30 days in jail for graffiti 1st offence

Ask yourselves what happens to areas of town where graffiti remains in place. ...even the "good" graffiti of which some of you speak. What happens to the economy of the area in a short time?
Nothing bad. I live on the main street of the city and there are quite a few grafitii around here.
The quality could be better though, bad colour style.
A citizen who expresses his freedom of expression by choosing to breaks laws will NEVER achieve sympathy for his cause.
Why not? I sympathise. So do quite a few of my friends.
Graffiti “artists” and other vandals are helping the zombification of society.
That is your point of view. Why don't you graffiti it?
I know it's hard, but try to envision yourselves as the owners of the property that's vandalised with graffiti ....try really hard, okay?
If it's a cool and good looking graffiti, no problems with that.
If it's lame and boring, I'd just ask a few guys to do a paint over job with my idea.
A citizen who expresses his freedom of expression by choosing to breaks laws will NEVER achieve sympathy for his cause.
Why not? I sympathise. So do quite a few of my friends.
Yes, but how many people did the artist offend or turn away from the cause because they dislike their method of expression?

In general I have little sympathy for graffiti 'artists', as most graffiti I've seen is of the inane vandalism variety. For example, there's a railway bridge in Cambridge that used to have a nice abstract mural on it, until it was vandalised. As there is essentially nothing the council can do to remove the graffiti while not damaging the mural, the mural is ruined for everyone, which is an act of supreme selfishness in my opinion. Similarly, vandalising a public a private building is simply putting your wishes ahead of those of the owner.

With restricted freedom of speech I can see how graffiti can be useful. However, in most countries, there is no need - there are plenty of legal methods of expression, and if a person feels they really have to spray paint on a wall, why not talk to the local arts council (or whatever) and get a grant while you're at it?
You are right that most graffiti looks terrible and is not art at all, and that's a problem, I agree.
I just want to see more living art in cities (like that of Banksy) rather than all those commercial ads which try to feed me yet another useless product.
the whole "free speech" argument is idiotic. freedom of speech is good, mindlessly vandalizing people's property is wrong, and should be punished harshly.

most of you (with exception of a few rational people) are looking at it from a selfish and subjective point of view. you are basically saying "whatever I think is cool should be forced on everyone against their will, and their own property should be damaged to do it"

you people should be ashamed of your subjectivity and ignorance of the concepts of logic and empathy.
You are speaking as if the walls were bleeding from the utter destruction caused by graffiti :D


graffiti by Banksy
cato said:
the whole "free speech" argument is idiotic. freedom of speech is good, mindlessly vandalizing people's property is wrong, and should be punished harshly.

most of you (with exception of a few rational people) are looking at it from a selfish and subjective point of view. you are basically saying "whatever I think is cool should be forced on everyone against their will, and their own property should be damaged to do it"

you people should be ashamed of your subjectivity and ignorance of the concepts of logic and empathy.

Agreed. The whole "free speech" thing is nothing more than a thin excuse to do as they please regardles of the fact that it's illegal and does harm to others.

"Graffitti artists" are nothing more than slightly older children who used to draw on the walls at home with their little crayons. I doubt that their parents appreciated their "artwork" then any more than most people do now.
"Graffitti artists" are nothing more than slightly older children who used to draw on the walls at home with their little crayons. I doubt that their parents appreciated their "artwork" then any more than most people do now.

One my friend now is doing exactly that, for 2000 pounds prepaid.
Light said:
"Graffitti artists" are nothing more than slightly older children who used to draw on the walls at home with their little crayons. I doubt that their parents appreciated their "artwork" then any more than most people do now.

and you know this because you know sooo many graffiti artists?i think you are getting graffiti artists mixed up with vandals.
^^ Hmm, as I suggested already!

My point would have to be that such art has to be appropriate and sympathetic to the environment - no matter who great a work of art, it's still vandalism on the side of cathedral.
geodesic said:
^^ Hmm, as I suggested already!

