30 days in jail for graffiti 1st offence

divine sapience

Registered Senior Member
so last November a friend and i got caught for doing some graffiti on some old dudes fence which we in no way intentionally mean to hit up, we thought it was county property, well anyways we got caught by some undercover cops, we went and got our finger prints etc etc...

so a half year passes by then we get our notices to show up in court, i go to court and my friend goes to court also , both different cases but we both got busted for the same thing, he goes to a few court appearances and they give him a few fines to pay for.. i go to court today and they tell me my fine is $56 that how much it cost the owner of the fence to fix the damages, then what happens next sucked ass, the judge looks at me and tells me , people that vandalize other peoples property should be thrown in jail for 30 days.. so he schedules me to go back to court sometime in november for my sentencing ..
im like wtf , my friend just got a fine and i go to jail?

is this fair?
why all of a sudden the judge decides to throw me in jail for 30 days
when i actually had a very clean record

this was my one and only first offence ever .. can they really throw me in jail for 30 day?

was it because i am fillipino and he didnt like how i looked
btw the judge was japanese

??????? im stressed this is bullshit
I guess you won't be spraying graffiti anymore huh? I hate graffiti. It turns our cities to shit.

Do you deserve jail time? It's not about deserving. Maybe the judge wants to make an example. Maybe if a couple of you did get some jail time, then your vandal friends, and their friends, ...would think twice about spraying their shit around town. And that would be a good thing for our society. Too bad for you, you had to be the one but it's not like you were stealing food to feed your family. You purposely did something stupid and illegal. Sometimes people die for doing stupid and illegal things.
Nah i dont believe in jail for that kinda shit, people who do that shit should just have their ass whipped with barbed wire a few times.
Better than the possibility of a criminal record and crap like that,better in the long term aswell.
"Is this fair?"

Fair? You want to know what fair is?? You vandalised someone else's property just for the damned fun of it ...so the property owner has to pay to get it removed or repaired ....and you want to know what's FAIR?

Fair?? Ask yourself that question .....ask it every day of the 30 days that ye're in the clanker. Perhaps, just maybe, when you get out, you'll have an understanding of "What's fair".

Baron Max
im like wtf , my friend just got a fine and i go to jail?

You must have said something to either the judge or someone in the court that made the judge upset at your remarks. I'm not saying you did but only asking if you remember being aplogetic and humble to the judge or were you getting an attitude towards the judge?

Many times people get into more trouble when they cop an attiyude with the police or other law enforcement type. If you did anything to provoke them then you are only digging yourself a much bigger hole to get out of. Just try to ne cool with them and apolagetic also. I've seen wiseguys thrown into the jail just for being a wiseass to the police.
What did you wear in the courtroom?
Did you have a nose earring?
Did you look like a squeegee kid?
How long and what color is your hair?

When you commit a crime and go in a court room, you dress and act appropriately. Fuck “expressing yourself”. You borrow or rent a suit and tie, cut your hair, and neatly part it to the side. Also, if you’re young, contract a dad or a mother and let the judge see him (or her) dragging you into the courtroom by your ear.
Banksy is top class :cool:
I'd also prefer a graffiti city rather than all these ads everywhere
Avatar said:
I'd also prefer a graffiti city rather than all these ads everywhere

But others don't ....what then? Or would you be a dictator and force a "not ad sign" ordinance on them?

Baron Max
Just paint graffiti over the ads during the night.
As for others - worse for them.
Avatar said:
Just paint graffiti over the ads during the night.

Ahh, so ye're advocating illegal activity that might get someone arrested and thrown in jail? How nice of you ....do you practice what you preach?

Baron Max
Avatar said:
..., but I enjoy graffiti much.

On your own property? ...without your permission? ...with, say, racial and religious slurs about your neighbors and friends?

Baron Max
c'est la vie
haven't seen any racial and even more any religious graffiti around here, though there are a few russian/latvian strife graffiti

here most have problems with politics and suprisingly enough pro-environmental themed graffiti are quite many.

oh, and freedom of expression makes a city more alive, not like those ads intended for zombies,
so even if some graffiti promotes.. oh I don't know... russian dominance let's say,
it's all a part of culture and problems this society has,
it has a lot more valid input than some corporative slogan
Ask yourselves what happens to areas of town where graffiti remains in place. ...even the "good" graffiti of which some of you speak. What happens to the economy of the area in a short time?

Y'all aren't viewing this issue with any degree of perspective .....only with the narrow veiwpoint of YOUR OWN perspective without regard to others in the community. I know it's hard, but try to envision yourselves as the owners of the property that's vandalised with graffiti ....try really hard, okay?

Baron Max
i do it to my own stuff all the time, get a pen or spraypaint and make some cool pictures
Avatar said:
oh, and freedom of expression makes a city more alive, not like those ads intended for zombies,
so even if some graffiti promotes.. oh I don't know... russian dominance let's say,
it's all a part of culture and problems this society has,
it has a lot more valid input than some corporative slogan

Purely anarchist point of view. You take it upon yourself to distinguish zombie ads from freedom of expression ads. Who are you to judge which input is more “valid”?
A citizen who expresses his freedom of expression by choosing to breaks laws will NEVER achieve sympathy for his cause. It is counterproductive, in fact. It is because of people like you (if you vandalize) that corporations win and are perceived as the good guys. Graffiti “artists” and other vandals are helping the zombification of society.
Baron Max said:
I know it's hard, but try to envision yourselves as the owners of the property that's vandalised with graffiti ....try really hard, okay?

Baron Max

Shut up Max, you sound like a pompous old git, who makes a pretence of never ever having done ANYTHING wrong in your youth,and belive you me you did. I hate people like that.People like you.
Viva_el_Che said:
yeah, go avatar

Stick it up them

and by them i mean Baron Max

Very nice attitude - not!

Perhaps you'll do the community a favor by responding that way in jail and they'll give you an addtional 30 days for it.

The lesson they are trying to teach you is that it doesn't matter what you think looks cool - if it breaks the law, don't do it.