Zero Point Theory - the universal constant Gravity

Please explain you ideas about the background force... if you can...

God is infinite in power, therefor nothing can exist with it, in it or beside it. The existence of anything has to be an allowance "LET there be..."

That allowance has to come from, and can only come from, Someone equal with God, the Son. All creation exists by a subjection of power, not brute force, or the increase of power. Popular creationists don't know any of this, hence their lame science.

That subjective or calming power is the Word that comes from God. It produces a Light (supernatural energy), and the Light produces pardoxical effects that produce the effects of time and space, under the influence of the Word, which calms both these extremes, and allows them to weave and interact to produce substance we call matter.

Matter is made by a weaving of the light properties under the power of the Word, and all of matter's behaviours are a consequence of its own free economy created through the boundaries of the Light - which I called the background force, for easier understanding.
God is infinite in power, therefor nothing can exist with it, in it or beside it. The existence of anything has to be an allowance "LET there be..."

That allowance has to come from, and can only come from, Someone equal with God, the Son. All creation exists by a subjection of power, not brute force, or the increase of power. Popular creationists don't know any of this, hence their lame science.

That subjective or calming power is the Word that comes from God. It produces a Light (supernatural energy), and the Light produces pardoxical effects that produce the effects of time and space, under the influence of the Word, which calms both these extremes, and allows them to weave and interact to produce substance we call matter.

Matter is made by a weaving of the light properties under the power of the Word, and all of matter's behaviours are a consequence of its own free economy created through the boundaries of the Light - which I called the background force, for easier understanding.
ok, i was going to add to my question the provision that you include some sort of "scientific " rational... but...
don't get me wrong I am not disagreeing with you nor am I agreeing with you but merely trying to understand you.
Agreement is not a criteria for good discussion however understanding is.
Can I ask you to explore this question :
Why do you think the act of sleeping [unconsciousness - zero point] is essential to the maintenance of life?
Watched the videos on the experiment, never seen before, not surprised at the results. Not produced by em field... exactly.
The teleportation is not exactly that...either.
Re UFO's, they're not alien but man made, have been known about since the Chaldeans pre Babylonian empire.
Same technology in principle.

Unified theory? Don't know what that is.

Strange technology is not complex, but impossible to comprehend unless you have challenged your mind to think otherwise.

Scientific rational cannot grasp it, probably never will.

It is next to impossible to understand and use this technology because of mentality, not a lack of brains.

Nature uses (the edge of) the background force all the time, for a million things, the flight of certain insects, migration, feeding, and even how they stand in the paddock. The growth of plants in search of nutrients and water. The wind, the rain, storms and tornadoes, solar activities, tides, gravity - everything. The orbiting of stars and planets.

What the ancients did, and as the modern world will, they used and worshiped those forces, and dismissed God altogether. You can do great things with it, renovate cities in a short time, travel at tremendous speed with ease, heal diseases and grow tissue faster than normal, cause lightning to strike from a clear sky (making fire come down from heaven" to quote scripture) etc.

Hefty price tag though. Play with nature and it will bite back.
If we assume just for a moment that the story of the Philadelphia experiment is essentially valid, somewhat dramatised and exagerated in places but basically tells of certain scientific techniques being employed in an experiment that produced rather horrific and beyond imagination at the time, results.
If we also take note of the plethora of UFO or Alien interest immediately after the experiment, numerous sightings etc etc by people that would normally be credible.
and if we extend a little and suggest that the implementation of a quantum field or event such as described by the Philadephia experiement would create a "signature" or "sounding", universally given the nature of zero space.
Is it little wonder that there would be a sudden interest in this planet by those "aliens" with a vested interest in the technology and the beings who learn to make use of it?
Is it also little wonder that any evidence to lend credibility to the situation has been supposedly systematically removed from the public arena?
Of course now after all these years the only evidence that could have been found has been scrapped [ the ship in question] with out being quantifiably scrutinised/examined for signs of integration? eh? Does not make sense yes?
Of course any person wishing to lend credibility to the story will immediately be faced with character assination...
There are well over a quarter of a million people world wide who are aware of this technology, and it is not from alien creatures at any time.
It has been applied to organic life, unfortunately, resulting in certain and various types of living beings, including forms of human life - very unfortunately. It has been done before in history and I am not interested in discussing it any further. I am only interested in nature and how God has made it.
Scientific rational cannot grasp it, probably never will.
I disagree, as ZPT is about granting science and theosophists an ability to "grasp it"

which is why I asked the question:
Why is sleep [ unconscousness - zeropoint] essential for the maintenance of life?

Years ago when first realising the zero point conceptually I was going to go on and write a book called "The Physics of God" and it may still be except I have produced a web site instead called Zero Point Theory because there is a hell of lot more involved than just arm-chair physics and new approaches.
Thought about it today, not expecting anything, but there are a few interesting things about sleep, why the mind shuts down or perhaps goes into another mode, and recovers - because without sleep we can die.
Electrical states? Chemical changes in hormones/ transmitters? Is there some kind of reversal going on, the opposite to electrical impulses?

A necessary non state?
Thought about it today, not expecting anything, but there are a few interesting things about sleep, why the mind shuts down or perhaps goes into another mode, and recovers - because without sleep we can die.
Electrical states? Chemical changes in hormones/ transmitters? Is there some kind of reversal going on, the opposite to electrical impulses?

A necessary non state?
Unfortunately like most humans, you are underestimating just how "incorporated" and "integrated" our bodies are with this universe we exist within. I do not mean this in any way that is disrespectful as I envy your ignorance.

