2 year old girl left to die in street

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Police in China have arrested two drivers in connection with the death of a toddler who was hit and left for dead on a busy street earlier this month in southern China, The Daily Mirror in the United Kingdom as well as Chinese-language media are reporting....

...Wang Yang, a top official in Guangdong Province, said at a provincial government meeting that the incident should serve as a "wake up call" for society, the China Daily reported after the girl's death.

"We should look into the ugliness in ourselves," he said.
Police in China have arrested two drivers in connection with the death of a toddler who was hit and left for dead on a busy street earlier this month in southern China, The Daily Mirror in the United Kingdom as well as Chinese-language media are reporting....

...Wang Yang, a top official in Guangdong Province, said at a provincial government meeting that the incident should serve as a "wake up call" for society, the China Daily reported after the girl's death.

"We should look into the ugliness in ourselves," he said.

So the Chinese government admits something went wrong with their society...maybe some people on this forum should shut the fuck up before playing the race card so fucking quick you pansies.
The driver admitted that he decided to run the girl over a second time because it would cost him less in damages to the family if she were dead (@20K yuan) than if he had to pay her hospital bills.


As for the passers-by...in China you are better off not getting involved. I can't blame them for learning that from experience. The woman who eventually moved the girl could be sued if she made any on the injuries worse by getting out of the street.

(That is the same as the rule in the U.S. unless your state has a broad "Good Samaritan Law." In many U.S. traits, if you lack medical training, if you stop to help someone, and if you (inadvertently) exacerbate the injury, you are liable for the damages...English/U.S. common law does not favor the good Samaritans of the world.)

In continental European law, the situation is reversed...it can be a crime to not help the injured.
Yes I said their society and all that comes from it, (the cheap shit we buy from them) should not be supported. Frankly our society has not much more honour, however I am very confident almost anyone would help a little one just hit by a fucking bus! So Fuck themn and FUCK YOU too, go live there like a fuckin sardine in a can!

sometimes i'm too blunt as well. sorry about that.

your anger is understandable but it's irrational as well as wrong to hate on all chinese or to just write them off completely. it's this type of unconscious things that happen that ends up changing society for the better. like i said there are chinese who are also horrified and am disheartened by many things that need to be changed. there are also good and compassionate people in china too. anyone with common sense should be aware of that.

as for the products, you get what you pay for. my sketchers are made in china and they are very durable. i have put these shoes through hell and even gone hiking in them numerous times. a brand that has a reputation to uphold will make sure they have better quality control. that's just the way it goes. actually walmart products are pretty decent for their price. it's an irrational expectation for better considering the type of company. westerners, especially americans, are bred to expect the best to the point of almost unrealism when in reality it will depend on cost.
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issues like this tend to bring out the racism and prejudice with those who are morally weak or corrupt. you will even read opinions such as the mass slaughter of some ethnic group citing them as subhuman when these things occur while hypocritically pretending to care about the poor victim who is also a part of that same ethnic group? strange contradiction people are? yep.

but this is not anything new. china is undergoing an industrial revolution and in america back in the day these types of things were rampant with exploitation, cutting safety corners etc and all types of corruption as well as polluting the environment. people ignore this to delude themselves that they are more ethical than others when in fact, without the laws in place and enforced, there would be even more tremendous corruption and people showing their true colors which for many are downright totally exploitive, selfish and inhumane.

Running children over and leaving them to die in the street is not an economic phenomenon. That is the biggest load of nonsense that I've heard in a while. This is a cultural thing with the Chinese. You can go back as far as you want to into Chinese history, and you'll see this type of barbarism being repeated over and over and over again. No, the Chinese are barbaric simply because their culture is steeped in callousness and cruelty. Shall we talk about Ling Chi next..? Foot binding..? When it comes to the subject of Chinese atrocities, I don't even know where to begin.

I remember seeing a disturbing photo in a book, many years ago. The name of the book was "The Best Of Life" and it was a huge collection of photographs taken from Life magazine. Well in that book, there was a photo which was taken in China... probably during the mid-1940's. It showed a young boy... who was obviously starving to death... sitting on the sidewalk and begging for food. He was holding a small bowl in his hand and his face looked very desperate and filled with suffering. His body was terribly emaciated.

