut what? The womb? Don't have sex if I like the "no method" method so much? Whatever for? The natural purpose of human reproductive organs, is to reproduce babies, so I say let the babies push out naturally. As the numbers of women of childbearing age perhaps continues to rise naturally throughout much of the world, let babies freely push out of all the more birth canals, encouraging more people to marry young and use absolutely no method of "birth control." The natural remedy for powerful human reproductive urges, is pregnancy. The natural remedy for pregnancy is childbirth. Large families are cool, as they allow so many more people to experience life. For food to convert into additional human bodies, is a completely natural and beneficial process. Food isn't just for mere selfish consumption, but for being vastly improved, in conversion from relatively cheap organic matter, to human bodies/souls of immense value and each and every human life sacred.

I like the "no method" method so much, because it's elegant and natural. It's the most pro-life. It welcomes babies to happen as they happen, and seeks to go along with God and the ways of nature, not to resist the natural flow of human life needlessly. It depends upon God, and is most in harmony with respecting human life, families, freedom, personal responsibility. It doesn't reek of Big Pharma lab rat experimentation upon humans. It respects the body's reproductive rhythms, and doesn't needlessly try to resist them, but embraces human fertility for some great or divine purpose. It's most consistant with "right to life" and "sanctity of life" and practical and "religious" belief systems. What can be more moral, than to "hold the door open" to the natural flow of human life unhindered, even for strangers?

Our ancestors believed more in respecting the natural flow of human life unhindered. Why don't we? The great falling away of faith prophecied in the Bible? Evil popular delusions clouding our judgement?
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The beauty of the "no method" method, is really in how it welcomes the babies to come alive as they were meant to.

Of course I am. One reason I do not believe humans should use any means of "birth control," is that I do not believe in imposing population "control." I'm a pronatalist, because "too many" people benefit so much from population growth, that I must be a population growth advocate then. So I encourage childbearing, as somebody has to do it, and not enough people these days, positive affirm the great immense value and sacredness of each and every human life. Setting any arbitrary population "cap" only increases the perceived risk that we may actually reach and surpass it. The best way to prevent that, is never to set any "cap" to begin with, and encourage world population size to swell and "bulge" and population densities to rise naturally, as it will, always ACCOMODATING, never "controlling." I do not believe that humans were ever meant to "control" each and every aspect of nature. Alter nature for human benefit, Yes, but not to such "earth control" extent as to be detrimental to man. The natural "blossoming" of the size of the human race, is very beautiful, as more and more people find opportunity to live.

Well not to throw a wrench in your gears but nature will find a way to control that population and nature will set the population cap whether you agree or not. See Humans are very very needy. We need all kinds of resources that nature has to provide.

We as humans though could attempt to avoid the inevtiable bitch slap from nature and regulate ourselves.

Oddly human beings are so egocentrical we are the only living creature on the planet that's population is not "regulated" we allow and encourage killing of these animals, such as deer, elk, cyotes, rabbits, etc to regulate their numbers.

We treat ourselves as a dying species going extinct which is far far far from the case. For now anyway. Eventually man will overgrow his habitat and die off.

In the end man always has and always will do whatever is needed to improve their own habitat. I can tell you right now that allowing the population size to grow unregulated will create a habitat for man that will be extremely undesireable if even liveable.
Considering the world population is 6 billion people and dramaticly getting larger.........

How many people can the earth tolerate and for how long?

Also for fun lets assume the world could tolerate 500,000,000 people comfortably and exist in balance with nature......

killing off 90% of the worlds population to secure the future of the human race and the planet earth........

what would you consider the "right" thing to do?

I think you forgot a few zero's there

What to do? kill the biggest consumers, and the world will be able to hold out much better... thats right americans. There would not be much of a moral problem there too, considering that they are also some of the biggest mass murderers of recent time.
A person is measured by far more, than by what they can produce.

Actually if this is your way of thinking, I feel rather pity for you.

I was thinking like this.... One human needs only 1 house for his own life, but
he can create 10, 100, .. houses along his life. One human needs to eat only
about 1.5 kg food per day, or 50 kg per month, or 600 kg per year, but give
him few couples of livestock, and see how many he can produce per year..

His survival will then depend on how can he produced compared to how much
he consumes. Now, if he doesn't produce anything, or produce slower than he
need to consume, likely his life won't be beautiful (as you dream). His life will suffer,
he will struggle in competition, his presence is merely to serve others, he is
exploited by others who are smarter or faster. That way he can't be happy.