My point would have to be that such art has to be appropriate and sympathetic to the environment - no matter who great a work of art, it's still vandalism on the side of cathedral.

i agree that some places are innapropriate but i think generally it brightens the place up.and the places that banksy has done recently around bristol have kept it because it just looks better.
Beauty is all in the eye of those who look at. Some see a painting by Warhol as unattractive while others see beauty. Since those wanting to put graffiti on someone elses property wether it is public or private property makes no difference, shouldn't paint anything unless they get permission from the owners or that property for those that own the property want to see what they want to see not what you think they want to see. Don't put anything on someone elses property unless they ask you to otherwise you are only vandalizing someone elses property.

Would you want someone to come to your home and put up what they think art is? I'd think not. If you think it would be OK, then let us all know where you live and we will come over to your home and spray paint it with what we want to see.
cosmictraveler said:
Beauty is all in the eye of those who look at. Some see a painting by Warhol as unattractive while others see beauty. Since those wanting to put graffiti on someone elses property wether it is public or private property makes no difference, shouldn't paint anything unless they get permission from the owners or that property for those that own the property want to see what they want to see not what you think they want to see. Don't put anything on someone elses property unless they ask you to otherwise you are only vandalizing someone elses property.


i'm just sick of people with money deciding what i see all day.everyday even if i dont turn on a tv or open a magazine i am exposed to hundreds of adverts and buildings which should have been demolished long long ago.its nice to see an individual opinion,an individual one off painting and knowing that they didnt do it to sell it or for fame but just because they wanted it to be seen.i think its a very pure form of art.
I just viewed Banksy's site and he does some pretty cool and funny things. I don't mind grafitti like he does, but when you have idiots just spraying their gang logos, their nicknames, crossing each other out, and all that crap, that's gotta go. I love when people actually DO art and not what they think is art. The beaches all around me have awesome pictures and murals painted by amateur's at various surf points. Those are cool and are art. I'd classfiy Banksy's as art too. It's just too bad most grafitti artists are hoodlums.

I agree with Baron Max's view, but hey, there are exceptions to every rule and I'd classify Banksy as one of those VERY FEW exceptions.

- N
Avatar & co.
Tonight, while you’re asleep, I’ll come into your room and give your computer a makeover. I’ll paint your keyboard real cool man! And your tower, wohhh man! You won’t believe it when you look at it in the mornin’. Ohh..and while I’m on my way out, if I see a plain boring wall, I’ll fix it up real good. And, I’ll also look around for evil corporate logos on your stuff (TV, stereo, fridge, etc..) , and I’ll spray my cool shit on it which of “more valid input”. Yeah.. way cool! Afterall, I do have a right to freedom of speech.
dsdsds said:
Avatar & co.
Tonight, while you’re asleep, I’ll come into your room and give your computer a makeover. I’ll paint your keyboard real cool man! And your tower, wohhh man! You won’t believe it when you look at it in the mornin’. Ohh..and while I’m on my way out, if I see a plain boring wall, I’ll fix it up real good. And, I’ll also look around for evil corporate logos on your stuff (TV, stereo, fridge, etc..) , and I’ll spray my cool shit on it which of “more valid input”. Yeah.. way cool! Afterall, I do have a right to freedom of speech.

wow,your wit is cutting through to my very soul,is this the point where i feel humble and prostrate myself infront of you?get a life fuckwad.i dont care what my computer looks like,its a tool.
I’ll paint your keyboard real cool man! = done
And your tower, wohhh man! = done
if I see a plain boring wall, I’ll fix it up real good = in the process
I’ll also look around for evil corporate logos on your stuff (TV, stereo, fridge, etc..) , and I’ll spray my cool shit on it which of “more valid input” = done
Avatar said:
I’ll paint your keyboard real cool man! = done
And your tower, wohhh man! = done
if I see a plain boring wall, I’ll fix it up real good = in the process
I’ll also look around for evil corporate logos on your stuff (TV, stereo, fridge, etc..) , and I’ll spray my cool shit on it which of “more valid input” = done

haha.,even if you're lying thats a pretty good response!