Have a think about your back ground energy and note that the main reason we need to sleep is because of "will" fatigue. [ we get tired of making choices, regardless of how much waken rest or food we have to eat ]
There is no if or maybe about it... no sleep equals certain death...
and note also It is no coincidence that at least half of every planet and moon in this universe of ours, is in shadow of their respective stars.
and maybe consider this question:

Zero point Theory provides the means to connect everything that exists via the unconscious for animated life and center of Gravity for non-animated form.


We all utilise the same unconsciousness when we sleep as we become a part of the "universal collective unconscious" or in religious terms we become one with God.
Upon waking we wake up with a fresh strength to our wills to see us through another day until we eventually have to sleep again to recover the energy we lost in our attempt to be our OWN God in our OWN universe. This is the nature of our existential egos created by the paradox of zero.
The zero point paradox grants infinite diversity to the universe.

With out the will to use and direct the energy of our bodies that is generated by what we eat and drink and breath we would be no different to a lump of rock sitting in a puddle of water, inanimated and lifeless.
"ashes to ashes, dust to dust..." "by the grace of God go I" "In God we trust"
So for someone to say "I am going to sleep with God" he may not be entirely incorrect and at sometime in their life they sleep for ever...

For the athiest, sleeping allows your will to regenerate it's strength by drawing Zero Point Energy from the zero space your body exists in. For the same reasons the attraction paradox means that you will wake up with a unique "you" personal identity other wise refered to as an ego. That ego allows you to attempt to rule your universe until you have to surrender due to fatigue to the inevitable truth of your co-dependancy with that universe and you will do this your entire life until you can do it no more...regardless of the belief system you employ
...and empathic effects of unconscious communication as demonstrated in this video dramatically can and do occur whether you are an atheist or not..
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There is a phenomenon with the background force that unifies the forces and objects, and your diagram is a fairly good model of that.

While I don't mind the unity through unconsciousness, I am fully set against any notion, howver slight, that introduces death as some kind of door to a better place or unity with God, seeing that it is His prime enemy, and sleep is a waste of time that only happens in a world where the poor creatures are mortal.
There is a phenomenon with the background force that unifies the forces and objects, and your diagram is a fairly good model of that.

While I don't mind the unity through unconsciousness, I am fully set against any notion, however slight, that introduces death as some kind of door to a better place or unity with God, seeing that it is His prime enemy, and sleep is a waste of time that only happens in a world where the poor creatures are mortal.

I don't feel a personal preference has much to do with it. The physics as I know them are not all that caring about personal beliefs or desires but more about collective function and utility and the efficiency in which the uiverse carries these out.
Death serves a very important role in the scheme of things even for those who may consider themselves to be uhmmm ...ultra long lived...
Words like "better place" heaven, hell , escape, even pain and pleasure are all associated with the ego I mentioned earlier. The universe is utterly indifferent to emotional or emotive qualification of absolutely necessary phenonema. A bit like not liking the rules of chess because you dont know how to win the game.... [ the rules can work against you [ victim ] or for you [winner]] it is up to you, by virtue of your own egoistic freewill [ zero point ] to learn how to succeed using the same rules [physics] that every one else uses.
I am fully set against any notion, howver slight, that introduces death as some kind of door to a better place or unity with God

Regardless of whether you think of God as God or the zero point, you are already one with it. It is only the function of ego, created by the neccessity of the "attraction paradox" that compells you to believe in the duality of "zero vs. something" or "life vs. death" or "positive vs negative" or "male vs female" or "Yin vs yang" etc when in fact these attributes are merely a gradient of the one thing. "existance"
"The sum of all things is zero." No actual duality exists except for ego-centric reasons.
I don't feel a personal preference has much to do with it...
Regardless of whether you think of God as God or the zero point, you are already one with it. It is only the function of ego, created by the neccessity of the "attraction paradox" that compells you to believe in the duality of "zero vs. something" or "life vs. death" or "positive vs negative" or "male vs female" or "Yin vs yang" etc when in fact these attributes are merely a gradient of the one thing. "existance"
"The sum of all things is zero." No actual duality exists except for ego-centric reasons.

The correct understanding of the duality in nature, including the background force, is not life and death or life v's death. That interpretation comes from those who worshiped nature - pagans, and is only a false derivative of the true meaning.

Death is a foreign element that does not belong in a fully functioning world or universe.

In one sense duality does not exist, as in a paradox. But Love, for example, is Justice and Mercy combined.
The forces in nature are a reflection of those qualities, for example, boundaries and freedom.
The correct understanding of the duality in nature, including the background force, is not life and death or life v's death. That interpretation comes from those who worshiped nature - pagans, and is only a false derivative of the true meaning.

Death is a foreign element that does not belong in a fully functioning world or universe.

In one sense duality does not exist, as in a paradox. But Love, for example, is Justice and Mercy combined.
The forces in nature are a reflection of those qualities, for example, boundaries and freedom.

Death is a foreign element???
Death as a belief or death as an act?
...simply using the word Death in any context implies duality...
The famous last words of a convicted "bushranger" criminal years ago, Ned Kelly, sums it up quite well I think:
"Such is life" just before the floor dropped below his feet and the hangmans noose.......
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Death is a foreign element???
Death as a belief or death as an act?
...simply using the word Death in any context implies duality...

We don't want it, we fight for life.
Death is a local hazard, the rest of the universe boasts of life, a never ending life. Some would like to interpret the universe through a hole in a coffin, but it is only a transferred view from a place that has defied the Life Giver.

Atheism, which is the political religion of communism, would have us rationalise freedom, independence, and the purpose of life away, and accept that we are no better than bacteria destined to serve the country and then die. By the way, I have never heard of anybody sane wanting to defect to a communist country. Modern science is based on doubt and death, the spawn of atheism.