30 days in jail for graffiti 1st offence

Victor E said:
We haven't got a lot of graffiti where I live either.. I think it's called "cleaning" and is a part of the wellfare community.

Why should the community have to pay for the damages caused by some rotten little bastard who doesn't know that one shouldn't damage someone else's property??? Do you think money grows on trees?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Why should the community have to pay for the damages caused by some rotten little bastard who doesn't know that one shouldn't damage someone else's property??? Do you think money grows on trees?

Baron Max

We'll a big part of the cleaning is made by people who has been busted for graffiti. Instead of paying for having them in prison we let them work.

and besides, not all people can get a job, but everyone can work as a graffiti cleaner, so if you can't get a job you can work as that... Better than having a lot of people without job.

and btw, do the government pay you for a lawyer in USA? Or do you risk to be without lawyer?
Victor E said:
We'll a big part of the cleaning is made by people who has been busted for graffiti. Instead of paying for having them in prison we let them work.

Oh, great! But in America, we're not allowed to do that ...the ACLU would scream about taking away the "human rights" of the prisoners and forcing them into slave labor camps! ...LOL!

Even if the convict had killed 403,673 gazillion people, we wouldn't be permitted to infringe on his "human rights".

Lawyers are paid for by the government ONLY for felony cases AND that's only if the suspect can't afford one himself.

Baron Max
Oh, great! But in America, we're not allowed to do that ...the ACLU would scream about taking away the "human rights" of the prisoners and forcing them into slave labor camps! ...LOL!

It's not like that. The one who is too clean can choose not to do it, but he will be sent to jail instead then. And if you let the thread starter in this thread choose, I think he would choose to clean instead.

Lawyers are paid for by the government ONLY for felony cases AND that's only if the suspect can't afford one himself.

That's quite strange, in other cases, are the victim supposed to know the law himself? I'd say the judges can do whatever they wish then, because the victim doesn't know what's right or wrong, he can not argue if he does not know what the law says.

Even if the convict had killed 403,673 gazillion people, we wouldn't be permitted to infringe on his "human rights".

In USA, I guess you would kill him. Is killing not against human rights?
Baron Max said:
Lawyers are paid for by the government ONLY for felony cases AND that's only if the suspect can't afford one himself.
Actually, in 1972 the Supreme Court ruled to include misdemeanors if the person charged might face even one night in jail.

Baron Max said:
Oh, great! But in America, we're not allowed to do that ...the ACLU would scream about taking away the "human rights" of the prisoners and forcing them into slave labor camps!
Almost forgot. Judges and prosecutors are allowed to accept alternative sentencing as long as the crime does not require mandatory sentencing. Judges can also mandate community service as a punishment.

I can think of plenty of things that are a lot worse than graffiti, actually.
'There is nothing worse than graffiti' is OBVIOUSLY a figure of speech.

And some parts of Melbourne benefit enormously from the graffiti on them.
Which bits, exactly? The bits where retards spray paint lame ass rude remarks on private and public property?

Some of the graffiti in Melbourne is really amazing and very beautiful.
Irrelevant, although note how 'amazing' and 'beautiful' are in the eyes of the beholder. The fact is that vandalized property is against the law. Neither the public, or private owners, condone it. You want to draw/paint shit? It's called PAPER.

You just have to take the good with the bad.
Well, not really...
mountainhare said:
Which bits, exactly? The bits where retards spray paint lame ass rude remarks on private and public property?
No, the bits where people have actually put in effort and used their talent to benefit a dull building.
Irrelevant, although note how 'amazing' and 'beautiful' are in the eyes of the beholder.
I bet if a lot of these artworks were hanging on a wall you would think the same thing.
You cannot deny something’s beauty just because you don’t like where it is situated.
Neither the public, or private owners, condone it.
Funny, and yet there are many people who actually pay these artists to “vandalise” their buildings with beautiful images. Crazy, huh? I mean, what mad bastard would rather look at something colourful and beautiful than something plain, grey and boring?
You want to draw/paint shit? It's called PAPER.
The whole point of painting these artworks is so the public will see them and get something positive out of them instead of just staring at grey buildings all day getting depressed.
divine sapience said:
im stressed this is bullshit
That is bullshit. WTF. The gov is always doing this stuff to people. Gestapo, KGB, LAPD, police in other countries, it's all the same oppressive BS to me.
That is bullshit. WTF. The gov is always doing this stuff to people. Gestapo, KGB, LAPD, police in other countries, it's all the same oppressive BS to me.

It flat out wasn't his property. That's the WTF. He shoulda got knocked the fuck out for vandalizing someone else's property.

