2 year old girl left to die in street

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the more money/resources a society gets, the more civilized it becomes.

Hitler was reluctant to retaliate the British because he said they were classy and cultured, unlike the Russians. However, he forgot that if it hadn't been for blood money, there wouldn't have been civility in Britain in the first place.


Before Rome took over Gaul and Iberia, the people(Celts mostly) enjoyed freedoms we would be envious of today. After Rome came these people refer to that time as "the time of free men", compared to the Romans and servitude.
Running children over and leaving them to die in the street is not an economic phenomenon. That is the biggest load of nonsense that I've heard in a while. This is a cultural thing with the Chinese. You can go back as far as you want to into Chinese history, and you'll see this type of barbarism being repeated over and over and over again. No, the Chinese are barbaric simply because their culture is steeped in callousness and cruelty. Shall we talk about Ling Chi next..? Foot binding..? When it comes to the subject of Chinese atrocities, I don't even know where to begin.

I remember seeing a disturbing photo in a book, many years ago. The name of the book was "The Best Of Life" and it was a huge collection of photographs taken from Life magazine. Well in that book, there was a photo which was taken in China... probably during the mid-1940's. It showed a young boy... who was obviously starving to death... sitting on the sidewalk and begging for food. He was holding a small bowl in his hand and his face looked very desperate and filled with suffering. His body was terribly emaciated.

And sitting right behind him... seated on a stool... was a fat, smiling Chinese rice merchant, surrounded by several huge sacks of rice. The poor boy is starving to death and begging for food right in front of a smiling, fat pig who has TONS of food sitting right next to him. And yet, he didn't give the poor boy a single speck of rice to eat. That photo was a classic. I think it won a Pulitzer prize, if memory serves. It was a very graphic portrayal of just how cheap human life can be in China.

are you trying to appear stupid as obviously as possible? going back in history? there is atrocious inhumanity with just about every culture going back in history.

you really are frigging dense. btw, i never said it was an economic problem.

but i'm more aware of how things really are rather than just what they appear on the surface which people like you only seem to care about.

it's true that most likely in the west just about everyone would stop and call 911 and try to help the child out in some way but realistically there are people who would do that and still rape or abuse the child in another situation. this is the reality of how people are. people do things mostly because of reward/punishment/reputation or shame or because they are taught to do or behave a certain way especially in public. also, it is very cultural as people expect and get used to a certain level of civility and they don't want to see this type of horror amongst their environment though some people will genuinely care but not everyone that would stop and call 911 or even check the child or help it in some way necessarily means they really give a shit, though it may appear that way. many chinese are used to this as they see it all the time. the way the culture is at present, it is not expected that is the only fundamental difference. this is what i am getting at. just because people behave in programmed ways to respond doesn't mean they are necessarily caring people. i know many very good chinese people and equally very bad westerners who are bad people so you can shove your ill-willed and evil and just hypocritical maligning of a whole culture or people. i don't think YOU are a good person either. i don't give a crap if you would stop and help the child because at the same time on another level you don't give a shit about the chinese anyways and it's obvious. this is what i mean about people's bullshit. i'm much more aware of the truth of how people are.

in a nutshell, the truth is people end up adjusting to the expectations of the social environment. i just dealt with a perverted old guy who reads the bible and is apparently a christian but he has been sneakily sexually harassing me and even tried to open my door. he enjoys making me feel uncomfortable where i was staying but i'm pretty sure he would also stop and call 911 or check out the child. doesn't take much effort anyways but that doesn't mean he is a good person or isn't an asshole or doesn't have bad intentions in other ways. this is HOW PEOPLE ARE! they find other ways to express their negativity within the social confines of what is considered appropriate and what they can or is allowed to get away with. so taking it so far to assume that people who would stop to help are somehow good people and those who don't is not necessarily true though obviously those who wouldn't stop to assist aren't caring people or are so desensitized. as far as being a good or bad character it is not as simple and cut and dry as it appears. anyone with any honesty about life and how people are would admit that. it all depends on the person and who they are and the people who know them very well and sometimes no one does except the person, good or bad.

i really am surprised that people are this fooled by how people behave. it's not what it appears to be.
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Will seems to be blind to the idea of Chinese people as...people. I have repeatedly wondered where he acquired his prejudice.
Moderator note: WillNever has been banned for racism - again.

Slow learner, I guess. This time it is 2 weeks. Next time will be 1 month.

