5% of the population, 25% of the prison population

freedom leads way to the human race's nature to hinder others. americans are given freedom, and it reflects it accordingly through its act-first-punish-later method of justice.

without boundaries, nothing gets broken; without anything broken, one is not at fault
I guess John finally gave up - maybe one of his friends is now sitting in jail for possession of a joint - granted, that friend would be the only person in the US incarcerated for simple possession of marijuana, but all it takes is one to break Johns impeccable [il]logic...

As for me, it's time for R&R... :m:

Night John, and the rest of you who live in fairy tale land... :yawn: :zzz:
I'll propose a solution.

All violent offenders who can be shown to have acted violently deliberately should be killed in the cheapest manner possible. Accidental death ie vehicular manslaughter, or murder via negligence would still be "put in time out".

Violence to include rape of any kind.

Couple this with a return to prisons being unpleasant places to be, and the attraction of such crime should drop, and thus the prison population would fall.