It's wrong to consider humans to be little more than an economic comodity. To realize the full value of humans better, one must consider a person's spirit, that God created each and every person for some reason, and that people value themselves and rather like living, well at least most of the time. A person is far more than their, sometimes lackluster, job that they hold at the moment. Many people don't even have a "job," unless being a child or a mother can be called a "job."

Life isn't just about "competition" either, but experiencing and being.

Maybe that's something I like about sci-fi like Star Trek. With the downplaying or elimination of "money," it seems a bit easier to more clearly see the worth of people. Supposedly in that optimistic future, poverty has been eliminated. There would be more place for artists, and less place for productivity in manufacturing or selling things. Not when one's food and clothes and stuff, are usually just "copies" produced by a "food replicator" in most every household unit.
Human population growth, self-accomodates far better than some of us have been led to believe.

Well not to throw a wrench in your gears but nature will find a way to control that population and nature will set the population cap whether you agree or not. See Humans are very very needy. We need all kinds of resources that nature has to provide.

We as humans though could attempt to avoid the inevtiable bitch slap from nature and regulate ourselves.

What's the word meaning trying to convey attributes of people onto nature?

Nature can't "get revenge" or anything like that, because nature doesn't "think."

There is no moral nor practical ways to "regulate ourselves," if that means, denying your neighbors all the children they were meant to have. We don't regulate how much pregnant women are allowed to bulge. We don't have "height control," to keep people from growing too tall. We don't even have food portions police, at least not yet, but I think libtards might be conspiring as to how to impose that, as we speak?

Oddly human beings are so egocentrical we are the only living creature on the planet that's population is not "regulated" we allow and encourage killing of these animals, such as deer, elk, cyotes, rabbits, etc to regulate their numbers.

Well you see it's due to a strange thing called "human rights." Perhaps you have heard of it?

We treat ourselves as a dying species going extinct which is far far far from the case. For now anyway. Eventually man will overgrow his habitat and die off.

Outgrowing the womb triggers "birth," not dying off.

In the end man always has and always will do whatever is needed to improve their own habitat. I can tell you right now that allowing the population size to grow unregulated will create a habitat for man that will be extremely undesireable if even liveable.

Oh really? Most all cities grow "unregulated," and yet where is the huge mass exodus from the "extremely undesirable" habitat of the big city? Seems like people are still moving to cities, and so many people in cities, work to make their cities and neighborhoods, BETTER places to live. Allowing population size to grow unregulated, is called freedom, and people enjoying having all the children they were meant to have, or at least often all the children they think they might still want, after all the polluted culture "birth control" deception.
I like to see neighbors I recognize, walking down the street.

You can't smell people? Most people don't smell bad or anything but everyone has their own smell. Maybe I'm part dog or something but I can tell people apart just by scent alone.
That was irrelevant. I know. :D

No, seems relevant to me. Sometimes we can hear other people outside somewhere as well.

But it's all part of the "experience" of life, and serves hopefully to enrich life, not as a "problem."

I once had a neighbor with a couple of dogs that barked at the slightest disturbance, at night and such. Now that would annoy my Dad, but I didn't mind, as they were friendly dogs, and I actually don't like it too quiet and bland all the time. I like ordinary noises that are understandable, like the air conditioning cycling a few times at night.
The so-called (rampant contraceptive-induced) "Demographic Transition" isn't slowing down enough?

Prontalist said:
Yeah, I'm quite proud of how numerous the human race has managed somehow to become, or that God would allow so many people to experience life, but quite ashamed of the much rampant contraceptive pushing. As if people didn't much matter?

Oddly enough we could have those people appear on earth more slowly over time, and still, they could all have their chance. More right now is not always better.

For example in eating - which is important - it is best not to eat the entire week's food for breakfast on monday, and then try for the next week's food at lunch on monday. In fact it can be a sign that food matters to take it slowly.

This is true about a wide range of things, even important ones.

Aren't you still missing the point? If we are to respect the dignity and immense value and sacredness of each and every human life, and considering that human population pretty much only goes up, never or rarely down, it's rather illogical to ask or expect parents to "wait" or defer having children, once they have married and prepared their family nest.