It is with some wariness that I respond in regards to the banned individual, but after having lived here (Guangzhou, the city next to the one in which this incident took place) for 5 years, I would say his statements are fairly accurate in several respects. I live in my household as essentially the only minority amongst my wife and her family (Chinese) during this entire time, so I hope to not be construed as racist as well. However, it should be noted, while not receiving international press this was only the first of 4 nearly identical incidents that happened within a 2 week time frame. I am not sure how many others have happened since and been "non-news" and not in tv or in the papers. I was able to find reference to one of the other cases on an English website here:
w ww.sankakucomplex.com/2011/10/25/chinese-truck-ran-over-boy-twice-to-avoid-medical-costs/

warning graphic images (like the video in the original post)
notice the man walking by looking at the corpse and smiling :shrug:
It is with some wariness that I respond in regards to the banned individual, but after having lived here (Guangzhou, the city next to the one in which this incident took place) for 5 years, I would say his statements are fairly accurate in several respects. I live in my household as essentially the only minority amongst my wife and her family (Chinese) during this entire time, so I hope to not be construed as racist as well. However, it should be noted, while not receiving international press this was only the first of 4 nearly identical incidents that happened within a 2 week time frame. I am not sure how many others have happened since and been "non-news" and not in tv or in the papers. I was able to find reference to one of the other cases on an English website here:

warning graphic images (like the video in the original post)
notice the man walking by looking at the corpse and smiling :shrug:

I agree with you but social site rules ask for diplomatic answers at times...

I read the post from the link given by you only to feel very bad about what's happening there. In the comment section of the post I just read it's China if the government will raise the accident killing cost above medical cost shell out than people will start throwing their kids before the vehicles to set their life secure... :mad: There appears to be no solution to the problem created by society and government there.
I would say his statements are fairly accurate in several respects.

Nonsense. There’s no hit-run incidents in Western countries? There’s no infanticide in Western countries? Of course there is. It’s no more logical to impugn the entire population of <insert Western country here> than it is to impugn the entire Chinese people in relation to these news stories. But that’s what Willnever does, constantly, with any and all mention of Asian people that he can find on Sciforums.

Racism. Pure. And. Simple.
It is with some wariness that I respond in regards to the banned individual, but after having lived here (Guangzhou, the city next to the one in which this incident took place) for 5 years, I would say his statements are fairly accurate in several respects. I live in my household as essentially the only minority amongst my wife and her family (Chinese) during this entire time, so I hope to not be construed as racist as well. However, it should be noted, while not receiving international press this was only the first of 4 nearly identical incidents that happened within a 2 week time frame. I am not sure how many others have happened since and been "non-news" and not in tv or in the papers. I was able to find reference to one of the other cases on an English website here:
w ww.sankakucomplex.com/2011/10/25/chinese-truck-ran-over-boy-twice-to-avoid-medical-costs/

warning graphic images (like the video in the original post)
notice the man walking by looking at the corpse and smiling :shrug:

maybe you should work on reading comprehension before you respond to a topic. in the post i clearly stated they as in the chinese see this stuff all the time as well as the exploitation from non-enforcement of ethical laws or corrupt laws as well as from the greed and ruthlessness of industrial revolution.

that does not, however, mean that all or even most chinese are corrupt, evil or have no sense of morals or compassion. unfortunately, it is a systemic problem starting with government. you seem to be confused as to what the issue was over. when it comes to evil or bad people, it exists everywhere. it's just in the west, this type of incident is not acceptable to be out in the public open but bad or not very good people people are everywhere and express in in multitude of different ways just as long as it doesn't get them in trouble with the laws in their country.
Willnever has a history of hating Asians here.

But I do have a question for BrandX...are there regular incidents of people letting their children get killed for insurance payouts?
I find that a pretty bizarre thought, and am inclined towards the happy idea that this is not a facet of Chinese life.
I read elsewhere that following the incident in the OP, there was much public outrage in China from (you guessed it) Chinese people.

This suggests to me that, unlike WillNever's racist stereotypes, Chinese people are in fact, by and large, much the same as Westerners in terms of their care for children, their concern for the welfare of others, their sense of justice etc. etc.
The video displayed people riding there bike and walking by without any regard to the dying baby in the street.
Willnever has a history of hating Asians here.

But I do have a question for BrandX...are there regular incidents of people letting their children get killed for insurance payouts?
I find that a pretty bizarre thought, and am inclined towards the happy idea that this is not a facet of Chinese life.

