30 days in jail for graffiti 1st offence

kenworth said:
i'm just sick of people with money deciding what i see all day.everyday even if i dont turn on a tv or open a magazine i am exposed to hundreds of adverts and buildings which should have been demolished long long ago. ....

I agree! But by agreeing, I don't see how that equates to my agreeing that someone should vandalise someone else's property???

The two issues are NOT connected in any way or form, so why did you make it an issue in a discussion of graffitti and vandalism?

Baron Max
Avatar said:
I’ll paint your keyboard real cool man! = done
And your tower, wohhh man! = done
if I see a plain boring wall, I’ll fix it up real good = in the process
I’ll also look around for evil corporate logos on your stuff (TV, stereo, fridge, etc..) , and I’ll spray my cool shit on it which of “more valid input” = done

Well at least you're consistent. But you have to realize that you live in a society where that is not acceptable whether you like it or not. I would respect (and probably even support) your lawful actions to make it acceptable in our society but that’s not what you’re (or graffiti artists are) doing. Their cause is not to change society to accept their crap …uhmm..I mean.art. Their purpose is to simply cause trouble. If it was legal, they wouldn’t do it. And that’s not art or freedom of expression, it’s mischief.
"i'm just sick of people with money deciding what i see all day."

Then paint something that you like. No one is stopping you from buyting your own paint and painting something ob a canvass that then could be sold. You could also make paintings digitally also then sell them to those who want them. Think of the millions of people that will be viewing the web site you make as compared to the few hundreds that will see your work on some wall somewhere.
I'd advise you go and get a tattoo apprentiship, many top tattooists used to do graffiti, put your skills to skin and to real art where you get paid money by people who asked for and appreciate what you do, far better IMO.
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the bottom line is: if its not your property, don't touch it. only children and morons don't get this concept.
dsdsds said:
neither do I but

You obviously can’t argue my point. except for

you win! :rolleyes:

your point:how would you feel if it happened to you?
my answer:if it was crap i'd be pissed off,otherwise i'd be happy.
Baron Max said:
I agree! But by agreeing, I don't see how that equates to my agreeing that someone should vandalise someone else's property???

The two issues are NOT connected in any way or form, so why did you make it an issue in a discussion of graffitti and vandalism?

Baron Max

they are,i prefer to see graffiti than advertising.when people graffiti over advertising boards,double win!
cosmictraveler said:
"i'm just sick of people with money deciding what i see all day."

Then paint something that you like. No one is stopping you from buyting your own paint and painting something ob a canvass that then could be sold. You could also make paintings digitally also then sell them to those who want them. Think of the millions of people that will be viewing the web site you make as compared to the few hundreds that will see your work on some wall somewhere.

you've got the wrong end of the stick,i dont graffiti.im not any good at drawing so i dont think it would be a good idea for me to pick up a paint can.also canvas is suprisingly expensive.
cato said:
the bottom line is: if its not your property, don't touch it. only children and morons don't get this concept.

i could be pernickity but i wont.
I've been writting poetry for the last 5 years or so and have a few fantastic scripts ready for an animation, I can do computer animation too. So the past few months I've been looking around for a team (it's damn hard to get talented people for an uncomercial project) and hopefully we will make an animation film in a year or so.

So my advice is, if you want to express yourself, find other people with the same ideas and unite your skill and talents together, the result will be better than any alone can.
Avatar said:
I've been writting poetry for the last 5 years or so and have a few fantastic scripts ready for an animation, I can do computer animation too. So the past few months I've been looking around for a team (it's damn hard to get talented people for an uncomercial project) and hopefully we will make an animation film in a year or so.

So my advice is, if you want to express yourself, find other people with the same ideas and unite your skill and talents together, the result will be better than any alone can.

is that for me?understand that im not being humble about drawing,i really suck.music is more my thing.
www.soundclick.com/kenworth a couple of things i did a while back if you are interested.
Yes, just saying (and giving a tip) that an inability to draw or in any other one thing doesn't mean that there is nothing to do. Such group projects are usually very fun and productive if the members are deticated enough - each best in his or her speciality.

p.s. Thanks for the link.

As for the sound goes I've "vandalised" a few orthodox russian christian ceremonies. :D
You see,
in weekends they tend to wake me up (if I'm still in bed) with their morning bells (their church is just right beside my house), so a few times I've put out my speakers out of the window and on maximum volume played sung recitations from Quaran and muslin calls to prayer.
Avatar said:
You see,
in weekends they tend to wake me up (if I'm still in bed) with their morning bells (their church is just right beside my house), so a few times I've put out my speakers out of the window and on maximum volume played sung recitations from Quaran and muslin calls to prayer.

You see,
in weekends they tend to wake me up (if I'm still in bed) with their morning bells (their church is just right beside my house), so a few times I've put out my speakers out of the window and on maximum volume played sung recitations from Quaran and muslin calls to prayer.

Heh, that's wicked, Avatar. What, no Satanic Death Metal?

- N
That wouldn't have made me grin so wide. :D

Black and death metal was when a parade of annoyingly dancing and singing children went by my house for four friggin hours (representatives from all the schools in the country as I later heard), death metal was the only one that enabled me not to hear them.
Quaran recitations are gentle and easily over shouted.
Some pics my friend took when we were returning home from a party yesterday.
Accidentally you can see me in those , but when I saw them I remembered of this thread, because there are graffiti in the background too.
And I dare anyone to prefer boring concrete walls to this



So long as it's artwork, I don't mind it. I just hate when all you see is shitty ass names spray-painted with no artistic look to it with a bunch of other names crossing it out and putting theirs over it. Actually, I don't care for artistic names either, just make some kinda picture. If you're trying to promote yourself, you're insecure and suck balls. Your top two pics are fine except for the stupid name scribbling. The third is just self-promotion -- yawn -- except for the man's face on the bottom right which is cool.

- N
lol, whatever, it's subjective,
I like urban art, brings more life into grim, concrete walls :)
I didn't say I didn't like it. I actually do. It's just the stupid immature crossing out of names which ruins all the work.

- N
A much better punishment would have been if he was sentenced to 30 days of painting over and making good other people's graffiti.

All that will happen now, is that he'll get a prison record, which could fuck up the rest of his life and he'll be in jail rubbing shoulders (if not other parts of his anatomy) with worse criminals that could in fact influence him to commit even more serious crimes.

I think all judges should have to do some prison time before being appointed and then they might show a bit more compassion and common sense.