5% of the population, 25% of the prison population

i am not so sure about prison rates in some countries because they wont put you in prison. they just shoot you.
Mod Hat - Inquiry, reminder

Mod Hat — Inquiry, reminder


(Various) said:

BTW 2008 was the fifth consecutive year that india was on the UN TIP list.
talk about a corrupt government.

• • •​

maybe you should ask yourself why so many indians are running away from india to come to u.s.

• • •​

although i'm somewhat perplexed as to how the slave trade of india benefits wall street.

—does India have to do with it?

I would remind members to focus on the issues a bit more, and not so much on each other.

"India sucks" is not a rational or useful policy statement or argumentative rebuttal. I mean, you might as well not do anything about a rape taking place in front of you because somewhere else in the city, someone's getting raped in the ass ... by a person with dark skin.

"I should help her. But, hey, people in India have it worse, so who cares?"

The irony is that such an unethical, unjust, immoral, willfully apathetic dodge should be used as an argument in EM&J.

If one wishes to make a comparison between one country and another, that comparison should be legitimately founded, not thrown recklessly into the mix as a vicious attempt to sting someone in lieu of answering an issue.
let's see you start zooming in from nowhere each and every time sam sticks her thumbs in the eyes of the US.
this woman couldn't make 3 posts in a row without making some kind of snide remark about the west or the US if her life depended on it.

search her post history tiassa, that's all you gotta do.
kremmen, all black people are not criminals. far from it.

Yes they are. Haven't you got the memo. I was informed by the military, the info might be wrong or outdated, but 1 out of every 9 African Americans is in prison. Racial profiling is rampant even among the upper class Negros such as my own family. If you're black (especially men and boys)the police automatically assume you're up to something even if you're just sitting around staring at each other. While there is obviously a racial profiling going on, with the blacks and Latinos, but I think on a whole I think the US locks people up for too petty of reasons. Petty (I stole a candy bar) criminals just take up space in prisons. Perhaps we should broaden the methods for how certain crimes are punished saving jail space for the criminals who are a danger to society and really need to be locked up.
Yes they are. Haven't you got the memo. I was informed by the military, the info might be wrong or outdated, but 1 out of every 9 African Americans is in prison.
you had best take a close look at this situation before you start assuming things.
racial inequality is a virtual hotbed of dissension and this country's enemies knows it.
yeah, blacks are being used, but not by the US.

did you know that blacks occupy 4 of the most powerful positions in the US government?
Cutsie sounds like another silver spooner, and a little out of touch with reality. I grew up in high crime rate area and i know people who were arrested over 60 times (a white person too:eek:) but i honestly never heard of anyone being arrested who did not commit a crime. Plus many of the cops are black and latino.

You got arrested for stealing a candy bar? M?aybe you are not telling the whole story here. Did you assault anyone?
you had best take a close look at this situation before you start assuming things.
racial inequality is a virtual hotbed of dissension and this country's enemies knows it.
yeah, blacks are being used, but not by the US.

did you know that blacks occupy 4 of the most powerful positions in the US government?

What? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Cutsie sounds like another silver spooner, and a little out of touch with reality. I grew up in high crime rate area and i know people who were arrested over 60 times (a white person too:eek:) but i honestly never heard of anyone being arrested who did not commit a crime. Plus many of the cops are black and latino.

You got arrested for stealing a candy bar? M?aybe you are not telling the whole story here. Did you assault anyone?

LOL. Actually my parents were poor when I was born and didn't have much money until I got older. But now they would be considered upper middle class. I'm sure you've heard about oh so safe and lovely South Central LA :rolleyes:, but I live in a bad area now. I got shot by a stray bullet a few weeks ago for crying out loud, I know what life is like in a high crime rate area. I didn't say people were arrested for doing nothing, they get harassed for doing nothing. I was emphasizing the racial profiling, aren't people of middle eastern and Indian descent treated differently at airports? Many think racial prejudice is gone, but that's not true.
By candy bar criminal I meant someone who committed a petty crime and was locked up for it, it wasn't meant to be taken literally. Yes I have assaulted someone, but I wasn't arrested for it, the guy dropped the charges. He deserved what he got.
What? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Leo is either pro-cop or ex-cop. He thrills in conspiracy theories and defends the excesses of the justice system.:D

I was emphasizing the racial profiling, aren't people of middle eastern and Indian descent treated differently at airports? Many think racial prejudice is gone, but that's not true.