I have never heard of life insurance here. If it does exist, it is certainly not used by almost everyone. Even other types of insurance like medical or auto are uncommon with many people. I've heard ins. companies rarely pay more than the equivalent of a few hundred bucks if you can convince them to pay out at all. I don't carry any insurance either, however my employer does have a medical plan which has provided a gift certificate (for like about $50 iir) usable at any hospital for medical expenses related to accidental injury.
I read elsewhere that following the incident in the OP, there was much public outrage in China from (you guessed it) Chinese people

This suggests to me that, unlike WillNever's racist stereotypes, Chinese people are in fact, by and large, much the same as Westerners in terms of their care for children, their concern for the welfare of others, their sense of justice etc. etc.

Not exactly, no. Those people in the video *are* Chinese people. They are ordinary Chinese citizens, demonstrating the nature of ordinary Chinese citizens. You're talking about what the Chinese are saying, while I'm talking about what the Chinese are actually doing. What says more about a group of people: what they are saying or what they are doing?

Meanwhile, Chinese "netizens" as they call themselves have defended the driver, who has admitted that he ran the girl over with his back tires in order to ensure her death, because it would cost him less in accident compensation than if she were alive.

Some translated quotations:

"If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan."
"No one wants to cause trouble for themselves. These days, everyone is busy enough with their own matters. To say these people are cold-blooded is a bit too strong"
"These days, it is better to be less involved than more involved."
"Would you be willing to dump your entire family’s savings into the endless vortex of accident compensation? Have you not considered that one moment of greatness could mean your entire family losing their happiness with you? The consequences of moral turpitude is not something that you and I can rectify. We are just ordinary people. Seeing this kind of thing, I would be numb/indifferent like those 18 people…because I am a normal person!!!"

Meanwhile, only a few Chinese users have condemned the actions of the drivers:

"It IS the parents fault…and the drivers fault. It’s not a big truck…it’s a shitty Wuling van. You feel EVERYTHING in that shitbox. And the bystanders are just extreme cowards… but what else is new."
"Truly very painful!
The majority of us Chinese people are already considered abnormal!"

The author of that last quotation certainly got that part right.

Is it any wonder that the Chinese have a sadistic website, where you can go to view young Chinese girls chopping up live animals with knives and scissors..? Not really. Nor is it a surprise that in spite of my banning, and in contrast to the moronic thinkers in this thread who wish to sing Kumbaya and pretend that we humans all have equal mentation, the only two people in this thread to have actually lived in China (such as BrandeX) appear to agree with my feelings on the matter. Many of us are sick and tired of the Chinese, their shitty values, and their unconscionable behavior, and we're not the only people who feel that way.

Historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi have long criticized those peoples which brutalize both people and animals. Besides being officially one of the world's worst human rights abusers, China is also one of the worst animal rights abusers. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." I couldn't agree with him more. And if we go by his philosophy (and I don't see why we shouldn't; it isn't a bad philosophy) then China, as a nation, isn't worth jack shit.
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Not exactly, no. Those people in the video *are* Chinese people. They are ordinary Chinese citizens, demonstrating the nature of ordinary Chinese citizens.

These people were involved in a single incident that was selected out and reported. China is a nation of more than 1 billion people. You cannot extrapolate the attitudes and values of 1 billion people from 10 or 20.

Meanwhile, Chinese "netizens" as they call themselves have defended the driver, who has admitted that he ran the girl over with his back tires in order to ensure her death, because it was cost him less in accident compensation than if she were alive.

It's a poor system if already poor families have a legal obligation to provide bottomless amounts of compensation for accidents like this. If that is the case, then the problem is with the system that makes it a rational choice to kill the child rather than to attempt to help.

Is it any wonder that the Chinese have a sadistic website, where you can go to view young Chinese girls chopping up live animals with knives and scissors..? Not really.

Sadistic websites can be found anywhere if you go looking for them. Again, to extrapolate the attitudes and values of 1 billion people from one or two sadistic websites is to make a fundamental error at best and to be a racist bigot at worst.

Should we assume that all Americans regard black people as sub-human animals who they think should be bashed or killed? After all, there are many neo-Nazi websites that advocate such things, run by Americans.

It's the same thing. Why not extrapolate the values of 300 million Americans from a few Neo-Nazi Americans? This is WillNever's modus operandi.

Nor is it a surprise that in spite of my banning, and in contrast to the moronic thinkers in this thread who wish to sing Kumbaya and pretend that we humans all have equal mentation, the only two people in this thread to have actually lived in China (such as BrandeX) appear to agree with my feelings on the matter.