Adoux Huxley is credited in my dictionary for the quote, "Huge cities grow steadily huger." Maybe it's because cities keep on attracting more and more people, but couldn't it also be possible, that as the human race grows, the number of birth canal holes also grows? Even biology says that our babies have to come faster and faster, because so many more people are having them. The population base has grown so huge, that the exponential flow of human life is becoming all the harder to seemingly "control."

I don't at all buy the "slow down" argument. It still doesn't respect the many great compelling reasons people have as many children as they do. Nor do humans really understand so well how much time we have left on earth. The Biblical endtimes are approaching, and are you really so sure there's no killer comet or runaway star coming along? And if we don't reproduce, won't the Muslims and foreigners still multiply? We probably don't want them "taking over" too fast, now do we? "Slowing" that down, helps insure they assimulate or change to become more like us, rather than "take over." Now's not particularly the best time to be underpopulating countries and seemingly leaving a "vacuum" admidst a naturally-growing "huge" world population.

The growing human population, already pushes along whatever natural "transition" is needed to adjust for it, so we should EMBRACE, not resist our natural increase. Celebrate and welcome human life.

Prontalist said:
Humans growing so populous, shows that at least we are doing something right, and on the right track or something, or at least some of us are on the right track.

Mary had one kid. Or so they say, anyway.

Are you speaking of Mary, the mother of Jesus, betrothed to Joseph? She only had 1 child, while still a virgin, but she did marry. Married people don't stay virgins for long. After the birth of Jesus, she did have more children. Sounds like you don't know your Bible very well? Of course Jesus didn't have any children, but his role on Earth wasn't to be a father. Yet in the linage of Jesus as told at the beginning of Luke, God is stated as the father of Adam, since God created Adam.
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Human population growth, self-accomodates far better than some of us have been led to believe.

What's the word meaning trying to convey attributes of people onto nature?

Nature can't "get revenge" or anything like that, because nature doesn't "think."

There is no moral nor practical ways to "regulate ourselves," if that means, denying your neighbors all the children they were meant to have. We don't regulate how much pregnant women are allowed to bulge. We don't have "height control," to keep people from growing too tall. We don't even have food portions police, at least not yet, but I think libtards might be conspiring as to how to impose that, as we speak?

Well you see it's due to a strange thing called "human rights." Perhaps you have heard of it?

Outgrowing the womb triggers "birth," not dying off.

Oh really? Most all cities grow "unregulated," and yet where is the huge mass exodus from the "extremely undesirable" habitat of the big city? Seems like people are still moving to cities, and so many people in cities, work to make their cities and neighborhoods, BETTER places to live. Allowing population size to grow unregulated, is called freedom, and people enjoying having all the children they were meant to have, or at least often all the children they think they might still want, after all the polluted culture "birth control" deception.

Human rights is a man made concept. If it can be taken away, it is not a right....its a privledge and guess what dude.....ALL your rights can be taken away.

Here is an anology that might make you understand a bit what I am getting at. Humans are a cancer, If we are left to spread FREELY we will destroy our host and there for ourselves.
Humans are a cancer, If we are left to spread FREELY we will destroy our host and there for ourselves.
Agreed. I think you're wasting your breath on him though.. but I admit I have my weak moments too ;)
That is such a tired and incorrect analogy. Find a better one.

Human rights is a man made concept. If it can be taken away, it is not a right....its a privledge and guess what dude.....ALL your rights can be taken away.

Here is an anology that might make you understand a bit what I am getting at. Humans are a cancer, If we are left to spread FREELY we will destroy our host and there for ourselves.

Humans have been spreading freely, for 1000s of years. Why should it suddenly, become any different? Just because of a bunch of power-mad, socialist, globalist thinking has poisoned our ideals? Because people being their own sovereigns, retaining some level of freedom and personal responsibility, somehow hinders the evil agenda of the elitist globalists?

Didn't I explain already why "cancer" is not an appropriate metaphor, and why "pregnancy" fits so much better? Cancer is destructive, while the natural growth of the human race is constructive. It's something that should occur, and something that benefits people. Now if you claim that you can't see that, then you must have religion-phobic blinders on or something. The Bible clearly states that people are worth more than the planet. What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul? To put it the other way, is to get the proverbial cart before the horse. It's like hearing that your child was involved in a car crash. And what do you first want to know, or most care about? Is the car okay? Huh? Cars are expendible. Insurance maybe will take care of some of the expense replacing the car. Would you not want to know that your child is okay? The Earth is not our eternal home. Even sci-fi suggests that.