Just look at voting patterns if you have any doubts. I've met interracial couples who are profiled by both blacks and whites!

But I am more interested in the sheer number of incarcerated people than profiling.
SAM, who is that person in you avatar?

she looks like my mom. my mom died when i was three and i only have one picture of her. maybe i will upload it.
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat — Response (only and final)

Further objections should be undertaken outside the confines of this thread.

Leopold99 said:

let's see you start zooming in from nowhere each and every time sam sticks her thumbs in the eyes of the US.

When S.A.M. goes out of her way to distract a thread by attacking people's heritage, I will.

this woman couldn't make 3 posts in a row without making some kind of snide remark about the west or the US if her life depended on it.

So are you proposing that she should be denied the same rights as anyone else has around this board? Why?

And the answer is a resounding, "No", sir.

search her post history tiassa, that's all you gotta do.


#2215652/4 ("Israeli newspapers Photo-shop out female cabinet minister"; April 3, 2009, 17.40 PDT)
#2215647/30 ("Rats,mice, or hamsters?"; April 3,2009, 17.35 PDT)
#2215595/258 ("Palestinian Axes Children to Death"; April 3, 2009, 15.32 PDT)
#2215568/255 (ibid; April 3, 2009, 14.59 PDT)
#2215561/250 (ibid; April 3, 2009, 14.48 PDT)
#2215530/71 ("Is tolerating religion a sensible option?"; April 3, 2009, 14.29 PDT)
#2215521/245 ("Palestinian Axes Children ...."; April 3, 2009, 14.15 PDT)
#2215514/29 ("Rats, mice, or hamsters?"; April 3, 2009; 14.07 PDT)
#2215508/25 ("Kitteh Trouble"; April 3, 2009, 13.54 PDT)
#2215502/23 (ibid; April 3, 2009, 13.49 PDT)
#2215501/71 ("The Ethical Warrior"; April 3, 2009, 13.48 PDT)
#2215496/242 ("Palestinian Axes Children ...."; April 3, 2009, 13.42 PDT)
#2215493/240 (ibid, April 3, 2009, 13.40 PDT)
#2215485/236 (ibid, April 3, 2009, 13.33 PDT)
#2215471/229 (ibid, 13.25 PDT)
#2215448/69 ("The Ethical Warrior"; April 3, 2009, 13.07 PDT)
#2215441/16, ("5% of the population, 25% of the prison population"; April 3, 2009, 13.01 PDT)
#2215434/223 ("Palestinian Axes Children ...."; April 3, 2009, 12.55 PDT)
#2215423/13 ("5% of the Population"; April 3, 2009, 12.47 PDT)
#2215419/220 (ibid; April 3, 2009, 12.44 PDT)
#2215414/218 (ibid; April 3, 2009, 12.40 PDT)
#2215408/65 ("The Ethical Warrior"; April 3, 2009, 12.35 PDT)
#2215402/216 ("Palestinian Axes Children ...."; April 3, 2009, 12.33 PDT)​

What's that? Did I just go through an entire page of search results, a whole twenty-five posts? And without a single "snide remark about the west or the US"? How the hell did that happen?

Now then ... I am long familiar with S.A.M.'s posting history. I am long aware of the situation involving S.A.M., Muslims, and India. Indeed, the only reason this has gone on so long is because at least two of my fellow moderators sold her out because she's a dark-skinned, Muslim female. So my recommendation for those who want to complain about S.A.M., India, and Muslims for the simple fact of being S.A.M., India, and Muslims ought to take it over to the World Events and Politics subfora, where such wretched, stinking, juvenile bigotry is protected as a valuable (and even privileged) contribution to the community barring a steady stream of complaints over the moderators' heads. In those fora, nobody can do any wrong without S.A.M.'s name being dragged into it. You won't just find better patience there, but an actual refuge for open bigotry and hatred.

It doesn't play in EM&J. I wasn't elected to a moderator position for the specific purpose of purporting a "political" balance at Sciforums, so I perceive no obligation whatsoever to put up with this vicious intellectual cowardice.

So I won't. And whoever doesn't like it is welcome to contact me directly via private message or go over my head.
to be honest, and this is my personal opinion, if it were not for beautiful women i would not harbor one single solitary supernatural thought.