What, exactly, is "equal mentation"? What, for that matter, is "mentation"?

Are you claiming that Chinese people have "lower" "mentation" than youself, for example, WillNever. Or Americans? Or what?

Many of us are sick and tired of the Chinese, their shitty values, and their unconscionable behavior, and we're not the only people who feel that way.

Many of us are sick and tired of run-of-the-mill racists with their shitty values and their unconscionable behaviour.

Historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi have long criticized those peoples which brutalize both people and animals.

Yes, and Martin Luther King (to name just one) criticised people just like you.

And if we go by his philosophy (and I don't see why we shouldn't; it isn't a bad philosophy) then China, as a nation, isn't worth jack shit.

I think your racist views aren't worth jack shit.
Is it any wonder that the Chinese have a sadistic website, where you can go to view young Chinese girls chopping up live animals with knives and scissors..?

On the big social site I go to, I stumbled across your "civilized" westerners passing around info of which websites host genuine videos of people getting tortured to death...which of course they thought very cool.

From what BrandX says, auto insurance in China sucks, so the drivers have no effective protection against being impoverished by accidentally hurting someone.

In my town, we have really high insurance rates-higher than anywhere else in the country. There's a lot of poor people and cheap people who try to drive without, or just have high deductibles and low coverage.

There's a lot of hit-and-run accidents here, too.

Will, I sense a final drop of the banhammer in your future at this point. Considering you will neither look at nor shut up about your prejudice...I'm not going to miss hearing it.
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Die in a fire, racist scum.

Now now, there's no need to be insulting...

Cyanobacter form an important part of our ecosystem. I'm sure they'd be thoroughly hurt by that comparison.


Won't somebody please think of the cyanobacter?
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My apologies to any respectable, open-minded algae I may have offended with my crude choice of words.


It's a poor system if already poor families have a legal obligation to provide bottomless amounts of compensation for accidents like this. If that is the case, then the problem is with the system that makes it a rational choice to kill the child rather than to attempt to help.
The Chinese built that system. They also built a system in which there are no animal welfare laws. In their system, media suppression is standard, as is limiting the people's right to freely express themselves. Their system is also conducive is to human trafficking. Let's not forget the grotesque story about a human trafficking ring that was discovered in China, in which hospitals were discarding ostensibly dead babies into toilets, only to be sold later on. Blaming the "system" isn't as convenient as you'd think, not when the people responsible for utilizing that system is the state of China. That system is a reflection of their values as a people. It is the same basic system that China has employed for two thousand years.

What, exactly, is "equal mentation"? What, for that matter, is "mentation"?

Are you claiming that Chinese people have "lower" "mentation" than youself, for example, WillNever. Or Americans? Or what?
Mentation is our thought processes. To assume that people of all nations think the same way is rather pretentious. People in all nations were raised differently and they have a different set of values (some more cruel than others) and therefore, they think differently as well.

Yes, and Martin Luther King (to name just one) criticised people just like you.
Nah, he didn't. He would have criticized the state of China, though. MLK believed in non-violence. He also believed in accountability and equality. In China, they have neither. Girl children are thought to be less than boy children, they have a hatred of foreigners stemming way back from their days as isolationists, and Mongol, Korean, and Tibetan minorities are treated like dogs by the Chinese populace.

I think your racist views aren't worth jack shit.
I'm not interested in what you think.
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The Chinese built that system.

They don't live in a democracy, they live in a very corrupt crony state.
Car liability insurance may be profited-on by the insurers; but it is very much a thing of the government-the prices are regulated by the government, having it is required by the government. This keeps prices low and quality...at least decent.
Their government neither requires the insurance nor regulates the insurance that is sold, meaning that quality insurance is not to be had.
You know what they do to people who try to change the government in China, Will? They are forcibly detained in mental hospitals, sedated and shocked.

What you're doing is what every racist does-reducing a multi-dimensional people (and in this case, multi-cultural also) to a gross oversimplification to fit his or her prejudice.
You would not like it if someone said "All Americans are stupid imperialist thugs."
You're doing the equivalent, it's not ok.
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You guys want to ban Willnever, but at least he explains his prejudices . He is not saying their race is at fault merely their culture. And if he is wrong, that is justification enough to ban? Fuck you guys, you are the fucking NAZIs.

There is a serious shortage of contentious opinions on this board, you guys wonder why it is so fucking dead...because all the calamity is gaged or ostracized. On extreme rare occasion, does anyone actually defeat someone here through proper discourse.

Basically you ban happy pricks are lazy.
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