As for county property that he was aiming for, well, go right ahead I guess, but don't complain if/when you get caught for it. If you're so hard up on tagging something, go rent some space in the middle of town and tag it up to your heart's delight. Oh, and make sure it at least looks nice and isn't a piece of crap that tries to pass for artwork or any childish stuff like crossing out other people's names.

There's very few people's grafitti artwork I've liked and there's very few that are actually good at it and do it for a reason other than for just being a punk hoodlum. Those are the ones that are okay, but the majority who are punk hoodlums that do it just to see their name all over the place are the little pieces of shit that I hate, especially when they do it on people's private property. I hate seeing names sprayed all over the place that looks worse than scribbling on neighbors fences.

Heck, just across the street there's some (NOT artwork but lame name scribblin) of that crap and they continue to do it after it gets painted over. When I open the front door or look out the windows, it's right there in plain view to see. And not only that, but those people just recently remodeled their whole house! If I catch the kids that are doing that, they're gonna get two darts stuck in em and tasered the hell up until the smell of their burnt flesh removes the Krylon spraypaint fumes from the area.

Stick to abandoned houses and other rundown areas make them look more pretty, but have some fuckin respect and stay away from people's houses and other nice properties. Don't cry to God if you get some buckshot in your back while doing the deed. Until then, wait till the revolution comes when we actually need little runts like them.

- N
Eh, vandalism's fun, as long as it happening to me. Thus far, it hasn't.
dsdsds said:
I guess you won't be spraying graffiti anymore huh? I hate graffiti. It turns our cities to shit.

Do you deserve jail time? It's not about deserving. Maybe the judge wants to make an example. Maybe if a couple of you did get some jail time, then your vandal friends, and their friends, ...would think twice about spraying their shit around town. And that would be a good thing for our society. Too bad for you, you had to be the one but it's not like you were stealing food to feed your family. You purposely did something stupid and illegal. Sometimes people die for doing stupid and illegal things.

graffiti is an expression of the self and i see nothing wrong with it.
doing it on some old dudes fence is a different story lol :p
erm,at the end of the day u committed crime you should be punished, however its the friend situation thats screws it up.
did u guys have the same judge.
as different judges could be stricter on certain cases
Victor E said:
The laws don't change depending on judge, eh?

No, but the punishments can change! Many laws have punishment RANGES, i.e., 10-20 years in prison. In fact, most laws have a similar range of fines and/or jail terms. Some judges opt for the 10 years, others opt for the 20 years ...same law, same crime, different punishment.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, but the punishments can change! Many laws have punishment RANGES, i.e., 10-20 years in prison. In fact, most laws have a similar range of fines and/or jail terms. Some judges opt for the 10 years, others opt for the 20 years ...same law, same crime, different punishment.

Baron Max

I think that is what he is saying. Different Judicial arbitrators have different philosophies as to what and if they rank a crime and how they should be penalized under the fluctuation of LAW!

Laws forever change and current penalties differ by case, so why not believe that partiality exists in court? Baron, if i were try your illegal downloading of porn case i would be biased becasue i hate the movie "Mad Max". Total non-relation and ignorant to the subject at hand, including the true meaning of your Alias, but does this stop me from making my decision? The end all is Law is more arbitrary than definite
divine sapience

I didn't do anything and go to jail for 76 days :D
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I can't see how you can argue.

Vanadalism has been a crime for a long, long time. It's been a crime because it is selfish to dictate what you think is "cool" for other people. In many ways, it is against free-speech. If I posted a campaign for something I believed in and it was spray painted over illegally, this would be hurting my own voice.

Grafitti artists are selfish because they are fine with other people's possessions being trashed if the outcome is good. Even though they may not mind, others definetly do. Arguing otherwise is just idiotic. Now, if they argue that they don't care what others think or want, if they honestly believe that everyone's property belongs to everyone else, then they are arguing for anarchy...

Think about this. If someone came into your home, knocked down your walls, broke your bed, burned your own art, and shreaded your writings, you'd be upset. Saying otherwise is a lie. If someone loses everything they own, they aren't going to shrug it off. Now true, this is making grafitti sound like a terrible crime, but in truth, allowance of grafitti just leads to this road. If you allow people to modify or destroy property of others, then you are allowing this. What is the difference in spraying graffiti on the outside of a building then on the inside? Sure, ultimately, both can be repainted, but it is still cruel to do. It is irresponsible and cruel. You are ruining someone's property for your own pleasure and the pleasure of a handful. This just isn't right. Please explain how it isn't selfish and cruel to ruin someone's property? And again, EVEN if you don't care about your property, most people do. Grafitti artists have no right to impose their opinions on people. This stifles freedom.

I have no sympathy for those who care nothing for others like this...
To think otherwise is childish, as said by another poster earlier..

Peace. :m:
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