15 yr old girl, beat up by cop?

Thats nice. has nothing to do with what i said though.

i dont even know why you are bring up this 'fighting words' stuff because words and verbal abuse does not give anyone the right to assault another person weather they are a police officer or a civilian.
And you patronize me for being 18 and having piercings? You sound 8 years old or so.

I just said piercings and tattoos are passé;

"Body modification is an interesting psychology. Tattooing and piercing is now quite mainstream, in fact, it's passé, saying nothing about the individual now, other than they are a follower."

And you leapt in and accused me of 'Self righteous bullshit' you also said;
'I actually think life experience is VERY overrated.'

But now you accuse me of sounding like an 8 year old, and that being a bad thing. You seem confused. Is being young bad, or good? Try being consistent.
if she is HIV+ or has AIDS, all she has to do is spit on a cop to hurt them.
There are just some chances cops shouldn't have to take.

_if_. You are defending the guy on an IF?

IF she had HIV, would wrestling her to the ground, and punching her, perhaps bloodying his knuckles in the process, be safe?

Do you think before you write?
Well, it seems its Baron, John and myself against the rest of ya'll. I give up.

Some judicial liberalism is ok, but it seems that most of ya'll are acting as if law enforcement should be walked all over and treated like crap.

The girl was acting rudely, threateningly, and out of control. And it is important that the officer maintain control of his own unit.

End of story.
Being rude is not a crime.

Oh get the war hero, he thinks a 15 year old girl is 'threatening'

She was complying with the request to remove her shoes.

That cop is an asshole.

Leave the me alone already. Christ, don't you have anything better to do? Pay attention to the debate and stop making personal attacks. It's immature and speaks a lot of your character and quite frankly I'm not the only one around here getting sick of your bullshit. So shut the hell up if you don't have the capacity to stay focused.

The next time you make a personal attack, it will be report.
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You said she was getting off 'scott free'(sic, it's actually 'scot free'), which implies she was guilty, and ignores the fact she got beaten up.

There is no defence for that cops actions, so stop plying an untenable position.

and (sic, its actually 'defense')
I haven't ignored the fact that she got her ass kicked. I was focusing on her Miranda rights, not her civil rights. If you wish to talk about her civil rights, feel free. I wasn't.

Oh get the war hero, he thinks a 15 year old girl is 'threatening'

She was complying with the request to remove her shoes.

That cop is an asshole. I hope you get the shit beaten out of you by a cop.

I don't. I think it's precisely this free wheeling violence that's the problem to begin with. I also don't think the cop was an 'asshole'; I don't like the term used against anyone really. I think the cop in question is mentally disturbed. He's already killed a mentally disturbed man and I wouldn't be surprised if he racked up another slaying or 2 in the name of 'keeping the peace' if he's allowed to continue as a cop. The precinct also shows signs of trouble; another of their men is in court while a third just got acquitted in January.

Unfortunately, try as I might, I haven't been able to find out a single thing on the internet, other then the famous incident. I'd think that some new outlet would be interested in what happened -after- the event, not just the event itself. If anyone has seen any follow up, please let me know.

In summation:
1- I believe the cop in question should be fired and undergo a medical assessment to see if he's fit to be in the general population of if he requires further treatment.

2- Perhaps what happened in that precinct is common, in which case the problem is truly large. However, I'd like to think that it was an exception, not the norm. If this is indeed the case, then perhaps a simple investigation of the cop in question's entire unit should be investigated; I wouldn't be surprised if the problem extends further up the chain of command; as in, there may be a reason that the cop in question, despite his history, was still on the job to commit this travesty, and the other court cases of other cops in that precinct that I mentioned.
Let's take this a step further, okay? What if everyone in the police station were to be permitted to act like that young girl? EVeryone who is brought into the station can throw shoes, kick at the cops, slam chairs into walls, yell, scream, whine, cry, shit and piss all over anything and everything .....without any intervention by the cops. Nice picture, huh?

The police should, by the authority vested in their uniforms and badges, should be accorded respect and obedience. If all suspects are permitted to flaunt that authority, then we're all in a world of trouble. It'll be something like some of the riots we see on tv ...burning buildings and cars, while the cops just stand by and do nothing. Is that what y'all want?

Baron Max

Actually, short of throwing shoes at and officer or other operson, kicking cops, and destruction of property we are all allowed by the first amedment to act in the way described above. That 99% of adult people don;t is commedable. That a 15 year old frightened girl who was being questioned without her parents of lawyer presetn did act that way is to be almost accepted. The part of the brain that makes rational decision along the lines of "If i do this then this happens" is not developed until we are nearly 20.

Now Cops do deserve a bit more respect (when they are decent cops) they also should hold themselves to a higher standard. Never should a cop succumb to the instinct of beating a harmless 15 year old girl who was on no threat to them. The moment he did he should have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon as he is twice her size and trained to fight.
and (sic, its actually 'defense')
I haven't ignored the fact that she got her ass kicked. I was focusing on her Miranda rights, not her civil rights. If you wish to talk about her civil rights, feel free. I wasn't.

If you are going to get picky, it's best to make sure you have your facts right first;


Or you look kinda foolish.

You said 'Scott Free' (sic). She got beaten up. That's summary punishment.
Leave the me alone already. Christ, don't you have anything better to do? Pay attention to the debate and stop making personal attacks.

I was responding to the points you raised. You got some facts about the case wrong, and seem to think a 15 year old girl could possibly be threatening to a fully grown man. You needed correcting. Deal with it.

I'm not the only one around here getting sick of your bullshit. So shut the hell up if you don't have the capacity to stay focused.

The next time you make a personal attack, it will be report.

Did you get elected as the spokesperson for your disgruntled band btw? I don't quite understand your little rant here, earlier in the thread you admitted defeat and acknowledged your view was the minority one. Didn't you learn anything from your own admission?
MZ3Boy84 said:
Leave the me alone already. Christ, don't you have anything better to do? Pay attention to the debate and stop making personal attacks.

I was responding to the points you raised. You got some facts about the case wrong, and seem to think a 15 year old girl could possibly be threatening to a fully grown man. You needed correcting. Deal with it.

Not quite. A 15 year old girl -could- be threatening to a fully grown man. Perhaps there are 15 year old girls who are martial arts experts; if such a teen was pounding on the cop in question -first-, then it could possibly be somewhat justifiable. However, I think that as a general rule, the 15 year old would have to be armed in order to really threaten a fully grown man. She wasn't. She was asked to take off her shoes and, probably because she was already feeling very frightened, she kicked them off a bit too high; it doesn't even look like she hit the policeman in the chin as I believe was claimed. Even if she did, the police reaction was absurd. The cop, as far as I'm concerned, should have been fired immediately. I think an assessment on his mental health should have been done as well to see if he's even fit to be in the general population.