Bells said:You are forgetting one thing. Israel does not care.
Israelis may not care about other people but like all bullies they are supreme cowards. Which is why all the dead on the activist ships are not Israelis, the 600 activists on board could have killed them so easily if they were so inclined. All the photos of axes and knives do not change the fact that the blubbering bawling commandos had nothing worse than a good thrashing given to them by the activists. No one chopped off their heads and arms, which wouldn't have been difficult if they had such premeditated violence in mind. But who will defend the activists from those cowardly bullies who call themselves soldiers then shoot people in the back of their heads?
Iran is doing what we call political posturing
Of course. But they are not Turkey or Egypt and Israel knows they cannot be bought easily. They have their own problems to solve with the sanctions and maybe, just maybe, this is an opportunity for them to do so. Either way, Israel loses.
So what does Israel want more? To sustain the blockade of Gaza or war with Iran? Iran has given them the choice by offering both on the same platter, but with utter morons like Nutanyoo and Lieberman on board who knows what their chocie will be?