And sitting right behind him... seated on a stool... was a fat, smiling Chinese rice merchant, surrounded by several huge sacks of rice. The poor boy is starving to death and begging for food right in front of a smiling, fat pig who has TONS of food sitting right next to him. And yet, he didn't give the poor boy a single speck of rice to eat. That photo was a classic. I think it won a Pulitzer prize, if memory serves. It was a very graphic portrayal of just how cheap human life can be in China.
I found the photograph:


We do business with these little shits.
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True that, we'd make 5 and 6 year olds work in factories...I seem to remember reading about kids being chained to workstations in the late 1800's.

Our idea of childhood has changed quite a bit-children were long thought of as little adults-and in the case of a lot of factories, adults with conveniently smaller hands and/or bodies.

The Triangle shirtwaist factory fire was an inspiration for safety regulations in New York state and elsewhere...
And teen girls died in it.

I do wonder if the parents of the 2-year old girl would have let a son wander so cavalierly. Not that they wanted her dead-they may be very distraught...but let's face it, she could not carry on the line. So I wonder.

The excuse of "we used to do stuff like that too" doesn't hold water. Maybe we did it, but we got over it -- fast.

China is one of the oldest nations in the world. The USA is one of the youngest. The terrible working conditions you describe went on for maybe a short period in American History and we improved over the span of a few decades.

In China, these cruel practices and terrible conditions been going on for as long as the whole goddamn country has EXISTED, which is in the thousands of years.

How long does it take to get your shit together? Forever, if you perpetuate the problem yourselves.
Spidergoat, that story has been shown to be exaggerated/falsified. You aren't bringing anything new to the table. Nor have you even given a rationale behind why you believe my argument (which one, even?) is invalid, or how that story applies. If you have something to say, then say something useful.
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Spidergoat, that story has been shown to exaggerated/falsified. You aren't bringing anything new to the table. Nor have you even given a rationale behind why you believe my argument (which one, even?) is invalid, or how that story applies. If you have something to say, then say something useful.

Instead, in the US a Paramedic will ignore a pregnant woman having an epileptic seizure, a police officer will ignore an 11 year old girl dying from an asthma attack and 25 people will walk past a homeless man bleeding to death after having been stabbed while preventing a mugging.

Take a moment to think about that. 18 Chinese people walked past the girl before anybody stopped to help her. 25 Americans walked past the homeless guy before anybody stopped to help him.
Spidergoat, that story has been shown to exaggerated/falsified. You aren't bringing anything new to the table. Nor have you even given a rationale behind why you believe my argument (which one, even?) is invalid, or how that story applies. If you have something to say, then say something useful.

My point is that this kind of thing happens all the time in the USA.
Instead, in the US a Paramedic will ignore a pregnant woman having an epileptic seizure, a police officer will ignore an 11 year old girl dying from an asthma attack and 25 people will walk past a homeless man bleeding to death after having been stabbed while preventing a mugging.

Take a moment to think about that. 18 Chinese people walked past the girl before anybody stopped to help her. 25 Americans walked past the homeless guy before anybody stopped to help him.

You're attempting to coax people into believing that the rest of the world is just as horrible a place to live as China, and that probably won't work. The stories you posted have details that make them a lot less impactful than this case.

Also, to the people saying that the Chinese are just afraid of being sued: that's a rationalization. Do you really think the Chinese people were jumping to save each other before that stupid little case?

Spidergoat, I can find 10 chinese incidents for every American one. Posting links doesn't impress me. Neither does your argumentation -- because you haven't put forth any.
Spidergoat, I can find 10 chinese incidents for every American one. Posting links doesn't impress me. Neither does your argumentation -- because you haven't put forth any.

Prove your sinophobic rhetoric.

30 links plz Kthnxbye!
WillNever said:
We do business with these little shits.

Moderator note: WillNever has been banned for racism - again.

Slow learner, I guess. This time it is 2 weeks. Next time will be 1 month.
the more money/resources a society gets, the more civilized it becomes.

Hitler was reluctant to retaliate the British because he said they were classy and cultured, unlike the Russians. However, he forgot that if it hadn't been for blood money, there wouldn't have been civility in Britain in the first place.
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