But anyway, nature is resilient. I can see that, in my constant battle with mowing the grass and pulling out the weeds. I get grass coming up in the cracks of my driveway. The planet can much more easily bear the rising human population "pressure," than people can be expected to struggle with awkward unnatural "birth control." So I don't expect humans to use "birth control." Let people push out their babies as they come. I'm also concerned about how all this "family planning" pushing, has poisoned our culture, and sought to make human life seem cheap and expendible. Children aren't something special anymore? Now that the world "suddenly" has "enough?" Would our children agree with being marginalized?

The preacher on the radio, was talking something of one of Aesop's Fables. The one about the dog chasing his shadow, and then he sees his reflection in the water. And that dog in the water, seems to have a nicer morsel of food, than he has in his mouth. So the dog drops the morsel, and some other creature takes it away. Because of greed, now the dog has neither the morsel, nor its reflection. Aren't we doing much the same thing? Aren't we "chasing shadows" when we don't realize how nice a morsel we already have? So many women are trading their morsel for illusionary reflections, when they put their children into daycare, to be raised by strangers, and chase careers. Or maybe they are pursuing affairs on the side?

You say that human rights are a manmade concept? You only have to go back as far as the (U.S.) Declaration of Independence, to see that that isn't quite right. We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. Did you see the stern warning there, right under your nose? endowed by our Creator. God-given rights. What might that be saying or insinuating? That when we begin to dismiss God and his purposes for our nation, we undermine the very foundation for us having rights. If rights are merely granted by the government, then what's to keep the government from rescinding such "rights," anytime they like, for whatsoever reason they like? Maybe the world is now "too full" of people for people to have any rights anymore? Maybe corporations make more campaign contributions than actual people, so why not let fictional "person" corporations just step on and trample everybody, being the biggest "person" around, having more "rights" than anybody? Who's to say? At the Nurenburg Trials, Nazi soldiers claimed to have merely been "following orders" as excuse for their crimes. They appealed to God as to the higher power and basis of morality, to say that even a nation can be in the wrong, that governments do not have the final say.
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overpopulation isn't really a problem, because most of this planet is still pretty empty, but even if we would get to the point that there would be a lot of people everywhere and we could no longer live, then we would just start dying off because of that. problem solved.
overpopulation isn't really a problem, because most of this planet is still pretty empty, but even if we would get to the point that there would be a lot of people everywhere and we could no longer live, then we would just start dying off because of that. problem solved.


What places are empty ?
Concrete examples of places that are empty please.

finland and sweden. they're the only places i've been in, but here's more emptiness:

So what then are we doing about this "crisis" of a rather "empty" planet? Shouldn't we get more busy "filling" it?

i'm empty. and... pretty much the whole earth is... it's just that stupid people choose to live in overpopulated places.

Uh, is that fair, to call people "stupid" for that reason alone? Apparently, even the "overpopulated" places could hold quite a bit more people. Those places have so many babies, because they have so many potential parents. That's hardly stupid, but more of the natural flow of human life.

What I find "stupid," is how rich elites, who apparently care far too little for their fellow man, hoard land, to pretty much waste it upon nothing. Minor little uses like stupid space-wasting elitist golf courses, or ridiculously huge wildlife refuges for stupid wild animals that don't vote nor pay any taxes, contrary to the interests of multiplying numbers of poor people who might have been able to put the land to better use, assuming anybody even wants to live there? Most people don't seem to even want to live "in the middle of nowhere," but where the jobs, people, and opportunities already are. So population seems to attract more population. So what if more areas were deliberately designed to hold more people, more comfortably and safely? Such efforts that might be expected of a more deliberately pronatalist society, would then be very smart?

And yeah, that population density map somebody posted, looks very "empty" to me as well. Who's to say that the entire world couldn't look more like southeastern Asian, and people both survive and thrive? I just don't see any way around it. If so many people presumably want and insist upon having their precious darling babies, then maybe we do have to explore how to populate denser, on the global scale at least, so that so many more people can somehow fit onto the planet. But then, don't humans claim to be curiously intelligent? So why not put such "intelligence" and ADAPTABILITY to such great use, as learning how we can indeed live and breed in closer proximity to our many neighbors, so that so many people can in fact, enjoy having so many progeny as God may allow them to have?
or ridiculously huge wildlife refuges for stupid wild animals that don't vote nor pay any taxes, contrary to the interests of multiplying numbers of poor people who might have been able to put the land to better use

Ahh there it is ! Asshole.